Uploaded by Rita Zhang

Inflammatory Response: Complement, Clotting, Kinin Systems

So this slide is a picture and this is how I thought I might best present this information to you
because we could do about 25 slides on the inflammatory response. It's much easier to just walk
through these three systems in this way. So your inflammatory response or the inflammatory line
of defense has three major components. You have the complement system, the clotting system and
the keinen system. We have here the complement sense system being your major driver, you do
not need to memorize all of these little factors and you know, biochemical mediators, you need to
look at the endgame of each one of these and what is accomplished okay. We have the
complement system which can be activated by multiple pathways. You have basically mast cell
activation here, and a mast cell has multiple functions, or neutrophils, mast cells, they're there and
activated by complement complement. The goal is here are to phagocytized the offending agent so
to engulf it and get rid of it. And to release histamines through mast cell degranulation.
So mast cells are like little pockets of histamine that spread that histamine into the area that cause
swelling and redness and vascular permeability, all the things you expect when you have like an
allergic reaction. That is what a mast cell degranulation is going to occur are going to result in in
the area. So we're going to trap it and we're going to engulf it by way of the complement system.
As we move continuously down this here we see more of these anaphylaxis and Aflac toxin and
chemotactic factors being released. And these are going to assist with leukocyte migration.
Anything chemo tactic is going to basically refer to neutrophils being called to the area and your
Neutrophils are your most prevalent white blood cell. So that should be the first line that we call
the area because there's going to be the most of them to respond. You're also going to see this
results in some of these other complement factors, which is like C five and c sub five B that you
see on here. And these are factors that actually attack the membrane of any bacterium that is going
to be in the area. So you have damage to the bacterial membrane in addition to these other
products. So if you look down this little complement system diagram here, you see kind of four
branches that end up here we have phages cytosis being increased I want to win golf it right I want
to get rid of it. I have damage to the bacterial membrane. I have more neutrophils coming to the
area, and I have mast cell degranulation And that means that they're releasing their histamine. The
complement system is going to be the major inflammatory driver. For this reason is this going to
be what you need in terms of a pathway to be intact in order for you to have a good inflammatory
response. That being said, you also need the cladding and keinen system. Now the cladding
system is activated by a number of different pathways. So we can either have this through an
intrinsic or an extrinsic pathway, but both of them involve some kind of blood vessel injury. You're
going to see your clotting factors then activate and combine through that whole clotting cascade
and again, you don't need to memorize that.
For this. What you need to understand that we're looking here as the endgame of clotting, the
clotting system, going to the factor vector system combining and working together for formation
of thrombin and then fibrinogen and fibrinogen you see these two After working together for the
formation of thrombin, and then fibrinogen and fibrinogen, you see these two branches kind of
coming out here is really associated with the development of fibrin and a blood class. Okay, we
really, really need that blood clots form that is the end game of the clotting system. If you don't
have clotting forming, when there's this kind of injury, you'll have a patient who's bleeding out,
okay. There is also a smaller pathway associated with the cladding system that continues to help
with chemotaxis and neutrophil migration. I really want you to kind of keep that under them. The
concept of class complement system because that is kind of the main point there. When you're
thinking about cladding focus on the formation of fibrin, which is your blood clot. If you don't
have an intact clotting system, you don't have vibrant, and if you don't have fibrin, you're going to
bleed out so it is important that we understand that all of the clotting factors that we have to have
thrombin we have to have fibrinogen being formed and then fibrin, or I have a deficiency in my
clotting system. On the end of this I have keinen which is like the simplest of these systems here.
And the endgame here is going to be pain. Okay. It also has some of the increased capillary
capillary permeability, to allow things to move through the vasculature. But really what is going on
here with Canaan's is going to be the pain. This is what you're going to see as a kind of goal here i
to bring attention to the fact that there's something going on with your body. That kind of system
says to you as you you know, cut that finger or smash the head so on the door, you are going to
have immediate attention to the area that needs physical attention to preserve bodily function and
health. So you have stimulated nerve endings here resulting in pain. As I look at these three
together, you can see where you're kind of covering all of your bases. With the complement
system. Let's say I caught my hand. I am going to bring everything I need to the area to try to keep
that cut from getting infected. I'm going to bring those mast cells and those neutrophils to phages
size and to release the degraded late, the histamine to the area so that I can get as many white
blood cells to the area damage that bacterium engulf it, and swell that area so that that bacteria
can't travel. Then I'm going to make sure my clotting cascade is coming into play and I'm going to
put a clot on it so that I don't bleed out from that little cut on my hand. And finally, I'm going to
make sure that my guidance system is in place so that I have the ability to feel pain there so that I
pay attention to it. And then I am going to take care of that cut so I don't end up further infected
down the road.