/****************************************************************************** The program takes a positive integer number and display it verticall with each digit on a separate line. For example, if the number is 416, it should be displayed: 4 1 6 The program uses a recursive function displaly_vartical *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; // function prototype void display_vertical(int); int main() { // variable declaration int num; // Input cout << "Enter a positive integer number: "; cin >> num; // calling the function display_vertical display_vertical(num); return 0; } // end of function main // Defining the recursive function display_vertical void display_vertical(int n) { if (n < 10) cout << n << endl; // stoping case else // n is more than one digit { display_vertical(n / 10); // another call to the same function cout << n % 10 << endl; } } // end of function display_vertical // end of program