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Rizal at UST: Academics, Activism & Decision to Go to Europe

Rizal was sent to UST after completing
his bachiller en Artes at Ateneo
Rizal: What course to take?
Former Jesuit Mentors: Priesthood or Farming
Rizal: Literature, Law or Medicine
Paciano: no to Law because you can’t able to practice the profession
due to poitical conditions in the country during those times.
Reasons for taking such that course
:It was his father wanted him to pursue
:Could also be attributed to his failure solicit the advice of Father
Ramon Pablo, the rector of Ateneo.
He therefore, found himself taking up courses in Cosmology,
Metaphysics, Theodicy and History of Philosophy
Rizal’s college days..
Philosophy and Letters- UST
Surveying course (vocational) - at Ateneo
As expected, Rizal performed outstandingly In the aforementioned vocational Course,
He was conferred the tithe on November 25, 1881 since he was underage when he
passed the final examination in this course.
After Freshman
from Philosophy and Letters to Medicine
REASONS: • He was advices by Father Ramon
• His mother;’s failing eyesight
Rizal’s academic performance at UST was comparable with how he fared in
Ateneo. Close examination of his scholastic records from 1878 to 1882, attests
to his medicore performance then
There were three factors that could really explain his below par
academic performance at UST, namely (Guerrero. 1998)
Medicine, not Rizal's real vocation
Dissatisfaction with the Dominican system of education;
The exciting distractions of youth.
III. Liberalism and Filipino Students at UST
The influx of Liberal Ideas can be attributed to the ending of the
Spanish Civil Wars, the opening of the Suez Canal, and the opening of
the Philippines to world trade.
The desire of the Filipino students stemmed from their exposure to 3
Important Revolutions in 19th Century
• Monasticism
• Revolution of Human reason against the otherworldliness of the
cathechism .
• and the revolution of Race and nation against iniquality and
Liceo Artistico Literario de Manila -an organization of art
lovers in the city, conducted regular competition in literary
in writing.
A La Juventud Filipina & El Consejo de Los Dioses - Rizal’s
entries in the contest (1879-1880)
-Adjudged as the best entries in the competition
Rizal joined the competition to prove one thing- That the
Filipinos can equal and even surpass tha Spaniards in
literary prowess
• Rizal displayed his Leaderships in Student activism when he was
pursuing Philosophy and Medicine at UST.
• He espoused the cause of brown skinned Filipino students against the
Spanish and Mestizo students (Zaide, 1971). As both the Spanish and
mestizo students labeled the Filipinos indio or chongo, Rizal and his
peers retaliated by callingg them Kastila or Bangus
• Bitter hostility existed between these two groups of students at UST.
This hostility, motivated by racial animosity, often erupted in student
rumbles in the university campusand even in the streets of Manila.
• Rizal brawl using his knowledge in frenching and wrestlingIn order to
show their Spanish detractors that F ilipino students were united, Rizal
organized a secret society of Filipino students. This society came to be
called Compañerismo. The members called hemselves Companions of
Jehu, the patriot general of the Jews.
• Rizal as President; Galaciano apicable as a Secretary
Rizal had his first taste of brutality during the summer
vacation ter his freshman year. He was not able to recognize
and salute the lieutenant passing so he was slashed by a
sword in his back.
He wrote a complaint to the Govenor-general Primo de Vera but
nothing good happened, considering he is an Indio. Cognizant of
his dignity, and of ability to compete with a Spaniard on equal
terms,he found that as an Indio, he was not accorded equaly
with a Spaniard before the bar of justice.