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Technical Report Writing: Guide & Best Practices

Welcome to TEC400
Technical Communication, Week 4
Braden Evans, PhD – Summer 2020
Who are you?
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Name (optional)
What makes you unique?
Most interesting place visited
Week 4 Lecture
• Introductions
• Fake news?
• Bi-weekly #2 & Teamwork Assignment
• Writing Technical Reports
• APA Tutorial & Quiz
Week 4 Audio
• City news podcast, Jan. 2019
• Deep fakes, fake news, misinformation...
• Barack Obama calling Donald Trump a “complete and total dip
shit”… OMG!
• How can we trust what we hear in the news media?
Email Assignment & Teamwork Assignment
• Thoughts & Feedback?
Writing Technical Reports
• Technical reports have specifications
• Specifications involve layout,
organization and content, format of
headings and lists, design of graphics
• Advantage of required structure &
format  anyone can expect them to be
designed in a familiar way
• Know what to look for and where to
Writing Technical Reports
• Reports are usually read in a
• People are in a hurry to get to
the information they need, the
key facts, the conclusions
• A standard report format is
like a familiar neighborhood
Writing Technical Reports
• Design of a technical report: repetitive sections
• Duplication targets how people read reports
• We don't read reports straight through
• Maybe start with executive summary, skip around, not read
every page
• Challenge: design reports so that readers encounter your
key facts and conclusions, no matter how much of the
report they read or in what order they read it!
Writing Technical Reports
• The following standard
components of a typical
technical report are
guidelines(!), not
• Different companies,
professions, and
organizations have their
own varied guidelines for
• Adapt your practice to
those of your organization
Letter of Transmittal
• The transmittal letter is a
cover letter
• Either attached to outside
of the report with a paper
clip or bound within the
• Communication from you—
the report writer—to the
Letter of Transmittal
• Essentially: "Okay, here's the
report that we agreed I'd
complete by such-and-such
a date… it contains this and
that, but does not cover this
or that… Let me know if it
meets your needs."
• The transmittal letter
explains the context—the
events that brought the
report about. It contains
information about the report
that does not belong in the
• Standard business-letter
• First paragraph. Cites the
name of the report, in italics
• Middle paragraph. Focuses on
the purpose of the report and
gives a brief overview of the
report's contents
• Final paragraph. Encourages
reader to get in touch if there are
questions, comments, or concerns
• Closes with a gesture of good will,
expressing hope the reader finds
the report satisfactory
• May have to modify contents of
this letter for specific situations
• E.g. adding another paragraph,
listing questions you'd like readers
to consider as they review the
Who are you?
Name (optional)
What makes you unique?
Most interesting place visited
Cover Page
Covers give reports a solid, professional look as well as
• Clear plastic slip covers should be avoided
• Aggravating to use, awkward, static electricity
• Aim for a cover that allows the report to lie open, e.g. spiral
*If report is over ten pages, bind it in some way
Abstract and Executive Summary
• Abstracts summarize the contents of
a report
• Different types of abstracts do so in
different ways
• Descriptive abstract: Provides an
overview of the purpose and
contents of the report
• Sometimes placed at the bottom of
the title page
Abstract and Executive Summary
Executive summary:
• Also summarizes key facts and
conclusions contained in a report
• Much longer than an abstract
• Imagine using a yellow highlighter
to mark the key sentences in the
report and place them onto a
separate page, editing them for
Abstract and Executive Summary
• Usually 1/10 – 1/12 length of
reports ten to fifty pages long
• For reports over fifty pages,
executive summary should
not go over two pages
• The point of the executive
summary is to provide a
summary of the report—
something that can be read
• Executive summary,
introduction, and transmittal
letter may seem repetitive
• Remember that readers don't
necessarily start at the
beginning of a report and read
page by page to the end
• They skip around!
• Maybe scan table of contents;
skim the executive summary
for key facts & conclusions
• May read carefully only a
section or two from the body
of the report, skip the rest
• So(!), reports are designed
with some duplication
• Readers will be sure to see
the important information
Table of Contents (TOC)
• How much time have you spent
contemplating TOC design?
• Hours, no doubt…
• TOC shows readers what topics
are covered in the report
• How those topics are discussed
(the subtopics), organized and
• Which page numbers sections and
subsections start
Table of Contents (TOC)
Several design decisions:
• Levels of headings
• Longer reports, include only top
two levels of headings (keeps
TOC tighter)
• TOC should provide an ‘at-aglance’ way to finding
information quickly
• Words in TOC are the same as in
the text – using headings features
in word processors ensures
Table of Contents (TOC)
Several design decisions:
• Indentation, spacing, and
• Items in different levels of
headings should align with each
• Page numbers should right-align
with each other
• Capitalization: Main chapters or
sections are all caps; first-level
headings use initial caps on each
main word; lower-level sections
use initial caps on the first word
List of Figures and Tables
• Many of the same design
considerations as TOC
• Readers use the list of figures to
find illustrations, diagrams, tables,
and charts in a report
• Figures are: illustrations, drawings,
photographs, graphs, and charts
• Tables are rows and columns of
words and numbers; they are not
considered figures
List of Figures and Tables
• For longer reports that contain
dozens of figures and tables…
• Create separate lists of figures
and tables
• OR
• Combine the two lists under the
heading, "List of Figures and
Tables," and identify the items as
figure or table
• Essential element!
• Must be clear on its real
purpose and contents
• In a technical report, the
introduction prepares the
reader to read the main body
of the report
What makes a good introduction?
• The introduction is one of the most important sections of a
report, often poorly written
• We misunderstand the purpose of introductions
• Introduce readers to the report, not necessarily the subject
• "Introduction" is not "background"; may contain background,
but more than that
• Readers need to know: what is it about, why was it written,
What makes a good introduction?
• For 10-page reports,
introductions = 1 - 1.5 p
• ~ three paragraphs
• Background information
introducing subject matter
• Two paragraphs introduce the
Common Elements of Introductions
• Early in introduction, indicate specific topic of the report
• Imagine you can circle the topic words in the first three
to four lines
Purpose and situation
• A good intro must indicate why report was written, for
whom, for what purpose
• Also consider limiting scope: what it is not intended to
Common Elements of Introductions
• Indicate who are the appropriate or
intended readers of the report
• For example, "experienced
technicians trained on the
• Indicate level of experience or
knowledge readers need to
understand the report
• If none is needed, say so!
Common Elements of Introductions
Overview of contents
• Indicate the main contents
of the report
• Maybe use an in-sentence
• If concerned about readers’
exaggerated expectations,
indicate what topics the
report does not cover
Common Elements of Introductions
Background on the topic
• Some minimal background is
• E.g. key definitions, historical
background, theory, the
importance of the subject
• Information to generate interest
• If it’s getting too detailed... move
it in to the body of the report
Common Elements of Introductions
Background on the situation
• Another kind of background
• …the situation that brought
about the need for the report
• E.g. conflicting data about
some new technology…
more research needed
• Background on why the
report was written
Section Introductions
• More than one intro?
• Individual sections also need some sort
of introduction
• Prepare readers to read a section of a
report — contents and purpose, show
some linkage to the preceding section
• Does not need all the elements of a
report introduction
• Can make a lot of difference in the
clarity and flow of a report
Section Introductions
Topic indication
• Indicate the topic of the
upcoming section
Contents overview
• List the main contents
• Very useful - transitional
phrasing indicates how
preceding section relates to the
one about to start
Revision Checklist for Introductions
• Avoid writing an introduction consisting of only background
• Background information should not overwhelm the key elements
of the introduction
• Make sure to indicate the topic early
• Indicate audience & situation: what readers should expect; what
knowledge or background is needed; what situation brought
about the need for the report
• Make sure there is an overview of the report contents, plus
Who are you?
Name (optional)
What makes you unique?
Most interesting place visited
Body of the report
Main text of the report – sections
between the introduction and
• Headings
• Use headings to mark off the
different topics and subtopics
• Headings enable readers to skim
report, jump to points with
relevant/important information
• Headings are like the parts of an outline that have been pasted
into the actual pages of the document
• alert readers to upcoming topics and subtopics
• help readers find their way around in long reports, skip what
they are not interested in
• break up long stretches of straight text
• Also useful for writers stay organized and focused on the topic
First-Level Headings:
• For formal reports with multiple sections ("chapters")
• All-caps
• Use Roman numerals
• Bold the entire heading including the Roman numeral
• Centered on the page
• Start a new page whenever you have a first-level heading
• Begin on the standard first text line of a page
Second-Level Headings: In smaller documents (e.g. two-page set
of instructions), first-level headings are too much. Start with
second-level headings in the body of smaller documents.
• Headline-style caps
• Use bold
• Do not include outlining apparatus such as "A." or "B." or "1."
• Not centered, align left
• Leave more vertical space above this heading than below it
• E.g. use equivalent of 2 blank lines between previous text and
second-level headings and equivalent of 1 blank line between
second-level headings and following text
Third-Level Headings: Third-level headings "run in to" the
paragraph they introduce
• Sentence-style caps (init-cap only the first word and any proper
• Use bold for third-levels including the period
• End third-levels with a period, which is also bold
• Do not include outlining apparatus such as "A." or "B." or "1.“
• Align left
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
• Use bulleted, numbered
lists where appropriate
• Lists help by:
• emphasizing key points
• making information easier
to follow
• breaking up solid walls of
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
Symbols, Numbers, and
• Technical discussions ordinarily
contain lots of symbols, numbers,
and abbreviations
• Remember that the rules for using
numerals as opposed to words
are different in the technical world
• Writing out all numbers below 10
does not always apply in technical
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
Lists are useful
• Emphasize selected information in regular text
• List of three or four items strung out vertically on a page rather
than in normal paragraph format is more noticeable
• Easier reading (e.g. instructions - each step is numbered and
• Lists create more white space, spread out the text
• Like headings, lists are an important feature of professional
technical writing
• Help readers understand, remember, and review key points
• Help readers follow a sequence of actions or events
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
• Use lists to highlight or emphasize
text, enumerate sequential items
• Make list items parallel in phrasing
• Use a lead-in to introduce the list
items and to indicate the meaning
or purpose of the list
• When two items are alternatives,
use a bulleted list (with or
between). Do not use numbered
lists for items connected by or
• When planning final section of your
• Think about the functions it can
perform in relation to the rest of the
• Last section or paragraph or a
• Can be presented as a summary, or
as a “true” conclusion
• One common way to wrap up a
• Review and summarize the high
• If report is long/complex, use this
section as an opportunity to leave
readers with the right perspective
• Tell them the most important things
you told them
"True" Conclusions
• More logical
• E.g. in the body, you might present
conflicting theories and explore
related data
• Or compared different models and
brands of some product
• The "true" conclusion presents your
resolution of the conflicting theories,
your choice of the best model or
• Extra sections following the conclusion
• Include items that do not fit in main part of the report, but
cannot be left out
• Large tables of data, extensive sample code, fold-out maps,
background too basic or too advanced for body, large
illustrations that do not fit in the body
• Content too large for the main report, or would be distracting /
interrupt flow
• Each appendix is given a letter (A, B, C…)
Page Numbering
• All pages (excluding front and back covers) numbered; but not
displayed on some pages
• Contemporary design, all arabic numerals; Traditional design, all
pages before introduction use lowercase roman numerals
• Special pages, e.g. title page, page one of introduction, page
numbers not displayed
• Easiest location: page numbers at bottom center of page
(hidden on special pages)
• If page numbers at top of page, hide them on chapter or section
openers where a heading or title is at top of page
• Teamwork Assignment!