Here are some navigation tips to help you find your...

Here are some navigation tips to help you find your step 1 numbers using Google
Finance. Find it at
This is your company overview page. There are lots of numbers here. Feel free
to explore them, but when you are ready to work focus on just the numbers we
are after.
Look to the income statement for your first step figures. When done here, go to
Historical prices to get your stock prices as of each year end.
The historical stock price page is accessed from the “Historical prices” link.
Now, use your share price and earnings per share amount to calculate the PE
ratios for the year ends you need. Research the meaning of the numbers to
answer your project template questions. Provide each team member with your
numbers and your individual analysis. When you meet with your team or post
your work online you should have some solid input as to what it all means.