Uploaded by Agbai Ndukwe


Lab - Configure CDP/LLDP and NTP
Name: ____________________________________________ Student#: _______________
Addressing Table
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Packet Tracer is integrated throughout this course. You must know how to navigate the Packet Tracer
environment for success. Make sure that you have watched the video on how to use Packet Tracer.
Use the tutorials if you require a review of Packet Tracer fundamentals. The tutorials are located in
the Packet Tracer Help menu.
This lab focuses on cabling the devices and then configuring the devices as per the instructions.
Once you complete this lab, you will prepare a written report describing what is happening on the
network by filling in the tables and answering all the questions asked in the lab.
Save the Packet Tracer lab file and the written assignment using the following naming convention:
Last Name-Student number.
Both the Packet Tracer lab assignment and your written lab assignment must be submitted by 11:30
pm of the fifth day that you are assigned the lab (i.e. if your class is on Tuesday, you must submit
both parts of your lab assignment on Sunday at the time indicated on the DropBox). (If your class is
on a Friday, then your lab assignment is due on Wednesday at the time indicated on the DropBox).
These will be submitted via the Dropbox on eLearn. Any lab not submitted by that time will receive a
mark of 0% for the lab regardless of the reason.
This is a fillable PDF document. Use this document to answer the questions highlighted in yellow.
DO NOT type your answers in any part that says:
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in
PT here.
You are to copy and paste everything that shows from your Packet Tracer configurations to
the PDF form. See the example below telling you to change the host name to CopyandPaste.
DO NOT submit the two files as a ZIP file. Zip files will not be graded. DO NOT, convert the .pka into
a .pkt file, you will be graded with a zero if you do.
Make sure that you put your name in the Statement of Authorship at the end of the lab or 5
marks will be deducted from your lab.
Packet Tracer
When you open Packet Tracer you will see the following dialog box:
Replace Guest with your First name and student number in the space marked Name as well as
your email address in the space marked E-Mail. In the Addition Info box copy the following
bolded sentence and paste it into the blank area. When pasting into Packet Tracer use the
mouse and right click to insert the text. Copy and paste the following:
I, name/student #, hereby state that this lab is solely my work and no other student helped or
did my work for me.
Remember: having someone else do any of your work and then submit it as your own is
deemed to be one of the items that falls under the heading of Academic Dishonesty. When it
is filled in, the User Profile should look like the example shown below.
Click OK and then go to File > Save As and save your file as per the instructions on the first
page (Last Name-Student number.). You are now ready to start your lab.
Part 1: Network Discovery with CDP
Part 2: Network Discovery with LLDP
Part 3: Network Time Protocol
Background / Scenario
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol for network discovery on the data
link layer. It can share information such as device names and IOS versions, with other physically
connected Cisco devices. Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is vendor-neutral protocol using
on the data link layer for network discovery. It is mainly used with network devices in the local
area network (LAN). The network devices advertise information, such as their identities and
capabilities to their neighbors.
In this lab, you must complete the questions and document the ports that are connected to other
switches using CDP and LLDP. You will document your findings in a network topology diagram.
You will also enable or disable these discovery protocols as necessary.
Part 1: Network Discovery with CDP
On Cisco devices, CDP is enabled by default. You will use CDP to discover the ports that are
currently connected. Rename the Gateway Router by adding the last 3 digits of your student
number. (e.g. Gateway123) – with123 being the last 3 digits of your student number).
a. On router Gateway, enter the command in the privileged EXEC mode to verify that CDP is
currently enabled on router Gateway.
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
How often are the packets sent? _____________________________
What is the holdtime value being sent? ________________________
What is the version of the CDP advertisements? _________________
If CDP is disabled on Gateway, what is the command to enable it? Copy and paste the
command you used and any output from the command you used in PT here. Verify the
CDP is now enabled using the show command. Do not type your answer or modify the
output you copied.
What mode were you in to issue this command? ________________________________
b. What is the command to list the interfaces that are participating in CDP advertisements?
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
How many interfaces are participating in the CDP advertisement?
Which interfaces are up? Write your answer here.
c. What is the command to determine which CDP enabled devices are directly connected to
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
d. To see more details on the CDP enabled devices that are directly connected to you, what is
the command that you would issue? (Make note of the information on S3)
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
e. What can you learn about these two devices from the outputs of the previous command?
Write your answer here.
f. Configure the SVI on S3. Examples of how to configure a Switched Virtual Interface can be
found on page 245 in your text book.
Use any available IP address in network, and use as the default
gateway. What are the 5 commands used? They must be in the correct order.
Copy and paste the commands you used and any output from the commands you used in
PT here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
g. Issue the last command you used on the Gateway router on S3. What additional information is
available on S3? Issue the command again on the Gateway router, what is different now?
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
h. For security reasons, it is a good idea to turn off CDP on an interface facing an external
network. Turn off CDP on that interface.
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
To verify that CDP has been turned off on the interface, what command can you use to see
that it is off and also to verify which devices it can see?
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
You may need to wait for the hold time to expire. The hold time is the amount of time the
network devices will hold the CDP packets until the devices discard them.
Does Gateway still have a CDP adjacency with that neighbor? ________
Does it still have CDP adjacencies with other interfaces? _________
What is the command to disable CDP on the entire device? Enter that command.
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Verify that it works by using one of the commands from “j” and paste the output here.
Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
What are 5 commands that you could use to verify that CDP has been disabled?
k. Enable CDP globally on Gateway and issue the following command:
show run | begin interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
How many active interfaces are CDP enabled? _____
Which interface(s) are CDP disabled? _____________________________________
Console into all the switches and use the CDP commands to determine the Ethernet ports that are
connected to other devices.
Part 2: Network Discovery with LLDP
On Cisco devices; LLDP maybe enabled by default, depending on the model and the IOS version.
You will use LLDP to discover the ports that are currently connected.
a. On Gateway, what is the command that you would use to see if LLDP is activated?
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
If LLDP is disabled, what is the command to enable LLDP? Copy and paste the command
you used and any output from the command you used in PT here. Do not type your answer
or modify the output you copied.
Where would this command be issued? ____________________________________
b. Using the command to verify that LLDP is enabled on Gateway, answer the following.
How often are the LLDP advertisements sent? __________________________________
What long is the LLDP hold time that is advertised? ______________________________
How long is the LLDP interface re-initialization delay? _____________________________
What is the command you would use to see which devices are directly connected via
LLDP? Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you
used in PT here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
Which device(s) are neighbors to Gateway? ________________________________
c. Enable LLDP on all devices on the network. (LLDP has already been enabled on ISP) What
command would you issue on the switches and router to enable LLDP and what command
would you use to list the LLDP enabled ports?
Copy and paste the commands you used and any output from the commands you used in
PT here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
d. Issue the show lldp neighbors detail command on Gateway.
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
What port is used on S3 to connect to the Gateway router? _______________________
e. On the Gateway router, turn off the ability of the router to get lldp advertisements from the ISP
router, but leave the ability to send lldp advertisements to the ISP router.
Copy and paste the command you used and any output from the command you used in PT
here. Show the results from that command. Do not type your answer or modify the output
you copied.
f. Use the show command outputs from CDP and LLDP to document the connected ports in the
network topology.
Reflection – PART 1 & 2
Within a network, on which interfaces should you not use discovery protocols? Explain. Write
your answer here. It should be in two parts.
a. The routing protocol RIPv2 has been configured on the NTPClient1 router, the Gateway router
and the ISP router and does not have to be configured. Test the connectivity by pinging the
address It should be successful. This is the address of the NTP server inside the
ISP cloud. Rename the NTPClient1 router by adding the last 3 digits of your student
number. (e.g. NTPClient1456) – with 456 being the last 3 digits of your student
b. The NTP server inside the ISP cloud has already been configured for NTP and you do not
need to do anything in that regard.
c. You will now configure the NTPClient1 router and the Gateway router to be NTP clients.
Check the current NTP status and the clock status on the NTPClient1 router. Use the
command that shows the clock time source.
Copy and paste the commands you used to perform this task as well as the output in
the space below. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
Check the current NTP status and the clock status on the Gateway router. Use the
command that shows the clock time source.
Copy and paste the commands you used to perform this task as well as the output in
the space below. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
d. Configure the NTPClient1 router and the Gateway router as NTP clients. Make sure that they
update their calendar as well as the clock.
Copy and paste the commands that you used to perform these tasks on the NTPClient1
router in the space below. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
Copy and paste the commands that you used to perform these tasks on the Gateway
router in the space below. Do not type your answer or modify the output you copied.
e. Check the clocks on both the NTPClient1 and Gateway routers to verify that they are
synchronized. (NOTE: you may have to use the Fast Forward Time button to speed up the
synchronization) use the command that shows the time source
Copy and paste the command that you used to perform this task on the NTPClient1
router as well as the output from the command in the space below. Do not type your
answer or modify the output you copied.
Copy and paste the command that you used to perform this task on the Gateway router
as well as the output from the command in the space below. Do not type your answer or
modify the output you copied.
Are the clocks synchronized?
f. Check the NTP status and NTP associations to verify NTP operation and configuration on both
the NTPClient1 router and the Gateway router.
Copy and paste the commands that you used to perform these tasks on the NTPClient1
router as well as the output from these commands in the space below. Do not type your
answer or modify the output you copied.
Copy and paste the commands that you used to perform these tasks on the Gateway
router as well as the output from these commands in the space below. Do not type your
answer or modify the output you copied.
Failure to put your name in the following Statement of Authorship will result in a loss of 5
marks for this lab.
I, (name/student#) ________________________________________, hereby state that this lab is
solely my work and no other student helped or did my work for me, nor was it copied from
another lab.