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Lymphatic & Innate Immune Systems: Lecture Notes

Lymphatic System
- Network of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and organs that transport cells of the
immune system
- Lymph is the clear fluid of the network
- About 3L of fluid is lost everyday due to capillary filtration
- Subclavian veins picks up interstitial fluid and returns it to the circulatory system
Secondary lymphoid organs
- Sites of adaptive immune cell activation
- Lymph nodes - screens lymphatic fluids
- Spleen - screens blood
- MALTS - screens mucosal surfaces
- Tonsils and adenoids
Lymph Nodes
- Bean shaped tissues
- Inline lymphatic filters
- Provide immune surveillance for foreign antigens
Roles of lymph nodes
- Concentration site of B and T cells
- Increases efficiency of screening for antigens
- Optimizes B and T cell activation
Functional regions of the lymph nodes
- Cortex
- Lymphoid nodules (follicles) (LN)
- Paracortex
- Medulla
- Medullary sinuses (MS)
- Medullary cords (MC)
Lymph nodes seeding
- antigens/antigen presenting cells from infected tissues drain from the afferent lymphatics
into the node
- Naive Lymphocytes (from bone marrow and thymus) enter the cortex via the high
endothelial venules of the vascular supply
- Naive lymphocytes congregate and segregate in the:
- B cells: concentrate in follicles of the cortex
- T cells: concentrate in paracortex
Lymph node structural organization
- Cortex (follicle)
- B cells
- Follicular dendritic cells
- Paracortex
- T cells
- Dendritic cells
- Fibroblast reticular cells
- Medulla
- Plasma cells
Cortex follicular dendritic cells
- Distinct from hematopoietic-derived cells
- Promotes the retention of B cells within the lymph node cortex follicle
- Promotes the productive movement and interactions of B cells within the lymph node
cortex follicle
Lymph node paracortex - fibroblast reticular cell conduit
- Paracortex fibroblast reticular cells provide a matrix to promote T cell interactions with
antigen presenting cells; this occurs by channeling these cell types along extended
cellular processes
Exodus out the medulla (efferent lymphatics) - what is leaving the medulla?
- Conditioned T and B lymphocytes
- Antigen presenting cells
- Antibodies
- Removal of wasted RBCs
- Immune surveillance of blood
Microanatomy of the spleen
- Capsule: fibrous sheath that surrounds the spleen
- Trabeculae: fibrous projections that extend down the capsule (provides structural support)
- White pulp includes
- Follicles containing B cells
- Periarteriolar lymphatic sheath (PALS) - T cells
- Marginal zone: border that surrounds white pulp, contains marginal zone, B cells, and
dendritic cells
- Red pulp: site for recycling wasted RBCs & macrophages
Blood flow throughout the spleen
- Antigens in bloodstream enter the spleen
- B cells in follicles/marginal zone trap antigen
- CD4 T cells encounter antigen presented by dendritic APCs within the PALS (T cell
- B cells migrate to PALS, activated CD4 T cells then provide help to B cells
- Activated B cells and CD4 T cells migrate back to follicles to form germinal centers
- Germinal B cells proliferate and turn into plasma cells; these release antibodies into the
circulation or become memory B cells
- Moist inner lining of the surfaces of some organs and body cavities
- Glands within mucosa make mucus, which function to lubricate and protect
Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
- mucosa surfaces are the primary sites of pathogen entry
- MALTS are positioned within tissues of mucosa
- MALTS protect against exposure to external environments
MALT abundance
- Contain approx. 70% of immune cells in all secondary lymphoid tissues
- Contain more Ab-producing plasma cells than the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow
MALT subdivisions
- BALT - bronchus associated lymphoid tissue
- NALT - nasal associated lymphoid tissue
- GALT - gut associated lymphoid tissue
MALT organs
- Tonsils - back of throat
- Adenoids - posterior nasal cavity
- Appendix - large intestine
- Peyers patch - small intestine
- Only organ that doesn’t help filter bacteria to prevent infection
Innate Immune System
Nonspecific internal innate defenses inhibit invaders
- Antimicrobial proteins complement
- Fever
- Inflammation
- White blood cells / macrophages / dendritic cells / NK cells
Barriers to Infection
- Physical/chemical barriers
- Cells of the innate response
Physical barriers
- Epithelial layers
- Skin
- Mucosa
- Glands
- Additional barriers
- Glycocalyx
- Mucus
Chemical barriers
- Chemicals
- Acidic pH
- Antimicrobial agents
Physical barriers to infection: skin
- Stratified epithelium (keratinocytes)
- Epidermis
- Stratified epithelium
- Keratinized layer
- Dermis
Physical barrier to infection: mucosal epithelia
- glycocalyx/mucus layer
- Tight junctions
Chemical barriers to infection
- pH - making the surroundings less hospitable to microbes
Directional flow of secreted fluids can carry pathogens out the body
- These contain antibacterial/antiviral agents
- mucus/urine/milk/sweat
Chemical barriers to infection
Epithelial secretions: controlling surface microbes populations
*now showing class epithelial secretions and example*
Proteolytic enzymes : lysozome
Metal ion chelators : psoriasin (Ca2+)
Antimicrobial peptides : a-defensin / b-defensin
- Defensin functions:
- Defend from pathogens
- Shape microbiota
- Protect stem cells
- A-defensin in small intestinal paneth cells (peyers patch)
- Collectins : surfactant protein A (SPA) / surfactant protein D (SPD)
- Microbe binding proteins
- SP-A and SP-D bind different patterns of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
- Neutralization: coating blocks pathogen infection
- Opsonization: promotes pathogen clearance
- Proteolytic enzyme : lysozyme
- Secreted into tears, milk, saliva, respiratory tract
- Cleaves peptidoglycan molecules in bacterial cell walls
- Metal ion chelators :
- Lactoferrin
- Calprotectin
- Psoriasin
Sites and cells of origin
- epithelia: constitutive secretion
- Neutrophils: secretory granules
- Infected tissues: induced expression
PAMPs: pathogen associated membrane patterns that are part of a microbe
- Composed of:
- Proteins
- Sugars
- Lipids
- Features:
- Distinct to the group of pathogens
PRRs: pattern recognition receptors are located on immune cells that recognize and react to
- Innate immunity: 1st step
- Detect and identify PAMPs on microbes
- Extracellular surface (on pathogens) : PAMPs
- Plasma membrane bound (on immune cells) : PRR
PRR location
- Located on the cell surface or within the cytoplasm of white blood cells including:
- Neutrophils / eosinophils / basophils
- macrophages/monocytes
- Mast / dendritic / NK cells
- Subsets of T and B cells
Pathogens distribute intracellularly
- PRRs in or on immune cells may recognize PAMPs located within the infected cell
- PRRs on immune cells may also recognize damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs) on damaged or dying cells due to tissue damage, trauma, or an infection by a
5 Main PRR families
- Toll like receptors (TLR)
- C type lectin receptors (CLR)
- Retinoic acid-inducible I-like receptors (RLR)
- Stimulator of interferon receptors (STING)
- Nod-like receptors receptors (NLR)
End result of PRR recognition of microbial PAMPs is inflammation
Toll-like receptors
- PRRs located within cell membranes of immune cells that recognize microbial PAMPs
- Detect PAMPs from bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasite
- Detect DAMPS from damaged cells and tissues
- Several different types of TLRs that recognize different PAMPs
- TLRs located on cell membrane/membrane of endosomes
Toll like receptor structure
- Extracellular ligand-binding domain
Leucine-rich repeats
Single transmembrane domain
TIR domain (toll intracellular domain)
- Helps dimerize with TLRs
- Dictates intracellular binding partners
- Various TLRs form dimers that re located on the surface of immune cells/surface of cell
TLR locations reflect PAMP distributions
- Different TLR forms recognize specific pathogens
- Some cell surface TLRs can redistribute to the membranes of cell endosomes and can
bind PAMPs in both places
Signaling pathways of TLRs
- TLR binding to PAMPs = induction of transcription factors that stimulate transcription
and expression of anti-microbial proteins and inflammation.
- Ex: NF - kB and AP-1
Pattern Recognition receptors on immune cells
- C-Type Lectin Receptors (CLR)
- Located in the plasma membrane
- Downstream signaling pathways
- Includes NF-kB and AP-1 transcription factors
- Stimulate transcription and expression of anti-microbial and inflammation
- Effects:
- Induces phagocytosis
- Pro-inflammatory signal transduction
Reinoic acid inducible I-like Receptors (RLR)
- Detects viral dsRNA; virus specific sequence motifs
- Involves mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS); these are proteins that recruit
downstream signaling components
- Signals thru IRF3 and NF-kB transcription factors
- These induce the synthesis and secretion of:
- Interferons
- Antimicrobial proteins
- Chemokines
- Inflammatory cytokines
What causes inflammation? - PAMP recognition by PRRs on innate WBC induces phagocytosis
and inflammation
- Increased diameter of small blood vessels
- Vasodilation, warmth, redness
- Vascular permeability-leakage of fluids into the infected tissue (edema)
Local tissue macrophages are activated when PRRs react with PAMPs of foreign microbes
- Activated macrophages release inflammatory mediators:
- Chemokines
- Leukotrienes
- Prostaglandins
- Cytokines
- Induction of the complement system
- Chemokines (or chemo-attractants) - activated macrophages in infected tissues release
molecules (chemokines)
- Chemokines recruit leukocytes to the site of injury by concentration gradient
- Attracted cells then gain access to infected tissues (extravasion)
- Selectins, a cell adhesion molecule, are expressed on vascular endothelial cells
- only during inflammatory conditions
- Selectins on endothelial cells bind to OSGL-1 adhesion molecules on neutrophils
Extravasation - activation & arrest
- Chemokines (CXCL-1) bind to receptors on neutrophils; this induces a change in the
LFA-1 integrin adhesion molecule
- Neutrophil LFA-1 binds to ICAM-1 adhesion molecule on the endothelial cell surface
- This causes arrest
Extravasation - Diapedesis
- Endothelial cell junctions expand and loosen
- Neutrophils then change shape and cross the endothelial cell border to enter the infected
Cytokine response in inflammation
- TNFα, IL-1, and IL-6 are key cytokines generating the inflammatory response.
- These cytokines are produced by activated macrophages and other leukocytes at
the site of infection
- These bind to receptors on leukocytes to stimulate NFkB & other transcription
factors; this results in activation of gene expression of other inflammatory
- Other functions:
Enhances synthesis of cytokines from leukocytes
Induces fever and vasodilation
Activates efficient leukocyte phagocytosis
Type 1 interferon
- Produced by the following cells:
- Virus infected cells
- Macrophages
- dendritic cells
- (produced during the inflammatory response to viral infection)
- Interferon is induced by double stranded RNA or proteins in virus infected cells
- Attaches to receptor on neighboring cells, which induces an antiviral state
Interferon response to virus infection
- Interferon induced antiviral proteins inhibit viral replication
- In tissues:
- Macrophages
- Dendritic cells
- Neutrophils
- In vasculature:
- Monocytes
5 steps in phagocytosis
- Phagocytosis begins when PRRs on leukocytes recognize PAMPs on pathogens
1. Bacterium becomes attached to pseudopodia, a membrane evaginations
2. Bacterium is ingested, which forms phagosome
3. Phagosome fuses with lysosome
4. Bacterium is killed & digested by lysosome enzymes
5. Digestion products are released from cell
Lysosomal degradation in phagocytosis
- Antimicrobial peptides
- Defensins & cathelicidins
- Reactive oxygen species
- Low pH
- Acid-activated enzymes
What can cause death in phagocytosed microbes?
- Reactive death and nitrogen species produced in activated macrophages
- During phagocytosis, leukocytes have a respiratory burst
- This increases oxygen consumption and generating toxic reactive oxygen species
Enzymes produced during inflammation
- Inducible nitric oxide synthase
- Generated by activated macrophages and other leukocytes
- Produces nitric oxide, which kills microbes
- Cyclooxygenase -2 (COX-2)
- Generated by activated macrophages and other leukocytes
- Converts lipid arachidonic acid to prostaglandins (proinflammatory mediators)
Prostaglandins play a major role in inflammation
Chronic Inflammation
- A slow, long term inflammation that lasts for prolonged periods of time
- The extent and effects of chronic inflammation vary on the cause of injury and the body’s
ability to repair and overcome the damage
AntiInflammatory medications
Corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs
- steroid hormones normally produced by the adrenal cortex
- These drugs induce prednisone and dexamethasone
- Used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases, such as:
- Asthma
- Eczema
- Arthritis
- Mechanism of action
- Inhibits NFkB transcription factor
- Blocks transcription and gene expression of inflammatory proteins - chemokines,
cytokines, interferons
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Reduces inflammation, pain, and fever
- Aspirin, advil, aleve
Production of prostaglandins
- Prostaglandins are lipids made at sites of tissue damage or infection that mediate
- NSAIDs block inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX 1 and 2) to block prostaglandin synthesis
- Since all NSAIDs work the same, they shouldn’t be combined
Acetaminophen (tylenol)
- A pain reliever but not anti-inflammatory
- Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, but not in the same way as NSAIDs
- This means it could be combined with NSAIDs