Uploaded by Aydan Abbasova

Azerbaijan History: From Hominids to 19th Century

1. What factors and conditions led to the emergence of first hominid groups on the
territory of Azerbaijan?
First hominid groups on the territory of Azerbaijan appeared in the Lower Palaeolithic
1.5 million – 100 thousand years ago. In that period Azerbaijan was geographically
and climatically suitable for the inhabitancy of prehistoric people. For instance, it was
crucial for prehistoric people to live near water resources, such as river or lake.
Moreover, primitive people are characterized as fragile and defenceless living
creatures. Therefore, one of the reasons of emergence of hominid groups might also
be survival instinct. As evidence we can use the female jawbone found in Azykh
2.How did the social and technological advance influence the Neolithic period in
Neolithic period is prominent with its “Neolithic Revolution”, also known as
“Agricultural Revolution”. During this period the separation of clan and tribes that
were engaged in farming and cattle- breeding shaped the cross from consumption
industry to producing industry. This significant change in human history is called “the
first industrial revolution”, which changed the economy, and allowed people to
control their extra food. Furthermore, one of achievements of the Neolithic period was
pottery and production of ceramic plates.
3. What caused the shift from matriarchy to the patriarchy?
From the Upper Palaeolithic till the Bronze Age society was believed to be mostly
matriarchal. However, when farming began to demand much more power and
endurance, the leading position in economy passed to the man.
1. Write about Mannean state strengths and weaknesses
The Manna is considered to be the earliest state formed on the territory of Azerbaijan.
According to foreign sources, it can be observed that Manna had developed
economy. The ruling of cities was centralized which is the evidence of strong power of
Mannean governors. Moreover, Mannean state had trained military, which was
beneficial during external attacks.
However, due to the fact that Manna was located between two conflicting states, the
Manna itself was the subject of this conflict. Moreover, after the death of Izirtu, the
internal imbalance arose which eventually led to the destabilization of Mannean state.
2. What impact did the ancient empires have on ancient Albanian society?
Throughout the Albanian existence, Albania had connection with Roman and Greek
Empire, Arab Caliphate, Macedonian Empire, Media, and Achaemenids. Every each
of these empires had impact on Albanian civilization. For example, Roman and Greek
invasions led to the development pottery and handicraft. Moreover, the coins
belonging to the Great Macedonian Empire were found on Azerbaijani territories,
which is the evidence to the presence of currency in Albania. Furthermore, the goal of
Arab invasions was the spread of Islam. Thus, Arab invasions led to the islamization
of Albania.
3. How did Zoroastrianism affect the life of Atropatena?
Zoroastrianism was the basis religion in Atropatena. The capital of Atropatena,
Gazaka, was the centre of fire worship. Fire was considered sacred in Zoroastrianism;
therefore, every city of Atropatena had temple in honor of fire. Zoroastrianism priests
held high position in society and were well-respected. The sacred book “Avesta” was
used for practicing different rituals. Zoroastrianism led to the development of culture,
literature, and art. In my opinion, Zoroastrianism unified the Atropatenean nation,
since before there was no common religion on the territory of Azerbaijan. Thus, the
fundament of a nation was laid.
1. Cause and effect of "Intermezzo" period of the national history
-The gradual decline and collapse of Abbasids Caliphate led to the “Intermezzo” period
which is defined as the period of the regaining the local power and formation of feudal states
by local people, such as Shirvanshah, Sadjid, Salarid, Shaddadid, and Ravvadid. There were
several internal and external reasons that accelerated Abbasid’s decline. One of them were
the economic crisis due to the stagnation of expeditions and wars with the goal to spread
Islam. This statis also negatively affected the Arab influence on conquered territories; thus,
internal clashes arose. For instance, the Khorramids movement on the territory of Azerbaijan
which was against Arabic hegemony and for the state independence. Consequently, Arab
Caliphate split up, and several separate states emerged on the territory of Arabs. This was a
chance for Azerbaijani states to implement their own ruling, form as a nation, and develop
their language, culture, and traditions.
2. What difficulties Azerbaijani states faced in the 13-14 centuries?
-The 13th-14th centuries are known for the Mongol invasions on the territory of Caucasus.
These invasions are considered to be one of the most destroyable and devastating. Moreover,
the internal clashes between the feudal states made it easier for Mongols to conquest the
Azerbaijani territories. Political instability and decentralization due to the weakening of
Seldjuk empire was an advantageous situation for Mongols. Mongols’ invasion led to the
economic and political devastation of Azerbaijani states, destroy of cities, and strengthening
of Mongol influence on the territories. First invasion carries an expedition character. After it,
Mongols attacked Azerbaijan three times, and on the final invasion, Azerbaijani states had to
obey. By taking over Baghdad in 1258, Mongolians put an end to the 500-year rule of the
Abbasid dynasty.
3. How did Islamic "Golden Age" affect Azerbaijan?
-The 12th century’s Islamic “Golden Age” significantly affected most of the aspects of culture
of Azerbaijan. Number of mosques, medreses, palaces, and historical buildings were
constructed in most of the cities of Azerbaijan. Many schools and medreses taught
mathematics, religion, foreign languages, and arts. This period’s great minds are Nizami
Gandjavi, Khagani Shirvani, Izzeddin Shirvan are the famous poets, whose proses are still
remembered and studied, and who dramatically contributed to the literature of Azerbaijan.
The "Maiden Tower," "Momine Khatun," and "Yusif ibn Kuseyr" monuments are only a few
of the notable examples of Azerbaijani architecture from the Islamic "Golden Age".
Furthermore, “Golden Age” led to the exploration of such sciences as astronomy, medicine,
and architecture.
1. Comment on relationship between the global changes and the formation of history as
the scientific discipline in the Western world and Azerbaijan.
The age of Enlightenment and Industrial Revolutions between 17-19th centuries led to
the development of concepts of modern thought and scepticism about established
After 1930s, when the division of Azerbaijan between Russia and Iran was over,
Russian ruling was established. This was the beginning of new phase for the History
of Azerbaijan. With the establishment of Tsarist Russia came the glorification of the
expansion of Russian Empire and the colonial historiography. The Soviet era was
known as the period of falsification, manipulation, and repression of Azerbaijani
history. Due to the Marxist-Leninist ideology, history of Azerbaijan was researched
from the perspective of class-conflict. Stalin implemented the totalitarian regime and
censorship, which prevented historians to study Azerbaijan history independently and
objectively. However, the Russian invasion in Azerbaijan had a positive consequence,
such as the development of history as a science and the development of
archaeological studies in Azerbaijan.
2. Trace the origins of historical discipline in Azerbaijan.
There are traces of human civilization in Azykh Cave which was inhabited about
300.000 years ago. The first mentions of Azerbaijan were found in scripts and
chronicles of Assyrian kings, such as Salmanasar III, Sargon II, and Urartu about the
ancient Manna. The famous geographer and historian Strabo (64-64 BC) wrote about
Atropatena: “Midia is divided into two parts. One part is called the Great Midia, the
great city and capital of which is Ectabana. The "History of Albania" might be
described as a classical piece of special historical works. The authors of this work are
Moisey Kalankatuklu and Moisey Dashuranli. There is a little information about the
activities of the historian of this period Mkhitar Goshun (1130–1213). "The Albanian
Chronicle" and "The Code of laws" by him are popular. The first general work on the
history of Azerbaijan is A. Bakikhanov's "Gulustani- Iram".
3. Explain how can we access the information about the historical past:
There are several ways we can access the historical information. There are primary
and secondary sources, which subdivide into written, oral, and visual sources. We can
access the information about history from Orxon, Shahriyar scripts (written primary
sources, from ancient myths, proverbs, legends. It is possible to get knowledge from
the historical architecture, monuments, artifacts.
1. How did the historical events of the 19th century influence Azerbaijani
The 19th century is known for the Russo-Persian wars being held for the dominance
on the Azerbaijani lands. These consecutive wars led to the Gulistan (1813) and
Turkmenchay (1828). According to them, Northern Azerbaijan became the part of
Russian Empire, whereas Southern Azerbaijan went under the ruling of Qajars. These
geo-political changes caused enormous influence on historiography of Azerbaijan.
After the Russian invasion, Azerbaijani history was falsified and manipulated. There
was a belief that conquered nations benefited from the invasion, the concept of which
was similar to the idea of eurocentrism. However, there were positive consequences
as well. Russian invasion contributed to the development of history as a science and
archaeological studies.
2. To what extent do you agree that the history was politically manipulated in the 1930s?
The 1930s fall under the ruling of Stalin (1920-1950). Therefore, it is undeniable that
history of ASSR was politically manipulated. Stalinism period included massive
repression of individuals and groups who did not agree with Soviet ideas. Moreover,
Stalinism was famous as a period of strict censorship and total control of writings and
publications. 1930s was also a period of russification. Soviets tried to eliminate word
“Turk” from Azerbaijani history and everyday life.
3. Write about the features of ancient and early medieval sources on Azerbaijani history
Ancient Azerbaijan history dates back to the 350-400 thousand years. It can be
examined from the findings in Azykh cave. Ancient Manna history can be studied
from the cuneiform writings of Assyria and Urartu. They give as background
knowledge about Manna’s political and economic well-being. Unfortunately, no
Manna cuneiforms or any other type of writings were found during excavations, and it
is believed to be destroyed during neighbouring countries’ invasions. Atropatenean
sources tell us about the religion being Zoroastrism and lifestyle of inhabitants of
Azerbaijani lands. Albanian sources indicate the spread of Christianity in Azerbaijan,
much earlier than in any place in Caucasus. Medieval period of Azerbaijan is mainly
described in Arabic sources. This can be explained by the Arabic invasion during that
time. They tell us about the Islam conversion of Azerbaijani people. This period is
also prominent with its movements for independence, such as Babek’s movement or
1. How did the Russian imperialism influence the toponym of Azerbaijan?
After the Russian conquest of Azerbaijani Khanates, Azerbaijani lands were divided into
Northern (Russian or Caucasian) Azerbaijan and Southern (Iranian or Persian) Azerbaijan.
The Gulustan and Turkmenchay peace treaties led to the liquidation of the Azerbaijani
statehood which existed in the form of 20 independent Khanates, as well as the elimination of
the toponym of this land.
2. What proves that Azerbaijanis were the indigenous population of the Caucasus?
Azerbaijani people are considered to have Turkic originated roots. These include indigenous
people of Transcaucasia and Oghuz Turkic tribes. Those people have similarities in language,
genetics, and scull. The language spoken in ancient Azerbaijani states assimilates with the
modern Azerbaijani language. Moreover, the scull examination defines once again that
Azerbaijani people were one of the first inhabitants of the Caucasus.
3. What were the problems faced by Azerbaijani historians in the writing of ethnogenesis history
in the Soviet era?
USSR was supporting and promoting the idea of “brotherhood”, “friendship”, “eternal
happiness under the ruling of USSR”, etc. which led to the glorification of Soviet system.
Soviets were using the “Back to roots” methodology when they were researching about the
history of Azerbaijan, which resulted in distortion of ethnic history of Azerbaijan. Soviets were
convincing Azerbaijanis, Georgians, and Armenians for having the same ethnic roots. This
was one of the steps of falsifying the Azerbaijani history. Therefore, independent analysis of
ethnogenesis was strictly prohibited in Azerbaijan. Moreover, since they were following the
idea of Azerbaijanis being separate from Turk originated nations, Soviets manipulated this
part of ethnogenesis as well.
2. What factors and conditions led to the emergence of first hominid groups on the
territory of Azerbaijan?
First hominid groups on the territory of Azerbaijan appeared in the Lower Palaeolithic
1.5 million – 100 thousand years ago. In that period Azerbaijan was geographically
and climatically suitable for the inhabitancy of prehistoric people. For instance, it was
crucial for prehistoric people to live near water resources, such as river or lake.
Moreover, primitive people are characterized as fragile and defenceless living
creatures. Therefore, one of the reasons of emergence of hominid groups might also
be survival instinct. As evidence we can use the female jawbone found in Azykh
2.How did the social and technological advance influence the Neolithic period in
Neolithic period is prominent with its “Neolithic Revolution”, also known as
“Agricultural Revolution”. During this period the separation of clan and tribes that
were engaged in farming and cattle- breeding shaped the cross from consumption
industry to producing industry. This significant change in human history is called “the
first industrial revolution”, which changed the economy, and allowed people to
control their extra food. Furthermore, one of achievements of the Neolithic period was
pottery and production of ceramic plates.
3. What caused the shift from matriarchy to the patriarchy?
From the Upper Palaeolithic till the Bronze Age society was believed to be mostly
matriarchal. However, when farming began to demand much more power and
endurance, the leading position in economy passed to the man.