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US Drug Policy Analysis: Pricing, Ethics, and Access

Thinking Critically 2.3
1. The United States does not have a formal drug policy because they leave it to open market
competition and allow pharmaceutical companies to compete in the drug market for pricing.
2. Pharmaceutical companies chose to direct disobey the President’s request because they
understand the competitive advantage of pricing and the development of new drug treatments
3. Yes, there is conflict of interest because the more leverage pharmaceutical companies have over
PBM’s the higher drug prices can increase.
4. The least ethical is lack of transparency. Buyers should be able to know what they are getting
themselves into especially with medicine that could be saving their lives. I would propose a more
transparent solution. Researching ways to lower costs and make it accessible to those who
struggle financially and offering solutions if the medication is still hard to buy.
5. Yes, drug prices have become insufferable. We are living in a time where buying medication
nearly makes us broke and there is not tons of help for individuals who do not have benefits like
health insurance.
6. Yes, I believe is there is enough light on this problem states will be forced to act and please the