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How to Close Every Sale: Summary by Joe Girard

G e t M o t i v a t ed S emina r s P r esen t s
volume 75, number 87
For Leaders
A c h i e v e r s W h o Wa n t
F ac t s ... FAST!
How To Close Every Sale
B y J o e G i r a r d a n d R o b e rt L . Sh o o k
the net net
Closing a sale is the stage in the selling process where
salespeople meet the greatest difficulty. Joe Girard walks
the reader through fundamental selling principles and
experience-based insights guaranteed to help the reader
sell any product or service. These principles are grounded
on an important rule: becoming a successful salesperson
requires learning how to sell yourself first. This is because
buyers “buy into” the seller initially before they do the
product or service.
Power Points
from Peter Lowe
Henry B. Wilson said, “He who finds diamonds must grapple in mud and mire
because diamonds are not found in polished stones. They are made.” Sales is a very
competitive field—it draws the best—and in turn demands
their best. And while some people may have more natural
selling ability, there is no question that great salespeople are
made—not born. So you constantly have to work on your
presentation, your product knowledge, and your close. Joe
Girard was the number one automobile salesperson in the
world for fifteen straight years, and when he speaks, all of us
in sales need to listen. So as you read this summary, I hope
that you’ll particularly note that:
About the Author
Can’t-Lose Techniques
to Win Lifetime
Customers—and Make
Every Sale Stick!
• You are your company’s number-one product. No
sale happens without you—regardless of the inherent
strength of your product. So look the part, act the part,
and prepare for the part. Although people are repelled
by cockiness, they are attracted to winsome confidence.
• You sell yourself first. As Debbi Fields said, “You don’t have to be
superhuman to do what you believe in.” So believe in yourself—it’s
essential for sales success.
• Conviction gives you power. It’s crucial that you thoroughly believe
in your product or service. The conviction of absolute certainty in
your product will give you confidence as you present and make
you convincing as you close. Besides, as someone committed to
providing the very best for your customers, you must make sure
that you are presenting exactly that.
Peter Lowe is Founder & CEO of Get Motivated Seminars
Joe Girard is one of those rare creatures: a
highly motivated man who can communicate his
inspiration and attitudes to others. For 12 straight
years Joe sold more cars and trucks than any
other salesperson. More as an individual than
most dealers sell in total. No other salesperson
has ever attained this title for more than one year,
and not for both cars and trucks. On January 1,
1978, Joe hung up his gloves and quit selling cars. During his selling
career (1963-1977), he sold 13,001 cars, all at retail. Most of his time is
now spent writing books, giving lectures, and sales rallies.
How To Close Every Sale
The Complete Summary
B y J o e G i r a r d a n d R o b e rt L . Sh o o k
Salesperson’s insensitivity to customer time
Salespeople know that time is money but they understand it from their
own viewpoint and not from the customer’s perspective. Thus, some have
difficulty respecting customer’s time.
Principle one: understand why there is sales
resistance.................................................... Page 2
Principle two: begin with selling yourself.............. Page 2
Negativity in salespeople
Principle three: assume the sale......................... Page 3
Quite a number of salespersons have the habit of negative thinking. They
believe that prospects do not really mean to buy. This negative attitude is
likely to influence the sales transaction and relationship with the customer.
Principle four: know how to read buying signals...... Page 3
Principle five: handle objections effectively........... Page 4
Principle six: learn how to overcome
procrastination.............................................. Page 4
Saying no is difficult for potential customers
People do not like to be in situations where they have to say no. This is why
setting a sales presentation is sometimes difficult.
Principle seven: control the sale......................... Page 4
Principle eight: understand the different closing
techniques................................................... Page 5
Principle two: begin with selling yourself
Principle nine: create a sense of urgency.............. Page 5
Recognize that you are your company’s number-one product. Salespeople
must learn to make a difference with the prospect. It is important that
potential customers like and believe in the salesperson first.
Principle ten: avoid overselling.......................... Page 6
Principle eleven: go all or nothing....................... Page 6
Principle twelve: prevent buyer’s remorse............. Page 6
Principle thirteen: remember sale begins after
the sale....................................................... Page 7
Sell the company’s reputation
This helps establish credibility for oneself particularly if the company name
is a familiar brand name. Being associated with a reputable firm erases
doubts about doing future business with a stranger.
Principle one: understand why there is sales
Many individuals do not like being sold. Nor do they particularly warm up
to salespeople.
Poor public image of salespeople
There is a prevailing public perception that salespeople are unscrupulous,
scheming, obnoxious, slick and smooth talkers who simply want to get the
customers’ money.
An excellent salesperson is one hundred percent convinced about the
product or service he is carrying. The salesperson believes that it is the best
value of its kind. It is an added advantage for the salesperson to show and
let prospects know he is using the same product or service.
Turn positive thinking into realistic thinking
Believe that one can sell to every prospect. Remove any form of negative
An “us vs. them” selling relationship
Sales presentations and negotiations become contests between sellers and
buyers. Here both parties become adversaries rather than teammates or
allies. If the salesperson closes the sale, the seller wins while the buyer loses.
If the buyer walks away from the transaction, the seller loses.
Prior bad experience with salespeople
Successful salespeople believe in what they are
Most buyers have had their share of sales encounters with unprofessional,
manipulative, double-dealing salespeople.
Picture one’s self, completing the sale, the client signing the order form and
handing over a check payment. Remember, what is visualized becomes reality.
Create a winning self-image
A positive self-image influences other people believe to believe in you.
Page Preparedness
Know everything about the product, company
and competition. This helps create confidence
during the presentation and negotiation while
stirring a positive self-image. Being unprepared
can only create feelings of distraction, anxiety,
and guilt leading to a poor self-image and a
waste of valuable client time.
Create an appearance of success
Look professional. A professional appearance goes
beyond clothing. It covers the entire spectrum of
office design and space, transportation, etc.
Make the prospect feel important
Let the customer feel the salesperson’s sincerity.
When a prospect feels important, he is likely to
give the business to the caring salesperson even
if that salesperson’s proposal was originally a
second or third option.
Sell on your own turf
Invite customers to your office if this is an
option. Use the office venue to sell one’s self
subtly. For example, walk the customer through
the office space and walls lined with framed pictures of citations, newspapers and articles, etc.
acknowledging your firm’s accomplishments
and good reputation.
Bring a sense of humor to the
sales presentation
Nonetheless, use humor at the right time to
relax and make the prospect feel comfortable.
Use humor wisely, with a lot of discretion and
caution, as well as good taste.
Allocate a budget for gifts
Give prospects and customers relatively inexpensive gifts to make them feel how important
they are.
Be sincere and honest
Make clients feel that one can be trusted. Do not
make promises that cannot be kept. Avoid false
flattery. Visual signs of sincerity include establishing eye contact when speaking to prospects
as well as listening while giving them a complete, undivided attention.
Make the customer feel good
about the entire transaction
the client would not want to engage in repeat
Principle three: assume the
Make the assumption that people who listen to
sales presentations are interested enough to want
to buy the product. Thus, throughout the sales
presentation until the sale is closed, keep assuming that the sale has been made. Here’s how:
Make subtle statements that
assume the sale
When the prospect objects, ask for the specific
reason and address the objection. Once it has
been substantially answered, assume the sale
and make another attempt to close.
Offer the prospect a choice of
actions that he can take
This indicates assuming the sale. For example, “Do you want the red or blue model?” or
“Would you prefer your package delivered by
freight or by air?”
Provide the prospect an
opportunity to experience the
product or service
When selling a car, ask the customer to sit
behind the wheel. When selling jewelry, slip the
ring onto the customer’s finger, or assist her in
trying on a necklace.
Use the right words that assume
the sale
Use when instead of if. For example, say, “When
you own this car.” Use we and let us. This way,
the prospect does not feel being left alone to
make a major decision.
Assume the sale on repeat orders
Continue to give your satisfied customer outstanding service.
Principle four: know how to
read buying signals
Misguided salespeople believe that knowing
how to read buying signals is a natural talent
that cannot be taught. On the contrary, learning
how to read buying signals is an acquired skill.
Do not make too much of a profitable deal that
Page Observe the tangible
Look at people’s buying habits. For example, a
prospect who wears expensive jewelry and fine
clothing may likely be a potential buyer of the
most expensive car model.
Avoid stereotyping
Buyer habits may be grounded on lifestyle preferences. For example, some prospects visiting a
car showroom may not look like they have a lot
of money. Surprisingly, they may pay in cash for
the most expensive model!
Get the prospect to experience
the product or service, and then
When the prospect becomes a participant
rather than a spectator, a host of buying signals
comes about.
Be a good listener
Outstanding salespeople are excellent listeners.
A professional salesperson understands how
the prospect thinks and feels by listening.
Bibliographic Information
Title: How To Close Every Sale: Field-Tested, Can’tLose Techniques to Win Lifetime Customers—and
Make Every Sale Stick!
Author: Joe Girard and Robert L. Shook
Publisher: Warner Business Books; Reissue
edition (June 15, 2002)
ISBN: 0446389293
Pages: 208
For Leaders and Achievers
Who Want the Facts…Fast!
Peter Lowe: Founder and CEO
Tamara Lowe: Executive Vice President
— Published by —
Get Motivated Seminars, Inc.
4710 Eisenhower Blvd., Suite B-5
Tampa, FL 33634
Observe prospects in social environments
may include more attractive features, greater benefits, financing terms, etc.
Study the prospects’ egos
6. “I do not want to buy your product because … (host of reasons)”
Isolate the objection to one main, specific problem and provide the solution to the prospect’s problem.
Individuals with big, healthy egos take risks. People with low self-esteem
and weak egos often do not take risks and will hesitate on making expensive purchases because they are afraid to make a mistake.
Answer the objection and close the sales
Principle five: handle objections effectively
Salespeople must understand that objections are expressions of interest.
This means that when prospects raise objections, the salesperson must
grab at the opportunity to state why the customer must buy. Here are some
tips to handle objections:
Weed out false objections from real objections
For many reasons, people provide false objections rather than say why they
really do not want to buy. Unless one knows the real objection, a salesperson will have difficulty overcoming the true objection of the prospect.
Never back a prospect into a corner
Avoid putting clients on the defensive.
Principle six: learn how to overcome
One of the most unsettling objections faced by many salespeople is the
“I-want-to-think-it-over” objection. In this scenario, the prospect simply
does not want to make a buying decision. This is not because the prospect
objects to the company, product or salesperson but it is largely because the
prospect is afraid of making the wrong decision. The prospect lacks the
confidence to make the decision. Likewise, the prospect does not see the
merit of making the decision immediately.
Help the prospect make the decision
Overcome the six most-common objections
1. “I cannot afford it”
Many times when prospects say they can’t
afford it, they only think they can’t. Or they
may have not actually seen the product’s
real, outstanding value. On the first, offer a
low-priced alternative or financing scheme.
On the second, break down the cost on a
monthly, weekly, daily and even hourly
basis to reveal how economical the product
or service is.
Once objections have been satisfactorily addressed, move on. Leave the
prospect the impression that the salesperson’s role is to provide valuable
information so that the customer can make an intelligent decision.
Emphasize how they can benefit with the product or service and how it
represents good value for money.
must understand
that objections are
of interest.”
Help the prospect make the proper buying decision
If procrastinators lack the confidence to make the decision without consulting with a third party, make a complete presentation to the third party.
Set the stage for avoiding procrastination by subtly
letting the prospect know beforehand that a decision
is expected
2. “I want to talk it over with my spouse”
The best way to handle this objection is to make sure all the decision makers are there for the sales presentation.
3. “I have a good friend in the business”
Emphasize how the prospect can better himself with the sale and how his
friend, if he is truly a friend, will appreciate the good deal.
4. “I want to shop around”
One way to handle the objection is to start a file on competition and subtly
slip in information on negative reviews about a competitive product in the
prospect’s mind. Another is to advise the prospect on the bait and switch
technique where dealers or providers publish a low price but when the sale
is closed, the customer is advised of unavailability of stock and prodded to
buy a higher-priced model.
5. “Leave me some literature and I will get back to you”
This means that the salesperson has not convinced the prospect enough.
Thus, provide the prospect more compelling reasons to buy the product. This
Stress how time is valuable to the prospect and seller.
Appeal to prospect’s ego
Understand the prospect’s opinion of himself. Make him feel important so
that he will feel embarrassed not to make a decision when the time comes.
Use a quote or deliver the right words of wisdom at
the appropriate time
Often, the right quote can motivate a prospect to make a decision. Pick and
choose quotes that are appropriate for the occasion, and the procrastinator.
For example, here’s one from George Patton: “No decision is difficult to
make if you get all the facts.”
Principle seven: control the sale
The salesperson must take charge of the sales process, not allowing sales
presentations to get out of hand—that is, lacking in direction and leaving customers floundering and remaining indecisive. This means that the
salesperson must assume the role of authority in the process. Here’s how:
Page Sell with intensity
minute, in a matter of time you will have flywheel damage, which means
removing the transmission to make that repair. Then, instead of looking at
a three hundred dollar repair bill, we are talking about a lot of extra labor
that could run to as much as twelve hundred dollars.”
Focus on the prospect singly without any distraction.
Hold all calls during a sales presentation
This makes the prospect feel important and helps the salesperson keep the
Make the sales presentation a fact-finding session
that encourages a two-way conversation between the
buyer and the seller
It is a myth to think that salespeople control the selling process when they
out talk the prospect, not allowing the potential customer to speak. On the
contrary, encouraging a dialogue helps determine the prospect’s needs and
creates an atmosphere of sincerity and real desire to help the prospect.
Act with authority by demonstrating appropriate stock
knowledge and expertise
Choice of three
Provide the prospect no more
than three choices. For example,
“Tell me ma’am, which of these
three monthly payments would
you feel most comfortable with?”
“The prospect must be
given a reason to buy
the product or service
immediately. ”
When all other objections except
price have been eliminated and
the prospect has not made a decision, offer a compromise. For example, “I
understand how tight your advertising budget is, so rather than go with the
half page, let us go with the quarter page.”
Don’t keep it a secret
When the salesperson is not ready to quote a price,
avoid quoting
Even if the prospect asks for it. The seller must ascertain that the prospect
understands the value he is getting for his money before the quote is made.
Principle eight: understand the different
closing techniques
Knowing the different closing techniques allows the salesperson to choose
from a spectrum of possible closes resulting in the one appropriate close.
Here are some great closes:
Never be too proud to let people know how much their business is appreciated.
For example, “Look Jerry, I won’t keep it a secret. I want your business.”
Ben Franklin
When confronted with a difficult situation, the salesperson and the client
can write down everything that is favorable about the sale under a “yes”
column, and then write down everything unfavorable under a “no” column. Of course, the “no” column should be shorter.
Hard to get it
The seller expects the prospect to buy and proceeds to write the order.
This close is grounded on the insight that people want things that they cannot have, or have difficulty to acquire. Thus, the salesperson’s role is to help
the prospect get it.
Assumptive statement and question
“Sell it with love”
The seller makes an assumptive statement and closes the sale with an
assumptive question. For example, “I definitely recommend that you buy
these two dress shirts because they go perfectly with your new suit. Now,
which of these three ties do you want to go with your suit?”
Follow the leader
Help the prospect go through a series of easy, minor decisions, the total of
which add up to the final major close. For example,
“Would you like to handle the payments monthly, quarterly or annually?”
“Is it okay to use your home address for the billing?”
“Would you spell your wife’s first name for me?”
“You do want her as your beneficiary? Please make the check to the
company for this amount right here.”
Little mistake versus big mistake
Capitalize on a strong emotional appeal. For example, closing the sale by
appealing to the prospect’s love for his family. “Wow, how lucky your wife will
be to get this on her anniversary! I wish my husband would buy me one!”
Here the prospect is told that it is a big mistake not to buy immediately but
under the worst possible scenario only a minor mistake to do so. For example, an auto mechanic points out, “If we do not install a new starter this
There are more followers than leaders. Thus, prospects will buy after learning that prominent people have made the purchase.
Principle nine: create a sense of urgency
The prospect must be given a reason to buy the product or service immediately. Otherwise, to fail to provide a compelling reason leads to the prospect’s procrastination. Prospects must be sold in anticipation of a future
need and not just a present need. Here are some ways to create sense of
Use the limited offer
Make an offer that is good for a limited period.
Page Use the line “Buy before the price increases”
However, use the line only when the price increase is certain to occur. Do
not misrepresent.
Use the “Clock is always running close” statement
Reference the prospect’s age, time, etc. For example, create a sense of
urgency to buy recreation homes among the elderly. After all, they deserve
a life after the many years of sacrifice.
Sell the one-of-a-kind product
Selling a unique product or service that is not readily available creates a
sense of urgency when it is time to close the sale.
Create an “auction” scenario and sell to the highest
Create an environment where a group of buyers needs to make an offer to
acquire the desired product. For example, when selling a desirable property, offer it to at least ten prospects. Set the bottom price and begin the
bidding. Sell the house to the highest bidder.
Principle eleven: go all or nothing
This means that a salesperson must stack the cards in favor making sales
closes within the first sales presentation versus closing during callbacks.
There is a greater chance to close a sale at first presentation.
Do not let the prospect join the callback club
A callback club is a non-exclusive club of prospects who say that they will
callback after thinking it over. A good salesperson does not give the prospect a chance to join the callback club otherwise he faces disappointment
of a possible lost sale.
Understand the law of diminishing return
The first presentation is always the best opportunity to close the sale
because the facts and the momentum are present. This is also the best time
the prospect feels the strongest need for the product or service. The greater
the lapse of time, the less chances of closing the sale. The prospect then
cools off.
“Create an environment where a group
of buyers needs to make an offer to
acquire the desired product.”
Timing is everything
Continue to stress the value and gain of buying today and not tomorrow.
Principle ten: avoid overselling
Listen to the prospect. Do not oversell or one may likely convince the prospect out of the sale. Here are some ways to avoid overselling:
Avoid the “fear of rejection” mindset
Some salespeople cannot take the prospect away from the stage of sales
presentation to the closing largely because of the fear of the prospect saying
no. It is important that a salesperson must have healthy self-esteem and
believe the prospect will buy.
Do not confuse the prospect with unnecessary details
Avoid information overload. Recognize that the prospect does not need to
have an overflow of stock knowledge about the product or service before a
decision can be made. Identify the prospect’s needs and focus on how the
product or service appropriately matches her need.
This emphasizes that the best time to make the buying decision is during
the first presentation.
Go for the big orders
Sometimes small orders are impractical. It is best to generate orders large
enough to make the work worthwhile. Create the scenario for big orders.
For example, “I’ll book you for one economy class ticket, Phil. Now, what
auto rental company do you prefer? Which lodging would you like to stay
at …?”
No single prospect can make or break a salesperson
Bearing this in mind helps the salesperson put pressure on prospects without fear of losing the sale.
Keep the best interest of the customer in mind
Give the prospect breathing space and period of
Provide the customer sufficient time to think and process information
before the close.
Use the sales close, “Have you sold yourself yet—or
should I continue to tell you more?”
Use the line, “I am sorry but I do not make callbacks”
Close the sale when you receive a positive reply to the question. Continue
to present and try the close once again after an initial negative reply.
High-pressure selling techniques are not bad when they do not unsettle
prospects but instead help them to make up their mind.
Principle twelve: prevent buyer’s remorse
There are cases when after the sales close, prospects feel that they have
made an impulse purchase or they may have been duped into a buying
situation. Prevent the buyer from moving into this stage, enough for the
customer to cancel the order. Remember a canceled order is not a sale.
Here’s how to keep buyer’s remorse in check:
Page Say “thank you”
A courteous thank you must be automatic with every sale. Make the customer understand that he or she made a good buying decision.
Say congratulations
For example, “You made an excellent decision. Congratulations.”
Use the line “You are lucky”
Address this statement to the person or family accompanying the buyer.
Do not take the money and run
Do not head for the door after the order has been placed. Show the buyer
that only his best interest is in mind. Sell one’s self again after the sales. This
reduces customer’s chance to go into buyer remorse. Moreover, a salesperson generates referrals in the process.
Get the customer involved immediately
Make sure the customer takes immediate possession of the product or service.
Quick follow-up
Keep in constant touch with the customer. Phone them or when possible
stop in to see them a day or two later.
Check why the prospect bought from you
“Pull Quote.”
Listen to the client as he states the reasons why. This process helps eliminate buyer remorse, affirms client belief in the salesperson and provides the
seller with more insights to effective selling.
Principle thirteen: selling does not end after
the sale, it is only the beginning
Outstanding sales service must not be a whim, restricted to a limited number of people.
• Successful salespeople are committed to providing outstanding sales
service to customers.
• Represent a company committed to serving customers.
• Give the customers so much service that they will feel guilty thinking
about doing business with somebody else.
• Keep in contact with customers, building solid relationships in the
• Always be prepared when facing the customer.
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