Instruction: With Partner 1. Secure a copy of a sample Lesson Plan 2. Using the matrix given below, analyze the sample you secured and give your suggestion based on the principles and concepts you learned in this module. Components Title of the Lesson Plan Copy from the Sample Mechanical Drafting Intended Learning Outcomes/Objectives At the end of 60-minute period the students should be able to: a. identify the personal protective clothing and devices in mechanical drafting according to their uses, b. discuss the importance of using the personal protective clothing and devices in mechanical drafting; and c. demonstrate on how to properly use the personal protective clothing and devices in mechanical drafting. Use Personal Protective Clothing and Devices Content/Subject Matter Reference: K-12 basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education learning module in electrical pages 159160 K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood and Education Curriculum guide in electrical pages 15-16 K-12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Teachers Guide pages pages Methods/Strategies Materials: Power Point Presentation Method: Lecture and Activity Skills: Identifying, Discussing and Demonstrating Value integration: Participation, Cooperation A. Preliminary activities Your comments/suggestion The Lesson Plan is very detailed and well-organized. Very clear and easy to understand the objectives. Read the sentence with good comprehension. Evaluation/Assessment 1. Prayer- The teacher will choose a student to lead the prayer 2. Greetings- The teacher will enthusiastically greet the student and they will respond actively 3. Checking of the attendanceThe teacher will monitor the class attendance through asking the class secretary 4. Classroom rules- The teacher will recapitulate the agreed rules that they will be reminded to always: Raise your right hand if you want to answer Excuse yourself if you want to go out Pay attention when someone is talking in front 5. Review- The teacher will call a student to recall of the previous topic 6. Motivation I. Multiple Choice