GROUP PRESENTATION - SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENTS 10% Your group will present on a sustainability management instruments, taking on an either one of two roles. One group is responsible for describing the key features of the instrument as well as its benefits, and the other is responsible for critically assessing them and discussing their potential shortcomings. Roles, as well as the sustainability management instruments, will be designated to each group. Please make sure to answer the listed questions for your role carefully. Presentations are to be 5 minutes long – short and concise, focusing on big ideas – and at least two group members must speak. Questions can be asked of any group members. The presentation should be uploaded to Mycourses by noon of the date of the presentation session. Instruments Instrument group ISO 14001 What is the instrument about? I.e. its purpose What are the sustainability benefits of the instrument? SASB Standards What elements / processes does it consist of? What are the business benefits of the instrument? SA8000 What does it take for a business to adopt/use the instrument? What type of costs are involved in this? What are the potential downsides and unintended consequences of the instrument? GRI presentation Reflection group You will be divided into two different groupings: Instrument presentation groups and Reflection groups. Each grouping will have a total of ten presentation (2 roles for each of the 5 instruments) as comments afterwards. The group designations will be provided after the groups have been finalized. ISO 14001 SASB SA8000 GRI Room 1 (?) Room 2 (?) Instrument Reflection Instrument team team team 1 2 9 Room 3 (?) Reflection Instrument Reflection team team team 10 18 19 3 5 7 12 15 17 4 6 8 11 13 16 20 22 24 21 23 A. READINGS FOR THE SESSION MANDATORY FOR ALL: Behnam, M., & MacLean, T. (2011). Where is the accountability in international accountability standards? A decoupling perspective. Business Ethics Quarterly, 1(1), 45–72. van Bommel K, Rasche A, Spicer A. From Values to Value: The Commensuration of Sustainability Reporting and the Crowding Out of Morality. Organization & Environment. April 2022. doi:10.1177/10860266221086617 Supplementary articles, depending on group: ISO 1401: o Boiral. (2011). Managing with ISO Systems: Lessons from Practice. Long Range Planning, 44, 197-220 SA8000: o Boiral, O., Heras-Saizarbitoria, I., Testa, F., 2017. SA8000 as CSR-Washing? The Role of Stakeholder Pressures. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 24, 57–70. SASB Standards: o Busco, C., Consolandi, C., Eccles, R.G. and Sofra, E. (2020), A Preliminary Analysis of SASB Reporting: Disclosure Topics, Financial Relevance, and the Financial Intensity of ESG Materiality. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 32: 117-125.