Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon A nationally-recognized Science and Technology (S&T) university providing the vital link between education and the economy USTP Mission ● ● Bring the world of work (industry) into the actual higher education and training of the students; Offer entrepreneurs of the opportunity to maximize their business potentials Semester/Year: 2nd/2020-2021 Class Schedule: Bldg./Rm. No. Instructor: Gwen A. Salabsab Email: Mobile No.:09663559808 I. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 1 of 11 SYLLABUS Course Title: Crop Production Course Code: AFAE1126 Credits: 3 units; 5 hours College of Science and Technology Education Department of Technical and Technology Education USTP Vision Rev. No. Prerequisite(s): N/A Co-requisite(s): N/A Consultation Schedule: M; 7-10:am , W: 9:30-11:30 AM Bldg.Rm. No.: RM 106 Office Phone No./Local: 194 Course Description: This course is an exploratory course that will give an overview of agri-fishery arts discipline including philosophy, areas of specialization and the role of the agriculture and fisheries sectors in societal development. II. Course Outcome: Course Outcomes (CO) CO1: Articulate the roles of the agri-fishery sectors in the Philippine Socio-Economic Development. a b c d e f g h i j k I I I I I I I I I I I Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 2 of 11 Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon through a gamut of services from product conceptualizatio n to commercializati on; ● Contribute significantly to the national development goals of food security and energy sufficiency through technology solutions. Program Educational Objectives: ❑ Provide teachers with a strong foundation on livelihood and technology related activities. ❑ Train highly motivated and skilled educational managers in technicalvocational level. III. Course Outline: Allott ed Time Cours e Outco mes (CO) Participate in workplace meetings and discussion and describe/ident ify individual and team roles and responsibilitie s. 5 HRS 10 HRS Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) CO1 Describe the role of women in the stages of agricultural development and identify their major contributions to agriculture from prehistoric to the present century through a timeline map. Topic/s Suggested Readings TeachingLearning Activities Open Distance Learning /Flexible Learning Course Orientation Introduce Yourself following the SelfIntroduction Forum Chapter 1. Introduction to Agriculture 1.1. Definition of Agriculture as a Science and as an Art 1.2. Stages and Significant Events in Agricultural Development. a. Prehistoric, Middle Stone Age, New Stone Age b. Historical Agriculture c. Feudal Agriculture (PDF) Introduction to Agriculture Origins of agriculture - The Indian subcontinent Women Pioneers in Farming: A Gendered History of Flexible Learning Lecture Discussion Webquest Video Presentation Oral Recitation Topical Demonstrati on Assessment Tasks/ Tools Grading Criteria Getting to Know You How to Write an Essay Assignment 1Essay Guide to Timeline Mapping Timeline Map Quiz Worksheets/Ac tivity Sheets Assignment 2. Survey Your Area. - Fill out the Barangay Profile Form. 85% of the students will be able to get at least 70% of the total marks. Re ma rks Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 3 of 11 Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon d. Scientific Agriculture e. Industrial Agriculture 1.3 Gender Roles in Agriculture, Then and Now ❑ Develop who wouldbe educational leaders to hold middle level management positions in educational institution or to become effective Chief executive officers and chief operations officers in industries. ❑ Imbibe in the graduates’ consciousness in the participation and implementation of the Gender in Agriculture Gender roles in agriculture: Did anything change? This October on Agrilinks: The Role of Gender in Agriculture Does Gender Really Matter in Agriculture? | Agricultural Economics ❑ Develop graduates who are competent, competitive, ethical and systematic in promoting technology and livelihood activities. ❑ Produce graduates that will conduct research and extension for the improvement of the quality of life in the community. Agricultural Progress Global Food Security Strategy Technical Guidance Advancing Gender Equality and Female Empowerment 15 HRS Illustrate how the different components, branches and career opportunities in agriculture are interconnecte Chapter 2. Components, Branches, Specialization and Career Opportunities in Agri-Fishery 1.1 Components of Agriculture a. Crops b. Livestock c. Fisheries Course: S1: Agriculture Flexible Learning (PDF) Introduction to Agriculture Lecture Discussion TESDA TRs Concept Mapping Guide and Tutorial Concept Map Quizzes Webquest Video Presentation Worksheets/Ac tivity Sheets 85% of the students will be able to get at least 70% of the total marks. Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon environmental policies and standards. Program Outcomes: a. Demonstrate the competencies required by the Philippine TVET Trainers-Assessors Qualification. (CMO 78, PQF) b. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and skills in the field of Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Information Communication Technology. (CMO 78, PQF) c. Work and function effectively as an individual and as member or a leader in a diverse team recognizing the different roles within a team d. Apply the principle of facilitating d through a concept map. d. Forestry 1.2 Branches of Agriculture a. Agronomy b. Horticulture c. Entomology d. Plant Pathology e. Agricultural Chemistry f. Agricultural Engineering g. Agricultural Economics h. Animal Science 1.3 Specializations in Agriculture (AFAE Major) a. Organic Agriculture b. Crop Production (Field Crop Production, Horticulture and Crop Production, and Farming Systems) c. Animal Production (Poultry, Swine and Ruminant) d. Pest Management (Crop Protection and Integrated Pest Management) 1.4 Specializations in Oral Recitation Topical Demonstrati on Assignment 3. Discover and Be Aware. Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 4 of 11 Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 5 of 11 Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon learning using a wide-range teaching methodologies and delivery mode appropriate to specific learners and their environment. e. Apply competencies in the expansion and utilization of ICT to promote excellence, relevant and sustainable educational practices f. Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, and learning skills needed for higher learning. g. Engage in the generation of new knowledge and advancement of existing knowledge in research and development projects, and in Fisheries (AFAE Major) a. Aquaculture b. Fish Capture c. Fishing Gear Repair and Maintenance d. Fish Products Packaging 10 HRS Describe the influences of early cultures and geography on current day agricultural systems/practi ces through an infographic material. 1.5 Career Opportunities in Agri-Fishery Chapter 3. Agriculture, Civilization and the Environment 1.1. Centers of Agriculture and Major Biomes a. China b. India c. Indo-Malaya d. Central Asia/Inner Asiatic e. The Near East/Asia Minor f. Mediterranean g. Ethiopia/Abyssinian h. Southern Mexico and Central America i. South America Andes j. Chilean/Isle of Chile k. Brazilian-Paraguayan Center 1.2 Agricultural Systems/Practices Origins of agriculture - The Indian subcontinent CSS 330 World Food Crops -OSU Extended Campus Part 1. Centers of Origins of Crop Plants and Agriculture Flexible Learning Lecture Discussion Webquest Video Presentation Oral Recitation Topical Demonstrati on Piktochart: Create Infographics, Presentations & Infographic Material Quizzes Worksheets/Ac tivity Sheets 85% of the students will be able to get at least 70% of the total marks. Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon commercialization activities in the field of Home Economics, Industrial Arts and Information Communication Technology aligned to regional and national development agenda or goals h. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills including curriculum development, lesson planning, instructional material development, educational assessment and teaching approaches. i. Apply with minimal supervision, specialized knowledge and skills the field of Home Economics, a. Traditional/Subsisten ce Nomadic Herding Shifting Cultivation Intensive Subsistence Agriculture b. Conventional/Specia lized System Commercial Dairy Farming Commercial Grain Cultivation Livestock Ranching Commercial Plantation c. Alternative/Sustainabl eSystem Organic Agro-ecological Bio-Intensive Bio-Dynamic Permaculture Natural d. Integrated/Mixed System Crop-Livestock Crop-LivestockFishery Crop-LivestockFisheryVermicompost file:///C:/Users/us er/Downloads/co nceptdefinitionst ypesoffarmingsys tem180122111252.p df Summary on the Agricultural Systems which are practised around the world Different Types of Agricultural Activity | GCSE Geography Revision Notes 3 Agricultural Philosophies To Explore Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 6 of 11 Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 7 of 11 Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon Industrial Arts and Information Communication Technology. j. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes. k. Show the relationship among teaching process skills, learning processing in the students, nature of content/subject matter, and other factors affecting educational process in order to constantly improve their teaching, knowledge, skills and practices - 5 HRS 15 HRS Crop-LivestockForestry Agri-Silvi-Apiary Agri-Horti-SilviPastoral MIDTERM EXAMINATION Differentiate the agricultural philosophies on how they affect the world economically, culturally, politically and environmenta lly through a matrix of comparison. Flexible Learning Chapter 4. Agricultural Philosophies 1.1 Economic/Political a. Agrarianism b. Utilitarianism c. Libertarianism d. Egalitarianism 1.2 Religion/Cultural Traditions/Beliefs a. b. Christianism Religion of the Nile c. Buddhism d. Animism e. Western and Eastern Traditions 1.3 Environmental/ Ecological Systems Approach Agricultural philosophy Wikipedia 848676/Agricul ture_and_Phil osophy_Agricu ltural_Science _in_Philosophy The Agrarian Roots of Pragmatism WK Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food & Community Ethics https://honors. Lecture Discussion Webquest Video Presentation Oral Recitation Topical Demonstrati on Compare/Contr ast Matrix Graphic Organizer Comprehension Strategies Matrix of Comparison Quizzes Worksheets/Ac tivity Sheets 85% of the students will be able to get at least 70% of the total marks. Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon pcontent/upload s/sites/184/201 6/04/2016RezendesWinnerConnorSmart.pdf http://www.fao .org/3/j0902e/j 0902e05.htm# TopOfPage Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 8 of 11 Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 9 of 11 Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon 25 HRS Recognize solutions to existing problems related to Philippine agriculture through a review/analysi s of various researches/ scholarly articles/ data/statistics. Chapter 5. Philippine Agriculture 1.1 Stages in Philippine Agriculture Development a. Pre-colonial Period b. Colonial Period c. Post-war Period d. COVID 19 and beyond (8 Paradigms to Level up Agriculture) 1.2 Department of Agriculture and its Bureaus, Agencies and Corporations 1.3 Factors Affecting Agricultural Production in the Country a. Physical- Climate and Erosion b. Biological- Insects, Diseases, Weeds, Nutrient Deficiency, GeneticMake-up of Different Crops c. Socio-EconomicFamily Profile, Community Profile, Government Support 1.4 Select Laws in Agriculture and Fisheries a. Proclamation No. 33 – Farmers’ and Fisherfolks Day b. Proclamation No. History | Official Portal of the Department of Agriculture Launch of World Bank's Report on “Transforming Philippine Agriculture: During COVID-19 and Beyond” Ang Bagong Pananaw sa Agrikultura: 8 Paradigms to Level Up Agriculture | Republic Act and Proclamations | Official Portal of the Department of Agriculture Flexible Learning Lecture Discussion Webquest Video Presentation Oral Recitation Topical Demonstrati on How To Write a Good And Interesting Article Review ⭐ - A Research Guide Quizzes Worksheets/Ac tivity Sheets 85% of the students will be able to get at least 70% of the total marks to pass. Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon 5HRS FINAL EXAM Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 10 of 11 USTEP 90 HRS IV. Course Requirements: I. II. a) b) c) III. a) IV. 1. 2. 3. V. CLASS ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION POLICY a) Expected classroom behaviour- Respect use of time. b) Active participation in discussions/ seatworks/activities. Expect a Quiz every meeting. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Android/SMARTphone, tablet, laptop, desktop Data/Load Activity sheets/ exercise sheets ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS E-Portfolio (compilation of activities, activity sheets/worksheets) Reference Materials Romo, Salvador B and Romo, Catherine G., Crop Production : An Exploratory Course, Lorimar Publishing, 2014 Romo, Salvador B., Horticulture: An Exploratory Course, Lorimar Publishing, 2013 Fundamentals of Crop Science 1 Lecture Manual, UPLB 2010 University Grading System Lecture Course (75%) Quizzes Term Exam Performance Innovative Task Class Standing Total - 40% - 30 % - 20 % - 10% 100 % Laboratory Units (25%) Lab Exercises/reports Hands on Exercises Lab Major exam Total - 30% - 30 % - 40 % 100 % Document Code No. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FM-USTP-ACAD-01 OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon Prepared by: GWEN A. SALABSAB Instructor Recommending Approval: BERNARDO T. CRISOLOGO, MTTE Chair, TLE Department Rev. No. Effective Date Page No. 00 01.04.21 11 of 11 Approved by: MA. LIBERTY B. DONCILLO Academic Head