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Evolution of Brain and Behavior: Textbook Chapter

Evolution of the Brain and
6 Evolution of the Brain and Behavior
•How Did the Enormous Variety of
Species Arise on Earth?
•Why Should We Study Other
•All Vertebrate Brains Share the Same
Basic Structures
6 Evolution of the Brain and Behavior
•The Evolution of Vertebrate Brains
Reflects Changes in Behavior
•Many Factors Led to the Rapid
Evolution of a Large Cortex in
Primates Loading…
•Evolution Continues Today
6 How Did the Enormous Variety of Species Arise on Earth?
Until about 200 years ago, it was
believed that species were created
Naturalists, students of animal life
and structure, began to doubt this.
Fossils of extinct species provided
evidence for evolution—the gradual
change of a species.
Figure 6.1 Homology of Forelimb Structures
Figure 6.2 Natural Selection at the Genetic Level
Figure 6.3 Linnaean Classification of the Domestic Dog
Figure 6.4 Family Tree of Apes and Humans
Figure 6.5 We Are Related, Aren’t We?
6 Why Should We Study Other Species?
Selection for increased size of the
forebrain correlates positively
with the ability to cope with
environmental challenges and
opportunities in new, flexible
6 Why Should We Study Other Species?
Differences in brain size and structure
can be due to behavioral adaptations.
Novel or strategic food-seeking behavior
is correlated with larger brain size.
Figure 6.6 Food Storing in Birds as Related to Hippocampal Size
6 Why Should We Study Other Species?
Animals who depend on hearing,
vision, or memory for their food
develop larger related brain
In some species of songbirds, song
repertoires are adaptive behaviors.
There is a strong correlation
between repertoire size and HVC.
Figure 6.7 Brainy Warblers Sing More Songs
Box 6.2 To Each its Own Sensory World
Mammals’ lifestyles are related to cortical
• Nocturnal rodents (like rats) that use
whiskers have a large part of their cortex
devoted to their whiskers but much less
to vision compared to diurnal rodents
(like squirrels).
• The platypus uses its bill to detect
mechanical and electrical stimuli; most of
its somatosensory cortex is devoted to
the bill.
Box 6.2 To Each Its Own Sensory World
6 Why Should We Study Other Species?
Nervous systems vary widely in
structure and complexity.
Structures range from nerve nets,
radial nerves, neural rings, and
simple ganglia in invertebrates to
central and peripheral nervous
systems in vertebrates.
Figure 6.8 A Comparative View of Nervous Systems
Figure 6.9 Functions and Relations
6 All Vertebrate Brains Share the Same Basic Structures
Each of the main structures in the
human brain has a counterpart in the
rat brain.
Differences between human and rat
brains are in actual and relative size
of regions, such as cerebral cortex
and olfactory bulbs.
Figure 6.10 Human and Rat Brains Compared
6 All Vertebrate Brains Share the Same Basic Structures
Vertebrate nervous systems share certain
main features:
• Develop from a hollow dorsal neural tube
• Bilateral symmetry
• Segmentation
• Hierarchical control
• Separate peripheral and central nervous
• Localization of function
Figure 6.11 The Same Kind of Neuron in Different Species
6 The Evolution of Vertebrate Brains Reflects Changes in
Two methods are used to study
evolution of the brain:
1. Endocast—uses fossil skulls to
make a cast of the brain to give a
reasonable indication of the size and
shape of the brain, but no fine detail.
Figure 6.12 Brain Regions in Seven Classes of Vertebrates
6 The Evolution of Vertebrate Brains Reflects Changes in
We must be careful not to interpret
change over time, including the
change in brain size, as if it were a
linear evolutionary sequence.
The main classes of vertebrates
represent different lines or radiations
of evolution that have been
proceeding separately and
simultaneously for at least 200 million
6 The Evolution of Vertebrate Brains Reflects Changes in
The differences are not in the basic
subdivisions but in their relative size
and elaboration.
All mammals have a six-layered
cortex, also called neocortex.
• Reptiles were the first vertebrates to
have a cerebral cortex, but they have
only three cortical layers, unlike the
six cortical layers of mammals.
6 The Evolution of Vertebrate Brains Reflects Changes in
The encephalization factor is a
measure of brain size relative to body
The relationship between brain weight
and body weight is similar for all
classes of vertebrates.
Brain weight relative to body size does
vary between and within classes.
Figure 6.13 The Relation between Brain Weight and Body Weight
Figure 6.14 Who Is the Brainiest?
Figure 6.15 Was the Dinosaur Being Too Modest?
Figure 6.16 Changes in the Apportionment of Brain Regions among Primates
6 The Evolution of Vertebrate Brains Reflects Changes in
In primates, brain regions that develop
later have enlarged more than earlier
Larger brains have evolved by prolonging
the later stages of development.
In humans, this may explain changes in
the cortex, where new neurons form the
outermost layers.
Figure 6.17 Evolution Allows Later-Developing Brain Regions to Grow Larger
Figure 6.18 Hominid Evolution
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
As Homo erectus evolved, brains
became larger and faces got smaller
than the australopithecines.
Homo erectus made elaborate tools,
used fire, and hunted. They also
expanded their area over three
With Homo sapiens, brain volume
evolved rapidly and had reached
modern levels about 150,000 years
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
A large brain has costs and benefits:
•A long gestation period
•Prolonged dependence on parents
•High metabolic cost
•Complex genes vulnerable to
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
The social brain hypothesis suggests a
larger brain is needed to maintain
social relationships between similar
Primates show a correlation between
clique (a group of individuals that
regularly socialize with one another)
size and size of the cortex relative to
overall brain size.
Figure 6.19 The Social Brain Hypothesis
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
Adaptive advantages of a large brain
•Increased survival and ability for
group interaction in humans
•Innovative behavior, use of tools, and
social learning in all primates
Figure 6.20 Transmitting Culture
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
Large brain size can also predict
success in a novel environment, such
as in introduced bird species.
• A study examined more than 600
examples of introduction involving
195 bird species found that the
species with larger brains, relative to
body size, tended to be more
successful in establishing themselves
in novel environments.
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
Sexual selection pressures for
ability to attract attention, artistry,
and creativity may lead to
increased brain size, as in
Figure 6.21 A Bowerbird Nest
6 Many Factors Led to the Rapid Evolution of a Large Cortex in
Very similar genomes can produce
different brains:
•A few crucial genes can have a great
effect on development.
•Small changes in DNA can alter the
timing and location of gene
Figure 6.22 Differences in Gene Expression in Various Tissues Reveal the Extent of Similarity
between Species
Figure 6.23 Over Your Head
6 Evolution Continues Today
Some evolution can be rapid:
• Overuse of antibiotics speeds evolution of
resistant bacteria.
• Bighorn rams with smaller horns are not
hunted, thereby surviving longer.
• Darwin’s finches continue to change in
response to food supply.
• The largest cod are kept, and remaining
ones mature at smaller sizes.
6 Evolution Continues Today
Radiocarbon dating shows the
colonization of Europe and Asia by
Homo sapiens 50,000 years ago.
Differences in skin color, facial
features, and stature of inhabitants of
those regions have occurred since
then, in response to climate
Figure 6.25 The Colonization of Europe and Asia by Homo sapiens
6 The Cutting Edge: Are Humans Still Evolving?
Minor variations where one nucleotide
substitutes for another can occur at certain
locations within a gene (or neighboring
stretch of DNA); these are called singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs;
polymorphism means “many shapes”).
• Most SNPs (not all) have just two
different versions, or alleles.
Figure 6.26 SNP Variation and Natural Selection (Part 1)
6 The Cutting Edge: Are Humans Still Evolving?
In the absence of selection pressure,
DNA from different individuals shows
a random mix of SNP alleles in the
gene and surrounding DNA.
But recent active selection pressure
that favors a specific allele within the
gene results in the SNPs in the gene
and its surrounding regions being
invariant because they have recently
spread from an originating individual.
Figure 6.26 SNP Variation and Natural Selection (Part 2)
6 The Cutting Edge: Are Humans Still Evolving?
Genes that have been subject to
recent natural selection show
reduced variation in adjacent
Table 6.1 Examples of Human Genes Subject to Recent Selection Pressure
6 The Cutting Edge: Are Humans Still Evolving?
Not all changes in recent humans are
evolutionary, or even genetic.
The increased stature of modern
humans, for example, has more to do
with good nutrition and medical
advances than changes in any genes
—another form of cultural evolution.
6 The Cutting Edge: Are Humans Still Evolving?
Some responses to environmental
pressures involve epigenetic
modifications of gene expression.
For example, early stress produces
lasting changes in the expression of
genes encoding stress hormone
As long as we all don’t make equal
contributions to next generations,
evolution is still occurring in humans.