Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) Module 2. Human Resource Management Definition, Scopes and Functions, HR Manager and their roles In this module the student should be able to: 1. Define the meaning of Human Resource Management. 2. Differentiate Human Resource Management Functions. 3. Identify and appreciate the roles of HR Manager. 4. Realize the importance of Human Resource Management in the success of any organization. Pretest: Let’s see what you already know: 1. Define in your word what Human Resource management is. 2. Cite and explain at least one human resource management function. 3. Do you believe that an HR Manager has an important role in the success of an organization? If yes, explain your answer. 4. Cite at least one role of an HR Manager. Introduction: Various resources have been published emphasizing the definition of Human Resource Management. Most of the ideas are centered on the process of how people will be acquired, maintain, develop and to be a part of an organization as a valuable asset. It is very important that these concepts be studied to let the students understand how it has to be implemented. Furthermore, there are so many popular definitions given by prominent authors which really create an image of implementing such in the organization in a way that workers and organizations will benefit in the end. On the other hand, human resource management functions will be discussed in diminutive details to familiarize them to a wider understanding later on the succeeding chapters. Finally, the role of HR manager will be tackled to help appreciate the position where they stand in the organization. 36 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) A. Human Resource Management: Definition Storey (1995) defines human resource management as: …HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques. Based on the definition, he likes to emphasize that HRM is clearly engaged on how to acquire people who will become an asset of the organization on attaining its objectives. This can be done by applying applicable techniques in choosing the most qualified people available who will be able to perform their jobs well. On the other hand, Buchanan and Huczynski (2004) believe that HRM is a managerial perspective which argues the need to establish an integrated series of personnel policies to support organizational strategy. However, for Graham (1978) the purpose of HRM is to ensure that the employees of an organization are used in such a way that the employer obtains the greatest possible benefit from their abilities and the employees obtain both material and psychological rewards from their work. Furthermore, HRM is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people’s capabilities is critical to achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices (Bratton and Gold,2007). It is believed that Human Resource Management contains arrays of purposes and roles that enable the organization to deal with its workers. It does not center only on what the people can do for the organization but also what the organization can do for its people. Modern day concepts of HRM clearly inculcate the importance of people in any organization may it be public or private. The numerous definitions have created two different schools of thought: soft and hard variants of HRM (Storey, 1992). Soft HRM focuses on employee training, development, commitment and participation. It is used to define HR 37 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) functions aimed to develop motivation, quality and commitment of employees; hard HRM, on the other hand, concentrates mostly on strategy where human resources are used to achieve organizational goals. It is also associated with cost control and head count strategies, especially in business processes like downsizing, lowering the wages, shortening comfort breaks, etc. (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007). In the local context, definition of HRM may have been based on various aspects particularly on the analytical framework for HRM in the Philippines which include economic/political, cultural and global aspects; how organizations manage this resource depends on theirs. Conversely, its definition can be furthered by citing its philosophies and practices, such as: First is ownership. Human resource management is and has to be owned and driven by the top management in the interests of the key stakeholders. The stakeholders include shareholders, the managing board, the workers, clients and customers. This is unlike the old tradition in which personnel management functions were mostly vested on designated officers under a personnel department. Under human resource management, the philosophy is that the top management owns and drives the agenda for effective people management in an organization. Second, business or organizational strategies form the basis for human resource strategies, and there should be a strategic fit. This opposes putting emphasis on routine activities, reactive decision making and limited vision which seemed to characterize traditional personnel management. The implication is that an organization cannot have a strategic approach to managing the workforce without organizational and business strategy. Here, an aspect of flexible human resource planning comes in, and the ability to use the best forecasting techniques is a precondition for human resource acquisition, utilization, development and retention. Third is considering employees as assets rather than liabilities. Under traditional personnel management philosophy, training and development of employees was quite often seen as a cost that should be avoided whenever possible. Now this doctrine has been turned on its head. Investment in people, like any other capital investment, is necessary for better returns in the future. 38 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) Fourth is getting additional value from employees. Employees are capable of producing added value. It is the role of the management to obtain such added value through human resource development and performance management systems. The concept of added value is borrowed from production economics. It stipulates that an employee can be utilized to produce marginal output if properly trained, do the right job and get a reward accordingly. Work measurement and matching jobs with the right people as well as measuring performance against the set targets and standards stand out clearer under human resource management school of thought. Fifth is employee commitment. Organizational success comes from the employees’ total commitment to the organizational mission, goals, objectives, and values. Employees’ understanding of the future of the organization and their own future in the organization triggers commitment and hence sustained productivity. It is the task of the management to induce and encourage that commitment. Sixth is also based on employees’ commitment. Building a strong organizational culture gives managers an advantage in stimulating employees’ commitment. Effective communication, training, coaching, mentoring and performance management processes are effective tools for building a strong corporate culture. On the other hand, the objectives of human resource management are derived from the particular philosophies: First, the whole aim was on trying to achieve an organizational mission, vision, goals and objectives using people as valuable resources. Unlike with the traditional personnel management theory whereby employees were instruments needed to accomplish work in organizations, human resource management managers recognize and appreciate the need for putting people at the top of the agenda in achieving organizational objectives. As the power of the organization depends on the nature of the workforce, putting employees first in all human resource management functions in the organization and making them feel that they are at the top is seen as a step further in putting the organization first among competitors. 39 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) The second objective concerns the utilization of staff capacity. Successful organizations are those that can fully utilise the potential of their employees. This manifest itself in different approaches used in job design, recruitment, and placement. This includes redesigning jobs so that related jobs can be done by one person, such as recruitment of multiskilled employees, part time work arrangements, sub-contracting etc. The third objective involves ensuring that employees are committed to their jobs, teams, departments and the entire organization. Striving for total employee commitment is intended to minimize unnecessary conflicts between the employees and the management that could result in low morale among the employees, high employee turnover and ultimately low productivity. Commitment is fostered by using various strategies including employees being nurtured through coaching, mentoring and the provision of lucrative reward. The fourth objective is to ensure that organizational systems, processes and activities are integrated and synergized through a strong organizational culture. Organizational culture is made up of values, attitudes, norms, myths and practices that are ‘how things are done around’. Different categories of jobs, professions and departments are seen as a ‘whole’ rather than disjointed. Organizational symbols, songs, artefacts etc. are used to foster a culture of uniqueness, which makes employees feel proud of their jobs and the organization. The fifth is optimal utilization of available resources. In the language of economics, resources are always scarce. Organizations cannot succeed if resources (employees, finance, machinery and equipment, energy) are over utilized, underutilized or are utilized at the wrong time or in the wrong place. Each of these scenarios would suggest that there is a waste of resources because some will be easily depleted, unnecessarily leaving them idle or are being used unwisely. In this case, matching resources with performance is a mechanism for monitoring organizational efficiency. Quite often time/activity/outcome and budget schedules are used to match resources with performance. Any observed underutilization or over utilization of resources has implications in terms of how the human resources were used and measures are taken accordingly. 40 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) The sixth reason for embracing human resource management practices is derived from organizational cybernetics and systems theory whereby, the underlying principle is that ‘the sum is less than the whole’. From a human resource management perspective, each job, organizational unit, section, department and all categories of staff are seen in their totality. Working together instead of as an individual is a method for improving synergy at all levels. Departmental outdoor training programs are some of the initiatives used to improve synergy at functional level. B. Human Resource Management vs. Human Resource Development HRM and HRD are two different terms that are always mistakenly used interchangeably. The table given below will give a better idea of its differences. BASIS FOR COMPARISON HRM HRD Meaning Human Resource Management refers to the application of principles of management to manage the people working in the organization. Human Resource Development means a continuous development function that intends to improve the performance of people working in the organization. What is it? Management function. Subset of Human Resource Management. Function Reactive Proactive 41 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) BASIS FOR COMPARISON HRM HRD Objective To improve the performance of the employees. To develop the skills, knowledge and competency of employees. Process Routine Ongoing Dependency Independent It is a subsystem. Concerned with People only Development of the entire organization. Source: HRM differs from HRD in a sense that HRM is associated with management of human resources while HRD is related to the development of employees. Human Resource Management is a bigger concept than Human Resource Development. The former encompasses a range of organizational activities like planning, staffing, developing, monitoring, maintaining, managing relationship and evaluating whereas the latter covers in itself the development part i.e. training, learning, career development, talent management, performance appraisal, employee engagement and empowerment. C. HR Managers and their roles Human Resource Managers have been an important factor in an organization. 42 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) They usually steer the day to day operation of managing the very significant asset of the business; the people. This is the reason that the two terminologies be defined very well to avoid perplexities. Aside from heading the functions, scopes and practices of human resource management, they are also tasked to maintain orderliness and discipline of personnel. Roles & Responsibilities of HR Managers in Growing Organizations The roles of HR Managers in today’s globally competitive world have been changing and become more complicated. They have to be engaged in various activities and trial and error of doing the same should be discouraged for the most important resources will be affected. People in the organization tend to perform at its best when they are taken care of. In this regard, the people who will lead the HR Department should be knowledgeable on the performance of their job. function comprises 2 main Recruitment objectives: This is the one function which is hand in glove with HR. Recruitment has been one of the major responsibilities of the HR team. It is the job of HR personnel to plan and devise strategic campaigns and guidelines for recruiting suitable candidates for a required job description. They also have to serve as a mediator between the employer and the candidate and communicate company policies and terms of the contract to the candidate before he is hired. This is the first pillar of HR management that every HR manager starts with. It is probably one of the most important aspects of any HR professional’s career. The recruitment 1) Attract Talent. Attracting talent starts with first planning the requirement of manpower in the organization, the gauging the needs of the organization’s human resource requirements, and accordingly putting a plan of action to fulfill those needs with placement of “talented professionals”. This is followed by creating an “employer brand” which will be representative of the organization’s good image and portray an attractive impression in the minds of potential candidates. The employer branding aspects have become very important owing to the new-age media and 43 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) awareness of employee rights. Putting one’s best foot forward is no longer enough, it needs to be followed through with honest actions in favor of the employees. And finally, the HR manager needs to create detailed recruitment strategies carry out the hiring process. 2) Hire Resources. This is where the recruitment strategies are put in action. In the current age, there are lots of competitions vying for the attention of the best talent in the market. The HR manager needs to run all possible engines to go out there in the market and find that one suitable gem. This part of the role includes things like finding relevant locations to look in, reach out to maximum potential candidates using mass communication mediums, aggregate all responses, filter out irrelevant applications, judge suitable incumbents and coordinate internally to get them interviewed. Once the finalists are decided, the HR manager turns into a ‘negotiator’ of sorts, working as a mediator between the company and the candidate to find that win-win ground. Training Not all is done once you’ve recruited a suitable candidate for the job. Many organizations perform tasks differently. Training an employee is important to help the new hires get acquainted with the organization’s work pattern. It is imperative for the HR department to incorporate a training program for every new employee based on the skill set required for their job. It will also further contribute towards employee motivation and retention. For the training to be effective, every new employee can be subjected to an on-the-job training for the initial days to get him in sync with the work guidelines of the organization. This training will not only be of assistance to the employee but also give the HR team an insight into the employee’s workmanship. On completion of the training, HR plays a significant role in assessing the results of the training program and grading employees on the same. Professional Development Closely related to training, developing employees professionally is an added bonus for the employee as well as the organization. Enrolling the employee to attend conferences, trade shows, seminars etc. that may be in his personal interest will make the employee feel cared-for and a vital part of the organization, thus 44 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) increasing employee engagement. It will be beneficial to the organization by way of the employee’s added skill set. In short, it is a win-win. It is the HR head’s job to get to know the employee’s hobbies and areas of interest and look out for opportunities that will help them build onto those hobbies. Appraisals Since HRM is a body meant for the employees, carrying out timely performance appraisals is a given. Performance appraisals help in employee motivation by encouraging them to work to their fullest potential. It also enables to give them feedback on their work and suggest necessary measures for the same. This helps employees to have a clear view of what is expected of them and what they are delivering. They can thus work better towards improving their performance and achieving targets. The role of HR (especially the HR manager) in this would be to have a policy of generating timely appraisal reports and a review of the same by the authorities. The HR team should communicate individually with employees and give a clear feedback or suggestion on their performance. A system to reward employees excelling at their work would help in employee motivation and thus garner a higher degree of productivity and employee engagement. Maintaining Work Culture It is the duty of the HR to maintain a healthy, safe, and fun work environment to ensure a level of comfort amongst the employees and eliminate any stressful or awkward atmosphere that may hinder the performance of the staff. It is vital to have an efficient work atmosphere, because an individual’s performance in largely dependent on the surrounding he’s working in. It would be great to have an opendoor policy up to some extent wherein employees can freely communicate and voice their opinions to be given consideration. The HR department’s role is to be a friendly body with an open attitude. By communicating and treating every employee as equal, the HR can build rapport with the employees. This goes a long way in increasing employee engagement and gives a higher job satisfaction. Resolving Conflicts Where different people have different views, conflicts are almost 45 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) inevitable. Whether the dispute is between two or more employees or between the employee and the management, an HR manager has the right to intervene and help map out a solution. The HR should be available at the disposal of the conflicting parties and hear out their issues without being judgmental. Prior investigations are a must before passing any judgment. The HR head is not expected to discriminate or play favorites in this matter and always deliver an unbiased and practical decision. A reimbursement in case of any loss caused and strict actions against the defaulter should be practiced for effective conflict resolution by the HRM. Employee Relations The Human Resources is called so because its major responsibility is dealing with the human part of the organization and this involves having great interpersonal skills. An HR manager who sits in the office all day will not turn out to be good at building connections with the employees and thus fail to serve the purpose of being an HR head. As an HR person, employees should feel comfortable coming up to you with their problems and for that, it is important that the HR team build a good public image within the organization. The HR team has to be proactive and know their employees. An HR personnel’s job is not a desk job altogether. The HR head’s role is to establish the trust and confidence of the employees and not have a “don’t mess with me” demeanor. He should be looked upon as both an HR expert and an employee advocate. Rewards and Incentives Rewarding the employees for a work well done imparts motivation and at the same time induces a desire to excel at tasks in hope of obtaining rewards. It serves as bait for inculcating a healthy competitive environment amongst employees to achieve targets and meet deadlines. A reward need not be materialistic always. It could just be a word of appreciation in front of all coworkers for a menial task done with complete honesty. However, with globalization and evolving trends, compensations like holiday packages, pay incentive, bonuses, and promotion are taking a backseat. If as an HR manager you are wanting to reward your 46 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) employees efficiently, it is time you adapted new ways of awarding benefits such as flexible work times, paternity leave, extended holidays, telecommuting etc. These nontraditional rewards will prove fruitful not only in engaging existing workforce but also as an added benefit to attract new talent to your organization. Legal Knowledge This may seem the least glamorous of all but is an important aspect of the HRM. An HR manager should always be in compliance with the law. Whether it is drafting new policies or writing terms of a contract, it is the HR department’s job to build guidelines keeping the laws in mind. This ensures an organization’s continued growth and existence. While drafting policies, the HR should always ensure to be at an upper hand legally and keep the organization’s practices in tune with the labor laws, tax laws, permissible working hours, minimum wages, and a no-discrimination policy. Organization An HR head is responsible for organizing all functions of the organization. To start with, it includes employee on-boarding, i.e. welcoming new employees. It is a must for every HR head to carry out an induction for every new hire and give them an orientation regarding the company policies and rules. The HR personnel should also introduce the new employees to their colleagues and assign them a mentor. It also involves listing out job expectations and defining roles and responsibilities, thus getting the new employees in tune with the working of the organization. The HR personnel are also responsible for organizing and storing all employee data efficiently and keeping it secure. Management Management is the most important job of an HR manager. It is what defines a good HR manager. Management extends right from managing employees to managing the employers and the whole HR department as well. The role of an HR manager is to manage, create, implement and supervise policies/regulations, which are mandatory for every employee and also have knowledge of its appropriate functioning. Monitoring attendance and tracking leave forms a major chunk of the HR management function. There should 47 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) be proper management of the clockin/out time to avoid late arrivals and track overtimes and half-days. As mentioned before, the HR as a department should also be well managed by the HR head. If the HR department itself is in a state of chaos, it cannot serve as a peacemaker for the other departments. Payroll Management Once all the attendance monitoring, leave tracking, clock in/outs are tracked and monitored, it is time for the most important aspect–calculating the payroll. Efficient calculation of salaries, wagecuts, reimbursements, and generation of pay slips amounts to the role of HR managers in payroll management. The HR manager should maintain transparency and provide the employees with information as and when asked. The HR should ensure not only accurate calculations of salaries but also timely transfer of the same. They also have an obligation towards exiting employees in settlement of dues and compensations. The roles of HR managers are so complex which requires the most fitted person who will be positioned in many aspects of the job. Qualifications of HR managers must be bold and identified in order to avoid problems in doing their professions. Human Resources Officer/Manager Requirements and Qualifications 1. Organized and efficient in daily tasks 2. Excellent verbal and written communication skills 3. Able to multitask, prioritize, and manage time efficiently 4. Goal-oriented, organized team player 5. Creative problem solver who thrives when presented with a challenge 6. Encouraging to team and staff; able to mentor and lead 7. Able to present company mission and history clearly and confidently 8. Great “people-person” skills and professional attitude 9. Bachelor’s degree in human resources, business, or a related field 10. Three to five years of experience in a human resources position or related position 11. Excellent computer skills, knowledge of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), Microsoft Office Suite, especially Excel, and demonstrate skills in database management and record keeping 12. Specialized training in employment law, compensation, organizational planning, organization development, employee relations, safety, training, and preventive labor relations, preferred. 13. General knowledge of employment laws and best practices 14. Possesses superb spoken communication skills 15. Excellent interpersonal relationship building and employee coaching skills. Source: 48 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) Personnel Management and Human Resource Management Differentiated Key Differences Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management The following are the major differences between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management: 1. The part of management that deals with the workforce within the enterprise is known as Personnel Management. 2. The branch of management, which focuses on the best possible use of the enterprise’s manpower is known as Human Resource Management. 3. Personnel Management treats workers as tools or machines whereas Human Resource Management treats it as an important asset of the organization. 4. Human Resource Management is the advanced version of Personnel Management. Decision Making is slow in Personnel Management, but the same is comparatively fast in Human Resource Management. 5. In Personnel Management there is a piecemeal distribution of initiatives. However, integrated distribution of initiatives is there in Human Resource Management. 6. In Personnel Management, the basis of job design is the division of work while, in the case of Human Resource Management, employees are divided into groups or teams for performing any task. 7. In PM, the negotiations are based on collective bargaining with the union leader. 8. Conversely, in HRM, there is no need for collective bargaining as individual contracts exist with each employee. In PM, the pay is based on job evaluation. Unlike HRM, where the basis of pay is performance evaluation. 9. Personnel management primarily focuses on ordinary activities, such as employee hiring, remunerating, training, and harmony. On the contrary, human resource management focuses on treating employees as valued assets, which are to be valued, used and preserved.(Sourrce: management.html#KeyDifferences) In other words, personnel management is focus on managing the workforce and establish in beholding what the people can do for the productivity of the organization while human resource management is concerned in utilizing the full potentiality of employees to contribute in organizational goals. The former treats the employees as a tool or machines while the latter looks at employees as an asset. Currently, utilizing human resource management individual’s role is not confide on routine functions rather on strategic actions. Summary This section enlightens the readers of what is human resource management by citing definitions of specific authorities in the field. Likewise, it further gives concepts of HRM by including its practices, philosophies and objectives. The role of HR manager in the organization has also been conversed on its particulars. In details, they are Recruitment, Training, Professional Development, Appraisals, Maintaining Work Culture, Resolving Conflicts, 49 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) Employee Relations, Rewards and Incentives, Legal Knowledge, Organization, Management and Payroll Management. These roles are equally important because it will help the people in the organization to function well on their full potentials. However, HR managers may not fulfil their functions well if they are not fitted for the position, so their qualifications and requirements are also important. References Andrews, Sudhir (2010). Human Resource Management, McGraw-Hill International Edition. Beardwell, J. and Claydon, T. (2007). Human resource Management: A Contemporary th Approach. 5 ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Itika, Josephat Stephen. (2011). Fundamentals of human resource management (Emerging experiences from Africa) , African Studies Centre, retrieved on June 10, 2019 from file:///e:/human%20resource%20man agement%20in%20africa.pdf. Bratton, J. and Gold, J. (2007). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan. Selmer, Jan & de Leon, (2001). Pinoy-style HRM: Resource Management Philippines. Asia Pacific Review. 8. 10.1080/713999124. Corinna. Human in the Business 127-144. Ghodke, Namrata , Roles & Responsibilities of HR Managers in Growing Organizations, Retrieved on June 10, 2019 from Storey, J. (1995). Human Resource Management: A Critical Text. London: Routlegde Wernerfelt, B. (1984) A resource-based view of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 5 pp.171-80. Graham, H.T. (1978). Human nd Resource Management, 2 ed. Plymouth: MacDonald & Evans. Storey, J. (1989). From Personnel Management to Human Resources Management. In: J. Storey, ed., New 50 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) Perspectives in Human Resources Management. London: Routledge. Surbhi S. Difference Between HRM and HRD, Key Differences, Published July 8, 2017, retrieved on June 10, 2019 from -between-hrm-and-hrd.html 51 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let’s see what you have learned. Direction: Read each activity then follow the instruction to accomplish it. Questions given on the assessment are all discussed on the preceding pages Test I. Matching Type. Answer the test below by matching column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. Column A Column B C - Human Resource Managament ___________________1. It refers to the application of principles of management to manage the people working in the organization. D - J. Storey ___________________2. HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques. E - Graham ___________________3. The purpose of HRM is to ensure that the employees of an organization are used in such a way that the employer obtains the greatest possible benefit from their abilities and the employees obtain both material and psychological rewards from their work. a. Human Resource Development b. Recruitment c. Human Resource Management d. J. Storey e. Graham f. Selection The Right Side of Normal 52 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) A - Human resource Development ___________________4. It means a continuous development function that intends to improve the performance of people working in the organization. B - Recruitment ___________________5. This has been one of the major responsibilities of the HR team. 12. Test II. Enumeration: Enumerate the answers to the questions given below. 1-12 Roles & Responsibilities of HR Managers in Growing Organizations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 13-15 Give the first three (3) philosophies and practices of Human Resource Management. 13. 14. 15. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 53 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direction: In answering the case, please be guided by the Case Study Sheet given below. Harsha and Franklin Harsha and Franklin are postgraduates in management under different streams from same B-school. Both of them are close to each other from the college days itself and the same friendship is continuing in the organization too as they are placed in the same company, Hy-tech technology solutions. Harsha placed in HR department as employee counsellor and Franklin in finance department as key finance executive. As per the grade is concerned both are at same level but when responsibility is concerned Franklin is holding more responsibility being in the core finance. By nature, Harsha is friendly in nature and ready to help the needy. Franklin is silent in nature ready to help if approached personally and always a bit egoistic in nature. They have successfully completed 4 years in the organization. And management is very satisfied with both of them as they are equally talented and constant performers. Harsha felt that nowadays Franklin is not like as he used to be in past. She noticed some behavioral changes with him. During general conversations she feels that Franklin is taunting her that she is famous among the employees in the organization on the other hand he is not even recognized by fellow employees. One morning, Mr Mehta, General Manager, Hy-tech technology solutions shocked while go through the mail received from Franklin about his resignation. Mr. Mehta called Harsha immediately and discussed about the same as she is close to Franklin. By hearing the news, Harsha got stunned and said that she do not know this before she also revealed her current experience with him. Mr Mehta who does not want to lose both of them promised her that he will handle this and he won’t allow Franklin to resign. In the afternoon, Mr Mehta took Franklin to canteen to make him comfortable after some general discussions he 54 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) starts on the issue. Franklin, after some hesitations opened his thinking in front of Mr Mehta. The problem of Franklin is 1) when he comes alone to canteen the people don’t even recognize him but if he is accompanied by Harsha he get well treated by others. 2) one day both of them entered the company together the security in the gate wished them but the next day when came alone the same security did not do so. 3) Even in meetings held in the office the points raised by Harsha will get more value so many a times he keeps silent in the meeting. It happens to Franklin that he has to face such degradation in each day of work which totally disturbs him. Franklin also questioned that “Harsha and myself have same qualification, from same institute, passed out in the same year both with first class. We have same number of experiences in this organization. Moreover, the responsibilities with me are more valuable than that of Harsha. After all these things, if I am been ignored or unrecognized by the fellow employees my ego does not allow me to continue here”. By listening to his statement, Mr Mehta felt that it is not going to be very difficult to stop his resignation. Source: CASE SHEET 1. What are the key issue/issues of the case? 2. Identify the problems or issues in the order of priority. 55 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) 3. What do you think is the cause of the problem/s? 4. Explain the options you will give to solve the problem. 5. Evaluate the options as to its advantages and disadvantages. 56 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) 6. Select the optimum solution and explain how it will be implemented. The Role of HR Manager Tiktok Manufacturing has been operating as producers of delicious canned goods and leading distributor not only in the Philippines but in other countries as well. They are well known for their exceptional performance, productivity and professionalism. They do their business with integrity and extend their corporate social responsibility. Their stakeholders have been very satisfied of what the company is doing including their employees. The company has been operating for 30 years and have not experienced employees’ strikes and major grievances. Since it operated for so many years, some of its senior employees have filed for retirement including its HR Manager. Tiktok is now face with a situation of hiring or appointing new HR manager who will man the operations of the office which has a vital role in the company’s action. Mrs. De Gracia was appointed by the board to be the HR manager. She came from other industry handling the same position. The board believes that she can perform her function and will able to help in motivating the workers. On her first few days, she changed some of the old practices of the company, leading to coarsely severe feedbacks from employees. Personnel were transfer from one office to the other without proper notice. Others have been assigned to position which they are not trained. The supervision of employee’s attendance has been very lenient which led to tardiness and absenteeism. Payroll management have been very problematic because some are overpaid while others are underpaid. Furthermore, workers’ request on human resource matters have not been acted upon. Record of accidents have increased due to lack of employees’ training and orientation. All of these have been found as the causes of the company’s problem in production. Given all these situations, Mrs. De Gracia denied that she had done wrong on her management. 57 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) CASE SHEET 1. What are the key issue/issues of the case? 2. Identify the problems or issues in the order of priority. 3. What do you think is the cause of the problem/s? 58 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) 4. Explain the options you will give to solve the problem. 5. Evaluate the options as to its advantages and disadvantages. 6. Select the optimum solution and explain how it will be implemented. 59 Human Resource Management: Theories, Definitions and Cases (A Modular Approach) The class will be grouped, and a task will be given to interview a HR Manager. During the interview, the following questions have to be considered: Nature of Business, Years of experience as HR Manager, Roles and Functions as HR, Problems encountered in the performance of their job and how do they cope with it. Output will be lay out in a PowerPoint presentation and will be presented in the class. Each group will be given ten minutes for the presentation. Rubrics will be used to assess the performance. The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will take a stance on choosing what they think are the first five important roles and responsibilities of HR Managers as discussed on this chapter. On the presentation, the group leader will have to explain their point of view of making such choices. Each group will be given ten minutes for the presentation. Rubrics will be used to assess the performance. 60