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FINAL Unit 2 - The Evolution of Traditional to New Media, 3 Topics

UNIT 2: The Evolution of Traditional to New
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Traditional and New Media
Jump Start
Learn about It!
Check Your Understanding
Explore and Create!
Lesson 2: The Role of Media in Society
Jump Start
Learn about It!
Check Your Understanding
Explore and Create!
Lesson 3: The Internet of Things
Jump Start
Learn about It!
Check Your Understanding
Explore and Create!
Let’s Create!
Wrap Up
Answers to Check Your Understanding
GRADE 11/12 |Media Information and Literacy
The Evolution of Traditional to New Media
Imagine a world wherein communication and the transfer of information is not possible. It’s
quite a struggle isn’t it? For several centuries, humanity has strived to develop means of
transferring messages, information, and knowledge in order to express ideas from one
person to another. The ability to have this higher order of thinking and the need to express
one’s feelings or opinions are the characteristics which separate us humans from the other
species on this planet.
Technology continues to evolve and develop; industrialization significantly improved the
methods of communication as the needs to convey information became more significant and
necessary. The means of recording and sending knowledge from the primitive and simple way
of writing it down has transformed to cope with the modern needs of the society as
everything becomes digital. The concept of digitizing content has allowed multiple recipients
to gain access to information through a variety of devices. This, in turn, provide real-time and
on-demand access to information, as needed by an individual to simply be informed or aid
him in completing a particular task. Being media- and information-literate can also be
considered a primary competency in today’s society.
Fig. 1. The Tin Can Telephone - this is commonly considered a toy but is a great example on how communication
is accomplished between a sender and a receiver.
Learning Targets
In this unit, you should be able to:
● Identify traditional and new media and their relationships;
● Editorialize the roles and functions of media in a democratic society; and
● Search the latest theories on information and media.
Lesson 1: Traditional and New Media
The ability to convey information is a primary skill needed in order to accomplish a certain
task. In this lesson, you should be able to identify the stages through which media has
transformed from the traditional to digital based on the convergence of technology.
Jump Start
Pass the message!
This activity will demonstrate how a medium of communication shows effectiveness and
accuracy. The mechanics are as follows:
1. Form two groups with ten members.
2. The first group shall act out (as in Charades) the title of a movie, while the second shall
illustrate the title of the movie by drawing it on a piece of paper.
3. The title must be transferred from the first member to the next and so on until it
reaches the final member of the group.
4. All group members must face the opposing side and must not see the charade or the
drawing of the person which is not directly in front of him.
5. The final member is responsible for determining the correct title of the movie.
Discuss the following questions based on the activity above:
1. Which of the two methods used by each group is the better means of transferring the
2. What techniques can further be applied so that the accuracy can be improved?
3. What could be the best way to correctly convey the title of the movie to the last
member of the group?
Learn about It!
The need to transfer information and knowledge from one person to another can be
considered as a basic one. It is important to understand how past civilizations were able to
accomplish this by utilizing whatever resources they had at that time. This lesson will discuss
the different forms of media used, and how traditional media evolved into what we call new
Pre-industrial Age (Pre- 1700’s)
This era is described to occur before the 1700’s or the boom of the industrial age. This period
is also known as the prehistoric age, as most of the media used to record information dates
back to ancient civilizations. The earliest examples of media discovered in this period are
shown in prehistoric cave paintings, which have been around since 35,000 BC. Other
examples of media from the pre-industrial age are the papyrus paper used in ancient Egypt in
2,500 BC, the clay tablets found in Mesopotamia in 2,400 BC, the Acta Diurna (an early
gazette) in Rome in 130 BC, the Dibao (an ancient gazette) in China in the second century, the
codex in the Mayan region in the fifth century, and the wooden printing blocks found in 220
AD. All of these were seen as evidence that the earliest civilizations had already honed the
skills to convey information, through writing and drawing on whichever material was available
during that time using their primitive languages.
Industrial Age (1700’s to 1930’s)
This period is described as the product of harnessing the power of machines. The industrial
age (1700’s to 1930’s) not only paved the way for the mass production of goods and products,
but also became responsible for the widespread dissemination of information. The most
notable invention of this era is undoubtedly the printing press in the nineteenth century, as it
allowed the mass production of books, newspapers, and other printed materials. The
typewriter in the 1800’s allowed a more uniform method of recording text without the
confusion of understanding the handwriting of every person. The industrial age also paved
the way for the introduction of motion pictures as it continued to evolve from 1890’s to 1926.
The invention of the telegraph and the telephone allowed real-time communication across a
great distance; this in turn allowed people to convey messages and information in a faster
and more efficient manner.
Fig. 2. An image of a printing press which revolutionized the mass production of printed materials.
Electronic Age (1930’s to 1980’s)
The invention of the transistor started the era of electronic computing. This device allowed
the development of electronic components which are far more efficient than their analog
counterparts. The earliest electronic devices that used the this invention were the transistor
radio, the television in 1941, the first generations of large electronic computers and
mainframes, and the earliest forms of personal computers. The electronic age allowed mass
media to take form; thanks to this, wherein a vast number of recipients would be able to
receive data transmitted from a single source in real time.
Fig. 3. An image of a transistor which amplifies electrical signals.
Information Age (1900’s to 2000’s)
This modern age is characterized by the massive influence of the Internet. The Internet
allowed communication and information to be accessible real-time and on-demand anywhere
across the globe. Electronic computing devices such as personal computers, smartphones,
tablets, and wearable devices all harness the power and capabilities of the Internet. The most
notable trend in this era is the use of social media websites and applications in order to reach
out to people. A majority of media resources are already being converted to digital as they are
easier to consume and transferred compared to traditional media. Current trends such as
cloud computing and big data are also buzzwords in the information age.
The need for continuous improvement in the means
and methods of communication was already
apparent the earliest civilizations. Being able to
transfer information and knowledge in a manner
that is more efficient and effective is still the goal,
evident in the evolution of traditional to new media.
communication, inventions like the printing press
and the transistor were able to revolutionize how
people send and receive information on a massive
scale. The information age and the emergence of
digital media, on the other hand, allowed for
real-time communication and on-demand access to
information through modern electronic devices and
social media platforms. New media is here to stay, and we can expect it to become even more
pervasive and influential in our everyday lives.
Check Your Understanding
A. Determine the period or age when the forms of media/device/platform existed by marking
the corresponding cell with an ‘X’ mark. Do remember that an item might be applicable to
more than one period.
Printing Press
Stone/Clay Tablets
Industrial Age
Electronic Age
B. Application.
1. What is the importance of choosing the correct medium of communication in
conveying a message or information?
2. How do you use the new media platforms in your everyday life?
C. Synthesis and Analysis.
1. Compare the four periods of the evolution of traditional to new media. What are the
catalyst for change from each period towards the next?
2. Do you think there will be another period after the information age? If yes, how do
you think it will differ?
Explore and Create!
1. Review the contents of the lesson and create a summarized report in a form of a
timeline indicating the core concepts of each era. Aside from this, gather relevant
images and illustrations that will highlight the inventions, devices, or platforms which
are not included in the discussion that make each of the period unique with its
2. Compare a news article from a well-established broadsheet and a news article from an
online blog. What are the immediate similarities or differences can you observe? Do you
think that online blogs can be trusted to the same degree as a well-established
broadsheet? Defend your answer.
Lesson 2: The Role of Media in the Society
The goal of every society should to be recognized as democratic and benevolent towards all
its members and citizens. This has been proven by various movements, as recorded in ancient
and modern history. The fast-paced and real-time transfer of knowledge through digital media
is truly shaping how society functions as a collective unit of highly connected individuals. Thus,
it is important to determine the role of media and mass digital communication in society, and
to know how media influences the ideologies, beliefs, and principles of people.
Jump Start
Who are your sources?
Ask the students to form a group of five people and rank their sources of information by
marking them, with 1 as being the primary source and so on. Let each group tally the results
to determine which type of media they consider their primary source of information. The
sources are:
1. Television
2. Radio
3. Books
4. New Paper
5. News Programs
6. Social Media Websites
7. Wikis
8. Blogs
After the tally has been completed, ask a representative from the group to share the following
in front of the class: [1] why the media source was ranked the highest, and [2] what its
greatest influences are on them as a student and as a member of the society.
Learn about It!
The influence and roles of media in society were
revolutionized in the industrial age. The invention of
the printing press allowed the mass production of
reading materials, which in turn provided people a
quick and efficient method of acquiring and sharing
knowledge through books and other publications.
To this day, these printed materials serve as the
most basic form of spreading ideologies and
influencing people. The influences of mass media on
society grew more effective with the arrival of the
electronic and digital age.
The pervasiveness of new media or digital media
highly influences how people go about their lives in
our modern society. Digital media is used in a
variety of ways depending on the needs of an individual or a group. Mass communication
companies such as news and entertainment organizations use the capability of mass media in
order to reach out to their consumers. People that live across different geographical areas can
use digital media in order to communicate and transfer information on demand and in in real
time. With all of the technological advancements in how people communicate and share
information, it is highly evident that media plays a major role in influencing how members of
the society think and act.
Perhaps one of the most pervasive forms of new media that is highly influential to the lives of
people is social media. A vast majority of Filipinos consider themselves to be social media
savvy, as they have the ability to access and maintain their social media accounts. A large
number of business organizations, government
offices, and influential people in politics and
entertainment use social media as a platform to
reach out to their customers, constituents, and
followers. On a very simple level, using this platform
highly influences how followers think and react to
issues and topics which may or may not be relevant to
how they function in the society. Although using social
media is quite effective in reaching out to a multitude
of people, this platform can also be used to spread
false information on certain topics and issues. Many
people may actually be influenced, even without investigating the truthfulness of the shared
Fig. 4. Various social media apps and websites.
The introduction of e-governance is one of the major contributions of new media, with the
aid of ICT in the form of applications, infrastructure, and communication. With e-government,
the services of the state are significantly enhanced as the members of the community gain
access to information and services that the government offices provide. Common examples of
e-government services include the availability of pertinent documents related to government
projects, real-time communication with public officials regarding civic concerns, and
participating in surveys and crowd-sourcing which aids in decision making.
Lastly, digital media can be used to promote empowerment of those in marginalized sectors.
The promotion of gender equality, the emphasis on the rights of differently abled people, and
the recognition of different ethnic and indigenous groups are the most common themes for
these movements. Harnessing the highly influential capabilities of new media allows such civic
and social movements to reach a great number of people in an informative and efficient
Digital media is evidently around us; as modern technology continues to improve, our reliance
on digital media is here to stay. However, each member of the society must be responsible
enough to use the capabilities of new media towards nation-building and civic engagement.
The benefits of digital media must be harnessed with responsible and sensible use which aims
towards the betterment of life for all. Any activities that is directed to inflict harm towards
others must be reported to proper authorities, as this is part of being a responsible member
of a digital community.
Check Your Understanding
A. Determine whether the following media platforms belong to traditional media, social
media, or e-governance by marking the corresponding cell with an ‘X’ mark.
Passport Appointment System
Social Media
B. Application.
1. Which celebrity, politician, or social group do you “follow” the most and in which
aspect of your life is highly influenced by this?
2. Are you a member of a an online community like a Facebook group? If yes, what
are your reasons for joining and how does it affect you as a person?
C. Synthesis and Analysis.
1. What e-government project do you think is needed in the Philippines in order to
provide better and higher quality public service to the community?
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new media in the modern society
and provide real-life examples of each.
Explore and Create!
Using the Internet, search for a person, group, organization, or movement that aims to
promote the empowerment of marginalized sectors or ideologies.
1. How do they use digital media in order to influence the members of society?
2. Are there similarities in the way they use digital media in order to gain followers, and is
there evidence that they really influence how society acts or reacts?
3. What are your personal guidelines or principles when it comes to following a person or
group on social media? How are these guidelines helping you to have better
Lesson 3: The Internet of Things
We are now living in the digital age where the Internet allows us to do things that were just
ideas years ago. With the advent of technology and access to devices which can harness the
power of the Internet, people can now live in a more efficient and convenient way. In this
generation, everything is simply interconnected.
Jump Start
How connected is your home?
Interview at least five classmates. Through this the interview, you should gather answers to
the following questions:
1. Do you have an Internet-capable home?
2. What devices and how many are usually connected to the Internet at any given time?
3. Aside from typical Internet browsing, does your family members use the Internet for
any other purpose?
4. What is the most unique device connected to your Internet-capable home?
Present your findings in front of the class and compare if there are similarities on how each
home utilizes the Internet.
Learn about It!
The idea of having everything interconnected into a network is a concept that is rapidly
gaining popularity in this age of advanced technology. Everyday objects, outside of the scope
of computers and networking devices, have been seen as only tools that needed human
interventions in order for them to function. However, with the introduction of what we call
“the Internet of Things”, these objects are no longer just tools to complete tasks, but are part
of a larger network where they can send and receive data.
The Internet of Things gained popularity in the early 1990’s with the simple concept of
having everyday objects be connected to a computing device in order to analyze pieces of
data and produce useful information. The coining of the term “Internet of Things”, often
abbreviated as IoT, is attributed to Kevin Ashton, the co-founder of MIT's Auto-ID Center in
1999. Although limited by the technology of that
time, mainly because processors and computing
components were not cheap, IoT saw very slow
progress. However, the manufacturing costs of the
needed components has come down significantly in
the recent years, which paved way to IoT gaining
popularity again.
There are several applications and devices that are
already harnessing the capabilities of IoT. A light
bulb can now be connected to via a wireless network
in order to be switched on or off, change colors, or
adjust its brightness. Thermostats can also be
connected to smartphones using a Wireless
Network Connection so that temperatures can be adjusted using an application. Several
“smart” assistance devices are installed in homes, and may serve as the central commanding
device which processes any instructions from the user, allowing all connected devices to
function specifically. The possibilities and opportunities of the Internet of Things are still being
realized by developing countries. However, some developed countries are already moving
towards having a “smart home” where almost all aspects of living can be interconnected, and
all home devices can connect and communicate with each other.
Fig. 5. Google home or Amazon Alexa.
The opportunities brought by the Internet of Things are not experienced only on a personal or
household level. Several business entities have started to leverage the advantages of IoT in
order to achieve better efficiency in their business processes while minimizing the expenses
and maximizing profit. Business organizations no longer just rely on tangible assets in order to
be competitive; most gather all the data and information they can get from customers,
competitors, and the market itself using IoT connected devices so that data collection will be
faster and in real time.
However, IoT is not spared from pitfalls. The most common concern when it comes to
allowing devices to send data and information via the Internet are potential threats. Major
concerns include invasion of customer privacy, and the possibility of a cyber attack wherein
the point of entry is the device with the weakest security capabilities. It is highly
recommended that users who wishes to have an IoT-capable home or business be able to
determine and realize the possibility that cyber criminals may take advantage of what the IoT
devices can do.
The concept of the Internet of Things is still flourishing and continuously being developed.
Advancements in technology and cheaper production of computing components allow
manufacturers to create and discover innovative products which can cater to anyone’s needs.
However, no matter how efficient and promising IoT is, it is still the responsibility of any user
to know how to use these devices properly and be vigilant enough to secure their personal
data and information.
Check Your Understanding
A. Determine the category to which the following IoT devices belong by marking the
corresponding cell with an ‘X’ mark.
IoT Device
Fitness and
Smart Light Bulbs
GPS Tracking
Body Activity Tracker
Point of Sale Devices
Smart Locks
B. Application.
1. What are the benefits of having a smart home?
2. What are the challenges and major concerns when it comes to having IoT-ready
C. Synthesis and Analysis.
1. A homeowner installed a smart lock into his home. Considering that it can be
accessed wirelessly, what steps should he take in order to ensure that only
authorized persons will be able to control the smart lock?
2. What should business organizations and companies consider in the
implementation of IoT devices? Should factors such as cost of implementation
and the corresponding benefits be weighed in a significantly strict manner?
Explore and Create!
Form a group of five students each. The goal of this activity is to design an Internet of Things
device (this can be any common appliance found in a typical house or office) that will feature
capabilities that may or may not exist as of this time. You will have full liberty as to what you
want to include in their proposed device, but be guided by these questions.
1. What type of device are you going to propose and which major area or category does it
belong to?
2. How do you plan to promote your device so that people would actually want to use it?
3. What are the major features and capabilities of your device against the other existing
IoT devices in the market?
4. What could be its disadvantages or pitfalls that the consumer needs to know? How
would you address these concerns in the future iteration of your device?
Let’s Create!
(0-5 points)
(6-14 points)
(15-20 points)
(The survey questions are
done in a non-partisan and
non-biased approach)
(The conduct of the survey
promotes objectivity and
respondents are allowed
freedom to express their
answers in full context)
The answers to each
question were documented
properly and legibly.
The answers were
organized based on the age
group, similarities, and
The final output or report
was presented in a manner
that is clear and
understandable without the
need of exhaustive
Total Score:
Table format below: ( strictly follow format and color)
I think I need more
time and assistance.
I have a minimal
understanding of it.
I am confident that I
can do this with ease.
I understand what
media is and how it
continues to evolve
based on the
available technology.
I am able to
comprehend the
major roles and
influences of
traditional and new
media to the society.
I am able to grasp the
concept behind the
Internet of Things
and I am able to
distinguish its
different advantages
and disadvantages.
Wrap Up
● The evolution of traditional to new or digital media started in the pre-industrial age and
continues to develop into the information age, as technological innovations are being
introduced at a faster pace.
● Both traditional and new media play important roles not only in providing relevant
information to society but also in influencing the masses to promote certain ideologies
and advocacies.
● New, or digital, media can be used for e-governance so that the services of the public
sector can be improved.
● The Internet of Things is a concept wherein everyday objects could connect to a
network in order to send and receive data which can either be used to issue commands
or process relevant information.
● The Internet of Things is useful both personally or industrially depending on the needs
or goals of the user.
Campos, Patrick. From Cave to Cloud: Media and Information Literacy for Today. Phoenix
Publishing House, 2016.
Leaning, Marcus. Media and Information Literacy. Vol. First Edition. Chandos Publishing, 2017.
Zarate, Maria Jovita E. Media and Information Literacy. Rex Publishing, 2016.
Recommended Links for This Unit:
Añonuevo, Joshua. Evolution Of Traditional to New Media. https://youtu.be/GA9Ld6HgqKM,
Khan Academy. Mass Media | Society and Culture. https://youtu.be/5RRyX9mI5Lw, 2015.
IBM Think Academy. How It Works: Internet of Things. https://youtu.be/QSIPNhOiMoE, 2015.
Answers to Check Your Understanding
Lesson 1: The Evolution of Traditional to New Media
Part A
Printing Press
Stone/Clay Tablets
Industrial Age
Electronic Age
Part B
1. Choosing the correct medium for communication is essential so that the accurate
message or information can be transmitted either to a single person or to a group of
2. New media platforms are usually used in today’s generation to communicate to
someone located in a different geographical area. Digital media can also be used to
gather information in a fast and more convenient way.
Part C
1. The periods in the evolution of traditional to media differ based on the materials or
technology used in order to record and transfer any form of data or information.
Pre-industrial - traditional pen and paper, Industrial - the printing press, Electronic - the
transistor, Information Age - the Internet.
2. Yes. Development of newer technologies is non-stop and will therefore create a more
advanced and sophisticated way of communication with the use of digital media.
Lesson 2: The Role of Media in the Society
Part A
Passport Appointment System
Social Media
Part B
1. Answers may vary based on the chosen person of the student. Students must be able
to identify why they are following the said person and provide scenarios on how these
people influenced them in decision-making.
2. Answers may vary based on the chosen person of the student but answers may be
because of similar interests or common agenda
Part C
1. Answers may include those services that are commonly needed by the masses such as
in healthcare and education. Data transparency within the government is also a good
2. Answers may vary. Advantages may be the promotion of advocacies and ideologies.
Disadvantages may include cyber bullying and spreading of wrong information.
Lesson 3: The Internet of Things
Part A
IoT Device
Smart Light Bulbs
GPS Tracking
Body Activity Tracker
Point of Sale Devices
Smart Locks
Fitness and
Part B
1. A smart home can produce a more convenient and innovative way of living since all
devices can be controlled in an automated manner.
2. One of the challenges when it comes to the Internet of Things is choosing the correct
devices in order to make daily tasks easier while one of the major concern is ensuring
that all devices are protected against possible cyber attacks which can compromise
important personal data and information
Part C
1. The homeowner must ensure that only authorized members of the family have access
to the home network to prevent other people from accessing their private information
and devices.
2. The cost and benefits must always be considered by businesses. In the most common
situation, the benefits must outweigh the cost of procurement or installation.
Cyber Security - a set of techniques, protocols, and mechanism to protect a network against
hacking or malicious attacks that uses the Internet as an entry point.
E-Governance - the utilization of the available technology in order for the government to
deliver its services to the community in a faster and efficient manner.
Internet of Things - a system of interconnected everyday objects linked into a network in
order to send and receive data which can further be processed to produce useful information.
Mass Media - any means of communication which is intended to reach a large number of
audiences at any given time.
New Media - often referred to as digital media, this uses the current technologies available
today in order to share information using the Internet.
Printing Press - an invention that was popularized in the industrial age which allowed mass
production of printed materials such as books.
Smart Home - a concept wherein home appliances are connected and can be controlled over
a single network, usually with the use of the Internet or a local area network.
Social Media - a form of communication site where people can share any information with
other users anytime and anywhere in the world as members of an online community.
Wireless Network Connection - a technology that allows devices to connect wirelessly so
that communication will be possible among all connect devices.