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Symbols of Canada Worksheet

Symbols of Canada
Grade 1
www.GradeONEderful.com By _________________________ O Canada! Our home and na9ve land True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise Our true north, strong and free From far and wide, O Canada We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free O Canada! We stand on guard for thee O Canada! We stand on guard for thee. Our country is __________________________________ . Our province is __________________________________ . Our city is ______________________________________ . Beaver
Long ago beaver pelts were very important to the Hudson Bay Company and Canada. Beaver Fact 1: ___________________________________________________ Beaver Fact 2: ___________________________________________________ Maple Leaf
The sap from maple trees in Quebec is used to make delicious maple syrup. The maple leaf is found on Canada’s _____________ and _____________. Inukshuk
An Inukshuk tells you, “You are on the right path.” Inuksuit are markers for ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Canada Goose
Geese are cheerful, social and have strong family and community 9es. They were important to early Canadians for their warm down and tasty meat. Goose Fact 1: ___________________________________________________ Goose Fact 2: ___________________________________________________ Totem Poles
Totem poles are carved from cedar by First Na9ons People. They are found in the Pacific Northwest. Totem Pole Fact 1: ___________________________________________________ Totem Pole Fact 2: ___________________________________________________ Caribou
The caribou is a symbol of Canada’s _________________. It is found on the Canadian _________________. Crayon rubbing of a quarter. RCMP
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or Moun9es, are Canada’s na9onal police force. Moun9es can be _________ or _________________. Moun9es help _________________________________________________. Answer Key: 1. The maple leaf is found on Canada’s penny and flag. 2. Inuksuit (plural for inukshuk or inuksuk) are markers for direc9on, hun9ng grounds, fishing places and camps. 3. The caribou is a symbol of Canada’s north. 4. It is found on the Canadian quarter. 5. Moun9es can be men or women. 6. Moun9es help keep Canadians safe. O Canada
Illustra9ng the na9onal anthem: 1. Listen to the CDs. 2. Read the two books below. 3. Discuss the meaning of the lyrics. 4. Children work in pairs to illustrate two lines of the anthem. (See next page) Accompanying Art Projects
Make a handprint Canadian flag on the front of the booklet. Paper plate beaver crab or mask from DLKT’s Crabs for Kids. hcp://www.dltk-­‐kids.com/animals/mplatebeaver.htm Na9onal Geographic Video: hcp://video.na9onalgeographic.com/video/kids/animals-­‐pets-­‐kids/
mammals-­‐kids/beaver-­‐kids/ Watch this Inukshuk video on YouTube: hcp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKQ97rOwBH0 Go outside, gather small rocks, build your own inukshuk. Glue the rocks together. Outline the inukshuk with black. Draw 3 black, horizontal wavy lines. Use felts to colour the background. Na9onal Geographic video about Canada Geese: hcp://video.na9onalgeographic.com/video/animals/birds-­‐animals/waders-­‐and-­‐
waterfowl/goose_canada/ Totem Poles of Haida Gwaii, B.C.: hcp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOod-­‐HJULvw Totem Pole art: hcp://linesdotsanddoodles.blogspot.ca/search?updated-­‐
max=2010-­‐11-­‐14T12:13:00-­‐08:00&max-­‐results=7 Caribou migra9on video: hcp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu9KkwoMYAk Canada Books
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