Form No. FM-UWU-DEV-01 Republic of the Philippines Issue Status 01 UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Revision No. 01 Date Effective 18 September 2022 Approved by President San Jose Road, Zamboanga city 7000 Telephone: (082) 227-8192 Website: Email: COURSE SYLLABUS IN DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT 1. Recognized United Western University 2. Boost operational excellence and institutional resources 3. To engage in activities that provide community service 4. All UWU will be served by a unified system 5. Maintain the beautiful College ground as the college expand INSTITUTIONAL GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES VISION The university that unites people provide all students with the best possible education in order for them to accomplish their academic potential, and be ready to contribute to society as a productive, moral, ethical creative, and compassionate professionals and individuals. PROGRAM INFORMATION MISSION The United Western University shall produce a secure, lawful, compassionate, and encouraging environment. To inspire curiosity and exploration in order to succeed in a world that is rapidly changing. GOALS At the end of the plan period, the United Western University aims to achieve five comprehensive and primary goals: COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 1 of 13 LEADERSHIP SKILLS Developed and embodies the characteristics of responsibility, and acts with integrity, honesty, respect, competence and fairness in the professional and personal life. CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL THINKING SKILLS Analyze information objectively, makes a reasoned judgment, through evaluation and discrimination of sources in reaching conclusions to solve a problem SERVICE ORIENTED Socially intelligent and proactively inclusive, having the ability to successfully negotiate difficult relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures LIFELONG LEARNING Demonstrate commitment and responsibility for personal and careerrelated learning for continuous development PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE Demonstrates in-depth knowledge, and outstanding ability in their area of specialization. (Provide Program Graduate Outcomes and Performance Indicators) I. COURSE INFORMATION Course Code: DPA1 Course Title: Developing into puberty and adolescent Pre-requisite: None Credit: 3 units Level: 1st UWU Graduate Attributes Graduate Outcomes Performance Indicators Leadership Instruct with clarity and precision that is in the standard of a professional. Present readable lessons with a precise explanation and examples that everyone can relate to. Critical and Analytical Thinking Skills Keeping in everyone’s mind that every problem has its solution. Being Service Oriented Having a wide set of understanding to equality and having an equally friendly environment. Semester/Year: 1st Semester,2022-2023 Version number: 1 Give out challenging tasks to let the ability of every student enhance more letting them find where or what they excel with. Hand out opportunities to everyone wherein students are comfortable joining in or expressing themselves. Course Description: This course aims to help students understand along with giving importance to their puberty and adolescent stage. Giving them a deeper sense as to what’s right or wrong and what’s good or bad as well as to broadening their knowledge about themselves. Faculty Information: Name: United Western University COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT Email: Contact Number: (082) Workload of Students: This course requires synchronous and asynchronous classes alternatively acquiring 3 hours a week in 4 months, along with the synchronous classes including the performance tasks that are assigned to them. These performance activities will help reflect what they have learned from the course. 227-8192 Local 217 Office: Faculty Bldg. Room #02 Consultation Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY II. Page 2 of 8 COURSE OUTCOMES (CO): On the completion of the course, student is expected to be able to do the following: COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 3 of 13 Course Outcomes CO1 Graduate Outcomes Aligned to Design teaching learning activities that is appropriate in developing the learners different skills and behaviors during puberty and adolescence Create an activity using the different approaches in understanding the changes in skills and behaviors during puberty and adolescence stage Demonstrate teaching strategies through actual activities with the presence of the principles in teaching learning approach CO2 CO3 III. Explains the importance of different skills and behaviors during puberty and adolescence by aligning (Ako noon, Ako ngayon) Demonstrates understanding of expected skills and behaviors during puberty and adolescence Apply the appropriate steps taken to cultivate the four expected skills and actions during puberty and adolescence LEARNING EVIDENCES: As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student has to do and submit the following: Learning Evidence LE1 Aligning activity (Ako noon, Ako ngayon) LE2 Understanding activity LE3 Role playing activity Course Outcomes it represents Description and other Details The learner answers the aligning activity (Ako noon, Ako ngayon) and state what they have observed in themselves The learner develops deep understanding on the changes in skills and behaviors during puberty and adolescence stage The learner will present a role playing activity on how they deal with the changes in skills and behaviors during puberty and adolescence stage after the discussion CO1 CO2 CO3 IV. MEASUREMENT SYSTEM: Learning Evidence: LE1: Aligning activity (Ako noon, Ako ngayon) Area to Assess Comprehension of the topic Appropriateness of response Beyond Expectation (5 Expected (4 points) points) The learner answers shows full The learner answers shows understanding of the lesson average understanding of the lesson The learner's answers show the The learner's answers show appropriateness of response to average appropriateness of the task response to the task Satisfactory (3 points) The learner answers shows half understanding of the lesson The learner's answers somehow show half appropriateness of response to the task Acceptable (2 points) Unacceptable (1-0 points) The learner answers shows a The learner answers little understanding of the shows no understanding lesson of the lesson The learner's answers The learner's answers somehow shows shows no appropriateness of response appropriateness of to the task response to the task Neatness of material(s) The material(s) submitted was neat and clean The material (s) submitted was The material (s) submitted was The material (s) submitted There were no materials average neat and clean slightly neat and clean was dirty and crumpled submitted COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 5 of 13 Learning Evidence: LE2: Understanding activity Area to Assess Beyond Expectation (5 Expected (4 points) Satisfactory (3 points) Acceptable (2 points) points) Knowledge of the subject Shows proficient understanding Shows adequate understanding Shows basic understanding of Doesn’t show adequate matter of the subject matter of the subject matter the subject matter understanding of the subject matter Critical thinking Identified various scenarios and Identified various scenarios Failed to identify various Identified various scenarios applied critical thinking to and applied critical thinking to scenarios but applied critical but failed to apply critical provide meaningful feedback provide feedback thinking to provide feedback thinking Communication Communicated using Communicated using Communicated using basic Communicated using proficient language excellent language language skills amateur language Unacceptable (1-0 points) Failed to show understanding of the subject matter Failed to identify various scenarios and failed to apply critical thinking Failed to communicate using basic language Learning Evidence: LE3: Role playing activity Area to Assess Group teamwork Pacing of the group Props and Materials use Beyond Expectation (5 points) The learners work to complete all group goals. All team members contribute equally, and performed all duties of assigned team role. Expected (4 points) The learners usually help to complete group goals. Assisted team members in the finished task. Performed nearly all duties of assigned role. Satisfactory (3 points) The learners occasionally help to complete group goals. Sometimes makes fun of the group tasks and work of others. Performed some duties of assigned team role. Good use of role playing and Delivery is clear and learners Delivery is too quick or to slow learners meets given time for meets the given time for their to meet the given time for their their presentation presentation presentation Learners effectively use props Learners use several props Learners use several props and materials that are accurate and materials that are accurate and materials that somehow fit in their role play. in their role play. in their role play. Acceptable (2 points) The learners do not work well with others and shows no interest in completing group task. Did not perform duties of assigned team role. Delivery is not clear and the learners do not meet the given time. Learners uses a 1 or 2 props and materials just to make their presentation better Unacceptable (1-0 points) The learners did not perform and shows no interest in class. The learners did not perform and shows no interest in class activity Learners uses no prop and materials in their presentation. COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 6 of 13 OTHER REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES (AA) Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following: Assessment Activity Description and other Details AA1 Written task AA2 Active Participation AA3 AA4 Long Quiz Midterm examination AA5 Final Examination The Students are tasked to accomplish written works such as essays, reflection paper and short quizzes The Students are expected to have active participation in class including oral recitation, role plays as well as attendance The Students are given a long quiz after one unit being discussed The students must accomplish their midterm examination, coverage of this exam are the first 8 weeks of discussion. The students will have a final examination covering the remaining 8 weeks of discussion V. Course Outcomes it represents CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 GRADING SYSTEM: The final grade in this course will be composed of the following items and their weights in the final grade computation: Assessment Grade Source (Score or Rubric Item Grade) AA1 AA2 AA3 AA4 20 25 40 60 Percentage of Final Grade 5% 10% 10% 15% COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 7 of 13 AA5 LE1 LE2 LE3 10 20 20 100 20% 10% 10% 20% 100% total: Passing Grade Passing Grade conditions: 1.50 All task are accomplished within the time frame with active participation inside the class. Note: Passing Grade and computation of Grade could be numeric (0-100) or decimal (1.0, 1.25, 1.50, etc.). The choice is with the teacher handling the course. If the course will be working of combination of numeric or decimal grades then an equivalence table should be provided in the syllabus. There are courses who has a passing grade condition, examples include (a) no grade of 0.0 in any assessment (b) a minimum of a grade of 2.5 is needed to pass (c) no project – automatic fail in the course. VI. LEARNING PLAN: In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, learners will go through this learning plan Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Course Outcome Weeks TeachingLearning Activities (TLA) Topics Assessment Activities Required Reading Learning Evidences COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 8 of 13 1.Memorizing The VMGO all the possible rules and regulation of the university. I. II. CO3 1-2 Be able to sing the UwU Hymn. 2. Evaluate the Process of Education on how the students faces on their growth and development during puberty and adolescence. 3. Observe and Explain the Changes when during the phase of puberty and adolescence. CO2 The changes in the Behavior of an Individual during the stage of 2-3 Course Orientation VMGO of the university and the College/department The Course Outline, Discussion of policies, rules the policies and regulations. and its rules and regulations. The Process of I. Development of the Students during Examination puberty and of adolescence. II. the topic Purposing of the Learning of the Discussion Importance of III. on the ways growth. of Growths Understanding the and function of what it development means of development. I. CO1 CO2 Charting of the VMGO and the UwU hymn. II. 4-5 III. Observe the changes that is happening in the body during puberty and Adolescence stage. Changes in The Behavior when they are facing puberty and Adolescence growth. Explain the significant changes when facing the changes in an individual’s body and behavior. Oral Recitation UwU’s VMGO UwU Hymn Activity Quiz Policies, Rules and regulations Agreement on The Classroom policies through a class contact. Performance Task Module 1 and The Development of the Body guide Book 2 Assessment LE2 The learner develops deep understanding on the changes in skills and behavior. Reporting on puberty Research LE1 and Books about Puberty Can be an Sequence of Observation Evidence as the Reporting of the Given body had based on the activity progress in Observation developing and that had been changing conducted during the Process AA2 COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 9 of 13 puberty and adolescence. 4. identify the different CO2 behaviors when dealing Intended Learning Course Outcomes Outcome (ILO) with puberty and adolescence 5.Perform an activity that CO1 involves a showcase on how puberty CO2 and adolescence strike when an individual is on the I. 6-7 Weeks Conduct a Quiz and long Quiz and Written Task written task about the written task given act. Topics I. 7-8 Perform a role playing activity that showcase on how an individual process his/her developing state when facing puberty. Demonstrate the parts of growing up to adolescence in parts of the activity. TeachingLearning Assessment Activities Activities (TLA) activities will Long Quiz be conducted to utilize the function of the topic Performance Role play task must be activity Module Assessment Required Reading AA1 Learning Evidences Long Quiz and Written Activities AA3 Performance role by demonstrating CO1 Acting and Playing The Roles conducted when showing Acting and Film viewing Activity or Theater act the cases of visualizing facing puberty and demonstration by demonstrating by a role playing activity CO2 LE1 LE2 LE3 AA2 COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 10 of 13 state of developing the growth. WEEK 8 MIDTERM EXAMINATION 6. Discuss about the function of every possible out comes when puberty and Adolescence strikes CO3 9-16 Applying the different strategies when dealing with puberty and Adolescence. COMPLETION TEST Perform Written Task different types of activities Long Quiz involving the I. Develop the different types featuring topic Performance of approach in using the different of types of task types of strategy in dealing with strategy puberty and adolescence. approach in Research II. Reviewing the kinds of dealing with Function of the possible of comes puberty and Activities when puberty adolescence. and adolescence strikes Preparation for the Final Examination WEEK 16 FINAL EXAMINATION AA4 Performance role by demonstrating Acting and Playing The Roles Film viewing Activity or Theater act CO1 CO2 CO3 LE1 LE2 LE3 AA1 AA2 AA3 COMPLETION TEST Note: In order to formulate intended learning outcomes, you can use a reference learning taxonomy like Bloom’s taxonomy in order to see the Low-Order Thinking Skills verbs that needs to be activated before reaching the HighOrder Thinking Skills verbs. For example, if the course outcome uses the verb DESIGN, then intended learning outcomes should include verbs starting from IDENTIFY/RECALL UNDERSTAND SYNTHESIZE ANALYZE DESIGN. Do not forget that the rubric criteria and descriptors should serve as a guide in determining essential content or topics and its arrangement in the learning plan. COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 11 of 13 VII. REFERENCES/ARTICLES TO READ: (Must be written in APA Format) 1. 23.7: Adolescence and Puberty 2. Brooks-Gunn, J., J.A. Graber, and R.L. Paikoff 1994. Studying links between hormones and negative affect: Models and measures. Journal of Research on Adolescence 4(4):469–486. 3. Buchanan, C.M., J.S. Eccles, and J.B. Becker 1992. Are adolescents the victims of raging hormones? Evidence of activational effects of hormones on moods and behavior at adolescence. Psychological Bulletin 111(1):62–107. [PubMed] 4. aspi, A., D. Lynam, T.E. Moffitt, and P.A. Silva 1993. Unraveling girls' delinquency: Biological, dispositional, and contextual contributions to adolescent misbehavior. Developmental Psychology 29(1): 19–30. 5. Ge, X., R.D. Conger, and G.H. Elder, Jr. 1995. Coming of age too early: Pubertal influences on girls' vulnerability to psychological distress. Child Development 67:3386–3400. [PubMed] VIII. CLASSROOM POLICIES: 1.Must Participate in all Activities (except when there’s a valid reason). 2.Points deduction on late submission of outputs by individual or by group activity task. 3.follow the given instruction during performance and test activities. 4.Clean as you go, everyone should carry their own trash. 5.Respect each other’s opinion, talents, skills and culture for everyone to be comfortable. 6.Students should dress appropriately inside the classroom. 7.Students are not allowed to make noise unnecessary noises. 8.Students are not allowed to eat inside the classroom during discussion. (Policies peculiar to the Prepared by: course/subject) Reviewed by: Approved: LAILA MATLANI KOLEEN PEARL LAPORE PRINCESS JANE AYCO Program Head/Chair Dean COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 12 of 13 BRIXSON AIZON Faculty COURSE SYLLABUS in DEVELOPING INTO PUBERTY AND ADOLESCENT UNITED WESTERN UNIVERSITY Page 13 of 13