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Note-Taking Effectiveness on Test Scores

Assessing the Effectiveness of Note-taking Study Technique on Test Scores of
Statement of the Problem
This study is intended to assess the effectiveness of the Note-taking method on
test scores of students in high school.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. The Note-taking method of the respondents help them to get high test score due
1.1 Retention of information
1.2 Quick method
1.3 Increase focus
1.4 Actively listening
2. Which group of students get a high test score?
2.1 Students who are taking notes
2.2 Students who do not have study methods
3. What correlation does the Note-taking of the respondents have to their test
4. Based on the findings of the study, what particular program or informative
material on study techniques can be developed to help students to study
effectively and succeed academically?
Definition of terms
The following terms were classified and defined in accordance to how they were
used in the study:
● Cornell Method: is a system for taking, organizing and reviewing notes where it
records lectures as fully and as meaningful as possible. It divided a page into
three sections: a Cue column on the left, a Note column on the right, and a
Summary area at the bottom of the page.
● Dual Coding Theory: It is simultaneously processing verbal and visual
representations of a topic, which will increase the recall of the knowledge.
Encoding hypothesis: It is an act of taking notes which organizes information
effectively and results in long-term retention.
● Note-taking method: It is a technique for keeping track of momentary
information that is crucial to performance. It is easier to focus and manage tasks
when thoughts are written down.