Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region _____ SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF __________________ _______________ DISTRICT _________________ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL STRATEGIC INTERVENTION ACTION PLAN IN ENGLISH SY 2023-2024 (Month Date Target) OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES TIMELINE PERSONS INVOLVED MATERIALS/FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT MARK OF SUCCESS REMARKS 1. Identify reading level of learners in English (phonemic awareness, fluency, reading comprehesion) Administer Rapid literacy assessment test for Grade _ pupils. Parents Orientation Preparation of Rapid Literacy Assessment Tools Home Visitation First week of (Month) Grade __ pupils and teacher/ adviser Rapid literacy assessment tool Result of rapid literacy assessment test Identified reading level of each learner in Grade __ by 2nd week of (Month) Last week (Month) to (Month) School head, teachers and home partners Resource person (teacher), power point presentation of the topic Improved teaching ability of home learning partners School head, teachers, parents and pupils, learning Facilitators Reading Materials (printed and audio visual materials) Attendance sheet and monitoring form 2. To improve reading ability of the learners Orientation/upgrading of home learning partner’s skill in teaching reading Administration of reading through 4 E’s and project MORE Provide reading materials based on the reading level of the learners Improved reading ability of the learners Continues monitoring on reading development of grade __ pupils Group learners according to their reading level for easy administration Conduct regular reading activities Monitor the progress of reading activity Conduct Rapid literacy assessment (post-test) (Month) to (Month) School head, teachers, parents and pupils, community partners Rapid literacy assessment tool Teaching devices for reading were ready to be used and utilized Result of the Post Reading Assessment Prepared by: _______________________ Noted: ______________________________________ Developed and upgraded teaching devices in reading