See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The Theory of Reasoned Action Article in Theory & Psychology · August 2009 DOI: 10.1177/0959354309336319 CITATIONS READS 121 95,745 1 author: David Trafimow New Mexico State University 299 PUBLICATIONS 8,033 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: How do people form behavioral intentions when others have the power to determine social consequences View project Bilingualism and Executive Control View project All content following this page was uploaded by David Trafimow on 20 May 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. The Theory of Reasoned Action A Case Study of Falsification in Psychology David Trafimow NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT. Although Fishbein and Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action has been a leading theory in social psychology for the last few decades, it also has been an object of criticism for much of that period and subject to definitional issues about what an attitude is. One of the main recent criticisms is that the theory is not falsifiable. In contrast, I argue not only that the theory makes risky predictions, and hence is falsifiable under reasonable standards of falsification, but also that at least one of its assumptions has actually been falsified. This specific argument is used to set up a more general argument that psychologists tend to subscribe to a naïve falsificationist viewpoint, invalidly use this viewpoint to evaluate theories, and thereby prevent important empirical research from being performed. KEY WORDS: affect, attitudes, auxiliary assumptions, case study, cognition, falsification, risky predictions, subjective norms, theory of reasoned action One of the most extensive and influential research programs in the history of social psychology was spawned by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein, 1963, 1967, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and its descendants such as Ajzen’s (1988, 1991) theory of planned behavior. A cursory search of the citation index reveals thousands of citations for each of these theories, thereby demonstrating that this program of research has been extremely successful in terms of its influence on the field of psychology. However, the fact that the theory of reasoned action has been influential does not necessarily mean that it is a good theory. It has been subjected to criticisms by several authors (e.g., Greve, 2001; Liska, 1984; Miniard & Cohen, 1981; Ogden, 2003; Smedslund, 2000). The most important criticism, THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY VOL. 19 (4): 501–518 © The Author(s), 2009. Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/0959354309336319 502 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) and the one that inspired the present article, is that the theory of reasoned action is not falsifiable (see Greve, 2001; Ogden, 2003; Smedslund, 2000, for recent examples). Because a theory must be falsifiable to be a good theory, if the theory of reasoned action is not falsifiable, then it is not a good theory regardless of how many researchers believe it to be useful. With this point in mind, I have two goals. The first goal is specific to the theory of reasoned action: I wish to examine whether or not it is falsifiable under reasonable criteria for falsification. In presenting my analysis, I will argue that (a) it has survived some potentially rather destructive tests, (b) in some cases it actually has been falsified, and (c) research emanating from the theory of reasoned action can be used to falsify other theories that, in turn, also have been criticized on falsificationist grounds. The second goal is more general and stems from an observation that researchers who are not psychologists often accuse psychologists of proposing theories that are not falsifiable. Even where only psychologists are concerned, they often accuse theories that have survived for a long period of time as being unfalsifiable (see Betsch & Pohl, 2002; Gannon, 2002; Hellberg, 2006; McGuire, 2006; Roth, Wilhelm, Pettit, & Meuroet, 2005, for a few recent examples not pertaining to the theory of reasoned action). It is my belief that psychologists have not thought through the issue of falsification in a sufficiently critical manner and that accusations of unfalsifiability would be much less common if they did so. Worse yet, I believe that much research of potential value is not performed because researchers blindly assume that the relevant theories are not falsifiable and consequently conclude that the research is impossible. So my second and more general goal is to stimulate researchers to think more critically about falsification. Clearing Out the Philosophical Underbrush Although the notion of falsification as an important criterion for evaluating theories has had a long history in the philosophy of science, the concept became especially widespread because of the writings of Sir Karl Popper (e.g., 1959, 1963, 1972, 1983). At the risk of oversimplifying Popper’s argument, I will reduce it down to its bare essentials. Suppose one has a theory (T) and makes a prediction (O) that follows from it. Does confirming O prove T to be true? Obviously, this is not so, as can be seen from the following invalid syllogism. It is invalid because it commits the crime of affirming the consequent; the observation could be true for some reason other than the truth of the theory. {1} If T then O {2} O {3} Therefore T (invalid conclusion) In contrast, if the observation does not come out, one can validly draw a conclusion about the falsity of the theory by the logic of Modus Tollens as follows. TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 503 {1} If T then O {2} Not O {3} Therefore not T Thus, if one attempts to prove a theory to be true by experiment, then one necessarily commits the logical fallacy of affirming the consequent, whereas if one wishes to disprove a theory by experiment, one can use the valid logic of Modus Tollens. Therefore, Popper urged researchers to try to disprove theories rather than to try to prove them. But if one wishes to disprove theories, then a prerequisite for doing so is that the theories make predictions that might not be true. In short, the theories must be falsifiable. Of course, as Popper was well aware, matters are not this simple. The complexity was described particularly effectively by his student, Imre Lakatos (1978). According to Lakatos, experimental predictions never come only from a theory; they come from a combination of a theory and assumptions that are outside the theory, which he termed auxiliary assumptions. Consider, for example, predictions about the velocities and positions of the planets that have been made from Newton’s Laws of Motion. To make such predictions, it is not only necessary to have a theory such as that proposed by Newton, but it is also necessary to make auxiliary assumptions about the current positions of the planets and their speeds, and to make various other assumptions about the presence or absence of additional astronomical bodies (and their positions, speeds, masses, etc.). Consequently, if obtained data contradict a theory, it is not necessary to conclude that the theory is wrong because the problem may reside in one or more of the auxiliary assumptions (Duhem, 1906/1954; Lakatos, 1978; Meehl, 1990, 1997; Quine, 1953/1980). The possibility of blaming an observational failure on one or more auxiliary assumptions rather than the theory means that the observational failure does not have the power to unequivocally doom the theory. The Lakatosian argument can be illustrated easily with the following syllogism, where A1, A2, and so on, refer to auxiliary assumptions. {1} If (T & A1 & A2 & … An) then O {2} Not O {3} Therefore, not (T & A1 & A2 & … An) = not T or not A1 or not A2 or … not An Given that one appreciates how auxiliary assumptions complicate theory falsification, this appreciation does not, by itself, strongly imply that scientists should not be concerned with falsification. It is possible to argue that Lakatosian difficulties are just that—difficulties—and the fact that something is difficult does not mean that it should not be attempted. Moreover, even though the necessity of having auxiliary assumptions causes absolute falsification to be impossible to attain, it might be possible to have less stringent criteria and argue for some kind of “reasonable” falsification that would be possible to attain. Even if the 504 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) goal is reasonable falsification instead of absolute falsification, this goal is nevertheless out of the question if one’s theory is not, in principle, capable of being falsified. Thus, Popper’s falsification argument retains much of its force despite the fact that auxiliary assumptions preclude the possibility of absolute falsification (see Meehl, 1990, 1997; Trafimow, 2003). But auxiliary assumptions complicate falsification in another way that, to my knowledge, has not been addressed in the psychological literature. To understand the complication, let us ask a simple question: How can one determine whether a theory is falsifiable? The way to do this is to attempt to make predictions from the theory and see if these predictions have the possibility, at least in principle, of being shown to be wrong. But we have already seen that it is necessary to include auxiliary assumptions in the process of determining what the predictions might be. Therefore, to determine whether a theory is falsifiable, it is necessary to specify not only the theory but also a set of auxiliary assumptions to combine with the theory. If the result of this combination is one or more predictions that might be wrong, then the theory is clearly falsifiable (unless one wishes to disallow one or more of the auxiliary assumptions). More importantly, however, if the result of this combination is a failure to derive a testable prediction, we do not have a strong case that the theory is unfalsifiable. It is possible that the theory would make testable predictions if it were combined with different auxiliary assumptions. Thus, to unambiguously deem a theory to be unfalsifiable, one must try out all possible combinations of auxiliary assumptions in conjunction with the theory and show that, in every case, the resulting prediction cannot be tested, even in principle. To my knowledge, this has never been done in the history of science. On the contrary, there are many theories that were thought to be impossible to test at one time and found to be easy to test at later times. For example, prior to the advent of spectroscopy it was considered to be impossible to test theories about the chemical composition of the stars because there was no way to go to them and obtain samples for analysis. However, with the discovery of spectral analysis, tests of the chemical composition of the stars became commonplace. The history of science is replete with similar cases, which is why philosophers (including Popper) speak of whether theories are falsifiable in principle rather than whether they can be falsified at the present time. Even religious theories, which some scientists currently consider to be untestable, are not necessarily so in principle. Consider the religious theory that God created everything. Although this theory has undesirable characteristics, the oft-cited charge that it is, in principle, not falsifiable is not one of them. To see why, let us introduce an auxiliary assumption that there is a prayer that, upon discovery, would induce God to appear and truthfully answer questions. Well, then, suppose someone discovered this crucial prayer, used it to summon God, and asked God directly about creation. God’s denial of responsibility for creation, if it happened, would provide strong evidence against the religious theory. It would not be proof because God might lie about TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 505 his responsibility for creating an imperfect universe, or perhaps the being that answered the prayer is not really God, and so on. But as I pointed out earlier, this is a problem with any scientific theory—contradictory data can always be attributed to wrong auxiliary assumptions rather than to wrong theories. The point is that if one is sufficiently creative about auxiliary assumptions, it is always possible to have tests of seemingly unfalsifiable theories.1 Ultimately, when one decides how much to believe or disbelieve a theory, the issue is the weight of the evidence, the plausibility of alternative explanations, presumptions about the validity of auxiliary assumptions, and so on, rather than conclusive proof or disproof. Although falsification—or at least the naïve version presented here thus far—is clearly an inadequate philosophy of science, a more sophisticated version has some desirable characteristics. For example, Popper argued that although theories cannot be proven, they can be corroborated (supported) to a greater or lesser degree depending on their ability to make risky predictions, which are predictions that are likely to be wrong if the theory is wrong. Of course, as I explained earlier, all predictions, whether risky or not, come from the theory and auxiliary assumptions. Consequently, if one theory makes more risky predictions than another, it might be that the other theory would have made more risky predictions in the context of more creative auxiliary assumptions. Nevertheless, the fact that a particular theory has been shown to make risky predictions is a point in its favour: the theory allows researchers to predict something that they would be unlikely to predict without the theory. Therefore, I will retain Popper’s assertion that, ceteris paribus, risky predictions are a point in favor of the theories that have been demonstrated to make them. Because of the difficulty in evaluating theories without a supporting context of auxiliary assumptions, Lakatos (1978) argued that whole research programs rather than single theories should be evaluated. From a philosophical point of view this is not very satisfying because it suggests that philosophers can deem research programs to be successful only after they have demonstrated themselves to be so, and it would be desirable to be able to make these evaluations on an a priori basis. But from a psychological perspective, particularly from the perspective of evaluating theory of reasoned action research, there has been over 40 years of research, and so it seems reasonable to inquire as to whether this research program has led to risky predictions. If the answer is in the affirmative, that would constitute a strong point in its favour, whereas if the answer is in the negative, that would constitute strong support for its falsificationist critics. The Theory of Reasoned Action This section contains a brief description of the theory of reasoned action followed by two examples of risky predictions that have been made from the theory. 506 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) In one case the risky prediction has been supported, but in the other case it has not. These cases will be split into subsections dealing with the distinction between attitude and subjective norm and whether attitudes have both a cognitive and affective component. Brief Description of the Theory of Reasoned Action The theory of reasoned action can be described briefly as follows (see Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein, 1980; Fisbein & Ajzen, 1975, for fuller accounts). The most proximal cause of behavior is behavioral intention (what one intends to do or not to do). Behavioral intention, in turn, is determined by attitude (one’s evaluation of the behavior) and subjective norm (one’s evaluation of what important others think one should do), either of which might be the most important determinant of any particular behavior. Usually, this is revealed empirically by the beta weights obtained from multiple regression analyses, where behavioral intention is regressed on to attitude and subjective norm. If the result is a larger attitude than subjective norm beta weight, the behavior is deemed to be more under attitudinal than normative control, but if the reverse is true, then the behavior is deemed to be more under normative than attitudinal control. In either case, then, it is desirable to know what determines attitude or subjective norm, respectively, if a researcher wishes to influence the behavior. Attitude is determined by behavioral beliefs (beliefs about the likelihood of various consequences) and evaluations of how good or bad it would be if those consequences happened. Subjective norm is determined by beliefs about what specific important others think one should do and how much one is motivated to comply with those important others. Both attitude and subjective norm are assumed to be determined by summative processes. Thus, to form an attitude, people are assumed to sum behavioral belief-evaluation products (attitude = ∑biei), whereas to form a subjective norm, people are assumed to sum normative belief-motivation to comply products (subjective norm = ∑nimi). The Distinction between Attitude and Subjective Norm The theory of reasoned action has been criticized in many ways. Possibly the most extensive commentary has pertained to the distinction between attitude and subjective norm (e.g., Liska, 1984; Miniard & Cohen, 1981; see Trafimow, 1998, for a review). The basic problem is largely a conceptual one, though there have also been empirical arguments that will not be covered here (but see Trafimow, 1998). To understand the conceptual problem, remember that attitudes are presumably determined by beliefs about consequences (and evaluations of those consequences) whereas subjective norms are determined by normative beliefs (and motivations to comply). But what if behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs are really different names for the same construct? This is precisely the question posed by Miniard and Cohen (1981), whose argument TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 507 can be illustrated by example, as follows. Suppose that the behavior of concern is “eating a chocolate bar” and so a behavioral belief might be “my father will disagree with me if I eat a chocolate bar.” A normative belief might be “my father thinks I should not eat a chocolate bar.” These two beliefs seem to be different ways of saying the same thing, thereby contradicting the idea that there is a strong distinction between them. Clearly, if this distinction is incorrect, the attitude–subjective norm distinction, which is based on it, is also cast into doubt. There is a falsification argument that can be made here. Fishbein and his advocates could come up with counter-examples where the distinction seems to be much stronger than in the foregoing examples, but Miniard and Cohen and their advocates could reply with yet more examples where the distinction seems to fail. Even if researchers agreed on the examples, they could disagree about whether those examples favor the distinction or go against it. Thus, there seems to be a conceptual problem with the theory of reasoned action that renders it unfalsifiable. Nevertheless, in work with colleagues I have performed several sets of experiments that provided reasonably risky tests of the distinction. Fishbein and I (Trafimow & Fishbein, 1994a) made use of an auxiliary assumption that was supported by Stasson and Fishbein (1990) concerning seat belt use under safe or risky driving conditions. Stasson and Fishbein had used a multiple regression paradigm to show that intentions to wear a seat belt under safe driving conditions were attitudinally controlled whereas intentions to wear a seat belt under risky driving conditions were normatively controlled. So Fishbein and I performed three experiments in which we manipulated attitudes towards wearing a seat belt under these conditions with behavioral intentions to wear a seat belt as the dependent measure. If the attitude–subjective norm distinction is a false one, the attitude manipulation should be equally effective in influencing behavioral intentions regardless of whether behavioral intentions are measured in a safe or risky driving context. But if it is really the case that seat belt use under safe driving conditions is attitudinally controlled whereas seat belt use under risky driving conditions is normatively controlled, the attitude manipulation should affect only behavioral intentions in the safe driving context and not in the risky driving context. Three experiments supported this latter prediction. Furthermore, Fishbein and I (Trafimow & Fishbein, 1994b) performed a set of analogous experiments to show that subjective norm manipulations affected intentions to perform normatively controlled behaviors but not intentions to perform attitudinally controlled behaviors. Fishbein and I (Trafimow & Fishbein, 1995) also tested the distinction at the belief level—precisely the level at which the accusation of not being falsifiable seems most appropriate. We invoked an auxiliary assumption about the formation of associations between beliefs to provide a way of testing whether people distinguish between behavioral and normative beliefs. We reasoned that if people really use behavioral beliefs to form an attitude, then 508 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) this would involve comparing the behavioral beliefs to other behavioral beliefs, thereby resulting in the formation of associations among the behavioral beliefs. Similar reasoning applied to normative beliefs suggests that associations between them also should be formed. However, there is no reason to assume that associations are formed between behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs because there is no reason for people to compare them to each other. Well then, suppose that people are asked to write down their beliefs about a behavior. If the first belief retrieved is a behavioral belief, then it should be easy to traverse an associative pathway to another behavioral belief. Similarly, if the first belief retrieved is a normative belief, then it should be easy to traverse an associative pathway to another normative belief. The upshot is that there should be clustering in the retrieved beliefs: the behavioral beliefs should tend to be recalled adjacently to each other and the normative beliefs should tend to be recalled adjacently to each other. Three experiments supported this prediction controlling for a variety of variables such as possible priming effects, the semantic similarity of the beliefs, and others. There have been additional tests. For example, Finlay and I (Trafimow & Finlay, 1996) demonstrated that people, as well as behaviors, can be under attitudinal or normative control. Furthermore, based on this research, Ybarra and I (Ybarra & Trafimow, 1998) showed that priming the private self increases the attitude–intention association whereas priming the collective self increases the subjective norm–intention association. However, I risk belaboring the point that with respect to the attitude–subjective norm distinction, the combination of the theory of reasoned action with carefully selected auxiliary assumptions resulted in successful tests of predictions that easily could have failed. And had these predictions failed, I, at least, would have been more likely to conclude that the theory of reasoned action is wrong than to assume that the repeated failures were caused by invalid auxiliary assumptions. Thus, we have at least one case of reasonable corroboration for a theory that is supposedly not falsifiable. Affective and Cognitive Attitude Components According to the theory of reasoned action, attitude is a cognitive variable: it is an evaluation based on expected likelihoods of consequences and their values (Fishbein, 1980). In contrast, other researchers believe that attitudes contain both an affective and a cognitive component (e.g., Triandis, 1980). To test these possibilities, many researchers have used factor analytic research paradigms—participants are asked to endorse the items that make up an attitude measure, and factor analysis is used to determine if the items load onto one factor or two. Contrary to the theory of reasoned action, researchers typically obtain two factors rather than one, with affective items loading onto one of the factors and cognitive items loading onto the other (Abelson, Kinder, Peters, & Fiske, 1982; Breckler, 1984; Breckler & Wiggins, 1989; Crites, Fabrigar, & Petty, 1994; Triandis, 1980). TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 509 Although the factor analytic research seems to provide a compelling case against the theory of reasoned action, Fishbein (1980) met the challenge with an elegant argument based on three issues. In the first place, factors obtained from factor analyses have to be named, and although there might be agreement on the cognitive factor, it is less clear whether the second factor measures affect or whether it mentions something else (e.g., health). Secondly, if it could be shown that one of the factors is strongly correlated with Σbiei and intention, whereas the other factor is not (or less so), then there is no reason to prefer an “affective/cognitive” interpretation over an “attitude/something else” interpretation; in fact, the reverse would be true. Thirdly, Fishbein presented an actual case where this was so. Furthermore, what Fishbein considered as a health factor, because of its lack of correlation with Σbiei and intention, correlated well with health variables. From a falsification perspective, Fishbein’s (1980) clever argument could be perceived as harming rather than helping the theory of reasoned action. If the factor analytic evidence can be interpreted to support or disconfirm Fishbein’s attitude conception, depending on the argumentative abilities of the researcher, then there would seem to be no way to falsify the theory. But this problem in falsification is unsolvable only if researchers insist on limiting themselves to factor analytic paradigms. In addition to using factor analysis, Sheeran and I (Trafimow & Sheeran, 1998) made use of an auxiliary assumption that we termed the associative hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, beliefs that are more cognitive are likely to become associated with each other, as are beliefs that are more affective. During retrieval, participants traverse associative pathways from cognitive beliefs to other cognitive beliefs and from affective beliefs to other affective beliefs. Using a variety of experimental paradigms, Sheeran and I obtained evidence that corroborates this hypothesis. Our participants tended to retrieve cognitive beliefs adjacently to each other and they tended to retrieve affective beliefs adjacently to each other, even when controlling for potential confounding effects such as linguistic similarity, belief valence, and others. Thus, these data provide reasonable (but not absolute) falsification of an important assumption of the theory of reasoned action that attitudes do not contain distinct affective and cognitive components. Furthermore, this falsification has led to theory change in that more recent versions of the theory include the distinction (e.g., Ajzen & Fishbein, 2005). Extending the Program This section expands on theory of reasoned action research in two ways. The first subsection presents a risky prediction made by Ajzen’s (1988) theory of planned behavior, which is an extension of the theory of reasoned action. The second subsection shows how Fishbein’s distinction between attitudes and subjective norms can be used as an auxiliary assumption to derive a risky prediction from Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. 510 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) Perceived Behavioral Control Ajzen (1988) extended the theory of reasoned action by adding perceived behavioral control—how much control people think they have over their behavior—as an additional determinant of behavioral intention. Perceived behavioral control is usually measured by items such as “X is under my control” and “X is easy for me to perform.” Note the implicit assumption that perceptions of control and perceptions of difficulty are the same thing. Contrary to this assumption, my colleagues and I (Trafimow, Sheeran, Conner, & Finlay, 2002) have performed the following three demonstrations. Most importantly, we showed that there are behavioral intentions that are affected by manipulating control beliefs but not by manipulating difficulty beliefs; whereas there are other behavioral intentions that are affected by manipulating difficulty beliefs but not by manipulating control beliefs. If the two types of beliefs are equivalent, these differential effects should be impossible to obtain. Secondly, we performed several experiments showing that different control beliefs are more associated with each other in memory than with difficulty beliefs, and that difficulty beliefs are more associated with each other than with control beliefs. Thirdly, we performed a meta-analysis showing that difficulty is a better predictor of more behavioral intentions than is control. Thus, the perceived behavioral control issue provides a nice case where a widely cited extension of the theory of reasoned action has been demonstrated not only to be reasonably testable but to have failed some of the tests.2 Fishbein and Freud Although Fishbein’s theory of reasoned action has been considered by many to be unfalsifiable, the most famous example of a supposedly unfalsifiable theory in the history of psychology would have to be Freud’s psychoanalytic theory (Freud, 1908/1959; 1922/1955; see Sarnoff, 1976, for an accessible review). In this subsection, I intend to demonstrate not only that Freud’s theory is testable, but that it can be tested by using the distinction between attitude and subjective norm, from the theory of reasoned action, as the crucial auxiliary assumption. A central concept in Freud’s theory concerns the Oedipal Complex, where young children are faced with the perceived choice of conforming to the samesex parent’s proscriptions or being punished severely. According to Freud, young children usually pick the former choice, which results in their internalizing the same-sex parent’s values. But although the young children’s behaviors are strongly influenced by their parents’ proscriptions, this influence decreases as the children grow older. In the first place, they develop defense mechanisms that allow them to do more of what they want to do while still pretending (even to themselves) that they are behaving according to their internalized values. Secondly, with increasing maturity they gain physical and mental abilities that make them increasingly independent of parental constraints. TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 511 There is a clear parallel between Freud and Fishbein. Stated in terms of attitudes and subjective norms, Freud’s theory clearly implies that younger children, who are more dependent and have less well-developed defense mechanisms than those in older children, should be particularly highly influenced by what they think their parents think they should do; their behaviors should be under normative control. In contrast, older children should be more likely to intend to perform behaviors according to their own evaluations; their behaviors should be under attitudinal control. My colleagues and I (Trafimow, Brown, Grace, Thompson, & Sheeran, 2002) actually tested this prediction in a large sample of children ranging from ages 8 to 16. We measured these children’s attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions to perform 30 behaviors and we performed both between-participants and within-participants correlational analyses and multiple regression analyses. Contrary to Freud’s theory, although children of all age groups tended to be much more under attitudinal than normative control, there were no differences in attitudinal or normative control across the age groups for either between-participants analyses or withinparticipants analyses. Furthermore, the lack of a difference is not due to a lack of discrimination between the behaviours, because there were large mean differences across age groups. For example, younger children had much more positive attitudes and intentions to “pretend to be asleep” than did older children. Thus, it was not the responses on the variables that were the same across age groups but rather the relationships between the variables. In summary, Freud’s theory is often cited, even in undergraduate textbooks, as the prototypical example of an unfalsifiable theory in psychology (e.g., Bernstein, Clarke-Stewart, Roy, Srull, & Wickens, 1994; Myers, 1992; Ryckman, 1993) despite the numerous empirical tests and applications of the theory that have been reviewed by Fisher and Greenberg (1996). One reason it has been considered to be unfalsifiable may be because it is difficult to figure out how one would actually test it. In the present language, it is difficult to see what auxiliary assumptions one could make that would allow for a reasonable test of the theory. But the fact that the crucial auxiliary assumptions are difficult to find does not mean that they cannot be found. In the Trafimow et al. (2002) study, the attitude–subjective norm distinction from Fishbein’s theory of reasoned action was used as the crucial auxiliary assumption and it resulted in a reasonable (but not absolute) disconfirmation of Freud’s theory. It is ironic that the theory of reasoned action, which has been accused of being unfalsifiable, turned out to be capable of being used to falsify a central aspect of Freud’s theory, which has also been considered to be unfalsifiable. Discussion Readers of a preliminary version of the present article suggested relevant issues that will be addressed in this section.3 One issue that has been addressed in 512 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) detail by Putnam (1975), Smedslund (1991), and Michael and Lise Wallach (1998; also see L. Wallach & M.A. Wallach, 2001) is the issue of tautologies and near-tautologies. Triandis (1980) pointed out an example of a tautological proposition in the attitude area—specifically, that attitudes have often been defined as predispositions for behavior. Given this definition, Triandis asserted that the numerous tests that have been conducted of whether attitudes predict behaviors seem misplaced because attitudes must predict behaviors by definition, regardless of any empirical findings. Less extremely, Michael and Lise Wallach (1998) suggested that much research in social psychology involves the use of near-tautologies—theories that “are so entrenched in the system of assumptions implicit in social psychological thinking that they cannot be disconfirmed” (p. 184). Because the system of assumptions in which social psychology theories are entrenched is so strongly accepted, any deviations of data from predictions would be deemed to be due to faulty auxiliary assumptions rather than due to the wrongness of the theory (or the wrongness of the implicit assumptions to which the theory is tied). It might seem that tautological or near-tautological theories are not capable of being falsified. It is true that falsification is an irrelevant consideration for tautological propositions—there can be little doubt that definitions are not susceptible to falsification (Putnam, 1975). But they are susceptible to considerations of utility, as can be seen by examining the history of attitude research. It was largely because of numerous demonstrations of low or nonexistent attitude– behavior correlations (reviewed by Wicker, 1969) that Fishbein and Ajzen were led to redefine attitudes as evaluations of behaviors rather than as predispositions to perform them, thereby rendering the predictive and causal effects of attitudes on behaviors as empirical questions. By making this new definition the centerpiece of their theory and by adding useful auxiliary assumptions in the form of a measurement model, they were able to dramatically improve the prediction of behaviors. Thus, the problem is not whether one definition or another definition is true (“true” has no meaning in this context), rather it is their relative utilities that are in question. The relative utility of definitions, in turn, depends largely on the relative success of the theories in which they play a role. Thus, although definitions themselves are not falsifiable, empirical research can lead them to be changed for the better (Quine, 1953/1980). And whatever the definitions are, the theories that contain them can be exposed to risky predictions with the adroit use of auxiliary assumptions. Let us now consider near-tautologies. I tend to agree with Wallach and Wallach (L. Wallach & M.A. Wallach, 1998; M.A. Wallach & L. Wallach, 1998) that the particular examples of research they cite as near-tautological are not major contributions to psychology. However, I disagree with them about why this is so. According to Wallach and Wallach, the theories are not capable of being falsified because they are too closely tied to the implicit assumptions social psychologists have (O’Donohue, 1989, termed these “metaphysics”). But I see nothing, in principle, that makes it impossible for researchers to make their TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 513 metaphysical assumptions explicit, make more creative auxiliary assumptions, or propose theories that are less closely tied to metaphysical assumptions, any or all of which could result in the derivation of interesting hypotheses that could be falsified under the criterion of reasonable falsification. It is true that researchers tend not to follow these prescriptions and that there would be resistance from other psychologists who buy into the metaphysics that are currently fashionable, but this is a normal hurdle in most sciences. I believe that the problem with the research that Wallach and Wallach cite is that the theories are simply uninteresting and uninformative, possibly because they are so closely entrenched in what psychologists believe anyhow.4 Indeed, I used Bayes’s theorem to demonstrate how the proposal of theories and hypotheses that are too plausible, given one’s metaphysical assumptions, leads psychologists to conduct research that fails to affect our levels of confidence in them (Trafimow, 2003). In summary, although I agree with Wallach and Wallach that much social psychology theorizing is too closely tied to the metaphysics that are currently fashionable, I disagree that this creates an insurmountable falsification problem; one can always provide reasonably risky tests of theories given sufficiently creative auxiliary assumptions. One reason that many social psychology theories seem unfalsifiable may be that they are obvious given the metaphysics to which they are so closely tied, and it is this seeming obviousness that causes the illusion that they cannot be subjected to reasonable falsification efforts. Boundary Conditions Greenwald, Pratkanis, and Leippe (1986) stated that social psychology theories are overgeneralized: the boundary conditions are narrower than is apparent from the writings of proponents of these theories. In addition, Greenwald et al. pointed out that there is a confirmation bias that retards progress because researchers are so busy looking for evidence that confirms their theories that they may not find out what the boundary conditions are for decades. To address this problem, Greenwald et al. suggested two research strategies that move away from theory testing. The idea of the condition-seeking strategy is to search for the conditions under which the predicted effect occurs or does not occur. This strategy can be used iteratively to obtain increasingly precise results. For example, one might find that result R occurs under condition C1 but not under condition C2. In turn, further research might indicate that condition C1 produces result R only under condition C3, and so on. In contrast, the idea of the design strategy is to try to find conditions under which one can obtain a presently unobtainable result. Both strategies move the researcher away from theory testing and towards obtaining a more detailed empirical picture. As Greenwald et al. (1986) recognized, these strategies can be criticized. They cited Cronbach (1975), for example, as arguing that strategies such as these, rather than leading to more scientific progress, instead lead to an infinitely lengthy process of accumulating increasingly trivial findings. Greenwald et al.’s 514 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY 19(4) counter to this criticism is that interactions between conditions can be stated in either a more empirical or a more theoretical way, and if one chooses the latter, then Cronbach’s criticism no longer applies. But there is a problem with this counter-argument. If one describes complicated interactions between conditions with theoretical terms rather than with empirical ones, then overgeneralization is forced because the obtained interactions between conditions doubtless interact with some other condition yet to be specified. Given that the main point of the Greenwald et al. article was to avoid overgeneralization, and given that their counter-argument to Cronbach assumes a strategy that, if used, would result in precisely that effect, they can hardly be said to have successfully addressed Cronbach’s criticism. Nevertheless, the condition-seeking and design strategies may be useful for a completely different reason that relates to the present discussion of falsification. Specifically, these strategies seem likely to make one aware of some of the auxiliary assumptions that were implicit in the original research or to make one aware of other possible auxiliary assumptions that could be used. Because the process of falsification is so dependent on auxiliary assumptions, any strategy that leads researchers to become more aware of the ones they are using or to discover others that could be used is likely to increase the efficacy of falsification efforts. Ironically, although Greenwald et al. wanted to move away from a theory-testing paradigm, the methods they espoused, if followed, would be likely to result in better tests of theories. Conclusion Although the necessity of auxiliary assumptions to derive empirical hypotheses renders absolute falsification impossible, it is nevertheless possible to make progress in that direction depending on how creatively one selects and uses auxiliary assumptions. By explicitly considering the conditions under which predicted and unpredicted results may or may not occur, the creative selection of auxiliary assumptions is likely to be augmented. A broad knowledge of research outside one’s own area is also likely to help in this regard because it increases the number of areas from which auxiliary assumptions can be drawn. As was illustrated by the Freud example, sometimes theories in one area can act as useful auxiliary assumptions to test theories in other areas. Finally, the mere consciousness of the importance of auxiliary assumptions may serve as a prime to increase the creativity with which researchers select them. Whether a researcher uses one of the methods listed in the foregoing paragraph or a different method to increase the creativity with which he or she selects and uses auxiliary assumptions is not a matter of overwhelming concern. What is of overwhelming concern is that the use of any method to creatively select and use auxiliary assumptions to test a theory is unlikely if one begins by assuming that the theory is not falsifiable. Consequently, I have argued that all TRAFIMOW: THE THEORY OF REASONED ACTION 515 theories are amenable, in principle, to some degree of falsification, depending on how adept one is at choosing auxiliary assumptions. In addition, several examples were provided of tests that could have resulted in a reasonable degree of falsification or that actually did result in a reasonable degree of falsification of ideas that had been said by at least some people to not be falsifiable. My fervent hope is that rather than devote research efforts to explaining why particular theories are not falsifiable, researchers will devote efforts to either criticize theories on other grounds or to work harder to actually test them. Notes 1. The reader may consider the discovery of a crucial prayer of this sort to be unlikely. But how unlikely would it have seemed to an 18th-century chemist if someone had suggested the possibility that one day scientists would determine the chemical composition of the stars from the light that they radiate? 2. It may be possible to save the concept of perceived behavioral control by treating it as a superordinate concept that has distinct “control” and “difficulty” components. However, this treatment of perceived behavioral control clearly differs from Ajzen’s original (e.g., 1988) one. 3. I thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this article. 4. 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ADDRESS: Department of Psychology, MSC 3452, New Mexico State University, PO Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003–8001, USA. [email:] View publication stats