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ECN DATA5150(1)

Fall, 2023
Quantitative Foundations of Data Analysis
Credit Hours =
CRN#: 14634, 16770
Instructor: Yu Peng Lin, Ph.D.
Class Time
& Location:
Briggs 323
Office Hours:
Instructor is generally available
during regular business hours.
Please email the instructor with any
questions or requests and he will
respond promptly.
100% Online at
Required Texts
Required Textbook: “Statistics for Business &
Economics”,14th Edition, by Anderson D.,
Sweeney, D., Williams, T., Camm, J., and
Cochran, J., Cengage Learning
Required Software Package: STATA 18/BE
(Student, 6-month).
Course Description
This course studies the fields related to data analytics. The focus will be on data collection and analysis and with
the decision-making process regarding the importance of the results. Students will gain an understanding of a
variety of data analytics tools and develop skills in using them. This course aims to give empirical content to
economic relations. It allows researchers and practitioners to shift through mountains of data to extract simple
relationships and make valuable inferences.
Course Objectives
✓ This course is designed to offer students a starting point to understand deeper statistics and
econometrics theories and applications. Through learning the key concept of this course,
students are expected to understand and apply some key statistical and econometric tools,
such as the data visualization, probability distributions, statistical inferences, ANOVA, simple
and multivariate regression models, and data analytic modeling.
Specific Learning Outcomes
It is expected that a student successfully completing the course would understand and comprehend the
concepts, theories and practices as enunciated in the topics individually listed below. Furthermore, where
appropriate and applicable, the student should be able to apply and analyze given scenario(s) for
▷ 1. Statistics, data, and the structure of economic data
▷ 2. Data visualization and descriptive analysis using statistical software packages
▷ 3. The degree of symmetry of a distribution and its practical implications
▷ 4. Probability theory, bivariate probability distribution, and the Central Limit Theorem
▷ 5. Formulation of statistical hypotheses and application of hypothesis testing
▷ 6. Experimental designs and applications
▷ 7. The comprehension of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
▷ 8. Significance of a simple linear regression model
▷ 9. The applications and implications of multi-linearity and spurious correlation on regression analyses.
▷ 10. Multivariate regression analysis and the delivery of meaningful statistical inferences
▷ 11. Diverse aspects of model building
Course Requirements
✓ Online discussion: Each online discussion will be graded on a 100 scale and each accounts for 5%
of the final course grade.
✓ Online assignments: The online assignments will be graded based on a 100 scale. Each
assignment accounts for 10%.
NOTE: the lowest graded assignment (but NOT online discussion) will be automatically dropped.
✓ The final assignment occupies 20% of the course grade and it is graded on a 100 scale.
✓ At the end of the semester, students will need to fill out an electronic course evaluation form.
Once complete, please have the system send a notification email to the instructor as the proof of
completion. The completion of the course evaluation worth 5%.
Course Grading Policy
Final Course Grade = [5 Online Discussion]*5% + [5 Online Assignments]*10% + Final
Assignment*20%+ Course Evaluation*5%
- The Final Assignment is comprehensive and worth
20% of the final grade in the course.
- The completion of the course evaluation is required
and is worth 5%.
Online Section Participation Guidelines
There are two categories of online section – online discussions and online assignments (including the final
assignment). Please read the following guidelines carefully.
- Online Discussions: every student is required to post an online discussion with at least 250 ~ 300 word
counts on the assigned topic and respond to at least one of others’ postings. The response is required to
have at least 100 ~ 150 word counts. Please post your discussions as early as possible during the week to
let others have time to respond. In an online discussion, the original posting worth 60% while the repose
worth 40% of the grade.
- Online Assignments: Students are required to answer the assigned questions thoroughly with required
graphs and discussions. The discussions are required to have at least 250 ~ 300 word counts per
- The deadline for both online discussions and assignments is at 4:00pm on the due day. To ensure every
student be treated fairly, late submission is barely accepted.
- All online assignments, not online discussions, are required to be submitted in a Word document. Please
type up your answers professionally. No other formats are acceptable.
- Final assignment: The final assignment is comprehensive and serves as the final exam of this course.
Students are required to complete the assignment with at least 700 ~ 800 word counts.
- Students are required to submit the assignments to Knowledge/Blackboard. Please DO NOT submit your
work via email.
- Every submission will be graded within 7 working days after the submission deadline. Once graded, the
grade will be available in Knowledge/Blackboard and comments (if provided) will also be provided.
- The assignments are considered as individual work. Hence, students must NOT work on the assignments
collaboratively. If violated, students will face University policy actions on Academic Dishonesty.
The assignments and online discussion alternate each week
and comprises 75% in totality of the final grade in the course.
Assessment Standards
Assessment Standard for Online Assignments:
Students submitted
an original posting
with at least 300
word counts.
30 ~ 40 points
Quality of summary Students submitted
original posting
containing clear and
very understandable
Students submitted
an original posting
with word counts
of 250 ~ 300.
20 ~ 30 points
Below Average
Students submitted
an original posting
with word counts of
200 ~ 250.
10 ~ 20 points
Did not participate
Students submitted an
original posting word
counts below 200.
0 ~10 point
Students submitted
original posting
containing average
clear and
Students submitted
original posting
containing barely
clear and
Students submitted
original posting
containing unclear
and confusing
50 ~ 60 points
Total points
0 ~ 30 point
40 ~ 50 points
30 ~ 40 points
Assessment Standards
Assessment Standard for Final Assignment:
Students submitted an Students submitted
original summary
an original
with at least 800
summary with word
word counts.
counts of 700 ~
30 ~ 40 points
20 ~ 30 points
Quality of summary Students submitted
original summary
containing clear and
very understandable
summary of the
Students submitted
original summary
containing average
clear and
summary of the
Below Average
Students submitted
an original summary
with word counts of
600 ~ 700.
10 ~ 20 points
Did not participate
Students submitted
an original summary
word counts below
0 ~10 point
Students submitted
original summary
containing barely
clear and
summary of the
Students submitted
original summary
containing unclear
and confusing
summary of the
50 ~ 60 points
Total points
0 ~ 30 point
40 ~ 50 points
30 ~ 40 points
Grading Scheme and Miscellany
93 -100
90 - 92
87 - 89
83 -86
80 - 82
77 - 79
Any important messages regarding any aspect of the course will be
communicated to students via Blackboard and/or Detroit Mercy email addresses.
Please check your email and the course site often!
73 - 76
Subject-to-Change Statement:
70 - 72
The instructor reserves the right to change or modify any aspect of the course or
class schedule at any time. Students will be notified of any changes by the
Course Evaluations:
Student course evaluations are a highly valued in the College of Liberal Arts and
Education. Feedback from students serves as an important source of information
that enables instructors to improve upon the quality of the course in terms of its
content and delivery. Students are required to complete the online course
evaluations for this course and all courses for which they are formally registered.
The online evaluation form for this course will be made available during the
week preceding final examinations each term. Students who are enrolled in the
course will receive an email from the university near the end of the term that
provides instructions on how to complete the evaluation.
Please complete the evaluation and email the instructor with evidence of
having done. The completion of the evaluation worth 5% of the final grade of
the course.
Notifications of Important Messages:
Questions, Complaints or Concerns about the Course:
66 - 69
60 - 65
If you have any questions, complains or concerns about the course, then please
let the instructor know via email. If you are not satisfied with the instructor’s
response, then you are encouraged to contact the Chair person of the
Department of Economics. His name is Dr. Raphael Shen. His phone number is
(313) 993-1738 and his email address is shenrs@udmercy.edu.
59 or lower
While this is an online course, participation and deadlines are expected to be
adhered to. To ensure every student be treated fairly, late submission is barely
In this course we will be using Blackboard for assignments, activities, and/or
discussion. Students should have regular access to Blackboard and their Detroit
Mercy email. The use of student data in Blackboard conforms to the Family and
Educational Rights and Policy Act (FERPA) and information policies of University
of Detroit Mercy. Downloading the Blackboard mobile app will also allow you to
view content and participate in courses on an iOS or Android mobile device.
University of Detroit Mercy Policies
Students at Detroit Mercy are expected to behave in accordance with all university and college policies
and practices. A complete list of all policies can be found in the Detroit Mercy Student Handbook.
A specific policy with which all students are required to comply relates to academic dishonesty. Students
are expected to demonstrate the highest levels of honesty with respect to their work. Cheating (on
homework, quizzes, tests, examinations) and plagiarism (i.e., representing the work of another person as
one’s own) are unacceptable behaviors and will not be tolerated. If the instructor determines that a
student has cheated on an examination or plagiarized the work of another person on an assignment,
then the instructor will automatically assign a failing grade on that examination or assignment (i.e., the
examination or assignment will be given a numerical grade of 0). In addition, the instructor will bring the
behavior to the attention of university officials (e.g., Dean or Associate Dean) to determine if additional
sanctions are warranted. Such sanctions could include the assignment of a failing grade for the course
and even dismissal from the university.
Student Support Resources: University of Detroit Mercy has a wide array of support services available for
free to all students. We encourage all members of the community to be aware of this list of student
support resources—including contact information for reporting incidents or concerns. Students can also
refer to the webpage for Current Students.
Technology Recommendations: University of Detroit Mercy Information Technology Services (ITS) posts
current recommendations for student technology needs—including hardware, software, and internet
connectivity—on their website.
Important Announcements: Important messages will be communicated through Blackboard and/or
emailed to your Detroit Mercy email address.
Instructional Continuity and Class Cancellation: Instructional continuity refers to the continuation of
instruction during unforeseen campus closure or instructor absence. Should the need to cancel a class
session occur, students will be contacted through Blackboard and/or their Detroit Mercy email address.
Students are responsible for all course material provided through this instructional continuity plan.
Disability and Accessibility Support Services: If you require an accommodation due to a documented
disability, pregnancy, emergency medical condition, or require special arrangements in case of a building
evacuation, please contact Laura Bagdady, Assistant Director of Disability & Accessibility Support
Services, at bagdadlm@udmercy.edu or 313-993-1158. You must be registered with Disability &
Accessibility Support Services (DAS) and faculty must receive official notification from their office before
accommodations can be implemented. It is important for students to be proactive in this process by
requesting their accommodations before the start of every semester. If you feel your accommodations
are not being honored in the classroom setting, please contact DAS.
Title IX: Sexual violence and sexual harassment are contrary to our core values and have no place at the
University of Detroit Mercy. In accordance with Title IX and related laws, Detroit Mercy prohibits sex and
gender-based discrimination including discrimination toward pregnant/parenting students. If you
experience sexual violence or sexual harassment that limits your ability to participate in this course or
any other Detroit Mercy program or activity, there are resources and options available. Please be aware
that I am not a confidential resource, and that I will need to disclose alleged incidents of sex or genderbased discrimination to the university’s Office of Title IX. You may also contact the Title IX Coordinator
directly by calling 313.993.1802 or emailing titleix@udmercy.edu to learn about supportive measures
and options that are available to students alleging or alleged to have engaged in sex or gender-based
University of Detroit Mercy Policies
Reporting Bias-Motivated Incidents: University of Detroit Mercy is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive
environment for students, faculty, and staff. Acts of intolerance, discrimination, or harassment due to age,
ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, race, religious belief, sexual orientation, or
veteran status are not tolerated (Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy) and should be reported by
contacting the Dean of Students.
Compliance with Student Policies: University of Detroit Mercy students are expected to be familiar with and
comply with student-related policies and practices, including those found in the Detroit Mercy Student Handbook.
The Student Handbook also contains contact information for the Dean of Students and the Dean of each
Academic Integrity: As members of an academic community engaged in the pursuit of truth and with a special
concern for values, University of Detroit Mercy students must conform to the highest standard of honesty and
integrity in their academic work. The fundamental assumption under which the University operates is that work
submitted by a student is a product of their own efforts. Among the most serious academic offensives is
plagiarism, submitting the ideas or work of another source without acknowledgment or documentation. The
consequences of plagiarism or any act of academic dishonesty may range from failure in a course to dismissal from
the university.
Course copyright: All course materials students receive or have online access to are protected by copyright laws.
Students may use course materials and make copies for their own use as needed, but unauthorized distribution
and/or uploading of materials without the instructor’s express permission is strictly prohibited. Students who
engage in the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials may be held in violation of the Student Code of
Conduct, and/or liable under Federal and State laws. In addition, distributing completed essays, labs, homework,
exams, quizzes, or other assignments constitutes a violation of the Student Conduct policy.
Religious Observances: It is the policy of University of Detroit Mercy to respect the faith and religious obligations
of each student. Students with exams and classes that conflict with their religious observances should notify their
instructor at the beginning of the semester in order to work out a mutually agreeable alternative. Please note that,
regardless of whether an absence is “excused” or “unexcused,” the student is responsible for all missed course
content and activities.
Academic Support Services:
Student Success Center Staff 313-993-1143
Tutoring: SSC offers free tutoring in most freshman and some upper-division courses, including math, chemistry,
biology, languages, philosophy, history, and English. One-on-one and small group appointments are available in the
Learning Center on the third floor of the Library. Call (313) 993-1143 for an appointment; limited walk-ins are also
available. All students are encouraged to take advantage of this free tutoring service. Faculty may also recommend
tutorial support for all students, especially for those students who may be experiencing difficulty in their
coursework. Studies have shown that students who attend ten or more tutorial sessions can greatly improve their
grades in a course.
Disability Support Services and Accommodations: 313-993-1158
If you require an accommodation due to a disability, pregnancy, emergency medical condition or need special
arrangements in case of a building evacuation, please contact:
Laura Bagdady Assistant Director Disability & Accessibility Support Services Student Success Center Room 319,
McNichols Campus Library Email: bagdadlm@udmercy.edu.
It is very important for students to be proactive with regard to requesting their disability accommodations every
semester. While it is never required that you disclose your disability to your professors, all students at Detroit
Mercy are encouraged to talk with their professors to discuss their needs and concerns. However, you must be
registered with Disability & Accessibility Support Services, and your faculty must receive official notification from
their office before they can make arrangements for your accommodations.
Tentative Course Schedule
Book Chapters
Due Day
1/Aug. 28 Sep. 02
Introduction – Data
and Statistics
Assignment Tryout
Sep. 02
2/Sep.04 Sep.09
Descriptive Statistics,
Data Visualization
Assignment (a)
Sep. 09
3/Sep. 11 Sep. 16
Online Discussion (b)
Sep. 16
4/Sep. 18 Sep. 23
Discrete Probability
Assignment (c)
Sep. 23
5/Sep. 25 Sep. 30
Online Discussion (d)
Sep. 30
6/Oct. 02 Oct. 07
Sampling Distribution
Assignment (e)
Oct. 07
7/Oct. 09 Oct. 14
Interval Estimation
and Hypothesis Tests
8/Oct. 16 Oct. 21
Interval Estimation
and Hypothesis Tests
Online Discussion (f)
Oct. 21
9/Oct. 23 Oct. 28
Two populations
Assignment (g)
Oct. 28
10/Oct. 30 Nov. 04
Experimental Design
11/Nov. 06 Nov. 11
Simple Linear
Assignment (i)
Nov. 11
12/Nov. 13 Nov. 18
Multiple Regression
Online Discussion (j)
Nov. 18
13/Nov. 20 Nov. 25
Multiple Regression
Thanksgiving Recess – No Assignment
14/Nov. 27 Dec. 02
Regression Analysis:
Model Building
Assignment (k)
Dec. 02
15/Dec. 04 Dec. 09
Regression Analysis:
Model Building
Final Assignment available in
Blackboard by Dec. 05
Dec. 13
Fall Break – No Assignment
Online Discussion (h)
Nov. 04