Roll No THAPAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES B.E (CSBS) 3rd Year, MST Sep 27, 2022 Time: 2 Hours; MM: 30 UHU029: Fundamentals of Management Instructor: Sheena Chhabra Instructions: Attempt all questions. Attempt all the parts of questions at one place. I. (a) Elucidate different stages of group development with suitable examples. (b) What are the potential sources of stress? How can it be managed? (4+2=6) 2. (a) Analyze the role of violent video games with reference to social learning: Violent video games can be detrimental for human development. The prime target are the children and teenagers who are considered to be very naïve and vulnerable due to their age and lack of knowledge about purchasing and playing video games such as Grand 'Theft Auto, God of War, Doom, Manhunt, etc. There are various kinds of negative effects, which are created from playing such games. There are more adverse effects than positive effects on the players and it can be categorized in two segments as long-term effects and short-term effects. The young and easily manipulated players are observed to show very disturbing behavior, which includes aggressive and destructive notions on their surroundings. (b) "Human personality is the sum total of various attributes". Explain the Big-Five model in this context. (2+4=6) 3. The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential.... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." Explain how you can motivate an individual on the basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Alderfer's ERG theory. (4+2=6) 4. Behavior has to be geared on facts, but facts are reached only through perception, which is subject to various influences from the perceiver and the perceived." Explain the factors affecting Perception. (6) 5. The most difficult task for a manager is decision making. Explain the process of decision making with an example. (6)