A block is attached to a spring and is free... A marker fixed to the table indicates the position of...

A block is attached to a spring and is free to slide over a frictionless tabletop.
A marker fixed to the table indicates the position of the left edge of the block when the
system is in equilibrium. The marker is displaced laterally to allow the block to oscillate
without striking the marker. Let x denote the displacement of the block from this
equilibrium position (with displacements to the right considered positive). The circular
frequency of this particular block and spring system is 8radians per second.
Suppose that the block is pulled 4.00cm from its equilibrium position and released.
A. Write an equation describing the block position x as a function of time.
B. Write an equation describing the velocity of the block as a function of time.
C. What is the period of the motion?
D. At a time of 0.0625 s after release, what are the position and the velocity of the
E. Same as part D, but at a time 0.1875 s after release.
F. Same as part D, but at a time 0.200 s after release.
G. What is the difference in phase of the oscillation between the two times specified
by parts D and E above?