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Fortune 500

Fortune 500 Final Project
I.Company Overview
Originally founded in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, Tesla was created with
the mindset to make electric cars to be quicker and more entertaining to drive compared to it's
gasoline counterpart. In addition to usability, they also wanted to help drive the world closer to a
zero emission society in order to reduce the effects of climate change. In 2006 cofounder and
CEO Martin Eberhard left the company, leaving another cofounder, Elon Musk, to eventually
become the new CEO. Currently, Elon is the top stock holder of the cooperation, holding around
21% of it's shares. It wasn't until 2008, nearly 5 years after the founding of the company, when
finally Tesla launched their Roadstar car, which had results no other electric car had from it's
time period. From this huge success they began the process of creating a new electric sedan
called the model S. First prototyped then produced in 2012, the model s featured the top of the
line safety features, along with a very fast and efficient electric motor. To expand its product
line, Tesla created the model X, a sport utility vehicle that holds a 5 star safety rating, and is the
fastest SUV in history. One of the biggest reasons Tesla was able to become more widespread
to the general public was the creation of the Model 3. Beginning production in 2017, the Model 3
cost a mere 35,000 for it's base model, over half the cost of both the Model X and Model S. This
made it possible for the average person to be able to afford a tesla car and led to the increase
of tesla purchases. Since then Tesla has also released the Model Y, a medium size SUV, but
it's numbers do not compare to the Model 3’s. Currently the Model 3 is the highest selling
electric vehicle in the world, and has arguably been the best thing to happen to Tesla. But what
competition does Tesla have to deal with? While not known for their electric vehicles, big name
companies like Ford Motor’s and General Motors have begun production on new electric cars
that could easily compete with what Tesla has to offer. People will often see the well known
brand names on cars and immediately assume them to be better than newer brands, even if
they aren't as reliable or energy efficient. This could lead to problems in the future, especially
once gasoline cars are unavailable because people might choose a brand they feel more
comfortable with, rather than what the best option really is. Obviously being in the automotive
industry is harsh as only Tesla and Ford have not gone bankrupt out of the thousands of other
car startups, so Tesla must be doing something right. As we move into the age of electric
vehicles, Tesla continues to bring new innovations that propel the industry towards a brighter,
more clean future of transportation.
II Marketing
To further theorize the possibility of Tesla continuing it's control on the market for electric
vehicles, we must discover their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Tesla has a
considerable amount of strengths that can outcompete it's competitors. These include being the
most valuable automotive company, having the best in class electric cars, and having one of the
highest innovation rates compared to other vehicle manufacturers. Tesla being the highest
valued automotive company shows its ability to outperform others, even though they are a
somewhat new company that only produces electric vehicles. The fact that they can outcompete
big names like Ford illustrates how by producing better technology, newer companies can
succeed over those who have been in the market longer. Tesla's innovative crew will continue
to bring new additions to their cars that will drive more people into purchasing them. Although
Tesla has many strengths that can help them grow, there are also many weaknesses that might
stop them in their tracks. Manufacturing complications, lack of high volume production, and
being unable to meet their demands may stop Tesla from being able to sell as many cars as
other companies. Because of the high innovation rate on the Tesla vehicles there are more
things that could experience production complications, leading to lower production rate. Since
Tesla is unable to meet their demands for their vehicles, people may begin to buy from other
sources that can provide them with vehicles in a short amount of time. This can lead to Teslas
becoming a secondary option to other companies that can produce cars in a short time span.
Tesla does have some opportunities that could help increase profitability. By expanding their
production into the Asian market, they can bring their products into a place where renewable
energy is just beginning to be used, and set a standard for other companies in the area. Along
with this, they could produce a cheaper car that is able to give many of the same benefits of the
more expensive versions, without the high price tag. Because around 17.6% of the US
automotive market consists of pickup trucks, Tesla could also begin production of some form of
truck to attract these buyers. Tesla of course also has some threats that might hurt the future
sustainability of the company. Constant product defects, liability claims, and shortage of
materials can all harm Tesla. Defects on vehicles cause the company a lot of money, along with
liability claims from things like self driving accidents. A shortage of lithium and other precious
materials required to construct Tesla cars might also prove harmful, but would likely be harmful
to every other automotive company as well. To move forwards with the marketing side of Tesla,
we will take a look at their product, placement, promotion, and price. While Tesla is known for
the vehicles they produce, they are also sellers of electric vehicle powertrain components,
energy storage, and solar panels. These contribute a very little amount of money compared to
the cars, but are helpful for completing Tesla's mission goal of removing the usage of fossil
fuels. Tesla also has several places where you can purchase their products from. These include
company owned stores and galleries, service centers, charging stations, and the official
company website. This allows for a wide range of ways to purchase goods and services from
Tesla. Next we move onto Tesla's promotion strategies, which include viral marketing, personal
selling, public reactions, sale promotions, and direct marketing. Of these viral marketing is the
most significant in relation to the amount of consumers being added to their company. Finally
we have price, in which Tesla has two main forms of deciding; premium pricing strategy and
market-oriented strategy. Premium pricing strategy puts a high value on the product because of
its uniqueness and ability to outperform other options, and thus allows Tesla to gain more
money. Market-oriented pricing is mainly used for products besides cars, like their solar panels,
in order to compete with other brands on the market. On top of the four P’s, Tesla also uses
social media as a platform to distribute their products to the masses. Videos showing their cars
reaching high speeds in a short amount of time rack in millions of views, and in process
thousands of new customers. Platforms like Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter help Tesla
promote their products, and are one of the main reasons they are such a successful company.
III Human Resource Practices
Tesla being an innovative company requires intelligent individuals that possess the skills
required to work at one of their facilities. To first secure an interview with a human resource
manager, the individual can apply through the company website or other job listing websites like
indeed. Certain jobs require certain characteristics such as a certain level of education, which
means people need to refine their job search based on their criteria. Advanced questions are
asked in order to further understand the intelligence of the possible candidates. Background
checks and drug tests are also performed to make sure the individual is a worthy applicant. If
the interview goes well and Tesla decides to hire the person, they must go through a training
process called Tesla START. Tesla START is an educational program run by Tesla and in
partnership with several colleges and universities that prepares its students for their future
careers at Tesla. It's a 8 hour daily course that takes around 14-16 weeks to complete, and
gives the person advanced skills and certifications that help them perform their jobs at Tesla.
There is also a grace period after the training that has supervisors and managers looking over
the workers back to make sure they are performing their job correctly. In the post hiring phase,
the employee is sent to the location they were intended to work at and begin settling in. The
human resources department introduces the person to the current staff at the building and
shows the location they will be working at. Again the exact location and part of the building the
employee will work at is dependent on the line of work they are going into. A question people
might ask, especially new employees, is how does Tesla motivate its employees? Tesla’s main
form of motivation is through McClelland’s theory of needs, which states that the main three
motivators are achievement, affiliation, and power. To form the feeling of achievement for its
employees, Tesla has groups of workers brainstorming and producing new ideas to add to the
vehicles that may be added for future versions. Whether that be software for the computers or
new safety features, the workers there can have a feeling of achievement if their idea is added
to the Tesla’s. Secondly Tesla uses affiliation through the recognition it's workers obtain from
their hard work. Elon Musk continuously attributes Tesla’s success to it's intelligent and
hardworking employees, which gives the workers a feeling of belonging. Finally, Tesla also uses
the power motivator for those who like to control their own works or the work of others. People
are set to take control of projects or to work on their own ideas at a given time, motivating them
and giving them a sense of power. While Tesla’s main theory of motivation comes from
McClelland’s theory of needs, there are many other motivations they use in order to continue
the innovation process.
IV Financials
Tesla’s annual report from 2020 is a 449 page document which of course is nearly impossible to
read fully. After a little bit of sifting I was able to find the quote “We ended 2020 with $19.38
billion in cash and cash equivalents, representing an increase of $13.12 billion from the end of
2019”(Tesla, Inc. 31). This is just a representation of how much money went back to the
business, not the actual profits the company made overall. Doing a little bit more research, I was
able to find a slide show that narrowed down the information found on the most recent report in
2021. Below are some images providing financial information:
As seen from above, Tesla has been able to produce a great profit margin, equaling around 5.5
billion dollars in total profit. Compared to previous years, Tesla has had the highest revenue
rate ever recorded in their history. This was caused by the dramatic increase in vehicle
deliveries. According to the Q4 2021 Update report, “With our deliveries up 87% in 2021, we
achieved the highest quarterly operating margin among all volume OEMs, based on the latest
available data(2), demonstrating that EVs can be more profitable than combustion engine
vehicles”(Tesla). With an increase of deliveries up 87% from the previous year, there is no
doubt the amount of income Tesla has generated wiped the previous number of past years.
Along with this, the report said “Additionally, we generated $5.5B of GAAP net income and
$5.0B of free cash flow in 2021 – after spending $6.5B to build out new factories and on other
capital expenditures”(Tesla). Expanding its production lines will allow more cars to be produced
on a yearly basis. As stated in the SWOT analysis, one of their main weaknesses is lack of
production rate. By building new factories, they will be able to combat this shortcoming and
continue to sell Teslas at a higher rate. Reading through both the annual report and financial
statements made it clear that Tesla had an outstanding year for company growth. As the
demand for Tesla automobiles continues to rise, the amount of money Tesla earns also
continues to increase. The excess money made this year has been used to invest back into
Tesla, creating new sources of income for the upcoming years. This yearly report proved that
electric vehicles are becoming a profitable business, and that Tesla is improving its total income
from year to year.
V. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
Tesla's code of conduct consists of 5 main points; labor, health and safety, environment, ethics,
and management systems. For labor it consists of seven different parts. To briefly describe the
parts you are allowed to chose employment type, not have any workers under 15, no more than
60 hour work weeks, appliance to local wage laws and benefits, humane treatment of it's
employees, commited to a non discrimination/non harassment workplace, and the ability to join
unions of thier own choosing. Next we will move onto health and safety. Tesla is required to be
prepared for emergency situations, have a system to prevent illness and injuries, provide
industrial level hygiene, control the amount of demanding work, ensure the safety of machinery,
and inform the employees with workplace health and safety information. Moving on to the
environmental part of the code of conduct, they have 8 rules to follow. These include acquiring
all environmental permits/approvals, prevention of pollution and recourse reduction, standard on
handling and using hazardous substances, implementation of proper waste disposal,
compliance with emission control systems, restrictions of materials, proper water management
system, and providing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.Following health
and safety, we find the ethics policy. They must follow the highest standards of integrity, allow
no improper advantages, disclosure of all business information, respect intellectual property
rights, follow all fair business,advertising, and competitions laws, have programs that protect
identity of whistleblowers, follow the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development’s rules of sourcing minerals, and protect the personal information about the
workers. Finally we move on to management systems in which they must create a company
commitment policy, provide identities of people responsible for implementation of management
programs, learn the legal and customer requirements, complete an assessment for risk
management at suppliers operations, produce improvement objectives to the suppliers, make
sure adequate training is being provided, have a proper form of communication, and to create
and maintain documents to ensure regulatory compliance. The code of conduct Tesla has
created indicates a well designed management system that makes sure to follow regulatory
rules and to keep the privacy of its employees and suppliers. Not only do they care about their
workers, but they also put great emphasis on making sure that the environment is impacted as
minimally as possible. Proper disposal of waste and prevention of greenhouse gasses being
emitted into the atmosphere helps prevent the catastrophic events that could occur if we
continue polluting our environment. It also goes into preventing the spread of disease and
preventing injuries, making sure that Tesla's employees are safe. As far as I can tell, the code of
conduct at Tesla appears to be very ethical and sustainable for the future and thus seems to be
VI. Conclusion
Personally I believe that Tesla is a great company to invest money into as it's working towards
the future. As our generation moves closer and closer to renewable energy sources, electric car
companies like Tesla will thrive in the automobile industry. Companies that have very little
experience with electric cars will have a lot of catching up to do in order to even compete with
Tesla, and thus might become bankrupt. Not only will it be an amazing long term investment,
but it might also be a good short term investment as well. In the last year Tesla has almost
doubled the amount of profits and increased sales dramatically, and it looks as if the rates will
continue to rise. Tesla also has an amazing innovation process that allows bright minds to
improve and create new ideas for the vehicles. These ideas are what make Tesla’s stand out to
other electric car models and will continue to make sure they are a top named brand. Another
reason Tesla is something I would invest in is due to their marketing strategies. Tesla’s has
become a well known brand without a single advertisement on television as they use platforms
on social media to display their products. This allows them to focus further on their progress of
production, rather than wasting money on ads. The final reason I believe Tesla is a good
company to invest in is it's other options in renewable energy accessories. In a short amount of
time the demand for electric batteries and solar panels are going to skyrocket, and Tesla will be
able to help fill the needs. This will lead to an increase in overall stock price and value of the
company. With all of these ideas combined, I am confident that Tesla should be a stock
everyone should invest in.
Work Cited
Anasagasti, Alden. “Tesla Swot Analysis (2022).” Business Strategy Hub, 20 Jan. 2022,
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Samantaray, Sunayana. “How to Get a Job at Tesla: Use Your Skills to Fill Tech Job
Openings.” Career Karma, 8 Jan. 2021, https://careerkarma.com/blog/how-to-get-a-job-at-tesla/.
“Tesla Start.” Tesla, https://www.tesla.com/careers/teslastart#:~:text=Tesla%20START%20is%20an%20intensive,labs%20and%20self%2Dpaced%20le
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“Tesla Investor Relations.” Tesla Investor Relations, https://ir.tesla.com/#tab-quarterlydisclosure.
“Q4 And FY2021.” Tesla-Cdn, https://teslacdn.thron.com/static/WIIG2L_TSLA_Q4_2021_Update_O7MYNE.pdf?xseo=&responsecontent-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22tsla-q4-and-fy-2021-update.pdf%22.
“Tesla Code Of Conduct.” Tesla,
“Tesla, Inc. - Annual Report.” Annual Reports,