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WWI Worksheet: Terms, Events, and Alliances

Fill in the blank. Use each answer only once. Worth 2 points each.
1) ______ total war
2) ______ No Man's Land
3) ______ information designed to influence
opinion or to control the narrative
4) ______ tear, chlorine, phosgene, and
5) ______ occurred in Russia in 1917
6) ______ signed on 11/11 at 11:00
7) ______ balloon used in WW1 for
reconnaissance and rescue
8) ______ Serbian nationalist group behind
the assassination of Archduke
9) ______ used to raise money to cover the
costs of war
10) ______ payments for war damages
11) ______ Sussex Pledge
A) examples of poisonous gas
B) war in which everyone in the country has a
role to play in victory
C) propaganda
D) reparations
E) Black Hand
F) promise by Germany to not sink any more
passenger/merchant ships without warning
G) the area between the trenches and the most
dangerous place on the battlefield
H) zeppelin
I) Bolshevik Revolution
J) armistice for WW1
K) Liberty and Victory Bonds
Multiple Choice. Only 1 correct answer per question. Worth 3 points each.
12) ______ In 1908 the Serbs became furious when
A) the Ottoman Empire refused them independence
B) Austria-Hungary refused them independence
C) A Slav assassinated their leader
D) Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia
13) ______ President Wilson's peace plan was known as the
A) Zimmerman Telegram
B) Sussex Pledge
C) Treaty of Versailles
D) Fourteen Points
14) ______ According to the Zimmermann telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany
A) would send troops to support the Huerta government
B) prevent the United States from taking control of Mexico
C) help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
D) help Mexico take control of Central America
15) ______ In the case Schenck v. the United States, the Supreme Court ruled that
A) immigrants from countries at war with the United States could be excluded from positions
of power
B) freedom of speech could be curbed in wartime
C) the right to bear arms could be limited for immigrants
D) the Sedition Act was unconstitutional
16) ______ The event that touched off the first declaration of war in WWI was
A) the assassination of the archduke of Germany
B) the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Ferdinand
C) the German invasion of Belgium
D) the German invasion of Russia
17) ______ To conserve energy during WWI, the Fuel Administration introduced
A) longer workdays
B) daylight savings time
C) Hooverizing
D) corn-based fuels
18) ______ In WWI, airplanes were first used to
A) transport troops to the front
B) bomb enemy trenches
C) observe enemy activities
D) bring supplies to the troops
19) ______ The Lusitania was a British passenger ship which
A) had no American passengers.
B) was sunk in 1915 by a German U-boat.
C) carried Woodrow Wilson to Europe after the war.
D) was commandeered by the US navy.
20) ______ Criticism of the war at home was effectively silenced by the government's use of
A) the Committee on Public Information
B) the Espionage and Sedition Acts
C) the Red Scare
D) the Palmer raids
21) ______ The partitioning of Africa was an example of
A) imperialism
B) socialism
C) stoicism
D) communism
22) ______ The "Big Four" who attended the peace conference at the end of WWI were the
leaders from the US, Britain, France, and
A) Russia
B) Germany
C) Italy
D) Austria-Hungary
23) ______ Rationing during WW1 was ______________.
A) not necessary.
B) wasn't a big deal.
C) voluntary, but most Americans complied willingly.
D) would be over quickly.
24) ______ Which of the following inventions was caused by the development of trench warfare?
A) tanks
B) airplanes
C) rapid-fire machine guns
D) poison gas
25) ______ Although Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany was seen as the country
that started WWI because
A) they had the first submarines.
B) they were more aggressive than Austria-Hungary.
C) they had a larger military.
D) they invaded France via Belgium.
26) ______ The __________________ was the motivating reason behind the United States’
entrance into WWI.
A) invasion of Belgium
B) Tampico Affair
C) declaration of war on Serbia by Austria-Hungary.
D) Zimmerman Telegram
Fill in the blank. Use each answer only once. Worth 2 points each.
Put the countries below into the correct WW1 alliance.
27) ______ Great Britain
A) Triple Entente
28) ______ Italy
B) Triple Alliance
29) ______ German Empire
C) Triple Entente
30) ______ France
D) Triple Alliance
31) ______ Russia
E) Triple Entente
32) ______ Austria-Hungary Empire
F) Triple Alliance