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Canadian Industrial Offsets (ITB/VP) Explained

Everything you wanted to know about
Canadian Industrial Offsets
but were afraid to ask
Canada has been an innovator in Industrial Offset Policy,
dating back to Korean War (1950, DPA)
The IRB/ITB Policy we currently have was born in 1986,
and has morphed through various stages
In principle, the Policy is simple, when Canada engages in
a “strategic” procurement (normally Defence related,
>$20M value), it expects an equivalent return to Canada
Like most things, the Devil (and the hidden advantage) is
in the details
Important Concepts &
Canada's strategic Defence expenditures are normally mapped
out in a formal White Paper. The current one (Strong, Secure,
Engaged) can be found at:
The job of ensuring Canada obtains equitable benefit from
thisspending belongs to ISED, and their rules can be found at:
The role of ensuring such procurement and associated Offsets
are legally and financially sound rests with PSPC, thus if you
seek to benefit from ITB/VP Policy, be aware of this triad
structure, and be familiar with the referenced documents
Strong, Secure, Engaged
(DPS) in a nut-shell
Delivering the right equipment to the Canadian Armed
Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard in a timely manner:
Ensuring early and continuous industry and client
engagement in the procurement process;
Starting in June 2014, publishing an annual Defence
Acquisition Guide that outlines National Defence (DND)
procurement priorities; and
Establishing within DND an independent, third-party
challenge for military requirements.
Strong, Secure, Engaged (DPS) in
a nut-shell
Leveraging our purchases of defence equipment to create jobs and
economic growth in Canada:
Using a weighted and rated Value Proposition, to assess bids for
Defence and major Canadian Coast Guard procurements;
Implementing an Export Strategy to support international sales
opportunities and participation in global value chains;
Identifying and applying Key Industrial Capabilities (KICs) to inform
potential economic benefits of individual procurements so that they
meet the CAF’s needs & increase the competitiveness of Canadian
firms in the global marketplace; and
Establishing an independent, third-party Defence Analytics Institute
which will provide expert analysis to support the objectives of the DPS
and its evaluation.
How do ITB/VP's work?
Support the long-term sustainability and growth of Canada’s defence
Support the growth of prime contractors and suppliers in Canada,
including small and medium-sized enterprises in all regions of the
Enhance innovation through Research and Development in Canada
Increase the export potential of Canadian-based firms
All eligible DND/CCG procurements over $100 million ($20M option)
ITB/VP, Some Important Concepts
Industrial & Technological Benefit (ITB)
A mandatory obligation to conduct certain
business in Canada. A simple Pass/Fail
Value Proposition (VP)
A selection of ITB parameters considered to be
of significance to this procurement. These are
“weighted and rated” and contribute to the
overall scoring of the bidders proposal. This is
where the games are played.
ITB/VP, Some Important Concepts
Transaction (and type)
Investment Framework (IF)
Strategic Plan
Banking and Pooling
Key Industrial Capabilities (KICs)
Canadian Content Value (CCV)
Eligible Party
What are ITB/VP's goals?
Improves economic outcomes for companies in Canada from defence
Ensures that defence equipment purchases create greater economic
opportunities by promoting a sustainable, innovative & globally competitive
Canadian defence industry.
Transforms Industrial & Regional Benefits (IRBs) into Industrial &
Technological Benefits (ITBs).
Gives the Government more flexibility to improve economic outcomes from
defence procurement projects.
Rated & Weighted Value Propositions (VP) for defence & major Canadian
Coast Guard procurement projects.
Bidders will be motivated to put forward their best industrial plan for Canada,
as these plans will be scored on the quality of their Value Propositions.
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Why should SMBs and Academia care?
There is a mandatory SMB set-aside
The Value Proposition (VP) is rated & weighted
The VP formula always contains parameters of SMB and Academia
Collaborative R&D
Source and Skills Development
Global Value Chains
Therefore smart Prime bidders now see ITB/VP savy, informed
and agile Academia & SMBs as important assets, rather than
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Important / Essential things to do:
Take the time to understand the ITB program, inclusive of the
jargon, Primes will be impressed
Have your own Value Proposition that spells out what
differentiates you from the pack
Track programs as they move through the approval cycle,
know who the potential bidders are. Get your stuff in front of
them at every opportunity. Chasing an ITB/VP slot after the
RFP has issued is too late
Know who are your local MPs. Brief them on your objectives.
Ensure Prime bidders know you are able to push those
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Other Common Sense Stuff:
Once an RFP issues, get a copy and read it
Pay particular attention to the VP weighting (nominally 20%),
SMB set-aside (nominally 15%), and the VP calculation
Study the VP formula, and figure out how your company can
impact the parameters it contains. Add that to your own Value
Know who the Prime Offset Managers are, and use every
reasonable opportunity to present this case. Repetition is not
rude in this circumstance
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Things to avoid doing:
Showing up to a Trade Event/B2B and asking a Prime's rep to
explain what they do, and what opportunities there are for
you. You must do your homework, be informed, and tell them
what you can do on their program
Locking yourself into any exclusive deal, unless you are
certain-sure it is a one horse race
Waffle or lie when asked what your Canadian Content Value
(CCV) is
Act as if you think the ITB/VP is some form of SMB
Entitlement Program
Engage in negative marketing
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Valuable Tools:
Your own Value Proposition
This comes in many formats, but the key, foundation document is the
“Elevator Speech”. A simple, one-pager, that in bullet form, says:
The esence of who you are
What discriminates you from the rest
Why that is important to the End User
How a Prime Contractor benefits from dealing with you
What benefits accrue to Canada by choosing you
Should be easy, eh? Many struggle with this
Once established, everyone who interacts with clients, government,
media, etc, should have it committed to memory, and stick to it
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Valuable Tools:
Processes and Methods that match the Prime’s
Preparing a winning ITB/VP Proposal, and then managing its
contract execution is a lot of work for the Prime, with
significant penalties if it gets screwed up.
Suppliers who understand the ITB/VP process, and present
their source materials in Proposal and Annual Report ready
formats are worth their weight in gold. Be golden
Review the ITB Transaction Sheet. It is several pages of
promises the Prime is making, that will become contractually
binding, if he wins
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Valuable Tools:
Manage your Public Image
Make sure that your web-site is current, accurate, and
attractive. It is stop #1 for any Prime building his ITB/VP chain.
SMBs and Academia are horrible at this
Don't be cheap in having a sensible, focused presence in the
Trade Media, it does work
Similarly, Primes expect you to be visible at Trade Shows,
ideally with themes that mesh with their interests
This also applies to Government sponsored events, be there,
even if you have heard the story before
Maximizing SMB/Academia ITB/VP benefit
Attracting Investment
The ITB/VP provides Primes strong incentive to make eligible
investments in Academia and SMBs
If you fit that description, pay attention, Key features:
A Prime can invest in a technology development and receive
an ITB credit equal the future sales he enables by doing so
Alternately, the Prime help sponsor in R, D & E programs,for
which he receives a pre-determined (x4-9) multiplier on his
Whatever investment the Prime makes, it must be in the form
of a “gift”, where he has no repayment rights, nor does he
receive any equity, or IP rights related to the work. It is truly
Free Money
The foregoing maps out why you should be
interested in ITB/VP
However, obtaining those benefits takes time and
One 30-minute briefing will not get you there. This
takes regular and sustained attention. If you do
not have the time, find someone who does
Academia and SMBs who pay attention do well, it
has nothing to do with luck
As a start, the following check-list may help you
A Simple Check-List
Read the ITB/VP, and understand it
Ensure your profile matches the ITB/VP focus
Make sure you web presence and public image reflects same
Monitor all GoC procurements, so you know when ITB/VP
procurements are on the street
Present your case to all bidders, in a format that matches ITB/VP
Understand this is a long haul process, stamina wins out
If you get a negative answer, you just asked the wrong question,
try it again in a different format, never, never, never give up
What comes Next?
Who knows, as Industrial Offsets exist at the
Government's discretion
However, both major parties have maintained (and
strengthened) them over the years
The ITB/VP version is new(ish), and reached after
extensive consultation with Industry (SMB set-aside and
VP were the innovations)
General consensus is favorable on these changes, with a
mood to strengthen the VP
However, don't forget, GoC made these rules, and it can
waive them (e.g. FMS, Urgent and Pressing Req, .....)