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Exchange Rate Determination: Factors & Equilibrium

Exchange Rate
Key Points
To explain how exchange rate movements are measured
To explain how the equilibrium exchange rate is determined
To examine the factors that affect the equilibrium exchange rate.
Measuring Exchange Rate
An exchange rate measures the value of one currency in units of
another currency.
When a currency declines in value, it is said to depreciate.
When it increases in value, it is said to appreciate.
On the days when some currencies appreciate while others
depreciate against the dollar, the dollar is said to be “mixed in
Measuring Exchange Rate
The percentage change (% ∆) in the value of a foreign currency is
computed as
𝑆𝑡 − 𝑆 𝑡 − 1
where St denotes the spot rate at time t.
A positive % ∆ represents appreciation of the foreign currency, while
a negative % ∆ represents depreciation.
Exchange Rate Equilibrium
An exchange rate represents the price of a currency, which is
determined by the demand for that currency relative to the supply
for that currency.
At any point in time, a currency should exhibit the price at which the
demand for that currency is equal to supply, and this represents the
equilibrium exchange rate.
Exchange Rate Equilibrium
Exchange Rate Equilibrium
At exchange rates lower than equilibrium, the quantity of pounds
demanded would exceed the supply of pounds for sale;
consequently, the banks that provide foreign exchange services
would experience a shortage of pounds.
Conversely, at exchange rates higher than equilibrium, the quantity
of pounds supplied would exceed demand; banks would
experience a surplus of pounds at this rate.
Exchange Rate Equilibrium
The liquidity of currency effects the sensitivity of the exchange rate
to specific transactions.
With many willing buyers and sellers, even large transactions can be
easily accommodated.
Conversely, illiquid currencies tend to exhibit more volatile
exchange rate movements.
Factors that Influence Exchange
The following equation summarizes the factors that can influence a
currency’s spot rate:
1- Relative Inflation Rates
U.S. inflation
U.S. demand for British goods,
and hence £.
British desire for U.S. goods, and
hence the supply of £.
2- Relative Interest Rates
U.S. interest rate
U.S. demand for British bank
deposits, and hence £.
British desire for U.S. bank
deposits, and hence the supply
of £.
2- Relative Interest Rates
A relatively high interest rate may actually reflect expectations of
relatively high inflation, which discourages foreign investment.
It is thus useful to consider real interest rates, which adjust the
nominal interest rates for inflation.
2- Relative Interest Rates
This relationship is sometimes called the Fisher effect.
3- Relative Income Levels
U.S. income level increases
It increases U.S. demand for
British goods, and hence £.
No expected change for the
supply of £.
4- Government Controls
Governments may influence the equilibrium exchange rate by:
imposing foreign exchange barriers
imposing foreign trade barriers
intervening in the foreign exchange market
affecting macro variables such as inflation, interest rates, and
income levels
5- Expectations
Foreign exchange markets react to any news that may have a
future effect.
News of potential surge in U.S. inflation may cause currency traders to
sell dollars.
Institutional investors often take currency positions based on
anticipated interest rate movements in various countries.
Because of speculative transactions, foreign exchange rates can be
very volatile.
5- Expectations
Economic signals that effect exchange rates can change quickly,
such that speculators may overreact initially and then find that they
have to make a correction.
Speculation on the currencies of emerging markets can have a
substantial impact on their exchange rates.
Interaction of Factors
Trade-related factors and financial factors sometimes interact.
Exchange rate movements may be simultaneously affected by
these factors.
For example, an increase in the level of income sometimes causes
expectations of higher interest rates.
Interaction of Factors
Over a particular period, different factors may place opposing
pressures on the value of a foreign currency.
The sensitivity of the exchange rate to these factors is dependent on
the volume of international transactions between the two countries.
How Factors Affect Exchange
How Factors Affect Exchange
Assume the simultaneous increase of U.S. inflation and U.S. interest
Increase in U.S. inflation will place upward pressure on the pound’s
Increase in the U.S. interest rates will place downward pressure on
the pound’s value.
The sensitivity of an exchange rate to these factors is dependent on
the volume of international transactions between the two countries.
How Factors Affect Exchange
If the two countries engage in a large volume of trade but very
small international capital flows, the relative inflation rates will likely
be more influential.
If the two countries engage in a large volume of capital flows,
interest rate fluctuations may be most influential.
How Factors Affect Exchange
Because the dollar’s value changes by different magnitudes relative
to each foreign currency, analysts often measure the dollar’s
strength with an index in which several currencies are consolidated
into a single composite.
The weight assigned to each currency is determined by its relative
importance in international trade and/or finance.
Interaction of Factors
The sensitivity of an exchange rate to the factors is dependent on
the volume of international transactions between the two countries.
Large volume of international trade => relative inflation rates may be
more influential
Large volume of capital flows ⇒ interest rate fluctuations may be more
Interaction of Factors
An understanding of exchange rate equilibrium does not guarantee
accurate forecasts of future exchange rates because that will
depend in part on how the factors that affect exchange rates will
change in the future.
Speculating on Anticipated
Exchange Rates
Many commercial banks attempt to capitalize on their forecasts of
anticipated exchange rate movements in the foreign exchange
The potential returns from foreign currency speculation are high for
banks that have large borrowing capacity.
The simple strategy is to get out of the currency about to depreciate
and into the currency that is going to appreciate against it. Then
reverse the positions after the event to end up with more than you
started with.
Speculating on Anticipated
Exchange Rates
London Bank expects the exchange rate of the New Zealand dollar
to appreciate against the £ from its present level of £0.35 to £0.38 in
30 days.
Speculating on Anticipated
Exchange Rates
London Bank expects the exchange rate of the New Zealand dollar
to depreciate from its present level of 0.50 euros to 0.48 euros in 30
Speculating on Anticipated
Exchange Rates
Exchange rates are very volatile, and a poor forecast can result in a
large loss.
One well-known bank failure, Franklin National Bank in 1974, was
primarily attributed to massive speculative losses from foreign
currency positions.
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