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Purposive Communication: Language & Communication

Language is at the core of human interaction.
Glocal is what you mean you can talk using both local and global language.
Human beings are born with the capacity to communicate.
The Nature of Language
“Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we think about,”
It enables us to exchange ideas, by allowing us to say or write down what we thought. It
was through language that you learned your cultural values and behavior.
Animals are said to be able to communicate with each other.
But only human beings are truly capable of producing language.
Every language has system of rules such as;
 Phonology
 Grammar
 Syntax
 Semantics
 Orthography
Grammarians concerned with clarity while Rhetoricians are concerned with effectiveness.
Speech Community
The language that is spoken in the community where your parents belongs becomes your own
and that is called speech community.
And many more
For instance, if the child is exposed to any digital gadgets and they are born with a Cebuano
speaking parents, yet they may speak English if their dominant exposure to the gadgets influence
their language use.
Language Acquisition
Growing up the first language that you would choose to speak is the language that your parent
uses. You might acquire this by listening and mimicked them when you were still a baby. And as
you grow older, you read materials, written texts, books and etc. that you may also acquire to be
your language.
Mother Tongue
The language that you acquired or picked up from the speech community you are in while
growing up, becomes your first language.
Second Language
The language that you formally learned either in school or tutorial classes other than the first
language that you acquired from home. This can be your national language like Filipino or the
global language like English.
Language Learning
Language learning is the process of studying a second language formally. This happens when
you as a learner study; rules of grammar, correct usage, word derivation, pronunciation and
Language Contact
Your exposures to various situations and with other learners who speak a language different from
your own provide a language contact.
Language Change
Language change can happen when two or more languages try to adapt or borrow words as a
product of new ideas. Language change is a natural behaviour of all languages.
Communication is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts,
ideas,concepts, and views between and among two or more people.
Communication happens when both interlocutors have their minds analogous,
meaning, both the sender and the recipient have the so called “meeting of their
Communication—your ability to share your beliefs, ideas, and feelings—is at the
heart of all human contact.
Types of Communication according to Mode
A message may be conveyed via these types: verbal, non-verbal, and visual.Though
communication is often thought of as verbal, the non-verbal mode is equally essential as it
enhances one’s message.
Verbal communication makes use of words tailored by the speaker to let the recipient
decodethe message.
Non-verbal communication makes use of gestures, facial expressions, and body language
to reinforce the verbal cues.
Visual communication, moreover, is the type of communication that makes use of visuals
or images to convey information and/ormessages.
Types of Communication according to Context
Context in communication is referred to as a composite of people interacting with each
other, Communication according to context may include:
Intrapersonal communication is labelled as inner talk, inner monologue or talking to oneself.
Psychologists call this self-verbalization or self-statement.
Interpersonal communication may occur in dyads or small groups, where it is meant to deepen
one’s relationship with others. However, if the objective is to achieve something at the end
of the conversation, it becomes transactional. While the former is characterized by
less seriousness and formality, the latter is more formal and profound.In addition, extended
communication involves the use of electronic media.
Extended communication encompasses tele, audio, or phone conferencing, videoconferencing,
Skype calls, and other technological means. Since extendedcommunication is public in
nature, speakers are expected to be prepared when theyspeak, making their language more
Organizational communication comprises the type of communication among individuals
working for the company where hierarchical structure is apparent. It has a system of
communication put in place where standards of communication protocols are made clear
that interaction patterns are established. Formal structures allow communication
take place via designated channels of message flow between positions in
organization. Four approaches may be used such as: (1) downward communication,
upward communication, (3) horizontal and (4) crosswise communication.
Intercultural communication. As the term implies, it is communication between or among
people having different linguistic, religious, ethnic,social, and professional backgrounds.
Types of Communication according to Purpose and Style
The types of communication according to purpose and style are formal and
informal. However, rather than focusing on the transmission of message and message flow, the
focus here is on communication setting and the mode of delivery.
Formal communication employs formal language delivered orally or in written form.
Lectures,public speeches, research and project proposals, reports, and business letters among
others are all considered formal situations and writings. On the contrary, informal
communication involves personal and ordinary conversations with friends, family
members, or acquaintances about anything under the sun. The mode may be oral as in face to
face, ordinary or every talks, and phone calls, or written in the case of e-mails ,personal notes,
or text messages. The purpose is to simply socialize and enhance relationships.