TKAMB21 Alternatives Options for Twitter:

TKAMB21 Alternatives
Options for Twitter:
Mrs. Buffington will create a twitter page, and you can create names based on your characters.
(Will keep you posted on progress of this) Thanks for all the guidance and ideas 3rd hour!
2) Complete as I originally planned where you fill in the chart that is in your google drive account
by typing it in the cells. (You can handwrite in preparation)
3) Alternative assignment that will still have a technology element to it. See me ASAP
Options for DM:
1) You create a dialogue between two characters, just as I originally planned on the project
2) Find a friend who is another character that your character might interact with, exchange
gmail addresses. Create a new “google docs” page, share the page, and start the
conversation (direct messaging). Please write both names of students (and hours) at the
bottom of the page. When sharing with me, make sure it is color-coded. Thanks for the
guidance and ideas 4th hour!