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Professional Dispositions & Ethics Task

DFM3 Task 4: Professional Dispositions and Ethics
A. PDF of Self Assessment Attached
B. Professional Disposition and Ethics Demonstrations
1. Two areas in which I have used in a professional setting are empathy and belonging.
Working with students with severe special educational needs has taught me empathy.
These students struggle to learn what for most people are simple tasks. They are happy
and for the most part have an even disposition and are not easily discouraged. I can
empathize as I help them try to learn and I see the determination they have. There have
been times that school was not easy for me and I had to work hard and really push myself
to master what I was learning. I certainly recognize that I have never had the struggles they
have which has also taught me compassion. As a special education para, I worked with a
Latina student that was very quiet and reserved. She would not speak, make eye contact or
even acknowledge that others were talking to her. I worked hard to establish trust with her
and to help her have a sense of belonging. At first, I would encourage her to just say hi to
other people. There were people at the school that I asked to help my by always
acknowledging the student by saying hi and waiting patiently for her to return the greeting.
This took a lot of time and continued practice but after a while she would initiate saying hi.
By the end of the school year, she had a much greater sense of belonging as a valued
member of the school.
2. Professional Disposition and Ethics Action Steps
1. The two dispositions or ethics I am going to improve are all individuals can learn and
communication. To improve my knowledge and ability in all individuals can learn, I will
continue to learn more about instructional strategies and students learning. Next-Gen
candidates need to know many instructional strategies to successfully teach students
and meet their individual needs. I will also spend time observing the specials education
and general education teachers at school. Next-Gen students need to know how to
teach both general ed students and the students with IEPs in their classrooms. As I
observe, I will look for ways that they diļ¬€erentiate so that all of their students have
opportunities for learning. The ability to diļ¬€erentiate instruction and curriculum are
important skills I will use as a Next-Gen candidate. With communication, I will set a goal
to reply to emails within 24 hours and to make sure that I have clearly communicated.
Another goal I will establish is initiating conversations even when I feel they will be
uncomfortable. Communication is an essential skill for Next-Gen candidates not just
while we are students but when we are professional teachers as well. We need to
communicate clearly, accurately and timely to ensure an open line of communication.
C. Professional Disposition and Ethics Collaboration
C1. The two dispositions I will use to collaborate are professionalism and growth
mindset. As I work with families of our students, I will maintain professionalism in all
areas. Sometimes parents get upset and act less than professional. I will remain calm,
collected and work to understand what is driving their frustration. This will help me
demonstrate and practice professionalism which is an important skill for a Next-Gen
candidate. We use the term growth mindset with our students but we do not take it
beyond the walls of the school. I will explain the term with parents and teach them what
it looks like so that they can encourage and promote growth mindset outside of school.
Growth mindset is a good habit for students to develop in all aspects of their lives
including for Next-Gen student candidates as we need a growth mindset as we take on
the challenges of our academic courses. Our students will benefit with my work
applying professionalism and growth mindset with their parents. Hopefully it will help
parents remain calm and collected as they deal with the frustration of helping their
children with their homework. As parents embrace a growth mindset, students will have
another role model to help them better develop their own growth mindset.