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Ocean Dumping: Environmental Impact & Solutions

Planktons in the ocean produce 50 – 85
percentage of atmospheric oxygen. This
percentage would drop if we continue to dump
wastes into oceans. There is a very popular claim, it
goes like this: “We will end up having the same
amount of biomass of aquatic organisms as that of
the plastic wastes in the oceans by 2050, if we
continue to dump at the current rate.” The quantity
of wastes that we are dumping into the oceans is
that high. We need to urge the governmental
organizations to stop the dumping process right
A set of ruthless people would argue that
we never need to depend on the oxygen produced
by planktons and other water plants and we could
produce oxygen from other scientifically advanced
sources. My reply to them is that any biological
creature other than us need to be valued more
than the homo sapiens. We, humans are capable
to adapt to any difficult circumstance. It is not the
same with other creatures we share the EARTH.
Also, these set of people wouldn’t have an
opportunity to have shrimps, prawns, lobsters and
fishes as food. Non – profit organizations with the
aim to clear the ocean debris have started to rise
up. Example: Ocean Cleanup, Team Seas.
We just need to aid them with financial support to
keep them alive.
To conclude, I say that ocean dumping is one of
the crucial needs of the hour along with climate
change and glacier melts. We just cant delay the
process thereby killing tons of organisms living in
the oceans and seas.