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Assignment on Chapter Learning- Getting Started

A – 435
Assignment on Chapter Learning: Getting Started
Success in project management frequently depends on meticulous preparation and initiation.
Particularly, projects are essential to attaining the aims and objectives of a business. The following
are my main takeaways from this module, which taught me how to start any project using a
common-sense approach:
Projects require formal authorization and guidance due to their unique nature and operation
outside the traditional organizational structure. The Project Charter plays a crucial role in
this context, providing the necessary permission and instructions for a project's success. As
a vital document, it offers formal approval, outlining the project's objectives and
parameters, and serves as a guiding blueprint throughout the project's lifecycle.
The Project Charter plays a crucial role in this process, serving as a vital tool. It outlines
key elements, such as cost parameters, to ensure the project stays within its budget and may
require reauthorization if the costs exceed. The Charter also identifies potential constraints,
like dependencies or regulatory issues, which might impact the project. Additionally, it
specifies the project sponsor, ensuring clear accountability and support, and includes a brief
business case to explain the project's purpose. Furthermore, comments and notes in the
Charter facilitate effective communication among stakeholders, and the authorization
signatures from the sponsor and project manager formalize the project's approval.
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a crucial project management tool that outlines
the scope of the project through a detailed description of deliverables. It does not include
activities, durations, milestones, resource assignments, or verbs associated with activities.
Instead, the WBS solely focuses on elaborating what will be delivered, leaving the who,
how, and when aspects to be addressed in the project schedule. The WBS serves as an
essential component for fully describing the project scope.
In summary, project initiation involves various critical activities, and one of the key
elements during this phase is the development of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
As seen in the summary, the WBS provides a clear and comprehensive outline of the
project's scope through a detailed description of deliverables. By avoiding the inclusion of
activities, durations, milestones, resource assignments, and verbs, the WBS focuses solely
on the "what" of the project, leaving the "who," "how," and "when" aspects to be addressed
later in the project schedule. As projects progress, the WBS becomes a vital reference point
for ensuring that the project stays on track and delivers the intended outcomes. Overall, the
WBS is an indispensable part of project initiation, setting the stage for effective project
management and successful project delivery.