Uploaded by John Laurence Loplop

CPALE Review Notes - Accounting & Tax (Sept 2023)

If you were sold this google drive, it was not me who sold it to you. Please contact
@heihayhayhei on twitter to report the seller to put a stop to their immoral conduct.
To unauthorized sellers, I am severely disappointed in you. This google drive is supposed to be
free to access for all CPALE reviewees. Fortunately for you, I cannot restrict access to this
google drive. I just wish you will reconsider the implications of your actions on your future
mindset and perspective in life. Stealing will not get you far in life. God Bless.
This google drive contains the notes I frequently used for my review. These are not complete,
meaning that not all topics are covered. Moreover, many of the solutions in these notebooks
and excel files require access to REO Batch 6 Handouts.
Disclaimer: I am not claiming that everything in here is correct as they are my personal notes
and I am not an expert in any of these subjects. If, therefore, there is a mistake, please feel free
to DM me in twitter (@heihayhayhei) so I may correct it.
Note: I will not edit any tax corrections because I will not be updating it. It would be too timeconsuming to be updated on tax laws and memorandums. Please take it as information that is
only up to September 2023 � Thank you for understanding.
I hope these can help in some way for your review. Good luck, future CPAs!