FLAT Implementation Report: Grade VI Literacy Assessment

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur
San Luis District II
Kalilid Elementary School
Prepared by:
Submitted to:
T-III/Class Adviser
MT-1/School English Coordinator
School Principal
Reading is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them.
When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols and we use our brain to convert them into
words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.
Reading also make you smarter. We know it’s been proven that reading makes you smarter.
Readers display greater knowledge of how things work, vocabulary and language development, as well
as information on people and things. Therefore, we teachers must make “Reading a Top Priority” to
learn by our learners.
Last January 10, 2022, the teachers in Kalilid Elementary School headed by our School
Principal Mr. Andres E. Dapal conducted an Echo-Training Workshop on Enhancing Skills in Teaching
Reading facilitated by our School English Coordinator Mrs. Maria Regina D. Paz. This echo training
workshop was all about ORIENTATION on Functional Literacy Assessment Tool (FLAT) which
assesses the highest level of reading the children can perform comfortably. The FLAT is used to
measure The Child Well-being Target on Functional Literacy with children nearing end of primary
school, Grade 6 or equivalent.
The reading level considered as ‘functional’ if a child can read through the story or a local
material and answer at least through two fact retrieval questions about the story or local material
correctly. We have given different Reading Test Competencies for every Grade Level with different
In our class in Grade VI-Hyacinth, we have implemented this Functional Literacy Assessment
Tool to our 17 males and 7 females with a total of 24. Following the guidelines in using this assessment
tool and following also the proper health protocol to prevent the spread of the covid-19, I together with
my parent reading volunteers namely Maryjane M. Wagas and Fernd-Ann B. Vidal, we were able to
identify if our learners are in or not in the Letters Level, Word Level, Paragraph Level, Story Level,
Comprehension level and Local Material level.
The following is the tool we used.
Using this material, we have listed as to what level each of our pupils belong and we happily
listen to them as they utter each words from the tool and ask them with questions from the tool
regarding the materials they have read. Here are the photos we have taken during the implementation
of FLAT in our section.
Some pictures were taken in the homes of our learners and others in our school due to some
different time our volunteers are available. There are pupils also who have done using FLAT by me as
their reading teacher.
We used a template given to us by our school English coordinator and here we have listed the
result of implementing the FLAT. There we only have 2 males belonging to critical risk which means
they are 50% able to read with comprehension by end of basic education and the rest of the males and
all of our females belong to Relative Low Risk which means they are over 80% able to read with
comprehension by end of basic education.
The data we have gathered from implementing the FLAT shows that 22 out of 24 pupils
enrolled in my section are functionally literate for the literacy target. Even with this nice result, I still
have 2 struggling readers who needs more reading intervention to improve their reading level and the
22 functionally literate pupils should also undergo more reading activities to prepare them in the next
grade level where texts are more difficult and where new vocabularies for them will be required.