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Unit 1 Notes 2014

Biological Chemistry Review
Why study Chemistry in Biology?
• The understanding of the basic chemistry of life is vital to a full comprehension of biology.
• Important atoms include:
o Oxygen (O)
o Phosphorous (P)
o Carbon (C )
o Potassium (K)
o Hydrogen (H)
o Sulphur (S)
o Nitrogen (N)
Atom = smallest part of an element that displays the properties of that element
- Made up of 3 subatomic particles:
o Protons (positively charged)
Found in the nucleus o Neutrons (uncharged / neutral)
o Electrons (negatively charged) – found outside of the nucleus
Ions = atoms that have gained or lost electrons
- Signified by either (+) or (-)
- Ex. Na , K , Cl , Ca
Types of bonding:
1. Ionic bonds:
- Transfer of electrons from a metal (positive ion) to a non-metal (negative ion)
2. Covalent bonds:
- Atoms share electrons between 2 non-metals
- Can be single covalent bond (sharing 2 electrons), double covalent bond (sharing 4 electrons) or triple
covalent bond (sharing 6 electrons)
Nonpolar covalent bonds
- Electrons shared fairly equally between atoms
Polar covalent bonds
- Unequal sharing of electrons
3. Hydrogen bonds:
- When a covalently bonded H within a molecule (eg H2O) is also attracted to
another atom (usually O, N or F) of a different molecule.
- Always represented by dotted lines
Inorganic Compounds:
Inorganic Compounds
Usually metal + non-metal
Usually ionic bonding
Associated with non-living
Ex. Salts, water, acids, bases, buffers
Organic Compounds
Always contain carbon and hydrogen
Always covalent bonding
Associated with living things
Ex. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids
A. Salts:
- Needed for survival
- Too little → fatigue, exhaustion, cramps, nausea, thirst, decrease in blood pressure and even death
- Too much → dehydration of cells and hypertension; can lead to heart attack
B. Water:
Structure of water:
- Biological importance is due to its chemical structure
- Water is a polar molecule
o How does polarity of water produce H-bonding?
§ Oxygen is bigger & negatively charged
§ H is smaller & positively charged
Oxygen pulls the electrons toward it creating a dipole
• O is slightly more negative symbolized as - (electrons spend more time around the oxygen)
• H is slightly more positive symbolized as + (electrons spend less time around the hydrogen)
= polar compound
• In a H-bond:
o H (positive dipole) of one water attracted to O (negative dipole) of different water
o H-bonding can occur between the H and other polar compounds
4 Special Properties of Water:
1) Temperature regulator:
Ø Water has a high specific heat capacity
o Means takes a lot of energy to increase temperature of water and loses energy slowly
Ø Keeps our body temperature constant
o Water vaporization → much heat energy released (sweating)
Ø High melting & boiling points
2) Acts as a solvent:
Ø When polar substances (ie salts, sugars, some proteins) are added to water, oxygen ( -) attracts positive
end of solute & H (+) attracts negative of solute thus pulling the substances apart
o Water acts as a solvent
o Eg. NaCl dissolves into Na & Cl in water
3) Acts as a lubricant:
Ø In mouth, joints, lungs, etc.
o In lungs CO2 & O2 only diffuse across moist membranes
4) Water has a high surface tension:
Ø This allows some insects to walk on the surface of a pond or lake
C. Acids / bases/ buffers:
Acids and bases:
Ø When water ionizes, it releases an equal number of hydrogen ions (H ) and hydroxide ions (OH )
o H2O H + OH
Ø Acids release H ions into the solution
o HCl → H + Cl
Ø Bases remove H ions from the solution
o NaOH → Na + OH
Ø Neutral solutions:
o Equal amounts of H and OH
o Neutralization reaction: Acid + base → water + salt
§ Eg. HCl + NaOH → H2O + NaCl
pH scale: The pH scale (proportion of H ions)
Ø Measures acidity & alkalinity (basicity) of a solution
Ø Ranges from 0 – 14
o A pH below 7 is acidic [H ] > [OH ]
o A pH above 7 is alkaline [OH ] > [H ]
o A pH of 7 is neutral [H ] = [OH ]
pH is the concentration of [H ] expressed as a logarithm. Every change in the pH scale of one unit is a
change in 10 times the concentration of H
Ø To determine pH from a diagram, only pay attention to the OH and H
o If there are more H , solution is acidic
o If there are more OH , solution is basic
o If there is an equal number of OH and H , solution is neutral
Why is it important to maintain pH?
Ø The pH of most living systems is between pH 6-8. Maintaining the proper pH then is vital for living systems.
Ø Living organisms maintain a proper pH balance by using the homeostatic control of buffers.
Ø A buffer is a chemical(s) that can resist changes in pH
Ø Living organisms’ internal chemical processes are sensitive to changes in H and OH . Examples:
o Stomach pH = 2.5 – 3.0
o Blood pH = 7.4 or get sick (most important buffer is bicarbonate HCO3 )
o Small intestine pH ~8.3
Ø We have a built in system to maintain our internal pH (homeostasis) via natural buffers
Ø Buffers function by taking up excess H or OH to help keep pH constant
À In a strong acid solution, there are too many hydrogen ions
o if we add a strong acid to a buffered solution, the buffer is attracted to the hydrogen ions so that the pH
does of the solution does not change
§ In an acidic solution, the buffer will absorb the H
À In a strong base solution, there are too many hydroxide ions
o if we add a strong base to a buffered solution, the buffer will give up H in order to combine with OH
of the base to produce water (H2O).
§ H + OH
H 2O
Ø Therefore,the pH of the solution does not change
o In a basic solution, a buffer will donate / release H ions to neutralize the OH
Ø Buffers only work until all the ions are gone meaning they are not permanent
Important Organic Compounds: Biological Molecules
The most important biological compounds are polymers
POLYMERS (poly = many)
• The polymers are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids (DNA / RNA)
• A polymer is made up of a chain of many monomers linked together
• Large polymers are also called macromolecules
MONOMERS (mono = one)
• Monomers are: amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, and nucleotides
• These are made or broken down over and over in living cells
(building block)
(Biological organic molecule)
Monosaccharide (glucose)
Glycerol and fatty acid
Lipid (fat)
Amino acid
Nucleic acid
Monomer èH - - OH (one block)
Polymer è H - - - - - - OH (many blocks)
Process to build polymers
• Dehydration synthesis: covalently bonding monomers together by removing water
o Chains of monomers are called polymers
Looks like….
- OH
- OH →
- OH
- OH
H 2O
- OH
- OH
- OH + 3 H20 →
H 20
To break apart polymers
• Hydrolysis: Add H2O for every covalent bond that needs to be broken
- OH
1 H2O will be consumed for every 1 covalent bond to be broken
Organic Molecules:
1. Carbohydrates (simple and complex sugars)
2. Lipids (Fats)
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
**reminder: organic molecules always contains C & H & covalent bonds
Carbohydrates (simple sugars and complex carbohydrates)
Where does the name come from?
Hydrated carbons: (CH2O)n
• C = carb ; H2O = hydrate
Carbohydrates have the empirical formula of (CH2O)n
o Where n = the number of times the chain is repeated
The carbons, hydrogens and oxygens are found in the ratio of 1:2:1 and are made up of a repeating chain of
Ie. (CH2O)3 = C3H6O3
ie glucose = (CH2O)6 or C6 H12O6 in a ring shape
o sugars are also known as saccharides
o carbohydrates usually end in ‘ose’
a) Monosaccharides (simple sugars)
– basic sugar molecule is GLUCOSE - C6H12O6
– glucose has a ring structure
– other monosaccharides include fructose, ribose, deoxyribose
glucose b) Disaccharides (simple sugars)
– When two monosaccharides bind together via dehydration synthesis (water lost)
glucose + glucose = maltose + water
glucose + galactose = lactose (milk sugar) + water
glucose + fructose = sucrose (table sugar) + water
maltose c) Polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates)
• Polymer of identical monosaccharides (typically glucose)
• Function: Storage form of glucose in plants (long glucose chains)
• Structure: Few or no side chains branches
• Sugars produced by photosynthesis are stored as starch (in leaves, stems, roots) until needed
• Function: Animals store their energy (extra glucose) as glycogen in the liver and muscles
• Structure: Long chains of glucose with many side chains
• Function: Cell walls of plants are made of cellulose to give it strength
• Structure: Long chains of glucose with no side chains and have alternating position of linking oxygen
• No mammals can break the bond (indigestible) however, important for digestive system as it serves as
Carbohydrate review
Highly branched
No (or few) branches
Alternating O bonds
• Energy for cells
• Energy storage (starch, glycogen)
• Cell recognition role = glycoprotein or glycolipid
o For example: the basis for A, B, and O blood groups
2. Lipids
– made up of C, H, O (sometimes P or N)
– large, insoluble (in water) molecules
• Ex. Water in oil
– 2 monomers:
• Glycerol
• Fatty acids (long hydrocarbon chains)
3 types of Lipids:
A. Triglycerides – aka neutral fats (nonpolar) or “fats and oils”
– “E” shaped molecule made of one glycerol and 3 fatty acids
– synthesized by dehydration of 3 H2O molecules
glycerol Fatty acids are hydrocarbon chains with COOH end
3 main types of fatty acid
glycerol 1. Saturated – no C=C which means it is “full” of H, fairly straight,
solid at room temp, “fat” (from animals)
2. Unsaturated – at least one C=C bond, structurally bent, liquid at room temp., “oil” (from plants)
3. Polyunsaturated – many C=C bonds so few H’s (e.g veggie oils)
µImportant - hydrogenation adds H’s (margarine or shortening) but forms trans fats L
2 Types of triglycerides (due to different fatty acids):
a) Fats= animal based & solid (eg. butter, lard)
• functions:
1. Long term energy source
2. Cushions organs
3. Insulation
b) Oil = plant based & liquid (eg. olive, corn, etc)
• Main energy source for plants
B. Phospholipids (2 type of lipid)
o Comprised of 1 glycerol, 1 phosphate group & 2 fatty acids
o think of a triglyceride except one fatty acid has been replace by a phosphate group
o Primary components of cellular membranes
Phospholipid bilayer
• when placed in H2O, phospholipids form 2 layers
– the polar heads (hydrophilic) face out and the non-polar tails (hydrophobic) face in
C. Steroids (3 type of lipid)
• 4 fused rings of carbon with “stuff” attached (called functional groups)
• all made of cholesterol (a steroid)
• eg. Testosterone, estrogen, cholesterol and vitamin D
• Non-polar so can easily pass through cell membranes
• Are water insoluble (it is a lipid)
• Used as sex hormone (e.g. estrogen & testosterone)
• Needed to mix fats/oils into water
• e.g. soap and bile (produced by gallbladder)
3. Proteins
Functions in cells.
– Structural – strength and support
– Enzymes- speed up chemical reactions
– Hormones – chemical messages in body
– Antibodies –provides immunity
– Transport – in blood and across cell membranes
– Contraction – muscle movement (eg. actin & myosin)
Protein Structure:
• Monomer = amino acid (symbolized by aa)
• Made up of C, H, O, and N (but not in a set ratio like carbs were)
R-groups / side chains: 20 different R-groups for 20 different AA’s
o A peptide bond joins amino acids (a dipeptide) between C
and N and one water is lost
o A polypeptide is a chain of amino acids
o Another name for a polypeptide is protein
Protein Structure is due to folding and bonding:
4 types of structures:
Primary (1°) protein
Secondary (2°) protein
Tertiary (3°) protein
Quaternary (4°) protein
Primary (1°) Protein
• Single chain of aa’s in linear form
• Held together by peptide bonds only
Secondary (2°) Protein
• H-bonding within polypeptide pulls 1° into alpha-helix or pleated sheet
• Held together by Hydrogen & peptide bonds
iii. Tertiary (3°) Protein
• Covalent bonding between R-groups pulls coil into tertiary shape
• Held together by covalent, hydrogen & peptides bonds
iv. Quaternary (4°) Protein
• 2 or more peptides ionically bonded together (“blobs”)
• Held together by covalent, hydrogen, peptide& ionic bonds
Why is the shape of a protein so important?
The shape of each individual protein is specific to its function; therefore, without the proper shape, it will not
Eg. if folding does not occur correctly, it can cause diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s
• is the disruption of the shape of a protein & therefore, a loss of function
• is caused by exposure to high temp., pH, chemicals & heavy metals
4. Nucleic Acids
À Monomer = nucleotide which is composed of:
o Phosphate
o Pentose sugar (5 carbon)
o Nitrogen-containing base
À Polymers of Nucleic Acids
a) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
– DNA nucleotide has: Sugar (deoxyribose), phosphate & one of 4 bases [adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine
(C), & guanine (G)]
– DNA is double stranded: 2 linear strands held together by H-bonds between the bases
o A with T and C with G
– DNA twists into a double helix
– Always has phosphate-sugar backbone
*different number & arrangements of N-bases provides variety in genetic information
Function: Directs and controls all cell activities
b) RNA (ribonucleic acid)
– Single stranded (no helix)
– Ribose sugar (not deoxyribose)
– Has Uracil (U) instead of thymine (T)
– 3 types of RNA needed to make proteins (discussed later)
DNA Structure vs RNA structure comparison table
adenine, guanine, cytosine,
adenine, guanine, cytosine,
2 – double
1 - single
c) ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
– Provides energy for cells
– Produced during cellular respiration in the mitochondria (an organelle)
– Adenosine & 3 phosphate groups
• Adenine (a base) + ribose (a sugar) = “adenosine”
• Energy-rich bond between the 2 & 3  which when broken releases a large amount of energy
• ATP ↔ ADP +  + energy
Functions of nucleic acid polymers summary:
DNA stores genetic information and codes for proteins.
RNA helps make proteins
ATP is the energy currency in cells
3 phosphates + ribose sugar + adenine = ATP! 