Uploaded by Miranda Guillen

Italian & Northern Renaissance Comparison

For the SAQ - Write at least two nice sentences for each part. HIGHLIGHT the TEA structure - T in
green, E in yellow, A - in pink. For E, indicate WHERE you got your evidence!!
A. Explain one similarity in ideas between the Italian and Northern Renaissance.
One similarity between the Italian and Northern Renaissance is the importance of classical Greco-Roman
values and teaching them. As section Christian Humanism on page 337 explains, both the Italian and
Northern Renaissance widened education all across their respective regions to teach patience, openmindedness, and calmness. Christians began to apply these classic values to their religious studies and,
rather than focusing so heavily on theology, began to place importance on individual morality much like
the Italians did.
B. Explain one difference in ideas between the Italian and Northern Renaissance.
One difference between the Italian and Northern Renaissance was that the Christian Renaissance, rather
than leave the study of theology behind how Italians mostly did, revamped their current way to teach. On
page 338, we are introduced to Desiderius Erasmus. He called for a reform of the church’s teachings to
accompany the new classical education being provided to men in his region. He believed studying Christ
should emphasize inner spirituality and morality. Erasmus, much like many others, saw the importance of
these classical values and sought a way to apply them to his religion.
C.. Explain one piece of visual art that represents ideas of only the Northern Renaissance
One piece of visual art that represents the ideas of only the Northern Renaissance would be The Madonna
with Canon van der Paele by Jan van Eyck. Van Eyck’s painting showcases human personality,
naturalism, and a great representation of human bodies and clothes of the century, much like Italian
classical paintings. However, his theme is fundamentally religious as he is painting the Virgin Mary and
her son Jesus, which is how he differs from the Italian classics and what makes this a true Northern
Renaissance piece.