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Sensory Physiology Lecture Notes

Physiology of the Nervous System L2 March 15
Define sensation and discuss the underlying processes
Sensory receptors
Explain signal transduction; define generator and receptor potentials, and describe the
patterns of nerve impulses that they generate
Explain the concept of adaptation; describe phasic and tonic receptors
Classify the sensory receptors according to their structure, location and function
Somatic sensation
Describe the properties and location of tactile receptors
Describe the properties and location of thermoreceptors
Describe the properties and location of nociceptors; compare somatic and visceral
pain; explain the concept of referred pain
Describe the location and functions of proprioceptors
Sensory properties of intensity coding, acuity, and adaptation
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
• PNS – all neural structures outside the brain and spinal cord
• Includes sensory receptors, peripheral nerves, associated ganglia,
autonomic nervous system and motor endings
• Provides links to and from the external environment
The function of the CNS is critically dependent on input from
the PNS
•The PNS receives inputs from peripheral sensory receptors
•Sensation = awareness of changes in the internal and external
•Perception = conscious interpretation of those stimuli
•Receptor level = sensory receptors /Circuit level = ascending pathways
/ Perception level = cerebral cortex interpretation of sensory input
The peripheral nervous system is divided into sensory input and
motor output divisions. The motor output is divided into somatic
(neuromuscular) and autonomic divisions. The outputs within the
autonomic division are further subdivided into sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions
Table 13.1_1 General Sensory Receptors Classified By Structure and Function
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Table 13.1_2 General Sensory Receptors Classified By Structure and Function
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Figure 13.2 Three basic levels of neural integration in sensory systems.
Not meant to show details
of ascending sensory
pathways See next lecture
Perception level = cerebral cortex,
interpretation of input into primary and
association sensory cortex
Circuit level = ascending pathways
(second order sensory neuron,
spinothalamic or medial lemniscus PLUS
third order thalamocortical
Receptor level = sensory receptors and
primary sensory neuron (first order
sensory neuron, dorsal horn or dorsal
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Figure 13.4b Structure of a nerve.
endo meaning within, inner
peri, “enclosing” or “surrounding
epi on, upon, above,
upper, outermost,
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There are active mechanisms promoting axon
regrowth after damage in the PNS. BUT there
are active mechanisms inhibiting axon
regrowth after damage in the CNS
Neuron 89 March 2, 2016 881
Inside Out: Core Network of Transcription Factors
Drives Axon Regeneration
Sensory territories on the surface
of the body are organized into
band-like sensory territories called
Sensory Receptors
• Structures specialized to respond to stimuli
• Activation of sensory receptors results in graded
depolarizations that trigger action potential impulses along
the nerve axon to the CNS
• Reflex activity takes place in the spinal cord. Sensation
and perception, occur in the cerebral cortex
The key to the physiological process of sensation is transduction
– the conversion of an environmental physical property
(stimulus) into a neuronal electrochemical property.
A receptor potential, also known as a generator potential, a
type of graded potential, is the transmembrane potential
difference produced by activation of a sensory receptor. A
receptor potential is often produced by sensory transduction.
It is generally a depolarizing event resulting from inward
current flow
Pain Perception
• nociception is the perception of stimuli (thermal, mechanical or
anoxic) that have the potential to produce tissue damage. We
avoid these stimuli by both reflex and conscious responses
• histamine, K+, ATP, acid and/or bradykinin are released by
stressed or damaged tissue and they depolarize the free nerve
endings of pain sensory endings
• We use many mechanisms to achieve pain relief:
– Electrical stimulation of specific areas of the central nervous system
– Pharmacological agents (NSAIDs like Tylenol® inhibits
prostoglandin synthesis) and morphine (opioids)
– Some of the neurons in these inhibitory pathways release morphinelike endogenous opioids.
– Acupuncture (seems to be linked to activation of the endogenous
opioid pathways)
Figure UN 13.1
Referred pain
Receptor Class by Location:
• Respond to stimuli arising outside the body
• Found near the body surface
• Sensitive to touch, pressure, pain, and
• Include the special sense organs
• Respond to stimuli arising within the body
• Found in internal viscera and blood vessels
• Sensitive to chemical changes, stretch, and temperature
Receptor Classification by
Stimulus Type
• Mechanoreceptors – respond to touch, pressure,
vibration, stretch, and itch
• Thermoreceptors – sensitive to changes in
• Photoreceptors – respond to light energy (e.g.,
• Chemoreceptors – respond to chemicals (e.g.,
smell, taste, changes in blood chemistry)
• Nociceptors – sensitive to pain-causing stimuli
Thermoreceptors - Transient Receptor
Potential (TRP) family of proteins
free nerve endings with membrane
channels that change their permeability
(and therefore axon firing rates) across
specific temperature ranges
menthol capsaicin
Receptor Class by Location: Proprioceptors
• Respond to degree of stretch of the organs they
• Found in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints,
ligaments, and connective tissue coverings of
bones and muscles
• Constantly “advise” the brain of one’s movements
• Give information concerning movements and
position of the body
Proprioception means "sense of self".
In the limbs, the proprioceptors are
sensors that provide information
about joint angle, muscle length, and
muscle tension, which is integrated to
give information about the position of
the limb in space. The muscle spindle
is one type of proprioceptor that
provides information about changes in
muscle length. The Golgi tendon
organ is another type of proprioceptor
that provides information about
changes in muscle tension.
muscle spindle,
intrafusal vs
motor neuron
(alpha vs
gamma), tendon
Figure 11.25
Receptor Classification by Receptor Structure
• Receptors are structurally classified as
either simple or complex
• Most receptors are simple and include
encapsulated and unencapsulated varieties
(free nerve endings)
• Complex receptors are special sense organs
in contact with a free nerve ending
Figure 7-1
Sensory receptors are either specialized endings of
afferent neurons or separate cells that signal the afferent
Complex receptors
photoreceptors and retinal bipolar cell axons
hair cells and auditory axons nerve
taste cells and taste nerve axons
Figure 7-5
The number of action potentials generated by a
hypothetical, pressure-sensitive, sensory afferent
neuron, as shown here, is directly proportional to
stimulus intensity.
Figure 7-11
The off
Is shown.
Different sensory units vary in their speed of adaptation to stimuli.
Adaptation of Sensory Receptors
• Receptors responding to pressure, touch,
and smell adapt quickly (phasic)
• Receptors responding slowly include
Merkel’s discs, Ruffini’s corpuscles, and
interoceptors that respond to chemical
levels in the blood
• Pain receptors and proprioceptors do not
exhibit adaptation (tonic)
Figure 7-6
Sensory afferent neuron (a) has a finer, more spatially limited
receptive field than sensory afferent neuron (b). Acuity.
Figure 7-8
Where you feel
the sensation
depends on the
location of the
sensory endings
on the body
surface (or
Overlapping stimulation between neighboring receptive fields
provides general information about the location of a stimulus.