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C++ Code Examples: iostream, Variables, and Pseudocode

1. To use `cout` and `cin`, you need to include the header file `<iostream>`.
2. The `main()` function is special because it serves as the entry point for the execution of a C++ program.
It is where the program starts running.
3. There are a couple of issues with the program. The variable `number` is used before it's declared, and
there's no data type specified for it. Additionally, the variable `number` should be of type `double` since
you're assigning a floating-point value to it. Here's the corrected version:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double number = 62.7;
cout << number << endl;
return 0;
4. You can consolidate the definitions into one statement using a comma-separated list:
int x = 7, y = 16, z = 28;
5. Assignment statements for the given operations:
a += 2;
// Adds 2 to a and stores the result in b
b = b * 4; // Multiplies b by 4 and stores the result in a
b = a / 3.14; // Divides a by 3.14 and stores the result in b
a -= 8;
// Subtracts 8 from b and stores the result in a
a = 27;
// Stores the value 27 in a
c = 'K';
// Stores the character 'K' in c
6. Here's the C++ code that corresponds to the given pseudocode:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int speed = 20;
int time = 10;
int distance = speed * time;
cout << "Distance: " << distance << endl;
return 0;