Property alpha antialiased color solid_capstyle solid_joinstyle data label linestyle Possible property values float Boolean A matplotlib color 'butt', 'round', or 'projecting' 'miter', 'round', or 'bevel' [x_data, y_data] string '-', '--', '-.', ':', ... (see above) Description alpha compositing enables transparency Enabled anti-aliasing of the line Color of the markers, line How the cap of a line appears How the join of a line appears The arrays of x and y coordinates The label to use for the line The style of the line linewidth float The width of the line when drawn. marker '+', ',', '.', '1', '2', ... (see above) The style of the marker to use markersize float The size of the marker visible Boolean Show/hide the line Character(s) b g r w k y m c --. : Line color/style Blue Green Red White Black Yellow Magenta Cyan Solid line Dashed line Dashed-dot line Dotted line Character(s) . , o + X v ^ < > * p Marker style Point marker Pixel marker Circle marker Plus marker X marker Triangle-down marker Triangle-up marker Triangle-left marker Triangle-right marker Star marker Pentagon marker Character(s) 1 2 3 4 h H D d | _ s Marker style Tri-down marker Tri-up marker Tri-left marker Tri-right marker Hexagon1 marker Hexagon2 marker Diamond marker Thin diamond marker Vertical line marker Horizontal line marker Square marker The matplotlib package can be used for plotting in Python. matplotlib replicates the plotting capability of MATLAB, an engineeringoriented programming language. matplotlib is short for "MATLAB plotting library." Script: A file containing python code passed as input to the interpreter Module: a file containing python code imported by a script, module or the interactive interpreter Dot notation: used to reference an object in an imported module Import: executes the contents of a file containing python code and makes the definitions from that file available . Print(all([1,2,3])) = True print(any([0,0])) = false • • • • • • isalnum() -- Returns True if all characters in the string are lowercase or uppercase letters, or the numbers 0-9. isdigit() -- Returns True if all characters are the numbers 0-9. islower() -- Returns True if all cased characters are lowercase letters. isupper() -- Return True if all cased characters are uppercase letters. isspace() -- Return True if all characters are whitespace. startswith(x) -- Return True if the string starts with x. • endswith(x) -- Return True if the string ends with x Range(5,0,-1) = 5 4 3 2 1 range(5,0,-2) = 5 3 1 ceil: max pe round floor:smallest pe round my_str=’Johnny Depp’ my_str[::2] = ‘Jhn ep’ my_str[2::] = ‘nny Depp’ my_str[0:1] = ‘J’ < left aligned > right aligned ^ centre aligned 1-sys module checked for HTTP server 2-module object created 3-HTTP server added to sys modules 4-HTTP server code executed 5-HTTP server added to importer’s namespace Built in modules = sys,time,math Hashlib module: a python standard library module that contains a no. Of algorithms for creating a secure hash of a text msg A built-in module is a module that comes pre-installed with Python; examples of built-in modules include sys, time, and math. If no matching built-in module is found, then the interpreter searches the list of directories contained by sys.path, located in the sys module. Larger projects might contain tens or hundreds of modules or use third-party modules located in different directories. In such cases, a programmer might set the environment variable PYTHONPATH in the operating system. An operating system environment variable is much like a variable in a Python script, except that an environment variable is stored by the computer's operating system and can be accessed by every program running on the computer n Windows, a user can set the value of PYTHONPATH permanently through the control panel, or temporarily on a single instance of a command terminal (cmd.exe) using the command set PYTHONPATH="c:\dir1;c:\other\directory". __name__ is a global string variable automatically added to every module that contains the name of the module. Ex: my_funcs.__name__ would have the value "my_funcs", and web_search.__name__ would have the value "web_search". If if __name__ == "__main__" is true, then the file is being executed as a script and the branch is taken. Otherwise, the file was imported and thus __name__ is equal to the module name, e.g., "web_search".A package is a directory that, when imported, gives access to all of the modules stored in the directory. Large projects are often organized using packages to group related as keyword renames an imported module or package fn. Displays the graphDocstring is a string literal placed placed in the 1st line of a function bodyUse a for loop when the number of iterations is computable before entering the loopUse a for loop when accessing the elements of a containerUse a while loop when the no. Of iterations is not computableChr() converts integer to characterOrd() converts string to integerFixme comment attracts attention to code that needs to be fixed in the futureBreak statement in a loop causes the loop to exit immediatelyContinue statement causes an immediate jump to the while or for loop Function Description Function Number representation and theoretic functions ceil(x) Round up value factorial(x) factorial (3! = 3 * 2 * 1) fabs(x) floor(x) fmod(x, y) fsum(x) Remainder of division Description Absolute value Round down value Floating-point sum of a range, list, or array. Power, exponential, and logarithmic functions exp(x) Exponential function ex log(x, (base)) pow(x, y) Raise x to power y Trigonometric functions acos(x) Arc cosine sqrt(x) atan(x) atan2(y, x) cos(x) Arc tangent Cosine Length of vector from hypot(x1, x2, x3, ..., xn) origin Convert degrees to radians(x) radians cosh(x) Hyperbolic cosine Complex number functions gamma(x) Gamma function Mathematical constants Mathematical constant pi (constant) 3.141592... asin(x) sin(x) degrees(x) Natural logarithm; base is optional Square root Arc sine Arc tangent with two parameters Sine Convert from radians to degrees tan(x) Tangent sinh(x) Hyperbolic sine erf(x) Error function e (constant) Mathematical constant 2.718281...