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Philosophical Essay: Dualism, Self, Superego, East vs West

1. In a postmodernist world where people are more inclined to reach a goal or a dream,
do you think Dualism is still as relevant as it was before?
Postmodernism is an approach that attempts to define how society has progressed to
an era beyond modernity, according to an article that I read. Within this era, individuals
are more likely to have greater importance placed on science and rational thought as
traditional metanarratives no longer provide a reasonable explanation for postmodern
life. Regarding the question, I don't think dualism is still as relevant as it was before.
Dualism explains that the mind and the body are two different substances but in order to
get what a person wants, he needs to put his mind and body to work for him to achieve
his dream or goal in life.
2. Is there any merit in trying to figure out who we are as a person?
My answer would be yes to the question, is there any merit in trying to figure out who
we are as a person? As a person being able to know oneself gives us a sense of
belongingness that we are loved and accepted in this world. We could visualize the
things we need and want in our life. Knowing the answer to who we are and what we
are in this world is such a great feeling that there's no word to describe it. Sad to say,
not all people know who they are in this world, including myself. Some people tend to
measure their worth by the acceptance of other people. In some way, I can relate to
these people who want to belong somewhere. Nevertheless, we don't need other
people's approval to see how amazing and wonderful we are as a person. We are not
flawless, our imperfections teach us how to improve ourselves to be better and stronger.
3. Do you think the development of the superego of children who grew up with no
parents or guardians is different from whom whose theirs are with them?
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who is perhaps most known as the founder
of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is defined as the belief that all people possess
unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories. Conscious, preconscious, and
unconscious are the three levels of awareness of the human mind. Freud also identified
the three provinces of the mind, namely, id, superego, and ego. The three provinces of
the mind play a crucial role in the development of a person. ID is the one responsible for
the pleasure and desires that we feel. The superego acts as the parent that guides us
whether what is wrong or right. The ego is the person who will decide who to follow his
id or his superego. A child is like a reflection of his parents'. The development of the
superego and well-being of a child must have both of his parents' presence. It will have
a huge impact on the child if his parents' aren't there, unlike a child who does have. The
child will have questions in his head that he can't answer, leaving him confused about
himself. There are things in this world that only a parent can give to a child.
4. What’s the primary difference between the Eastern and the Western philosophies, in
The word philosophy means love of wisdom. Philosophy is the study of the fundamental
nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an
academic discipline. Under philosophy, there are two kinds, namely western and
eastern. Western philosophy refers to philosophical thinking in the Western or
Occidental world. Western philosophers tend to use a lot of logic, reasoning, and
categorization. It focuses on the ideas in parts rather than the whole idea. Western
philosophy has five categories under it metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and
aesthetics. Eastern philosophy includes the various philosophies that originated in East
and South Asia. The ideas are generalized to show how they'll reflect the same truths.
Lao Tzu is a famous eastern philosopher and the author of the Tao te ching. In Western
philosophy, they are individualistic. Following personal desires and dreams is valued.
Success is measured individually, while in Eastern philosophy, they are collectivistic.
Duty to others is highly regarded. Success is measured collectively.