Uploaded by Jaymar Altares

Linguistics Article Analysis: English Education in the Philippines

Name: Juan Dela Cruz
Submitted to: Mr. Jaymar Altares
1. Provide details of the journal article. (APA format) -*do not include this when you pass your
work. CAPITALIZE the title of the journal/article
English Language Education in the Philippines. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 8(2), 129151
2. Summarize the article. Just include the major details -*do not include this when you pass
your work (300 words)
I. Summary
The article or paper emphasizes the vital responsibility of English in the improvement and
alteration of the way Filipinos educate and touch the social lives of people due to various matter
inside and outside the country. It enables us to think beyond what we know as English language is
not just a universal language for nothing; it is a bridge to strong communication and one of the
ingredients towards the path of essential knowledge and understanding especially in today’s
generation. Different point of views was discussed that contributes a lot in gathering of information
to justify and pinpoint the discussion of the study. Learning this paper allows us to fight for our
nationalistic principles, to stand firm and use English language so that other people can clearly
analyze what are the situations and circumstances that we are fighting for. According to CaniesoDorillana, one of the chosen source of information in the study, a new “literacy” is defined as “a
range of skills and competencies ---- cognitive, affective and behavioral --- which enables
individuals to live and work as human persons, develop their potential, make critical and informed
decisions, and function effectively in society within the context of their environment and that of the
wider community (local, regional, national, global) in order to improve the quality of their life and
that of society”. Based from the description given, the study indeed aims to bring the quality of
education higher than what we are obtaining at this very moment, with regards to understanding
English among Filipinos in their various fields. Going deep beyond the content also involves
sociolinguistics and based from the articles, it is defined in numerous ways by different people,
different personality, state of living and degree of education. Linguistics will always have been
part of our lives, and as a Filipino, keeping this golden treasure of information can bring us to
superior quality of education, position, and outlook or perspective in English language. It is
therefore concluded that a good Filipino user of English is a critical decision-maker, how he or she
uses English is a matter that is of historical, cultural, and political significance. Philippine English
is of great importance all in all, as everyone must be an effective citizen of the country where
Filipino and English language are highly dominating in a free country that seems voiceless in our
current situations having this genuine and infrequent topic.
3. Explain and critique the methods use and/or the findings presented. -*do not include this
when you pass your work (250 words)
The author gathered different information from various professionals that will strengthen
the study. The paper was scrutinized carefully and everything comes with clear and essential ideas
not just for us, students, but also for all the Filipinos across the country.
First, citation of the author for the researcher’s capacity to bunch up these ideas from
different persons. It is a good point that the author arranged up to something beyond this situation.
Not just a mere collection of definitions, but comparing and contrasting of description in a specific
term to justify and clearly analyzed the fact that we should not focus on just one idea, one thought
and one perspective --- as a learner, we must be equipped enough to let our ears working whenever
you hear something relevant or simply essential for everyone.
Aside from that, it is notable that it is not just the definition that matters, but also the key
points or ideas of the researcher itself. The author uses generalization, evaluation, looking over the
information and application of it in our everyday lives. It taught us that learners are learning if the
educator was able to connect it with real life, linking up means another chance or opportunity to
broaden the information and strictly disseminate it for learners as well as the educators of our
country, Philippines.
Including situational or true to life experiences brought the study to a higher level as well.
It is really necessary that all people can relate while reading or looking at the findings presented
by the author or researcher. It is called voiceless communication and this is effective if everyone
understands what’s on their mind and you’re able to explain it to other person, adding your own
perspective towards the topic. That starts the debate of prior knowledge and background
understanding regarding the hot idea. It is really good in writing a paper that you’re able to defend
yourself against everyone who has different viewpoint from you.
Proper referencing adds credibility to the paper. That means that it surpasses thorough steps
before actually putting the data on the piece. It can also help the learners to search more, think
more, educate more and believe more that discovering one’s idea will help you to be more curious
and explore new things again and again. Satisfying the hunger for education means a lot for a
learner like us who values education the most.
Arranging of subtopics or clear distinction of the topic that the author will discuss is also
noteworthy. Because it will help the learners to focus on one certain thing from the start without
looking at it in a complex manner. Starting one by one, little by little, the clarity and essence of
the study will surely be at stake from the very beginning.
After the comprehensive explanation and critique in the presented findings, conclusion will
always save the day. Conclusion has a huge role in planting the key point or the most important
findings that the researcher will proudly present. For example in the article that I’ve analyzed, it
is shown that if this is the view of English in the Philippines, therefore, it may harmonize people’s
initiatives to make education an arena of struggle and change in order that it will work for
themselves and for social development. And that what happens if linguistic goes critical.
4. Offer your opinion on the value of the study. (250 words)
- What have you realized?
- What is your reaction to the article in general? Why do you feel /think that way?
The topic of the study is something I can relate, of course. As a teacher of English, I am
well-trained or well-nurtured to use English language in my everyday classes. Ever since, I know
that something is critical or curiosity strikes, that a certain thing still bothers your mind. For me,
the study is highly essential in my field, as a teacher, I am able to use the ideas and information
given in the article. Honestly, there are some terms that I’m not familiar with and I am really
5. What connection do you see between the ideas presented in the article to the English
Language Teaching? What are the ideas that directly relate to your field? –(250 words)
This study surely helps in giving additional knowledge to everyone and it can affect the
way people look at their own perspective. It is satisfying if you’re able to connect your thoughts
and the things you have discovered. It is like building another set of ideas that could highly
contribute in exploring new accomplishments.
Typewritten, Times New Roman, 12, single-spaced, 2-3 pages, short bond paper, HARD COPY