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Book Review: Thermodynamics of Materials

J Mater Sci (2018) 53:9363–9367
B O O K RReview
David R. Gaskell and David E. Laughlin: Introduction
to the Thermodynamics of Materials
6th Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2017
Pedro H. C. Camargo1,*
Departamento de Química Fundamental, Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 748, São Paulo,
SP 05508-000, Brazil
Received: 21 March 2018
Published online:
29 March 2018
Springer Science+Business
Media, LLC, part of Springer
Nature 2018
Thermodynamics is of paramount importance in
chemistry, physics, engineering, and materials science.
It comprises studies from molecular systems to materials, possessing a wide range of applicability. One
example is nanoscience, in which thermodynamics
allows for the understanding of several concepts
involved in the chemical synthesis and properties of
nanomaterials. This includes nucleation processes
(Fig. 1a) [1], stabilization, facet-dependent surface
energies (Fig. 1b) [2], surface interactions, and catalytic
activities. More broadly, the laws of thermodynamics
provide us with the toolbox to unravel interactions and
phenomena that take place in the universe. In this
context, the book Introduction to the Thermodynamics of
Materials, 6th ed., by David R. Gaskell and David E.
Laughlin, presents an excellent discussion of thermodynamics in the field of materials [3].
Address correspondence to E-mail: camargo@iq.usp.br
The book Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, by David R. Gaskell and David E. Laughlin, with
its sixth edition published in 2017, presents an in-depth
discussion of very important aspects of thermodynamics focused in the field of materials science. As
stated by Prof. David Laughlin (Fig. 2), the book is
written for undergraduate materials science students. It
is an excellent resource material for an undergraduate
course in thermodynamics. However, it can also be
utilized by graduate students who did not take a course
on the thermodynamics in their undergraduate studies.
Prof. David R. Gaskell, who authored the five
previous editions of the book, passed away at the age
of 73 in 2013. Since 1982, he had been a Professor of
Metallurgical Engineering at Purdue University. His
first faculty position was at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught from 1967 to 1982 in
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:9363–9367
Figure. 2 Prof. David E. Laughlin.
Figure. 1 a Change in the Gibbs free energy (solid line) as a
function of the nucleus radius to form a critical size nucleus from a
liquid phase represented as the combination of volume and surface
free energy contributions [1]. b Representation of atomic
arrangements and surface energy values for {100}, {110}, and
{111} surface facets [2]. Adapted and reproduced with permission
from Elsevier, copyright 2001 (a), and Springer, copyright 2015
Metallurgy and Materials Science. He had a brilliant
career and authored other textbooks including Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Introduction to Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering.
Prof. David E. Laughlin is the ALCOA Professor of
Physical Metallurgy in the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering of Carnegie Mellon
University (CMU), Pittsburgh, PA, and also has a
courtesy appointment in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department. He is a star in his field,
being the recipient of several CMU awards for
teaching and research excellence. He has authored
more than 400 publications, awarded 12 patents and
has edited or co-edited seven books, including the
fifth edition of Physical Metallurgy.
Prof. David E. Laughlin and his wife have four
children who now live with their spouses and children in MI, NC, WY, and PA. The dedication in the
book is to his nine grandchildren of whom he is very
proud. Interestingly, Prof. David E. Laughlin used
the first edition of the book in 1975 when he first
taught thermodynamics at CMU. He has taught at
CMU for 44 years. Currently, he teaches graduate
courses on Thermodynamics, Crystallography, Magnetic Materials, Phase Transformations, and Ferroic
Materials. His research group consists of one postdoctoral researcher, five Ph.D. students, two master’s
students, and an undergraduate student. He is
thinking about his next book and the next edition of
Gaskell and Laughlin! His daughter lives nearby, and
he helps out with her donkey, sheep, and chickens on
the weekends. He is also Lay Eucharistic Minister in
the Episcopal Church and has worked for 23 years
cooking dinners for and feeding clients of a homeless
shelter (once a month).
This sixth edition of the book brings several
improvements over the fifth edition, which was
published in 2008 (the fourth and third editions were
published in 2003 and 1995, respectively). A new
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:9363–9367
chapter (chapter 15) was included focusing on thermodynamic applications to the study of phase
transformations. Other inclusions comprise the role
of work terms other than P–V work (such as magnetic
work), their attendant aspects of entropy, Maxwell
relations, the role of such applied fields on phase
diagrams, and an increased emphasis on the thermodynamics of phase transformations. This sixth
edition was reorganized into three parts, named
Thermodynamic Principles, Phase Equilibria, and
Reactions and Transformations. The sixth edition also
features: (1) more than 50 new figures; (2) more than
50 new end of chapter problems; (3) a list of ‘‘Concepts and Terms Introduced in This Chapter’’ at the
end of each chapter; and (4) new sections entitled
‘‘Qualitative Example Problems’’ and ‘‘Quantitative
Example Problems’’ for each chapter. Another change
from the fifth edition is that Chapter 5 has been
renamed from ‘‘Auxiliary Functions’’ to ‘‘Fundamental Equations and their Relationships’’. It is important
to note that a solution manual is available for qualifying professors who adopt this textbook for their
This edition of the book is comprised of 15 chapters (and 3 appendices) which are divided into three
parts. Part I, comprised of 6 chapters (chapters 1–6),
covers thermodynamic principles. Part II, containing
4 chapters (chapters 7–10), focuses on phase equilibria. Finally, Part III, encompassing 5 chapters (chapters 11–15), discusses reactions and transformation of
Chapter 1 introduces to the readers the definition
of several important terms. These definitions pave the
way for the understanding of the book in the subsequent chapters. It covers the definition of thermodynamics, the characterization of systems by the kind of
interactions with their surroundings, the types of
their boundaries or walls, the concept of state, and
equilibrium. The equation of state of an ideal gas is
presented and discussed. Then, the authors finish the
chapter covering the first, second, and third laws of
Chapter 2 specifically focuses on the first law of
thermodynamics. The chapter begins by emphasizing
that the first law is much more than the law of conservation of energy, and that introduces an important
state variable, the internal energy. The chapter also
covers the relationship between heat and work as
well as internal energy and the first law. The other
sections of the chapter cover constant-volume and
constant-pressure processes, enthalpy, heat capacity,
reversible adiabatic processes, reversible isothermal
pressure or volume changes of an ideal gas, and other
forms of work.
The second law of thermodynamics is covered in
Chapter 3, in which the important concept of entropy
is introduced. The chapter discusses spontaneous or
natural processes, the quantification of irreversibility,
and reversible and irreversible processes (and
expansion). Then, the compression and the adiabatic
expansion of an ideal gas are approached. From this,
the discussion moves toward heat engines, to the
second law, the concept of maximum work, entropy,
and the criterion for equilibrium. The chapter ends
with a combined statement of the first and second
A throughout statistical interpretation of entropy
in Chapter 4 paves the way for Chapter 5, which
discusses the fundamental equations and their relationships. It starts by covering the enthalpy and the
Helmholtz free energy. The fundamental equations
for a closed system are presented, also focusing on
the variation of composition within a closed system.
Next, chemical potential, thermodynamic relations,
and Maxwell’s relations are discussed. These serve as
the toolkit for several examples of the applicability of
Maxwell’s relations. The chapter ends with a discussion on the Gibbs–Helmholtz equation.
Chapter 6, which marks the final chapter comprising Part I of the book, focus on several important
aspects. These include the heat capacity, enthalpy,
entropy, and the third law of thermodynamics. It
begins with a theoretical description and calculation
of heat capacity, the effects of temperature on the
entropy, and the third law of thermodynamics. The
experimental verification of the third law is discussed
in depth, and the chapter finishes by focusing on the
influence of pressure on enthalpy and entropy.
Part II of the book begins with Chapter 7, which
focuses on phase equilibrium in a one-component
system. The chapter starts by defining and explaining
the effects of variation of temperature, pressure, and
chemical potential in a system. Then, variations of
Gibbs free energies with the temperature at constant
pressure and with pressure at constant temperature
are explained in more detail, including phase transformations. The Gibbs free energy as a function of
temperature and pressure is explained before moving
toward a discussion of equilibrium between the
vapor and a condensed phase. This is followed by a
section on the graphical representations of vapor
phase and condensed phase equilibria. The chapter then moves toward the discussion of solid–solid
equilibria and finishes with the effects of applied
magnetic fields on the P–T diagram.
Chapter 8 presents a very nice discussion on the
behavior of gases, starting with P–V–T relationships
and the thermodynamic properties of ideal gases and
their mixtures. Then, non-ideal gases and the equations of state for real gases are discussed. This is
followed by a section on the van der Waals fluid. The
chapter ends with a focus on other equations of state
and further thermodynamic treatment for non-ideal
After this chapter on gases, Chapter 9 brings us to
the behavior of solutions, in which interactions
between constituents’ species cannot be neglected
and play an important role. Firstly, Raoult’s and
Henry’s law are described, followed by the thermodynamic activity of a component in solution. Then,
the Gibbs–Duhem equation is discussed. This is followed by a section on the Gibbs free energy comprising the formation of a solution and the properties
of ideal solutions. After ideal solutions, non-ideal
ones are covered. The chapter also discusses the
applications of the Gibbs–Duhem relation to the
determination of activity. Next, regular solutions are
approached. A statistical model of solutions is then
developed, followed by subregular solutions. The
chapter ends with a modified regular solution model
for applications to the understanding of polymers
(relative to the modeling of the thermodynamics of
the mixing of polymers).
The last chapter of Part II focuses on the Gibbs free
energy composition and phase diagrams of binary
systems. After an introduction, their Gibbs free
energy and thermodynamic activity are discussed.
The chapter then brings a qualitative overview and
discussion of common binary equilibrium phase
diagrams. After this overview, the liquid and solid
standard states are described, followed by the Gibbs
free energy for the formation of regular solutions and
the criteria for phase stability in regular solutions.
The chapter then focuses on the description of phase
diagrams, Gibbs free energies, and thermodynamic
activities in binary systems. The chapter ends with
phase diagrams for binary systems exhibiting regular
solution behaviors both in the liquid and solid states.
At this point, we move to Part III of the book,
which covers the thermodynamics of reactions and
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:9363–9367
transformation of phases. Chapter 11 kicks off by
introducing reactions involving gases. The chapter covers reaction equilibrium and equilibrium
constant in a gas mixture. This is followed by a discussion on the effect of temperature and pressure on
the equilibrium constant. Then, the reaction equilibrium is approached as a compromise between
enthalpy and entropy. In the final sections of the
chapter, the reaction equilibrium for the systems
containing SO2(g), SO3(g), and O2(g), H2O and H2
mixtures, and CO2–CO mixtures is discussed as
representative examples.
Chapter 12 moves to reactions involving pure
condensed phases and a gaseous phase. It starts by
discussing reaction equilibrium in this scenario,
which gives the fundamentals for further understanding the rest of the chapter. The variation of the
standard Gibbs free energy change with temperature
is approached, followed by the Ellingham diagrams.
In the next section, the effect of phase diagrams
transformations is presented, including the oxidation
of copper and the chlorination of iron as examples in
the discussion. The chapter ends by discussing oxides
of carbon and the graphical representation of equilibria in the system metal–carbon–oxygen.
Chapter 13 presents an in-depth discussion of
reaction equilibria in systems containing components
in condensed solution. After an introductory section,
the criteria for reaction equilibrium in systems containing components in a condensed solution are discussed. The chapter then focuses on alternative
standard states, the Gibbs equilibrium phase rule,
and phase stability diagrams. Binary systems containing compounds are discussed next, together with
the utilization of several examples that aid the
understanding. After this, the graphical representation of phase equilibria is presented, using the Mg–
Al–O, and the Al–C–O–N saturated with carbon
systems as examples. The chapter then moves to the
formation of oxide phases of variable composition,
emphasizing iron oxide species. The end of the
chapter covers the solubility of gases in metals and
solutions containing several dilute solutes.
Chapter 14 focuses electrochemistry. The relationships between chemical and electrical driving forces
are discussed. This is followed by the effect of concentration on the electromotive force, formation cells,
and concentration cells. Then, the temperature coefficient on the electromotive force, heat effects, and the
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:9363–9367
approached. These sections are followed by a discussion on the Gibbs free energy of formation of ions
and standard reduction potentials. After that, the
chapter ends by discussing several aspects of Pourbaix diagrams.
Chapter 15 closes the book discussing thermodynamics of phase transformations. It begins by focusing on thermodynamics and driving forces as well as
the use of T0 curves for several types of transformations. Then, the surface energy is approached, followed by a section on the relation of nucleation and
surface energy. These concepts are particularly
attractive in the field comprising the synthesis of
colloids and nanoparticles. Next, capillarity and local
equilibrium are discussed, and then the chapter moves to the thermodynamics of the Landau
theory of phase transformations.
In my opinion, this book represents an excellent
resource material on the topic of thermodynamics for
students (both in the undergraduate and graduate
levels) and instructors. I strongly recommend the
utilization of this book as a reference and companion
in undergraduate courses involving thermodynamics
for materials science. This book is comprehensive,
articulate, well-organized, and the reading is enjoyable. The figures and plots ([ 50), as well as their
quality, are fantastic. The examples included in
almost every chapter are very educational. They
positively contribute to the understanding of the
book. I particularly enjoyed the summary statements
and the list of concepts and terms that included at the
end of each chapter. The qualitative and quantitative
problems presented for each chapter, together with
their solutions, are also of great value. They give
students and readers a nice guideline for studying
the concepts that were presented in each chapter and
serve well to give a foundation to the resolution of
the problems, applications, and overall understanding. I strongly recommend this book to undergraduate students and anyone who works in the field of
materials science. I will definitely keep a copy of this
book, use as a learning material for myself and the
related courses I teach, and will recommend it to my
graduate students and postdocs.
[1] Mullin JW (2001) Nucleation, Chapter 5. In: Crystallization,
4th Edition. Elsevier
[2] Camargo PHC, Rodrigues TS, da Silva AGM, Wang J (2015)
Controlled synthesis: nucleation and growth in solution. In:
Xiong Y, Lu X (eds) Metallic nanostructures: from controlled
synthesis to applications. Springer, Berlin, pp 49–74
[3] Gaskell DR, Laughlin DE (2017) Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials, 6th edn. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
Group, Boca Raton
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