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Stevenson 14e Chap.1 PPT

Introduction to
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 What is operations management ?
 Why is it important ?
 What do operations management professionals
do ?
 What is operations?
 Operations is what businesses do
 Operations are processes that either provide service or
create products
 Operations take place in businesses such as restaurants,
retail stores, factories, hospitals, and universities
 How can we define operations management?
 The management of systems or processes that create
goods and/or provide services
 Goods are physical items that include raw materials, parts,
subassemblies, and final products
• Automobile
• Computer
• Oven
• Shampoo
 Services are activities that provide some combination of time,
location, form or psychological value
• Air travel
• Education
• Haircut
• Legal counsel
 Ideal situation for a business organization is to achieve an
economic match of supply and demand
• Excess supply or excess capacity is wasteful and costly
• Having too little means lost opportunity and possible customer
 Finance is responsible for securing financial resources at favorable
prices and allocating those resources throughout the organization
 Marketing is responsible for assessing consumer wants and needs,
and selling and promoting the organization’s goods or services
 Operations is responsible for producing the goods or providing
the services offered by the organization
 Operations management is the management of systems or
processes that create goods and/or provide services
Operations and supply chains are intrinsically linked,
and no business organization could exist without both
Supply chain – a sequence of activities and organizations
involved in producing and delivering a good or service
 Functions and activities include forecasting, purchasing,
inventory management, information management,
quality assurance, scheduling, production,
distribution, delivery, and customer service
and Feedback
 Feedback :
and Feedback
and Feedback
Measurements taken at various points in the transformation process
 Control : The comparison of feedback against previously established
standards to determine if corrective action is needed
 The essence of the operations function is to add value during the
transformation process
• Two factors affect the management of operations systems are the degree
of involvement of customers in the process and the degree to which
technology is used to produce and/or deliver a product or service
• Products are typically neither purely service- or purely goods-based
Surgery, Teaching
Songwriting, Software Development
Computer Repair, Restaurant Meal
Home Remodeling, Retail Sales
Automobile Assembly, Steelmaking
 Production of goods results in a tangible output (automobile,
eyeglasses, refrigerator) anything that we can see or touch
 Delivery of service generally implies an act (physician’s examination,
TV repair, lawn care)
 Manufacturing and service are often different in terms of what is done,
but quite similar in terms of how it is done
Degree of customer contact
Labor content of jobs
Uniformity of inputs
Uniformity of output
Measurement of productivity
Production and delivery
Quality assurance
Amount of inventory
Ability to patent
 Every aspect of business affects or is affected by operations
 Operations and sales are two most important functions in a business
 All other functions support these two functions
 Many service jobs are closely related to operations
Financial services (e.g., stock market analyst, investment banker)
Marketing services (e.g., market analyst, marketing researcher)
Accounting services (e.g., corporate accountant, public accountant)
Information services (e.g., corporate intelligence, library services)
 Through learning about operations and supply chains you will have a
better understanding of:
The world you live in
The global dependencies of companies and nations
Reasons that companies succeed or fail
The importance of working with others
 Finance & operations management personnel cooperate by
exchanging information and expertise in such activities:
 Budgeting
 Economic analysis of investment proposals
 Provision of funds
 Marketing’s focus is on selling and/or promoting
the goods or services of an organization
 Accessing customer wants and needs
 Communicating those to operations people (short)
oand to design people (long term)
 Marketing, design, and production must work closely
together to successfully implement design changes and to develop
and produce new products
 One important piece of information marketing needs from
operations is the manufacturing or service lead time in order to
give customers realistic estimates of how long it will take to fill
their orders
Lead time: time between ordering a good or service and receiving it
 Marketing, operations, and finance must interface on product and
process design, forecasting, setting realistic schedules, quality and
quantity decisions, and keeping each other informed on the other’s
strengths and weaknesses
 Operations manager
 Supply chain manager
 Production analyst
 Schedule coordinator
 Production manager
 Industrial engineer
 Purchasing manager
 Inventory manager
 Quality manager
 A key aspect of operations management is process management
 Process - one or more actions that transform inputs into
 Businesses are composed of many interrelated processes
Three Categories of Business Processes:
Upper-management processes
Operational processes
Supporting processes
These govern the operation of the entire
(Ex: organizational governance and
organizational strategy)
These are core processes that make up the
value stream.
(Ex: purchasing, production and /or service,
marketing, and sales)
These support the core processes.
(Ex: accounting, human resources, and IT)
 Ideally, the capacity of a process will be such that its output just
matches demand
Input(s) from one
or more suppliers
A business
organization, a
department, or an
individual operations
Output(s) to one or
more customers
 Business processes form a sequence of suppliers and customers
Operations &
Supply Chains
Sales &
Opportunity Loss
 Variation occurs in all business processes
 Variations can be disruptive to operations and supply chain processes
 They may result in additional costs, delays and shortages, poor
quality, and inefficient work systems
Four Sources of Variation:
Variety of goods or services being
The greater the variety of goods and services
offered, the greater the variation in production
or service requirements
Structural variation in demand
These are generally predictable. They are
important for capacity planning
Random variation
Natural variation that is present in all
processes. Generally, it cannot be influenced
by managers
Assignable variation
Variation that has identifiable sources. This
type of variation can be reduced, or eliminated,
by analysis and corrective action
The scope of operations management ranges across
the organization.
The operations function includes many interrelated activities
such as (EX: airline company):
 Forecasting : weather and landing conditions, seat demand for flights,
growth in air travel
 Capacity planning: essential for the airline to maintain cash flow and
make a reasonable profit (too few or too many will hurt profits)
 Locating facilities: according to managers’ decisions on which cities to
provide service for, where to locate maintenance facilities, and where to
locate major and minor hubs
 Facilities and layout: important in achieving effective use of workers and
The operations function includes many interrelated
activities such as (EX: airline company):
 Scheduling : scheduling of pilots and flight attendants, and
scheduling of ground crews, counter staff, and baggage handlers
 Managing inventories : items as foods an beverages, first-aid
equipment, in-flight magazines, pillows and blankets, and life
 Assuring quality : the emphasis is on safety. Dealing with customers
at ticket counters, check-in where the emphasis is on efficiency and
 Motivating and training employees : in all phases of operations
• The Operations function consists of all activities directly related
to producing goods or providing services.
• A primary function of the operations manager is to guide the
system by decision making
• Certain decisions affect the design of the system, and others
affect the operations of the system
 System design decisions
 System operation decisions
• System design involves decisions that relate to
System Capacity
Facility location
Facility layout
Product and service planning
Acquisition and placement of equipment
• These are typically strategic decisions that
- usually require long-term commitment of resources
- determine parameters of system operation
• System operation
• These are generally tactical and operational decisions
Management of personnel
Inventory management and control
Project management
Quality assurance
• Operations managers spend more time on system operation
decision than any other decision area
- They still have a vital stake in system design
 Most operations decisions involve many alternatives that can have quite
different impacts on costs or profits
 Operations management (OM) professionals make a number of key
decisions that affect the entire organization
 Typical operations decisions include:
 What: What resources are needed, and in what amounts?
 When: When will each resource be needed? When should the work be
scheduled? When should materials and other supplies be ordered?
 Where: Where will the work be done?
 How: How will the product or service be designed? How will the work be done?
How will resources be allocated?
 Who: Who will do the work?
 Modeling is a key tool used by all decision makers
 Model - an abstraction of reality; a simplification of something
 Common features of models:
 They are simplifications of real-life phenomena
 They omit unimportant details of the real-life systems they mimic so that
attention can be focused on the most important aspects of the real-life
 Physical Model – miniature airplane; advantage is its visual
correspondence with reality
 Schematic Model – drawing of a city (blueprints); advantage is often
relatively simple to construct and change, some degree of visual
 Mathematical Model – Inventory optimization (numbers, formulas); it is
the easiest to manipulate and important forms of inputs for computers and
 Keys to successfully using a model in decision
 What is its purpose?
 How it is used to generate results?
 How these results are interpreted and used?
 What are the model’s assumptions and limitations?
Generally easier to use and less expensive than dealing with the real
Require users to organize and sometimes quantify information
Increase understanding of the problem
Enable managers to analyze “What if?” questions
Serve as a consistent tool for evaluation and provide a standardized
format for analyzing a problem
Enable users to bring the power of mathematics to bear on a problem
 Quantitative information may be emphasized at the expense of
qualitative information
 Models may be incorrectly applied and the results misinterpreted
 This is a real risk with the widespread availability of sophisticated,
computerized models placed in the hands of uninformed users
 The use of models does not guarantee good decisions
 A decision-making approach that frequently seeks to obtain a
mathematically optimal solution
 Supported by computer calculations
 Often work together with qualitative
• Quantitative approaches are widely used in operation management
decision making
• Managers typically use a combination of qualitative and
quantitative approaches, and many important decisions are based on
qualitative approaches
 Performance metrics
 All managers use metrics to
manage and control operations
 Profits
 Costs
 Quality
 Productivity
 Flexibility
 Inventories
 Schedules
 Forecast accuracy
 Analysis of trade-offs
 A trade-off is giving up one
thing in return for something
 Carrying more inventory
(an expense) in order to
achieve a greater level of
customer service
 Additional inventory would
yield and the increased
costs required to stock that
 System - a set of interrelated parts that must work together
 The business organization is a system composed of subsystems
 Marketing subsystem
 Operations subsystem
 Finance subsystem
 The systems perspective
 Emphasizes interrelationships among subsystems
 Main theme is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
 The output and objectives of the organization take precedence over those
of any one subsystem
 In nearly all cases, certain issues or items are more important than
 Recognizing this allows managers to focus their attention to those
efforts that will do the most good
 Pareto Phenomenon - a few factors account for a high percentage
of occurrence of some event(s)
 The critical few factors should receive the highest priority
 This is a concept that is appropriately applied to all areas and
levels of management
 Operations management is primarily concerned with three kinds of
technology :
• Product and service technology : discovery and development
of new products and services (researchers and engineers)
• Process technology : methods, procedures, and equipment
used to produce goods and provide services
• Information technology (IT) : science and use of computers
and other electronic equipment to store, process, and send
information (electronic data processing, use of bar codes to
identify and track goods, obtaining POS information, data
transmission, internet, e-commerce, e-mail)
 All three can have a major impact on costs, productivity, and
 Global competition
• It has broadended the scope of SCM
• More challenges and uncertainties
• Put more emphasis on operations strategy, working with fewer
resources, revenue management, process analysis and
improvement, quality improvement, agility and lean production
 Working with fewer resources
• Layoffs, corporate downsizing, and general cost cutting are forcing
managers to make trade-off decisions on resource allocation
 Agility
• Ability of an organization to respond quickly to demands or
• More important under the Increasingly shorter product life cycles
 Lean systems
• They use much less of certain resources to produce a high volume of
high-quality goods with some variety
• It uses a highly skilled workforce and flexible equipment
 Economic conditions
• Have created uncertainties for decision makers
 Innovating
• It can be made in processes, use of the internet, or supply
chain that reduce costs, increase productivity, expand
markets, or improve customer service
 Quality problems
• Related to product design and testing, oversight of suppliers,
risk assessment, and timely response to potential problems
 Risk management
 It starts with identifying risks, assessing vulnerability and potential
damage (liability costs, reputation, demand) and taking steps to
reduce or share risks
 Cyber-security
 The need to guard against intrusions from hackers is becoming
increasingly necessary
 More interconnected systems increase intrusion risks
 Competing in a global economy
• Low labor costs in un-developed countries have increased pressure
to reduce labor costs
• Weight options including outsourcing some or all of their
operations to low-wage areas, reducing costs internally, changing
designs, and working to improve productivity
 Sustainability
 Using resources in ways that do not harm ecological
systems that support human existence
 All areas of business will be affected
 Product and service design
 Consumer education programs
 Disaster preparation and response
 Supply chain waste management
 Outsourcing decisions
 Ethics - a standard of behavior that guides how one should act in
various situations
 Ethical issues that may arise in many aspects of operations
Financial statements : accurately representing organization’s financial condition
Worker safety : providing adequate training, maintaining equipment in good
working condition, maintaining a safe working environment
Product safety : providing products that minimize the risk of injury to users or
damage to property or the environment
Quality : honoring warranties, avoiding hidden defects
The environment : not doing that will harm the environment
The community : being a good neighbor
Hiring and firing workers : avoiding false pretenses (i.e., promising a long-term
job what that is not what is intended)
Closing facilities : taking into account the impact on a community, and honoring
commitments that have been made
Workers’ rights : respecting workers’ rights, dealing with workers’ problems quickly
and fairly
 In the past, organizations did little to manage the
supply chain beyond their own operations and
immediate suppliers which led to numerous
 Oscillating inventory levels
 Inventory stockouts
 Late deliveries
 Quality problems
The need to improve operations
• Efforts on cost and time reduction, and productivity and quality
• Opportunity now lies largely with procurement, distribution, and
logistics (supply chain)
Increasing levels of outsourcing
• Buying goods or services instead of producing or providing them in-
• As outsourcing increases, some organizations are spending increasing
amount on supply-related activities (wrapping, packing, moving,
loading and unloading, and sorting)
Increasing transportation costs
• Transportation costs are increasing, and they need to be more carefully
Competitive pressures
• Increasing number of new products, shorter product development
cycles, and increased demand for customization
• Adoption of quick-response strategies and efforts to reduce lead times
Increasing globalization
It has expanded the physical length of supply chain
Having far-flung customers and/or suppliers means longer lead times and
greater opportunities for disruption of deliveries
Increasing importance of e-business
It has added new dimensions to business buying and selling and has presented
new challenges
The complexity of supply chains
Complex, dynamic, and many inherent uncertainties
Inaccurate forecasts, late deliveries, substandard quality, equipment
breakdowns, and canceled or changed orders
The need to manage inventories
Important to coordinate inventory levels throughout a supply chain
Shortage and/or excess