Minimalist WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY FROM AVERAGE CHUBBY TO SEXY LEAN - A BEGINNER’S GUIDE @wanheekimm DEAR SUBSCRIBER, Thank you for being here and watching my youtube videos. In the videos we discussed the fundamental principles that should govern your workout routines. Here, we focus on the workout routine itself. It is minimalist. We train for 3 days a week. Less than 1 hour each time. But it’s not easy. Once you focus on 4-8 reps and build strength on these lifts, you will be shocked at how fast you build muscle. Not only that, you will start to build muscle in the right places for the aesthetic, proportioned look. As a lover of sports and martial arts, I don’t believe in programs that don’t translate to real life functionality. This minimalist formula will make you look amazing, be strong, athletic, and functional. As you might know, you cannot out-train a bad diet. So if you want maximal results, watch my video on nutrition and how I use intermittent fasting to get lean. Finally, if you want to transform for the long run, not just for a summer holiday, then you must work on your mindset. For this, consult my latest video (coming up) on mindset. If you have watched all three and are ready to kickstart your own transformation, Let's begin. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 02 5 COMMANDMENTS OF TRAINING: TRACK YOUR PROGRESS GAIN STRENGTH IN THE 4-8 REPS RANGE REST DAYS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS TRAINING DAYS STICK TO THE SAME THING FOR AT LEAST 2 MONTHS DROP EGO TO STAY INJURY FREE LET’S GO THROUGH THEM ONE BY ONE. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 03 1 TRACK YOUR PROGRESS This is no.1 on the list because it’s the most important. So many guys go to the gym and lift what they feel like on the day. They cannot remember exactly how many sets and reps they did the time before. This is amateur. Fix this first. Serious athletes, serious professionals, measure and track their progress. This is the only way to keep yourself accountable. You cannot lie in front of numbers. You cannot shy away from the weight you must lift. What gets measured, gets accomplished. Now most of you will say, “alright, I’ll remember to do a bit more each time. I gotta progressive overload right?” Wrong. You must write your exercises, sets, and reps down or you will forget. And you need it to see how much you progressed months down the line. This is motivation like no other. And if you want to be a real old school gangster like me (lol) take a pen and notepad. Write it by hand. Phones can distract you when you workout. You go on instagram and end up ‘resting’ for 10 minutes. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 04 2 GAIN STRENGTH IN THE 4-8 REP RANGE This is simple. Gain strength on all the exercises but especially on the big compound movements. The incline bench press, pull up, split squats, and rows. These will be the main exercises that build most of your body. Start with a weight you can do for 4-8 reps for 3 sets. Once you can do 3 sets of 8 reps for that particular weight, move the weight up by the smallest increment available. So let’s say right now you can do 40kg on the incline bench press for 3 sets of 8 reps Then the next time you show up to the gym you lift 45kg. Do this for 3 sets of 4-8 reps. Let's say you get 5 reps. Next time you come to the gym, you try for 6, then 7, then 8 reps. You might get 6,6,4 reps ; then 6,6,6 reps the time after ; then 7,7,6 reps. As long as you are progressing by even 1 rep from the time before, you are golden. You see now why I said to write things down? Ok. You got 3 sets of 8 reps? Great. Time to move the weight up. You get the idea. Apply this to all the exercises. 3 sets of 4-8 reps. This keeps things really simple especially for guys that are starting out. There are other methods like pyramid, reverse pyramid, 5x5 etc but it won't be necessary. At least for now. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 05 Let’s get you strong enough to: Incline Bench Press own your bodyweight for 8 reps Pull Up 8 reps with 15 kg strapped to your waist Bulgarian Split Squat 8 reps with a 60 kg barbell Dumbell Shoulder Press 25 kg each arm for 8 reps These are good strength goals to aim for as a beginner. Once you get here, you can make new strength goals. But rest assured. Your physique will have transformed beyond your belief. I promise you. *For Lateral Raises, Tricep and Bicep Exercises, you can go up to 10 reps instead of 8* MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 06 3 REST DAYS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS TRAINING DAYS I talk about this a lot in my videos but I can’t stress this enough. Don’t go to the gym on your rest days. Don’t even think about the gym. Train 3 times a week. Monday Wednesday Friday or Tuesday Thursday Saturday. The days between are rest days. And if you want to get lean, go for walks on rest days - 10000 steps (best cardio by a landslide) Now for the rest during training. As you begin your workout, you are usually quite sluggish. You just got to the gym. So we must amp up the intensity throughout the entire session. You can’t go full speed right from the beginning. And when you lift heavy to build strength you need at least 2-3 minutes of rest - for body AND mind. So when you do the first two exercises of each workout, rest anywhere between 3-4 minutes between sets. Then for the last two to three exercises that are less draining on your mental energy, rest 1-2 minutes. You can be quite intuitive about rest. Pay attention to how you feel mentally and physically. When you do heavy lifts make sure to rest a lot - even 5 minutes if you need. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 07 4 STICK TO THE SAME THING FOR AT LEAST 2 MONTHS Stop bouncing between workouts and programs. Just Stop. It won’t work. You must stick to one philosophy of training for at least 2 months. You must stick to the same exercises for at least 6-8 weeks - to see any kind of consistent strength progress. Stop trying to hit it from different angles. Stop looking at fancy exercises on youtube and copying other buff guys on the machines. You have a philosophy now. You know it works. Stick to it. If you train this way, you will stand out. You enter the gym with clarity and you leave with certainty. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 08 5 DROP YOUR EGO AND STAY INJURY FREE I used to think I needed to lift heavier weights than the guy next to me. As I got a little more mature in life and in the gym, I realized that this is stupid. No one cares how much you bench press. No one. The single worst thing you can do on your body transformation journey is to get injured. Not only does it set you back for months at a time, it will actually de-motivate you and take you away from the gym. And all that time you are in rehab mode, it’s gonna suck. You might even get depressed because exercise is one of the healthiest ways to mental health. I say all this from personal experience. I injured my outer wrist and my shoulders trying to do too much too soon. It’s the worst mistake I made in the gym. So warm up before the heavy lifts by lifting much lighter versions of that exercise for 3-5 reps. You don’t want to tire yourself out before your main set so don’t do too much. Trust your instincts on this one. And focus on form. Study the mechanics of each movement. Understand the correct form and insist on it. There are many youtube videos teaching you exactly how to perform each movement. Alright. Now you’re ready for the workout routine. Intentionally designed to maximize your gains while preserving your mental and physical energy. Purposely selected to help you as a beginner / intermediate to build an aesthetic, strong, and functional body. The combination of exercises are not pulled out of thin air. These are the routines I used personally to create the transformations you saw on the video. So stick to it. Don’t take one exercise and then jump about and mix and match. If you do that, you will get mix and match results. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 09 I recommend you start with training routine 1 and then move to 2 and then to 3 every 2 months. *For those of you with lack of access to the gym, I will make other guides with minimal equipment. There will also be a bodyweight training guide, so stay tuned! TRAINING ROUTINE 1: Week1: Monday (push) Wednesday (pull) Friday (push) Week 2: Monday (pull) Wednesday (push) Friday (pull) *Continue alternating between week 1 and week 2. The Sexy Routine - Aesthetics (9/10) Strength (8/10) Functionality/Athleticism (5/10) This workout focuses heavily on the aesthetic proportion and creating the V-taper upper body that triggers attraction. It also builds a solid foundation upon which to move onto workouts 2 and 3. Don’t worry we’ll get to your legs. But first, let’s get you looking sexy up top. (I still do this precise workout a lot) PUSH Incline Bench Press DB Shoulder Press Tricep Skull Crush Lateral Raises PULL Weighted Pull Ups Bench Assisted Rows Bicep Curls Face Pulls MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 10 TRAINING ROUTINE 2: Week1: Monday (push) Wednesday (pull/leg) Friday (push) Week 2: Monday (pull/leg) Wednesday (push) Friday (pull/leg) *Continue alternating between week 1 and week 2. The Beast Routine - Aesthetics (8/10) Strength (8/10) Functionality/Athleticism (8/10) This workout builds upon the previous one. You will continue to develop a strong and aesthetic upper body and the unilateral movements will improve your athleticism and functionality. It will also contribute to building a strong core which you need to grow further. PUSH Incline Bench Unilateral DB Shoulder Press Dips Tricep Extensions Lateral Raises PULL/LOWER Bulgarian Split Squats Pull Ups Romanian Deadlift Bicep Curls Facepulls MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 11 TRAINING ROUTINE 3: Week1: Monday (upper) Wednesday (lower) Friday (upper) Week 2: Monday (lower) Wednesday (upper) Friday (lower) *Continue alternating between week 1 and week 2. The Performance Routine - Aesthetics (7/10) Strength (8/10) Functionality/Athleticism (9/10) This workout builds upon the aesthetics and functionality of the two previous workouts. While keeping the core elements of both, it allows you to build a strong lower body that will contribute to your performance in sports, martial arts, and even sex. UPPER Overhead Press Weighted Pull Ups Inverted Rows DB Skull Crushers Lateral Raises LOWER Bulgarian Split Squat Hip Thrust Hanging Leg Raise Farmer’s Walk (3x 1.5 minutes) MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 12 PROTEIN To keep things simple, try to eat more than 100g of protein per day. As a beginner this is enough for a normal sized guy between 60-85 kg. If you weigh more than 85kg try to eat 120g but don’t stress too much over it. Once you start obsessing over protein, you might start to enjoy your diet less - which will make it harder to sustain in the long run. Always think long term. Get 7 hours sleep. Take long walks for cardio (10k steps) and drink lots of water (2L or more per day). And remember to enjoy the process! Imagine yourself transforming to a completely different look. You will be super sexy, lean, and strong. Your confidence will be high. The lessons you learn through this journey will naturally filter into other aspects of life. You will emanate a new energy. Do not underestimate the power of bodily change. Everything starts with the body. I genuinely cannot wait to see your transformation - so I’ll throw in a bonus. BONUS: Get a Free 1 on 1 Coaching Session With Me + Access To Other Guides and Courses To claim this bonus you must: 1. Take before and after photos (or even better film) of your own transformation over 3-6 months. 2. Your photos must have proof of start and end date with you holding up a sign with the start date and end date. 3. Post this transformation on youtube or instagram with reference to my channel. MINIMALIST WORKOUTS FOR A LEAN AND AESTHETIC BODY 13