What I want you to do go ahead and close your eyes would stop please if you are driving don't do this, do it at a later time go ahead and close your eyes and now just go ahead and float right of in the air comma in your imagination, in your Minds I just float way up in the air and down below and in front of you I want you to construct this stage in your Minds I way down below and in front of you just go ahead and construct the stage and this is all in your imagination you are constructing that stage now and now it's time to invite certain people to that stage so call them out it groups or as individuals. let us just invite certain people to that stage right now and why not to start with access pins wives boyfriend's girlfriends just invite any of your excess or x business partners any access to the stage right now finally exist to the stage And the question you want to ask them is do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I'm heading in my personal evaluation and if the answer is yes then it is your choice as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no that absolutely have them stay on the stage good and how often inviting friends friends childhood friends for friends from the child just inviting them on the stage and the question you want to ask them is do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then it's your choice as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay and now how about your friends friends that are currently friends invite them to join all others on the stage and the question you ask is the same do you totally support my magnificence, the direction that I am adding my personal Revolution and if the answer is yes then it's your choice as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no that absolutely have them remain on this stay on the stage. and how about co-workers or anybody who acts like a coworker, employees in white them to the stage and the question you ask is the same do you totally support my magnificence that direction that I'm adding in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is note and absolutely have them stay in the stage and now how about clients students or anybody who act like a client or student you can ask the question to you totally support my magnificence the direction that I am heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have that remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely have them remain on the stage and now how about peers invite your peers to the stage you can ask them to question do you totally support my differences the direction that I am heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose whether to connections have the remain on the stage and if the answer is not an absolutely have them stay and now it is the time to invite bosses past and present for anyone who has acted as a boss and you can ask the question do you totally support my magnificence, Get direction that I am heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay. and now teachers invite teachers passed and present on the stage and ask the question do you totally support my magnificence, the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely they have them stay. and now in white horns and uncles or anyone who has acted like on an uncle very good and as they come on the stage as well so far down and in front of you you are still way up in the air and looking down on them as your arms and uncles or anybody one who has acted like on Uncle comes on the stage ask them to question do you do please support my magnificence the direction the time heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay. and now how siblings brothers and sisters or anybody who has acted as a brother or sister invite them on the stage and ask them the question do you totally support my magnificence command the direction that I am heading in my life and my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay on the stage. and now children invite the children on the stage or anybody who is acting like a child to come to the stage as well you can ask the question do you totally support my magnificence the direction I am heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no the absolutely have them stay. and now grandparents in white grandparents on the stage or anybody who has acted like a grandparent ask them the same question do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I am heading in my personal evolution and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay in order to cut connections. and now invite parents or anybody who has acted like a parent or onto the stage and ask the same question to you totally support my magnificence command and Direction that I am heading in my personal and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay in order to cut connections. and now at this time I would like you to invite anybody else who you feel should be there on that stage so anybody else who they are just invite them on the stage at this time that's right and you may even want to invite yourself on the stage when not and as you continue to float way up for up in the year you meet notice thin we speak calls are attached with them did you notice that now in a moment you are going to have conversation with them with everybody on the stage something to the extent of I forgive you do you forgive me and notice you can get forgiveness both ways. now if at any point you feel any challenge you feel challenged all you have to remember is that you are only forgiving a part of your self are you not so go ahead and have the conversation now and notice you can forgive them and they can forgive you just notice you can get forgiveness both ways once again if there is a challenge remember you are only forgiving part of your self so just notice you can do that very good now I want you to imagine your top of the head opening up as you continue to float way up and you are looking down the stage in front of you I want to invite infinite source of love light and heat link pouring in from the top of your head and flowing into your body now I want you to invite they invoir infinite source of love right and healing pouring down from the top of your head to the tip of your toes just allow this infinite source of love light and healing pour into your body and feeling healing you totally and completely. pouring healing allowed to fill in the entire body now very good excellent and now allow the infinite source of love light and healing to overflow from your heart down to the stage overflowing from the heart down to the stage to fill the people on the stage with love light and healing feeling them with healing them completely totally healing them totally completely healed excellent and I want you to imagine that just above the thin wispy ethereal cord attach you to them in just imagine the two Big steel blades in a moment not yet ,in a moment those blades will fall and severe the energetic connections the energetic ties that connect you to them so allow those blades to fall Right now Sheeeeshe severing the energetic ties severing those connections totally and completely and you may notice that people on the stage begin to fly away to drift away to learn and grow and evolve and let them go let them go and if the are any remaining aka connections or ties just pull them up back into yourself and notice you can totally sever Sheee the energetic ties once they tied to them and allow the steels to disperse and allow them to float away to the distance to learn to grow and to evolve and to grow allow them all to grow go go go allowing the stage to clear totally and completely clearing stage until the stage is empty right about now very good excellent Now I want you to imagine a ring of light like a doughnut of light over your head and I want you to allow that doughnut of light begin to expand and descend around your forehead going down cleansing severing any remaining energetic ties cutting them cleansing severing. Allow to descend the doughnut of light through the bridge of your nose down all the way down the face around the jaw to the neck cleansing severing any remaining energetic ties Coming down the neck and then widening around the shoulders until it expands to the arms and it branches out as two donuts of light now going down the biceps and down around the elbows down around the forearms all the way down to the wrist and hands and then going down the very tips of the fingers totally cleansing and severing any remaining energetic ties allow those donuts of light to continue to move back up around the hands wrists around the forearms of both sides up around the elbows and the biceps and then rejoin at the shoulders once again around the upper torso coming down now around the chest cleansing severing remaining energetic ties down around the lower back and the stomach around the buttocks and then splitting once again splitting as two donuts of light down the thighs around the knees the backs of the knees down the calves and the shins and then all the way down to the feet flats of the feet and then all the way out to the tips of the toes and then shoot back up two donuts of light cleansing severing as they come back up the feet and the ankles calves and the shins back around the kneecaps up the thighs and then rejoin again rejoining again at the trunk of your bodyand shooting back up the stomack the lower back cleansing severing cuting the energetic ties all the way up to the chest splitting into two doughnuts of light down the biceps around the elbows down the forearms out to the hands and all the way to the tips of the fingers and then back up shheee back up the hands around the wrists forearms around the elbows back up the biceps and then rejoining again at the shoulder coming back up again one singular doughnut of light up around the chin the cheek bones around the bridge of the nose and once again all the way up across the forehead and the at the top of the head totally cleansing and severivng any energetic ties that once wer there.Excellent Good job very well done. And Just come back down the room and right back down in the now right back in the room and right back in the now. Well done.Welcome back. How was that.I hope you enjoyed that process.Really a wonderful process for letting go of relationships that no longer serve you or assisting people to learn and evolve and grow on there own. Remember energetic ties and energetic connections can be reconnected at any time by simply coming in contact with somebody or thinking strongly about them. You can go through the process again so wonderful process to use in your own life constantly to redefine your focus and to see people in new ways . If you are using for coaching of other people so if you are using for other people remember the steps and the 1st step is to float up in the air and the 2nd step is to construct a stage in your minds eye down and below you the third step is invite people to the stage the 4th step is once everybody is at the stage then you want to have the conversation with them something to the extent of i forgive you do you forgive me and you may notice the thin wispy energetic cords that attach them to you and then what you do is once you get there forgiveness the infinite source of love and light healing pouring in from the top of your head and in your body totally and completely overflowing your heart and down to those people on the stage at which point you cut the energetic ties with the steel blades.So thats the process.as you take this process with you i hope it assists you in forging stronger relationship including more of those relationships you want and severe those that don't serve you. And remember if the thing is humanly possible consider to be within your reach. Steps of Forgiveness process Now here is the process I've laid out for you.And then I will walk you through the process. next time and here is how it is done the first thing I'm going to have you do is to imagine in your mind that you are floating up in the air not yet don't do as yet I'm just studying you the process by the way if you are driving a car it is probably best to either stop the car and go through the process or to turn the CD off and to go through the process until later time. so here is the process here is all the steps first thing you will do is to imagine in your Minds eye that you are floating in the air and then you are going to imagine the stage down below you to construct the stage in your Mind’s eye. And you are looking down at the stage down & in front of you not yet but when we go through the process and then what I'm going you to have to do his two invite certain people to that stage and the people you will invite will be those who you wish to cut the energetic ties to either cut off the ties completely or to begin a new way so you will invite them to the stage at which point you are going to have a conversation with them once you got everybody on the stage you will have the conversation with them something of the type I forgive you do you forgive me So that will be the conversation that you have with them just noticed that you can give forgiveness both ways you can forgive them and they can forgive you if you have any challenge giving somebody to forgive you just remember that you are really forgiving a part of your self so then what I'm going to have you a imagine is infinite source of love and light light and healing above the top of your head I want you to imagine that your top of the head opens up and the infinite source of love light and healing feels the whole of your body feeling you totally and completely healing your body and once you have totally full I will have you imagine overflowing out of your heart and feeling People on the stage as well. so that there too may be totally healed. you may notice by the way when you go into this process thin wispy Ethereal chords attach you to them almost like a corn that attach you to them to the people on the stage these are the energetic ties you have with these people. the ancient hawaiians called these ties as AKA which is thin wispy Spider-man substance and the Ark is really just energy so it's an energetic connection that you have whatever we tension anything are coming out a contact with something we leave in energetic connection and energetic trail in fact I'll give you an exercise so you can see how this works in a moment I'll show you an exercise you can do in a moments of that you can see that actually what I'm telling you is true that when touch something when we touch something we leave that energetic trail so once you've done forgiveness from them and you flow the infinite source of love and light healing into your body and overflowing out your heart down to those people on stage then I'm going to have you imagine big blades of Steel coming down in several cords can attach you to them having connection with energetic connection with them so that they might be able to go on to learn and grow and evolve and just allow them at that point to disappear to float off the stage to float away and then you can pull any of the remaining energetic ties into yourself and just allow them to go off on their own that's the entire process of forgiveness by the way if you have people to forget process with them as well so wonderful process of it I sometimes use as much as once a day so really clears the energetic ties it allows you to reacts with people that's the process oh now I promise you next exercise that I give you so you can see how we energetic ties with anything that we touch or I want you to do if you're driving the car and you want to do this he had to stop to do this you can pull over and go to the exercise or just do it it'll later time but this is the exercise to see what I want you to do is I want you to place your palms flat together right now it's good and place your palms flying together but I want you to do is I want you to rub your hands very quickly rub your hands very quickly rubber see you generate the heat between your two hands from faster faster keep rubbing rub your palms for a few Palms lavender just keep going I want you to do this for about 30 seconds until they get nice and hot rubbing your palms faster Kitty creating that sort of friction between the two hands good now once it's nice and warm I want you to begin One another so they're parallel the water bring them out and in and at some point as you continue to bring them out and in bringing them too far out just bring them so they're about two three inches apart what you're gonna feel is you're gonna feel that energetic connection like a magnetic connection between the two hands as you bring the hands of heart and closer together at some point you'll feel that magnetic connection at some point as you just test it bringing them in bringing them out bringing them in other it is you may feel that energetic magnetic pole that's the connection I see energetic connection and we create this energetic connection anytime we touch something come into contact with it or think about somebody in the strong way we can create that energetic connection with them to be teaching you how to cut the energetic ties either let go past relationships or the Beginning so let's go through the process right now so you need to find yourself either in the privacy of your own room of your driving public car over and go to the process but it's a phenomenal process that will release your energy from dispersement allow you to focus and harness your energies in a way which will take you forward in your life and stuff backwards some other direction okay so let's get through the process right now FOUNDATION FOR THE FORGIVENESS PROCESS So now we're going to do is we're going to move beyond anchoring and we're going to talk about a mental process that you can utilize for yourself or for coaching for others and you can utilize this process to Forge strong relationships and also to release relationships that no longer serve you this is called the forgiveness process and creation technologies so oftentimes in our lives we have a relationships which no longer serve us and We're holding on energetically to relationships from the past which no longer service after holding on to an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend or an EXP spouse or maybe you're holding on to somebody who's passed on and holding on to them is no longer serving you or them energetically maybe is taking Focus away from a present relationship that you might be in maybe you're taking your focus away from by holding on to pass relationships you're taking your focus away from your career or your health or your children it's also been said that in like who you become as a result of the people you hang out with in the books that you read so you may want to take a close look at the associations that you have and notice that they're supportive of the direction that you're moving in your life or not so there are certain relationships in our life that it would be better to cut the energetic ties with and they and the technique that I'm about to teach you as a technique for cutting those energetic kinds with past relationships also it's a technique which will allow you to see people unnew or to interrelate with them in the new way like if you're having problems or challenges where somebody in your life you can cut the energetic connections with them inside your mind so that you can begin a new with them and see them a new when you see them the next time before managers if you have employees you may choose to cut the energetic ties with your employees so that you can see them a new each day for salespeople if you had a challenge with a prospect you might want to cut the energetic times with them so you can look at them and parents will tend to keep their children as children through the way they project them and you see this sometimes I'd like a child will have grown up and the parent is still treating their son or daughter like a child and they keep them in the role of being a child so parents by cutting the energetic ties with their children can treat them a new and see them how they really are today so it's an extremely powerful technique and extremely useful technique so it's called the forgiveness process by the way some people find that when they use this process if they have friends who are at all energetically in tuned those people become aware of the fact that they've had the energetic ties cut with them in fact in a lot of the classes that we teach will teach this process and people will say that they've come back or they've received calls immediately like it will go through the processing class and they'll receive a page or receive a phone call from somebody that's said hey I just didn't feel connected it says possible to people will reconnect once you go through this process or attempt to reconnect in which case you may want to use the process and cut the energetic ties again there's two options that might happen with people when you cut the energetic ties either they'll they'll disappear from your world and you just won't have them in your experience of life anymore which is sometimes good maybe better for them to learn and grow and evolve maybe let them know and order for them to do that it might be in their best interest or you have the option of reconnect so that's your choice once you cut the energetic ties THE FORGIVENESS PROCESS I want you to do is, I want you to go ahead and close your eyes please if you are driving don't do this at a later time. Go ahead and close your eyes and now just go ahead and float right up in the air in your imagination or in your mind's eye just float way up in the air and then down below you and in front of you I want you to construct the stage in your mind's eye way down below and in front of you. just go ahead and construct the stage now this is all on your imagination you are constructing that stage now and now it's time to invite certain people to that stage so I'll call them groups or as individuals but let's just invite certain people to that stage right now and why not start with x's ex-husbands wives boyfriends and girlfriends just invite any of your x’s or ex business partners any types of x’s to the stage right now.invite all your x’s to the stage and the question that you want to ask them is “do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” and if the answers is yes then its your choice as to whether to have them remain on the stage to cut the ties, now you can cut the energetic ties for the purpose of reconnecting again afterwards or you can cut them permanently, so if they say yes to your question you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. And now how about inviting childhood friends,friends from the past childood just invite them to join the others on the stage and the question to ask them is “do you totally support my magnificence, the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then it's your choices is to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. Now how about current friends, friends that are currently in your life friends that are around you invite them to join all the others on the stage and the question to ask is the same it's “do you totally support my magnificence,the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to cut the connections with them and if the answer is no, absolutely have their remain on the stage And now how about co-workers or anybody who acts like a coworker invite them to the stage co-workers or employees invite them all on the stage and the question to ask is “do you totally support my magnificence,the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage if the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. Now how about clients students or anybody who acts like a client or student you can ask them the question “do you totally support my magnificence,the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to cut the connections and if the answer is no, then absolutely have them remain on the stage. And now how about peers invite your peers to the stage you can ask them the question as well “do you totally support my magnificence, the direction that I am heading in my personal evolution” and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to cut the connections, if the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. And now it's time to invite bosses fast and present or anyone who's acted like a boss, you can ask them the question as well, “do you totally support my magnificence, my personal evolution and the direction that I'm heading” if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage if the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. And now teachers invite teachers past and present to join the others on the stage and the question you can ask them is “do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I am having & my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage If the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. Now it's time to invite extended family cousins second cousins and third cousins, have them come out to the stage as well and you can ask them that same question “do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I'm heading and my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then, you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay. And now invite aunts and uncles or anyone who's acted like an aunt or an uncle, very good and as they come out to the stage as well that's so far down below you in front of you and you're still way up in the air looking down on them your aunts or and uncles and anybody who’s acted like an aunt and uncle comes to the stage, ask them the question “do you totally support my magnificence and the direction that I'm heading in my life” and if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no, absolutely have them stay. And now how about siblings brothers and sisters or anybody who's acted like a brother and sister, a brother or sister invite them out to the stage as well and ask them the question “do you totally support my magnificence and the direction that I'm heading in my life my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no, absolutely have remain on the stage. And now children invite children to the stage or anybody who's acted like a child as they come to the stage as well you can ask them the question “do you totally support my magnificent the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to have them remain on the stage and if the answer is no, then absolutely have them stay. And now grandparents invite grandparents to the stage or anybody who's acted like a grandparent ask them the same question “do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I'm heading in my personal evolution” if the answer is yes then choose weather to have them remain, if the answer is no then absolutely have them stay in order to cut the connections. And now invite parents or anybody who's acted like a parent on the stage and ask them the same question “do you totally support my magnificence the direction that I'm heading in my personal evaluation if the answer is yes then you can choose as to whether to cut the connections with them,and if the answer is no, then absolutely have them remain And now at this time I'd like you to invite anybody else who you feel should be there on the stage, so anybody else who they are just invite them to the stage, now at this time anybody else you feel should be there that's right and you may even want to invite yourself out on the stage why not and as you continue to float way up in the air, you may notice at this time the thin whiskey ethereal cords attach you to them like umbilical cords that looks like spider webby links substance. You may notice that. Now in a moment You are going to have a conversation with them with everybody on stage something to the extent of, I forgive you, do you forgive me? and you'll notice that you can get forgiveness both ways. Now if at any point there were any challenges getting forgiveness one way or the other, all you have to do is to remember your only really forgiving a part of yourself,aren’t you, so go ahead and have that conversation right now and notice you can forgive them and they can forgive you. Just notice you can get forgiveness both ways once again if there is any challenge to get if there's any challenge just remember your only really forgiving a part of yourself so just notice you can do that very good very good now I want you to imagine the top of your head opening up as you continue to flow way up in the air and you're looking down at the stage down below you know and I want you to invite an infinite love light healing pouring into the top of your head just flow into your so imagine an infinite source of love and light Healing in the top of your head filling your entire body if it were a hollow vessel from the top of your head all the way down to the tips of your toes just allow that infinite source of love and like healing to poor into your body healing you totally completely pouring in Healing allow it to fill your entire body now very good excellent and now allow that infinite source of love and like overflow here down to the stage overflowing right out your heart down to the stage and fill all of those people on the stage with love and laying them with healing them totally completely totally healing them totally excellent and now I want you to imagine that just above the thin whiskey ethereal chords that attached you to them just imagine too big Steel blades now in a moment not yet but in a moment those blades will never the courts the blades will fall in seven the energetic connections the energetic ties the taiwu to them so how those blades to fall right now severing the energetic ties severing those connections totally severing and you may notice that the people on stage begin to fly away to drift away to learn and grow and evolve and that's okay let them go let them go if there's any remaining octave connections or energetic ties just energetic and exists just back up into yourself but notice that you can totally several guys that wants to do to the stage to disperse allow them to float away often to the distance to learn and grow them allowing the stage to clear out totally and completely clearing stage until the stages empty right excellent now I want you to imagine a ring of light like a donut of light at the top of your hand and I want you to allow that don't like to begin to expand and descend around your forehead doing down cleansing severing any remaining energetic eyes allow that donut of light to descend down around the bridge of your nose around your cheekbones down all the way down around the face and around the jump to the neck cleansing severing any remaining energetic coming down around the neck and then white make in the shoulders until it written expands to the arms and branches off the two donuts of light now going down the biceps down around the elbows down around the floor Arms all the way down to the wrists and then going down to the very tips of your fingers totally cleansing and severing cutting any remaining allow those donuts of light to continue and to shoot back up the arms back around the hands in a wrists around the forearms on both sides up around the elbows the biceps and then rejoining as they hit the shoulders once again around the upper torso coming down now around the chest cleansing severing any remaining energetic ties down around the lower back in the stomach around the buttocks and then splitting once again into two donuts of light around the legs around the knees now the calves and The Shins and then all the way down to the feet flats of the feet and then all the way tips of the toes back around caps that's forearms on both sides up around the elbows the biceps and then rejoining as they hit the shoulders once again around the upper torso coming down now around the chest cleansing severing any remaining energetic ties down around the lower back and the stomach around the buttocks and then splitting once again into two donuts of light around the backs of the knees down the calves and The Shins and then all the way down to the feet flats of the feet instead and then all the way out to the very tips of the toes and they should back up like cleansing severing as they come back around the feet Back around decaps and then rejoining once again at the trunk of your body shooting back up the stomach the lower back cleansing all the way up the chest but splitting in the two donuts of light again at the arms down the biceps around the elbows down before Arms out to the hands and all the way to the tips back up the hands around the wrists the forearms around the elbows back up the biceps and then rejoining once again at the shoulders going back up the one singular donut of flight comes up around the chin cheap bones once again all the way up across the forehead totally cleansing ties that once were there excellent good job very well done just come right back down into the room and right back down into now right back well done welcome back how was that I hope you enjoyed that process really a wonderful process for letting go of the relationships that no longer serve you or assisting people to to learn and grow and evolve on their own remember energetic ties and energetic connections can be reconnected at any time by Simply coming into contact with somebody or thinking strongly about them if they do you can just go through the process again so wonderful process to using your own life constantly redirect your focus where you needed to be or to see people in new ways you can also use that process for coaching of other people so if you want to use the process for other people just remember all the steps so the first step is to to float up in the air second Step is to construct a stage in your mind's eye down below you third step is to invite people to the stage the fourth step is once everybody's on the stage then you want to have the conversation with them something to the extent of I forgive you notice the thin whiskey energetic cord that attach them to you then what you'll do is once you've got there forgiveness you'll imagine that infinite source of love and like healing pouring in from the top of your head filling your body totaling completely overflowing out your heart down to those people on stage at which point you'll cut the energetic ties with the steel blades so that's the process as you take this process out with you I hope that it assists you in forging stronger relationships and creating more of those types of relationships that you want and viewer of those that don't serve you and remember until we speak again if the thing is humanly possible consider it to be within your reach