TOURIST PERCEPTION TOWARDS PROMO FARES AMONG SELECTED AIRLINE COMPANIES IN THE PHILIPPINES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ___________________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management Bulacan State University Malolos City ___________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ____________________ By: Fondevilla, Jannah E. Gatmaitan, Christoper Jorge V. Magnaye, Sharmaine C. Ramos, Romina Irish G. Santos, Patricia Anne E. February 2022 APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, this thesis entitled TOURIST PERCEPTION TOWARDS PROMO FARES AMONG SELECTED AIRLINE COMPANIES IN THE PHILIPPINES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC has been prepared and submitted by FONDEVILLA, JANNAH E., GATMAITAN, CHRISTOPER JORGE V., MAGNAYE, SHARMAINE C., RAMOS, ROMINA IRISH G., SANTOS, PATRICIA ANNE E. who is hereby recommended for oral examination. ATHENA MARIE PALENCIA Adviser Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management. GENNALYN MANUEL Panelist DELMA B. ORTEGA Chairman AME-FIL LOVE MAGDARAOG Panelist Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management. AIMEE GRACE M. MADLANGBAYAN Dean, College of Hospitality and Tourism Management February 2022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout the whole process of doing the study successfully. To Ms. Athena Marie Palencia一 the researcher’s advisor, for her genuine understanding for every question we asked. For her encouragement, patience, and guidance and knowledge that were generously shared with us. To the respondents of the study一The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all of you for cooperating and participating as tourists evaluating the promo fares of the selected airlines. This research study would not be complete or necessary without your significant contribution. To the panelists, for boosting researcher’s motivation, and sharing their knowledge and suggestions for the further improvement of the study. Lastly, to Dr. Aimee Grace M. Madlangbayan, the College Dean of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management and subject professor, who excellently and patiently taught the class everything that they need to know, the researchers are grateful to you for your constant support and guidance. DEDICATION The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to their loving, caring, and supportive parents, who never stopped showing their unending support, love, and encouragement until the very end of this study. The researchers would also like to dedicate this to their friends and classmates who kept them going throughout the process. To the Almighty God, who gave them a strong will, guided them every step of the way, and remained with them until the end of this study. Finally, for readers and future researchers, may this study act as a guide and reference for any additional research that they wish to conduct. ABSTRACT The tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the Philippines and the World. This sector has been responsible for reconnecting all the races and nationalities from different parts of the world by having one common goal: Travel and Safety. However, due to an unanticipated alarming health crisis before the end of 2019, the industry was shaken in the first part of 2020. In relation to that, The top three airlines here in the Philippines namely: Cebu Pacific, AirAsia, and Philippine Airlines are designated to offer competitive fare pricing. Also, in order to attract more consumers, an airline seems to be more likely to provide appealing fare pricing (Weiss, A. 2020). Hence, as one of the affected sectors, the researchers designed this study how the selected airlines will utilize promotional fares to attract more tourists amidst the pandemic. With the promo fares of three selected airlines from the Philippines as the main subject of this study, seventy (70) respondents are expected to answer the survey forms encoded in a Google form. Based on the researchers’ gathered data, the findings show that the demographic profile of the tourists is also a factor to consider of selected airlines in conducting promo fares amidst the pandemic. With that said, they have to come up with considerations in traveling by air during the pandemic and how these considerations affect in making the decision to travel. These considerations will enable the research to identify certain perceptions of tourists. Lastly, from all the accumulated data, the researchers came up with a recommendation for the airline companies strategies to implement in order to attract tourists amidst the pandemic. TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL SHEET 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3 DEDICATION 4 ABSTRACT 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 CHAPTER 1 - THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1 Introduction 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Significance of the Study 4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study 5 CHAPTER 2 - THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 7 Relevant Theories 7 Relevant Literature 11 Relevant Studies 17 Conceptual Framework 22 Definition of Variable 24 CHAPTER 3 - METHODS OF RESEARCH 25 Methods and Techniques of the Study 25 Research Instrument 25 Population and Sample of the Study 26 Data Collection Procedure 26 Data Processing and Statistical Treatment 27 CHAPTER IV - PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 28 Demographic Profile of Respondents 28 Airline Company of Choice of the Respondents 31 Tourist Considerations in Traveling by Air During the Pandemic 35 How do you think these considerations affect you in making the decision to travel? 36 CHAPTER V - SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION 40 Summary of Findings 41 Conclusion 42 Recommendations 44 REFERENCES 46 APPENDICES 54 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE 56 CURRICULUM VITAE 59 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic almost stopped the circulation of the world; being unable to travel, eat outside, going to malls, going to school, and most people lost their jobs. The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to cause the worst decline in the tourism industry's history (Becker, 2020). Governments around the world have enacted travel bans, lockdowns, and closures to implement social distancing policies in an attempt to slow the spread of the disease and maintain the effectiveness of national healthcare systems. The current slump, on the other hand, is unprecedented, affecting everyone around the world and posing a common challenge to all tourism stakeholders (Gössling et al., 2020). More than 60% of the world's commercial airplanes have been grounded, putting the travel and hospitality industry in general, and airlines in particular, in perilous situations (Hollinger, 2020). Hence, the tourism industry is now coping up with the new normal. The tourism and hospitality industries thrive on visitor patterns, and significant efforts are made by decision makers to attract visitors in order to support the sector and increase the industry's multiplier effect (Gössling et al., 2020). Airline companies are now trying to recover from what they’ve lost. Due to diminished demand and international border closures, most airlines reduced or canceled flights (Darlak et al., 2020). Several studies have looked at how travelers perceive risk in the aftermath of health catastrophes (Cahyanto et al., 2016). However, no one knows how COVID-19, a pandemic that has surpassed all previous tourism disasters, influences passengers' risk perceptions and travel behavior over time. That’s why different promotional strategies were imposed by airlines to attract people to travel again. Thinking strategically has become an essential tool to stay strong in the market and to be a competitive airline at this time of pandemic. Travelers value promotional discounts at both the consideration and booking stages, as they impact their purchasing decisions (Hu and Yang, 2019). Having promotional strategies such as low-cost base fares or the Piso Fares for Cebu Pacific; one of the leading airlines in the Philippines, operating flights to over 60 domestic and international destinations across 14 countries. Another leading airline and the flag carrier of the Philippines is the Philippine Airlines which offers a “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo” which is about earning a raffle entry when purchasing an airline ticket with them which will enable you to fly or ride on Philippine Airlines at no cost when you win. AirAsia also provides its members with exclusive buy one, get one free deals on domestic and international flights. Every airline company has their different promotional strategies which are patronized by the consumers. Different consumers have different needs and they are finding what suits them the most. This paper studied the different tourist perception to the promo fares of the selected airline companies in the Philippines. It was conducted to know the most effective marketing strategies for the consumers at this time of pandemic and to know if the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the behavior of passengers in buying promo fares. Also, to know if the promotional strategies have attracted the customers to travel amidst the pandemic. Statement of the Problem This study attempts to answer the general problem: how may the tourist perception towards promo fares of the selected airlines companies in the Philippines during the pandemic be analyzed? Specifically, it will seek to answer the following problems; 1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of the following? 1.1 age; 1.2 gender; 1.3 civil status; 1.4 income status 2. How may the tourist perception towards the following promos from the selected airline companies be analyzed: 2.1 Philippine Airline “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo” 2.2 Cebu Pacific “Piso Fares” 2.3 AirAsia “Buy 1 Take 1 for 2021” 3. What considerations do customers have in traveling by air during the pandemic? 4. What recommendation may be proposed to influence tourist perceptions to the promo fares of selected airline companies in the Philippines during the pandemic? Significance of the Study This study is about the perceptions of tourists from 6th District of Bulacan regarding the selected airline companies in the Philippines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Various sectors and industry revolving to travel will benefit from this case study such as: Tourism Industry - The findings from this case study will enlighten several strategies, mainly promo fares towards reconstructing the industry which was put on hold during this pandemic . It will greatly stabilize the recovery and propose initiatives in the industry’s comeback and reoperation. It will also raise possibilities for revolutionized ways from the customer responses in the promo fares from the top three airlines in the Philippines this new normal. Travel Agencies & New Competitors - The COVID-19 Pandemic hits hardest among the selected airline companies in the Philippines namely: Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific, Air Asia. However, huge casualties and losses were also affected among small travel agencies. This case study will benefit several tourism enterprises and agencies. It will help to navigate and identify the most effective promo fares among tourists in 6th District of Bulacan. It will serve as a guide for new agencies in the competition and help these agencies adapt in line with big companies. Tourism Students - This study will show statistics of tourists from Bulacan towards their preferences in promo fares brought by the top three airlines in the Philippines. This paper is significant to the tourism students as aspiring tourism professionals, it will serve as their references for more efficient contribution in the organization. Bulacan State University - As a research institution that aspires to be a pioneer in the field. The findings of this study would be useful to Bulacan State University as these could be added to the university's thesis collection, which would be useful to the students as a reference for completing similar research. Future Researchers - This research paper expands the understanding of strategies, primarily promotional fares aimed at restoring a sector that had been placed on hold due to the pandemic. With this, other researchers could use the information in conducting similar studies for future purposes. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The study measures tourist perception to the promo fares employed by the selected airline companies to influence the online customers' purchase their services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly this study focuses only on 70 respondents, specifically those tourists from 6th District (Sta. Maria, Angat, Norzagaray) of Bulacan, Philippines. Moreover, the data collection was held through an online survey questionnaire via Google Form that was delivered to the respondents email to support the claims of this study. Furthermore, this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative type of research and uses an input-process output model (IPO). The study was conducted over a certain period of time, from November 2021 to February 2022. Among the various popular and profitable marketing methods usually involve; free samples, coupons, sales prices, exchange plans, premium deals, and others, this study is limited to the promo fares employed by the selected airline companies - “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo” from Philippine Airlines, “Piso Fares” from Cebu Pacific, and “Buy 1 Take 1 for 2021” from AirAsia to know if those promotional strategies have attracted the tourist from 6th District of Bulacan to travel amidst the pandemic. CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter shows the relevant theories, literature, and studies related to Tourist Perceptions Towards Promo Fares among Selected Airline Companies in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic which are taken from reliable internet websites, articles, journals, and studies. The researchers also present a conceptual framework and definitions of variables as well. Relevant Theories According to the Sheth Newman Gross Model of Consumption Values (1991), Consumer choice behavior is influenced by five consumption values: functional, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional values. Functional Value defined as: "The perceived utility gained from a functional, utilitarian, or physical performance alternative. The possession of salient functional, utilitarian, or physical attributes confers functional value on an alternative. The functional value of a product is based on a set of attributes.” Social Value defined as: "The perceived benefit gained from a different association with one or more specific social groups. Through association with positively or negatively stereotyped demographic, socioeconomic, and cultural-ethnic groups, an alternative gains social value. The social value of profile choice imagery is calculated." Emotional Value defined as: "The perceived utility derived from an alternative's ability to elicit emotions or affective states. When an alternative is associated with or causes specific feelings, it gains emotional value. Emotional values are assessed using a set of feelings associated with the alternative." This type of value may relate to this study as an emotional state of the consumer to travel despite the pandemic, having the fear to travel due to the COVID19. The causes that would justify the product's perceived fulfillment of curiosity, expertise, and exploratory needs as a change of pace are referred to as Epistemic Value. Experience that is entirely new provides epistemic value without a doubt. This type of value also relates to this study for the person who missed traveling due to the lockdowns and will justify the curiosity of a certain person on how it feels to travel in the time of the pandemic or “new normal”. Conditional Value defined as: "The perceived utility of an alternative is determined by the specific situation or set of circumstances confronting the decision maker. In the presence of antecedent physical or social contingencies that enhance its functional or social value, an alternative acquires conditional value. The conditional value is calculated using a profile of possible outcomes." Any or all of the five consumption values can influence people's decision-making processes. It states that there are different aspects or values which affect a customer’s process of buying things such as promotional fares. The theory's five identified consumption values contribute differently in different choice contexts. In this study, a customer who will travel and buying a promo tickets (functional value) and choosing a place of destination (social value) but having a doubt to travel because of the fear of being infected by COVID19 (emotional value) at the same time the curiosity on traveling amidst the pandemic or the “new normal” in traveling (epistemic value). This theory model relates in this study on knowing the customer’s behavior on buying products and services. The influence of individual experiences, the actions of others, and environmental factors on individual health behaviors is described by Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1986). Through observational learning and other reinforcements, SCT promotes social support by establishing expectations, self-efficacy, and behavioral change. With the changes that happen in our society due to the pandemic, the behavior of people also changes. This theory relates to this study because it shows how a people’s behavior changes due to some factors such as the pandemic. Most especially the way people think or decide on traveling during this time of pandemic even if there’s an alluring promo fares. Social-cognitive theory has been widely used in the public health field to investigate the individual, social, and environmental effects of active travel on health promotion and physical activity. (Booth, Owen, Bauman, Clavisi, & Leslie, 2000; Cunningham & Michael, 2004; King et al., 2000; Lee & Moudon, 2004; Troped et al., 2001). According to Iso-Ahola’s Motivation Theory (1980), Tourism and recreation are motivated by personal escape, personal seeking, interpersonal escape, and interpersonal seeking. It asserts that tourist motivation includes both searching and escaping aspects, which explain leisure behaviors. This theory relates to this study because it shows the factors or reasons of people traveling and to show how the pandemic affects the people’s motivation to travel. Conceptual Model provides various viewpoints in order to create a framework and a better understanding of consumer response to promotion. According to the model, one of the most common ways for customers to respond to promotions is through the usage of saved scripts. A script is a type of cognitive framework (Rumelhart and Ortony 1976), which is a long-term memory organized knowledge structure that governs perceptual and cognitive processes (Abelson 1981). Scripts have an impact on behavior, perception, and cognitive processes because they deal with stereotyped event sequences. Scripts are more than just habitual responses; they address stereotyped understanding as well as stereotyped behavior (Abelson, 1978). Scripts, which uses the concept with both operant conditioning behavioral responses and cognitive approach conscious processes, can thus be used to better understand consumer responses to promotions. The model implies that the two processes are linked because of their influence on customer attitudes and behaviors. As a result, script modification and attitude change may involve separate techniques yet result in the same result. Relevant Literature Two years have already passed since the COVID-19 outbreak. Along these times, it has allowed airlines in the Philippines to come up with strategies in order to harness the number of customers. The statistics of people traveling is uncertain and inconsistent due to travel restrictions. According to the Los Angeles Times, The uncertainty around COVID-19 is continuing to fuel last-minute travel searches, and flight prices are based on supply and demand (Hafner, S. 2020). This enables many airlines to raise various promo fares and discounts to encourage tourists on pursuing travel desires. Fares systematically will not increase drastically unless there’s a huge wave in demand. Based on prior years' experience, competition has surpassed the number of available seats, resulting in lower fares. This article shows how customers can avail promo fares since companies pursue more discounts at this time due to goals of targeting more seat attendance. Weiss, A. (2020) CNVC Travel: Many thought airfares would spike in the age of coronavirus. That’s not happening yet. The top three airlines here in the Philippines namely: Cebu Pacific, AirAsia, and Philippine Airlines are designated to offer competitive fare pricing. Also, in order to attract more consumers, an airline seems to be more likely to provide appealing fare pricing. Extra costs, not the basic fare, account for the majority of airline earnings. Promo fares play a huge role in harnessing the sales and profits of an airline as the strategies’ purpose is to gather more customers to travel amidst the pandemic most especially the selected three airlines here in the Philippines. Ager, M. (2014) AirAsia offers promo fares. AirAsia is the Philippine based affiliate of AirAsia, a low-cost airline company based in Malaysia. Based on the leading airlines in the Philippines, achieving corporate milestones is also a way to impact the response for promo fares by celebrating it with customers. Marketing promo fares by a recent important milestone is an effective tool to catch the customers’ attention and produce good responses. AirAsia Philippines is providing promo tickets as low as P1 base fare for several of its domestic and international flights to commemorate earning 1 million Facebook likes. AirAsia is among the selected airlines in this study, having the promo amidst the facebook milestone is a great way to transform into promo fares which will attract tourists in 2021. Domingo, R. (2019) PAL offers biggest-ever sale: P78/$78 promo fares for its 78th year. Other airlines launching strategies and promotions can lead to a domino effect and influence other companies to acquire the same projects. The nation's flag airline, has introduced the year's main seat sale deal and promo rates, encompassing more than two million seats in celebration of its seven decade and eight year anniversary. Philippine Airlines is among the selected three airlines in the Philippines. Being the county’s flag carrier airline is an important factor as it represents the country where most Filipinos will avail such ticket fares especially this pandemic. Amolejar, D. (2020) PAL, Cebu Pacific launch promo fares. The Department of Tourism-accredited offering supports the government's initiatives to promote safe travel in the current new normal to help enhance Philippine tourism and sustain the livelihoods of Filipino tourist enterprises and communities. In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, the country's two main airlines offered promotional offers to encourage domestic and foreign travel. Cebu Pacific has announced a piso pricing promotion for both local and international flights. However, Philippine Airlines has partnered with Guide to the Philippines, an online travel company, to provide a cost-effective Boracay vacation package. This article shows that the Department of Tourism authorized safe travel in a new normal, amidst the covid-19 outbreak, tourism industry still needs to operate to support the livelihoods of every tourism enterprises most especially the airlines who give promotion to both domestic and international. Will Cheaper Pandemic Airfares Last through the Summer. (Bachelor, 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has caused damage to the global air transportation system. The International Air Transport Association stated that before the pandemic, the 290 airlines globally set down the average airline tickets to 20%. As a result of Covid-19 pandemic airlines have a lot of adjustments, ticket prices are set down by the airlines to at least have passengers who will travel domestic or international. Brooks, K. (2021) Airlines are offering 2-for-1 deals to drum up demand. The airline industry is intensifying its incentives to travelers after a year of severe disruption caused by the coronavirus epidemic. Airlines are aiming to entice passengers back in travelling by providing 2-for-1 deals and other unique offers. An airline is giving unlimited travel until March 2021 for a fixed fare, while another airline recently gave one traveler an entire row of seats for the price of an individual for the canceled deals by the airline.. Such promotional gimmicks are part of an airline's new aggressive strategy to boost demand and get consumers to overcome their anxieties of flying in time for the vital Christmas travel season. This article demonstrates how 2-for-1 deals and other unique promotions can help increase demand and encourage passengers to travel again. How Online Consumer Buying Behavior Is Affected by Discounts (Saleh, K). Airlines are giving a P1 deal that does not include government fees, taxes, or surcharges. However, getting this cheap ticket price is not easy. The traveler must make a reservation over the phone as soon as the promotion begins, which is normally at 12 a.m. on a specific day, and payment must be made using only specified credit cards. Customers and travel agents need to apply as fast as the customer can since it is a limited promo and must be diligent in applying the correct reservation information in order to take advantage of the low-fare promotion. Cebu Pacific, in particular, offers a P1 (Piso Fare) offer on airline tickets that excludes government fees and other charges. Passengers must make reservations as soon as the offer opens in order to benefit from the piso fare. Travelers must be diligent in the reservation process as there are so many customers who want to take advantage of the low-cost promotion. Sohaib Zubair, Z. (2019) Impact of sales promotion on customer buying behavior: A case of modern trade, Pakistan. Rapidly changing market conditions and market participant competition are prompting "all-you-need-under-one-roof retail concept" enterprises to employ a variety of approaches to attract and retain clients through a variety of sale promotion activities. In fact, this research examines the impact of various sale promotion techniques on consumer purchasing behavior. This article proves how sales offers entice passengers to travel. Promotions such as Philippine Airline “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo”, Cebu Pacific “Piso Fares”, and AirAsia “Buy 1 Take 1 for 2021”. One of the most important elements of a promotional mix is sales promotion, which is also one of the primary components of the "marketing mix." According to Kotler et al. (2013), sales promotion is a key component in the market field since it includes motivating tactics that are used for a limited time to encourage customers or the trade to buy particular items or services more quickly or in excess. As a result, consumers make an impulse purchase of that product or service. The promotional mix has a significant impact on sales promotion and encourages customers to travel. Marketers are seen spending more of their promotional budgets on consumer and trade promotions rather than mass media promotions since they have found that these sorts of promotions have a direct impact on customer buying behavior and lead consumers to make impulsive purchases (Belch and Belch, 2013). According to marketers, trade promotions have been found to be more effective than mass media promotions. Palabrica, R. (2012) Truth in Airline Promos. One aspect of the order that recent converts to air transportation can relate to is the pricing of airline seats, particularly in economy class. Prior to the licensing of domestic air travel in the country, which saw the entry of low-cost (or budget) carriers, ticket costs for particular airplane seat combinations were determined in advance. When customers inquired about prices, airline ticket offices and travel agencies had printed price lists on obtainable. Only overseas travel was likely to experience price adjustments, as rates were computed using the current exchange rate between the US dollar and the Philippine peso. In terms of promo fares, exchange in currency also plays a huge role. AirAsia is an international airline, rates depending on exchange will determine how the rates will go cheap or expensive. eCompareMo. (2016) The Pros and Cons of Booking Airfare. Nothing compares to the significant price gap between promo and normal airfares. Even piso (P1) tickets are available on domestic flights. Take note of the available travel dates, and keep in mind that the total sum will be increased by value-added tax and other expenses. Since the removal of the fuel fee from domestic ticket rates last year, local airlines have reduced their prices. This is in conformity with a directive issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board in January 2015. Walton, J. (2020) Will coronavirus make flying more expensive. Although the need for some business travelers to fly and a desire to visit friends and relatives – traffic as people miss their families — the International Air Transport Association (IATA), an airline trade body, predicts little demand when countries resume travel. On the positive side for airlines, IATA points out that the most unpredictable expenditure in aviation, gasoline, will continue low: as many drivers have seen, the petroleum industry is oversupplied, resulting in reasonable charges. In accordance with promo fares, the low price of petroleum will help the implementation of discounts as the low price will help mitigate the expenses and results in a domino effect to travel fares itself. Whitley, A. (2021) Dirt-Cheap Flights on Sale as Covid-Hit Airlines Take on Rivals. Customers who have been hesitant to fly due to border restrictions and long quarantines may be enticed back by ultra-low rates. Even if air passenger travel is in an unparalleled slump, with no recovery to pre-crisis levels predicted until 2024, vaccine rollouts add to the bullishness. Despite having variations in promo fares among the selected airlines, the vaccination among tourists is still important and will help thrive more revenues. According to Miaco (2016) in an article entitled 10 Things Only Budget Travelers Would Know, Traveling is much more accessible these days, and having money is no longer necessary. Budget travelers are a unique breed of adventurers. They understand that traveling with limited resources entails not only saving money, but also spending it wisely. A lot of people can now travel with only a limited budget, they have a lot of travel hacks that can compromise their expenses but not the experiences. As the travel and tourism industry expands, so do travel trends. One of the most significant changes in booking occurred with the transition to online solutions. Because it is easier, faster, and more convenient, people are suddenly booking their vacations through online travel agencies. The majority of recent travel trends are related to different age groups and their evolving travel habits. Numerous studies have been published over the years that show that younger people prefer to travel more than older people (Truyols, 2019). Relevant Studies Traveler demands and purchasing habits have changed significantly, companies are expected to offer or innovate unique promotional strategies in order to survive and thrive. According to the study of (Matyakubov, U.R.; Ibadullaev, E.B. 2020) entitled Exploring the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Tourism and Recreational Services. The personal and social life, as well as the consumption habits of the tourists, have been influenced by the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic introduced a new and important factor to the tourist offering which is the health security. In other words, COVID-19 exposure and the danger of infection must be reduced to a minimum in tourism sector consumption. This study will help the researchers to identify what considerations have changed in traveling by air during the pandemic. Moreover, to give background and understanding to the airline company marketers that the existence of COVID 19 virus can systematically influence tourist behavior and the travel consumption changes as well. To stay in the global market of flight transportation, airlines must give good marketing and service presentations to attract customers to purchase their services, then effectively and successfully develop their services through innovation despite the pandemic. (Alotaibi, 2015; Borbon, 2016). Lim, B. (2020) studied that the airlines have been on the line of bankruptcy since COVID 19 started, as planes are restricted to worldwide travel trips. The paper entitled Effects of Tourism Industry Slow Down to the Mindset of Tourism Students proved that most of the airline companies, hotels as well as the resorts in the Philippines are confronted with extremely low occupancy rates. All of this had a cascading impact, with the retail and food and beverage industries suffering similarly. Many planned business meetings, conventions, and worldwide entertainment events have been canceled or delayed to 2021. Due to the unexpected crisis, it created the perception of people or tourists that safety and security will have to be first in line. Tourists' view about the need for protection and security was a key element in the choice of a travel destination. Travelers should be encouraged by the tourism industry to promote safety while avoiding unexpected decreases. The Department of Tourism (2020) states that according to COVID-19 impact results, foreign tourism will drop by 60% in 2020. The crisis has an effect on the whole tourism industry, including the reopening and restoring destinations will need a coordinated response from the government. In addition, tourism firms and personnel are benefiting from wide ranging economic efforts, with many governments implementing travel policies. Governments and companies are concentrating their attention on: ● At first, the DOT lifted the travel restrictions and secured the health protocols in the tourism sector. ● Restoring the high number of travelers demand by assuring them to have a new safe and maintained cleanliness to tourist spots. They also focused on lifting travel restrictions. ● Updated information applications for visitors and upgraded tourism promotion campaigns as well as the promo fares of airline companies. ● Rehabilitate the tourist destinations by setting various recovery plans. ● Application of innovations in order to rebuild the tourism sector. Another study from (Kaufman, 2016; Garcia et al., 2018; De Luna & Meñez, 2014) entitled Customer Satisfaction of Airlines Based in the Philippines confirms that one of the most popular air access options are local airlines such as Cebu Pacific, Philippine Airlines, and Air Asia which offer low-cost rates to a small or restricted number of services in comparison to large aircraft passengers. This became appealing to the aviation industry since it can help individuals who frequently travel yet have limited financial resources. Since their primary motivation for acquiring such services is to travel, low-cost carriers can get there efficiently. Most low-cost carriers in the Philippines are half the price of full-service carriers as there are less services available, the market tends to seek quality in these affordable offers of the different airlines. Despite low-cost tickets, the airline industry has explicitly stated the significance of service quality to their economic stability and passenger patronage. Every company should also know how to assess its quality from the perspective of customers so that they may concentrate on their areas of weakness and work to ensure client happiness. This study indicates that air ticket pricing and promotions after the pandemic is expected to be cheaper than its actual price but, after demand rebounded there is an increase in flight rates. Even though the pandemic is gone soon, it won't be easy for them to quickly overcome the effect of the pandemic. What considerations do travelers have in choosing ticket promo fares and the possible plan of actions can be proposed to airline companies to enhance tourist perception to their promos during the pandemic. Anuraj (2018) indicated in his study titled Effect of Sales Promotion on Consumer Behavior that sales promotion has a significant influence on the change in pattern and behavior of consumers toward different sales promotion strategies, regardless of age, gender, or occupation. According to the results of this study, sales promotions influence consumers' purchasing decisions throughout their entire decision-making process, whether they make a purchase now or later. In some cases, customers may be unsure, but the availability of discounts, price reductions, and similar services satisfies them. According to the study, sales promotion is important in marketers' and retailers' marketing programs, and customers are extremely satisfied with sales promotional tools such as price discounts, coupons, and "Buy 1 Get 1." The result of this study gives our research the potential outcome that tourists have a positive response and perception towards the various sales promotional tools used by the three Airlines in the Philippines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the study of Oabel, Kathlene Antonette SJ, et. al (2021), Tourists' Motivation to Travel to Boracay amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, most travelers are still afraid to risk their health by traveling due to the fear of the existing pandemic and the fear of virus transmission. Travelers, on the other hand, consider factors such as implementing contactless payment, ensuring that personnel are fully vaccinated or at least wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), and if the trip is truly necessary. The demographic profile of the respondents and their travel motivators were found to have no distinct relationship. Meanwhile, Song, et. al (2020), in a related study titled A Study on the Behavioral Change of Passengers on Sustainable Air Transport after COVID-19, analyzed whether or not Locals will return using air travel following COVID-19. The research looks at the factors that influenced the passenger's decision to fly again. These factors include the need for self-isolation, the destination, aviation industry preventive measures, and social perceptions of international travel. The research also showed that travelers may consider traveling by air again even if there is no COVID-19 vaccine, only if the travel requirements such as self-quarantine will be relaxed and if the number of the COVID-19 cases decreases. Furthermore, the study indicates that removing the self-quarantine requirements unconditionally without considering the destination's hygiene standards has limits in terms of how much it will result in the resumption of air travel. Nevertheless, the research of Oabel, Kathlene Antonette SJ, et al. (2021) and Song, et. al (2020) asserts that travelers are willing to travel in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic if safety protocols are strictly implemented and followed, keeping in mind the safety of the destination as well as their personal health. Similarly, this research would like to assess the considerations that travelers considered when traveling by air again during the pandemic. Conceptual Framework The Conceptual Framework of this study is an Input-Process-Output Model or IPO Model. The input is for identifying the demographic profile of tourists in Bulacan as well as the presentation of the description of different promotions offered by the top three airlines in the Philippines. Moreover, the analysis of tourist perception towards the promo fares during the pandemic; Philippine Airline “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo”, Cebu Pacific “Piso Fares”, and AirAsia “Buy 1 Take 1 for 2021”. Lastly, to determine the considerations that travelers consider when traveling by air during the pandemic. The process of data gathering will be through online questionnaires specifically via Google Forms followed by the presentation and interpretation of data. The study made use of mixed methods to assess and propose a recommendation to influence tourist perceptions to the promo fares of selected airline companies in the Philippines during the pandemic. Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Definition of Variable Airline - the company that provides passenger and freight air transportation services. COVID-19 - it is an acute respiratory infection in humans that can cause severe symptoms and, in some cases, death, especially in the elderly and those with underlying medical issues. It was first discovered in China in 2019 and was declared pandemic in 2020. Discounts - the deduction from the regular price of anything, usually granted in exchange for early or advance payment or to a certain group of purchasers. Fares - the payment a passenger on an airline transportation company has to pay. Pandemic - the disease outbreak which affects multiple countries or continents at the same time. It has a larger impact and kills more people than an epidemic. When it became obvious that the illness was severe and spreading quickly across a large area, the World Health Organization (WHO) proclaimed COVID-19 a pandemic. Travelers - it is someone who embarks on a journey or frequently travels. Tourism Industry - the sector of economy which handles travel and destination. It also means the total number of businesses that directly supply goods or services to assist business, pleasure, or leisure activities outside of the house. CHAPTER 3 METHODS OF RESEARCH This section of the study/test presents the nature of the study, in particular the research methodology and strategies to be used, how the participants are selected, how the sample size is calculated, the instruments to be used and their variety, and the data analysis scheme, which involves the use of mathematical tools for the treatment of the data generated by the study. Methods and Techniques of the Study The study is both qualitative and quantitative research approach. The Mixed Method is used to analyze the tourist perception with the use of both open-ended questionnaires and closed-ended questionnaires in response to the customer’s response to the promo fares of the selected airline companies in the Philippines during the pandemic. Research Instrument The researchers conducted a statistical analysis of a structured online survey questionnaire that the respondent’s fill out on the internet which was created via Google Forms. The Google form link was sent to the respondents' email addresses. The online questionnaire survey was split into three (3) sections: Demographic profile of the respondents, Tourist perception towards the following promos from the selected airline companies, and considerations tourists have in traveling by air during the pandemic. The researchers' thesis advisor, Mrs. Athena Palencia, and Mrs. Aimee Grace Madlangbayan, Tourism Research Professor and College Dean, validated and checked the online questionnaire survey that was used in the study. Population and Sample of the Study The respondents of this study are anyone who has interest in travel and tourism residing from the Province of Bulacan. The researchers decided to conduct the research among 70 respondents which helped understand the perspective and mindset of residents of Bulacan towards the following promo fares. The number of respondents is distributed among the 6th District (Sta. Maria, Angat, Norzagaray) of Bulacan in order to secure the inclusion of all the province’s population. The researchers selected purposive sampling in selecting the respondents who participated in the survey questionnaire. The sampling of the selected participants was based on purposive sampling or non-probabilistic method. In this model, accessible and available examples are included in the sample. This method of sampling is applicable within the area of this paper. Data Collection Procedure The data in the study was collected through online survey questionnaires via Google Forms. The study was done with the participation of the tourists and helped to analyze the tourist perception towards the promo fares of selected airlines companies here in the Philippines in the new normal. Addition to this, the process of data gathering was through an online survey questionnaire specifically via Google Forms that was delivered to the respondents email to support the claims of this study. Survey questionnaires were personally administered online to the respondents which are the local tourists in Bulacan. The researchers allowed the respondents to have adequate time in order to complete the data and answer the questions that were analyzed before retrieving it. The data that is collected was statistically treated fairly, tabulated, interpreted and analyzed. Data Processing and Statistical Treatment The data obtained from the respondents through online survey questionnaires are systematically processed and treated using descriptive statistics. The researchers used descriptive techniques to provide more insightful and visualizable data. This study used a Rank Order Scale as a frequency distribution measurement device that will be used to identify the preference of the tourist in traveling in time of pandemic and to know which of the said promo fares suits the most for the consumer. CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter comprises the presentation, analysis of the data, and interpretation of the findings that the researchers collected from the seventy (70) tourists, particularly those who have travel history in selected airlines in the Philippines amidst the pandemic, as the respondents of the study. The data were gathered and then processed in response to the problems raised in the statement of the problem in chapter one of this paper. Moreover, it is presented into three sections: demographic profile, how may the tourist perception towards the following promos from the selected airline companies be analyzed, and considerations do tourists have in traveling by air during the pandemic. The data were analyzed in accordance with the techniques and methods referred to in the previous chapter. Demographic Profile of Respondents Table 1. Age Distribution of the Respondents Age Range f % 18-24 years old 40 57.1 25-35 years old 26 37.1 36-45 years old 3 4.2 46-55 years old 1 1.4 55-65 years old 0 0 N 70 100 As shown in Table 1, which presents the age of the respondents, the highest percentage (57.1%) which is 40 respondents falls to the 18-24 years old age range, while no one responded in the age range of 55-65 years old. This data states that the 18-24 years age range is more likely to travel during this pandemic. Numerous studies published over the years have shown that younger people like to travel more than older people (Truyols, 2019). Table 2. Gender Distribution of the Respondents Gender f % Male 20 28.6% Female 50 71.4% N 70 100% Majority of the respondents as shown on Table 2 are classified as female (71.4%) for the reason that females have more reasons to travel than male. According to a study by Ma, A., et. al., (2018) males are most likely to travel for business purposes only while females travel for reasons such as relaxation, shopping, and visiting their relatives. Table 3.Civil Status Distribution of the Respondents Civil Status f % Single 67 95.7% Married 3 4.3% Widowed 0 0% Separated 0 0% N 70 100% As reflected in Table 3, the majority of the respondents (95.7%) were single, while 4.3% of the respondents were married. To support this result, a study by Kara, N. et. al (2020) stated that single tourists are more likely to travel because they tend to have more free time than married tourists since they have social and family obligations that limit their time. Table 4. Location Distribution of the Respondents Municipalities f % Santa Maria 31 44.3% Angat 16 22.9% Norzagaray 23 32.8% N 70 100% As presented in Table 4, which shows the respondents municipalities, Santa Maria, Bulacan have the highest percentage of respondents (44.3%) meanwhile, the municipality of Angat, Bulacan have the lowest percentage of respondents (22.9%) Table 5. Average Monthly Income of the Respondents Average Monthly Income f % Php 0-10,000 32 45.7 Php 11,000-30,000 28 40 Php 31,000-50,000 9 12.9 Php 51,000-65,000 0 0 Php 66,000 and above 1 1.4 N 70 100 As reflected in Table 5, the majority of average monthly income is Php 0-10,000 which has 32 respondents (45.7%) and no one responded to Php 51,000-65,000 monthly income. Budget travelers are a unique breed of adventurers. They understand that traveling with limited resources entails not only saving money, but also spending it wisely (Miaco, 2016). Airline Company of Choice of the Respondents Table 6. Airline company of choice with regular-priced tickets Airline company regular-priced tickets of choice with f Ranking Philippine Airlines 31 1st Cebu Pacific 30 2nd AirAsia 9 3rd N 70` As presented in Table 6, which shows the airline company wherein people will most likely buy a regular price ticket. Philippine Airlines ranked 1st while Cebu Pacific ranked 2nd and 3rd for AirAsia. According to Domingo, R. (2019), Philippine Airlines being the county’s flag carrier airline is an important factor as it represents the country where most Filipinos will avail such ticket fares especially this pandemic. Table 7. Airline of choice in terms of Promo Fares to be Availed Airline of choice in terms of Promo Fares to be Availed f Ranking Philippine Airlines 9 3rd Cebu Pacific 40 1st AirAsia 21 N 70` 2nd As shown in the Table 7 which presents what promotions of the selected airline companies will most likely avail by the people, majority of the respondents answered Cebu Pacific which ranked first. Marketing promo fares by a recent important milestone is an effective tool to catch the customers’ attention and produce good responses (Ager, M. 2014). Most of the respondents have chosen the Cebu Pacific “Piso Fares” because it is the most affordable. According to the study of (Kaufman, 2016; Garcia et al., 2018; De Luna & Meñez, 2014) airlines offer low-cost rates that have become appealing to the aviation industry since it can help individuals who frequently travel yet have limited financial resources. Most low-cost carriers in the Philippines are half the price of full-service carriers as there are less services available, the market tends to seek quality in these affordable offers of the different airlines. Table 8. Promotion of airline companies that prompted you to look into the promotion. Promotion of airline companies that prompted you to look into the promotion. f Ranking Philippine Airlines 22 2nd Cebu Pacific 40 1st AirAsia 8 3rd N 70 The table 8 states that the majority of respondents chose Cebu Pacific which leads it to rank 1st with the promo called Piso fare, as the promo fare that made them search just by reading the title itself only for the reason that Cebu Pacific used the word ‘piso’ which is somehow appealing for tourists. According to an article released by Forbes (2019) on how a marketing campaign succeeds, they mentioned that choice of word is a very important yet crucial component of any marketing campaign. Choice of words in your marketing campaign gives an idea of what your product or service is all about (Forbes, 2019). Table 9. Promo fares is the most suitable for you amidst the COVID-19 situation Promo fares is the most suitable for you amidst the COVID-19 situation f Ranking Philippine Airlines 24 2nd Cebu Pacific 38 1st AirAsia 8 3rd N 70 As table 9 shows, Cebu Pacific’s promo fare ranked as 1st as the most suitable for them amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It is because Cebu Pacific is offering a piso fare which is somehow very affordable for budget tourists especially during this pandemic. Kaufman (2016) agrees that airlines who offer low-cost rates are more likely appealing for tourists since they can help those tourists who have limited resources especially during these trying times. Table 10. Promo fares influenced you the most to travel again during this pandemic Promo fares influenced you the most to travel again during this pandemic f Ranking Philippine Airlines 22 2nd Cebu Pacific 38 1st AirAsia 10 3rd N 70` When asked which among the promo fares influenced them the most to travel again during the pandemic, Cebu Pacific became the rank 1. It is because the piso fare promo by Cebu Pacific is a very great deal for those tourists who want to travel this pandemic but only have a limited budget allotted for travel. As there were changes in buying behavior and priorities during the pandemic, Toubes, al (2021) mentioned in his study that the price of a certain product or service plays an important role in a customer's purchase decision. Purchasing from low cost airfares or promo fares might have influenced them to travel again during this pandemic. (Toubes, al, 2021). Tourist Considerations in Traveling by Air During the Pandemic Figure 2. Considerations of tourists in traveling by air during the pandemic The respondents were asked what considerations they have in traveling by air during the pandemic and the majority (90%) of them answered Health Restrictions and Protocols. This is because most tourists are still afraid for their health to travel during this pandemic despite wanting to travel because of being locked down for almost a year. As stated in a study conducted by Oabel, Kathlene Antonette SJ, et. al (2021), tourists consider strict health restrictions and protocols when traveling again such as ensuring that personnels in the destinations are fully vaccinated or at least wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure that their trip will be safe. The lowest percentage which is availability of one self (1.4%) shows that people will always make themselves available when it comes to traveling. In an article by BBC Travel (2020), it has been stated that tourists of whom have been largely confined to their homes for months and some are for years are craving to travel again. Traveling amidst the surge of pandemic is really a big decision to make since most of the tourists wanted to follow and be focused on prioritizing their health. The amount of convenience and safety offered by the airline promos and accommodation will affect and finalize the decision of tourists’ travel decisions. The result states that if the respondents are safe and secure therefore there is a high possibility that they will travel again amidst the pandemic. As per the safety and security, implementing contactless payment, ensuring that personnel are fully vaccinated or at least wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) are highly recommended (Anuraj, 2018). Travel always comes along with expenses to be spent throughout the travel duration. According to the statistics measured in the survey questionnaire, the consideration of budget came in the third spot as this is one of the most significant factors in terms of travel preparations amidst the pandemic. Meanwhile, based on the report generated by (Belch and Belch, 2013), marketers are seen spending more of their promotional budgets on consumer and trade promotions rather than mass media promotions since they have found that these sorts of promotions have a direct impact on customer buying behavior and lead consumers to make purchases. This proves how airlines making promotional strategies about budgets in airfare has positive effects towards customers as they value fares they will about to spend. How do you think these considerations affect you in making the decision to travel? The researcher’s analyzed the response of seventy (70) respondents to the question “How do you think these considerations affect you in making the decision to travel?” Based on the accumulated data, it has been concluded that factors such as health restrictions and the number of active cases have greatly affected the decision of tourists to travel. Tourists considering these factors will help them feel at ease. Respondent no. 29 stated that “It’s important for me that health and safety protocols are observed (e.g. all passengers should have a negative RT PCR or at least vaccinated)” meanwhile, Respondent no. 15 said “I don’t want to expose myself to a place with a high level alert considering the fact that it is not safe.” Also, making decisions to travel just by considering factors such as health restrictions and number of active cases cannot just affect yourself but also the people around you. As respondent no. 63 stated “You have to make a wise decision considering of course these pandemic because it can affect your health and your family and the community as well. So making a decision in terms of leisure or travel are so important” and as respondent no. 26 affirmed “I do understand that traveling (need or not) should not be prohibited but being responsible for yourself and to others is what really matters now.” This further shows that one of the five consumption values which is the emotional value in Sheth Newman Gross Model of Consumption Values (1991) influences a tourist's decision-making processes. Based on the responses, tourists are still in doubt whether to travel or not during this pandemic. Tourists want to make sure that health protocols are followed and active COVID-19 cases are decreasing before they make a decision. 60 out of 70 respondents or eighty-five point seven percent (85.7%) have answered safety and security as a consideration that affects people on making decisions to travel during this time of pandemic. People consider safety and security due to a certain reason, they fear of being infected with the COVID-19 virus. Respondent 33 said “It is essential to know this consideration in traveling, especially in this pandemic, because we involve our health with this kind of matter. Until now, we have had high cases of people affected by the Covid-19” whereas one respondent also said “Because of the scare of being infected by the covid-19”. Due to the surge happening because of the COVID-19 virus (Omicron variant), it greatly affects people on making decisions to travel because they ensure their safety the most, Respondent 60 said “health is our priority” and Respondent 10 also said “The pandemic made not just me but my entire family extra careful with our surroundings”. The respondents will most likely travel when there’s no pandemic because for them it would be stress-free because they will not think about the COVID-19 virus as the Respondent 62 said “If these considerations are met, then I would surely love to travel without feeling anxious and worried”. According to Oabel, Kathlene Antonette SJ, et. al (2021), most travelers are still afraid to risk their health by traveling due to the fear of the existing pandemic and the fear of virus transmission. Travelers, on the other hand, consider factors such as implementing contactless payment, ensuring that personnel are fully vaccinated or at least wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), and if the trip is truly necessary. 59 out of 70 or 84.3% of the respondents consider Budget that may affect people’s decision to travel during this time of pandemic. Respondent no. 44 “It is much easier to travel when you have money”. In addition, Respondent no.2 said “We can’t enjoy the trip without money unless it is a free trip”. Making decisions in traveling also considers their income. So, as Respondent no. 55 stated “Hindi pa ganun kalaki yung kinikita ko to travel”. Meanwhile, Respondent no. 47 said “Well, I think these considerations including budget will be a great factor in deciding to travel since every passenger or tourist's topmost priority during this pandemic is income”. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, accommodation, plane tickets and other charges are very expensive whereas respondent no. 5 stated “It is very expensive to travel in this time of pandemic”. Meanwhile, Respondent no. 59 said “I think when everyone has a budget to travel it doesn’t matter how long you’ll stay in your vacation, where you will go, As long as you have your money.” That is why airlines offer Promo Fares that can attract the tourists to travel again. Having promotional strategies such as low-cost base fares or the Piso Fares for Cebu Pacific, Philippine Airlines which offers a “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo”, and AirAsia also provides its members with exclusive buy one, get one free deals on domestic and international flights. According to Belch and Belch (2013), promotions have been found to be more effective than mainstream media promotions. Passengers patronize each airline company's promotional activities in different ways. Tourists have different needs, and they are trying to figure out what works best for them. CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter presents the summary of the findings and conclusion derived in the conduct of the study which is to know the tourist perceptions towards promo fares anong selected airline companies in the Philippines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides recommendations that can be pursued by tourists, tour operations as well as airline companies. This study was conducted and evaluated through the utilization of a survey questionnaire encoded in a google form. The researchers decided to conduct the research among 70 respondents which will help understand the perspective and mindset of residents of Bulacan towards the following promo fares. and they were selected using purposive sampling technique or non-probability sampling. It employed both quantitative and qualitative research or mixed-methods. Moreover, a modified questionnaire consisted of three parts – Demographic Profile, How likely the tourists travel again amidst the pandemic, Considerations do tourists have in traveling by air during the pandemic and The Possible Ways that They Can Recommend for tour operators to influence tourist perceptions to the promo fares of selected airline companies in the Philippines during the pandemic based on their considerations given, was used. Summary of Findings 1. The demographic profile of the respondents described having the majority of the respondents with an age range of 18-24 years old. In terms of Gender, more than half of the respondents are female. The civil status of most of the respondents are Single. Lastly, almost half of the respondent’s average monthly income is Php 0-10,000. 2. The tourist perceptions on the selected airline companies are: ○ Philippine Airlines is the chosen airline of the tourist to buy a regular priced ticket and chosen as the least to buy the promo fare offered which is the "Forever Flyer Promo". ○ Tourists are most likely to avail the promo fare offered by Cebu Pacific especially during this pandemic. Based on the data gathered, Cebu Pacific’s Piso Fare is the most suitable promo fare for the tourists this pandemic. Cebu Pacific also ranks first in the question of which promo fares made the Tourists search about the promo just by reading the title itself only. ○ AirAsia is ranked as the third in terms of the chosen airline to buy regular priced tickets, the most suitable promo fare amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and the one that influenced people to travel during this pandemic. 3. COVID-19 changed the traditional process of travel and air transportation. The majority of the tourist respondents consider the health restrictions/protocols, safety and security, budget, and number of active COVID-19 cases when traveling by air during the pandemic. Whereas the availability of destination, duration of travel, and availability of oneself got the least percentage of results or not likely to be considered by the tourist at these trying times. ○ Based on the responses, health protocols and restrictions are the highest factor that tourists are considering when making decisions whether to travel or not during this pandemic. ○ Meanwhile, the number of COVID-19 cases ranked neutral when it comes to considerations that a tourist has in traveling by air in a pandemic. The responses are being scared of the possible number of cases in the tourist destination. ○ Based on the data gathered, respondents consider availability of one’s self as the least considered factor when it comes to traveling amidst the pandemic. This factor can be dealt through personal matters of the tourist which can be adjusted easily. The quarantine brough by the pandemic also gave tourists enough availability to organize schedules based on available dates of certain destinations. Conclusion Based on the findings of the study, the following are the conclusions of the study: 1. Promo fares are most likely to avail by ages 18-24 years old which is Generation Z. Based on the data gathered, females are most likely to travel using promo fares. Most of the respondents are single with an average monthly income of Php 0-10,000. 2. Tourists prefer to buy regular price tickets from Philippine Airlines, the country’s flag carrier and from an airline where most Filipinos will avail such ticket fares especially this pandemic. Whereas the tourists will most likely travel with Cebu Pacific because a lot of tourists have a strict budget and are looking for very affordable promo fare especially during this pandemic. Lastly, AirAsia being a low-cost airline company based in Malaysia became the least chosen. AirAsia is not a well-known airline by tourists offering budget friendly promo fares which its competitor Cebu Pacific is capable of as its primary promo strategies for the past years. 3. Tourists are inclined to travel in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak as health protocols/restrictions are followed by the selected airline companies in the Philippines including factors such as: number of active COVID-19 cases, safety and security, and budget being the top considerations of respondents. Tourists expect strong safety standards that are created and followed, with the destination's safety as well as their own health in mind. Furthermore, as one of the hardest damaged industries as a result of the unanticipated crisis, the perception of tourists' health and safety will have to be first in line. Recommendations Given the data obtained and the conclusions drawn, the researchers recommended the following: The COVID-19 virus has impacts not only in people's lives and health, but it also shortens the lifespan of many industries as a result of the economic crisis, which affects human capital and health of tourists, particularly those who are considered less qualified due to their demographic profiles. 1. The researchers recommend that travel agencies, tour operators, and owners of destinations must create a package for families that can encourage the tourist ages 18-24 years old to travel again with their family since they are not financially capable to travel. 2. Update their promotional materials and websites regularly on what is the cheapest air fare that can satisfy their needs and wants for travel to attract more tourists despite the pandemic. 3. Travel agencies must create personalized promotional materials in order to keep the tourist informed on the latest promo fares. 4. Airline companies and travel agencies must send an alert to the tourist on the specific travel procedures and restrictions that apply on a certain destination. 5. Tourism destinations must provide health requirements for potential tourists which are convenient and less complicated. Moreover, individuals who are planning to explore various destinations in the height of the pandemic should also take health related experiences. 6. Immerse oneself in the right process of disinfection in order to avoid another wave of pandemic. 7. The researchers suggest the airline companies offer a monthly discount voucher that tourists can redeem and use for booking their flights. The voucher must be limited only for local travel in order to promote local tourism. This promo fare can serve as a guide for travel agencies and airlines to influence or attract more tourists during this pandemic. 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Together with this is a copy of our statement of the problem as the basis for our draft questionnaire. Hoping to receive your comments and recommendations as soon as possible. Thank you very much! Sincerely, The Researchers Fondevilla, Jannah E. Gatmaitan, Christoper Jorge V. Magnaye, Sharmaine C. Ramos, Romina Irish G. Santos, Patricia Anne E. Noted by: DR. AIMEE GRACE M. MADLANGBAYAN Instructor Conforme: MS. ATHENA MARIE PALENCIA PRE- SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE How likely would you…? 5 4 3 2 1 VERY LIKELY NEUTRAL UNLIKELY VERY LIKELY UNLIKE LY Travel by air during this COVID- 19 pandemic. Travel if there is an ongoing discount/promo offered. Make decisions in terms of choosing airline companies based on the promos offered. Agree that traveling by air is a safer mode of traveling in this COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the promos offered as a deciding factor in availing travel tickets. SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE To whom it may concern, Good Day! The statement in this form aims to distinguish what is the perception of tourists towards promo fares of selected airline companies in the new normal. Answers will be used in our research entitled “Tourist Perceptions Towards Promo Fares among Selected Airline Companies in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, and this will remain confidential. In order to determine its validity, this tool asks for your review of the questionnaire to be used in the collection of data for our study. You are asked to state what is true and nothing other than the facts. Name (Optional) : _______________________ PART 1: Demographic Profile 1. Age a. 18-24 years old b. 25-35 years old c. 36-45 years old d. 46-55 years old e. 55-65 years old 2. Gender a. Female b. Male c. Others: ________ 3. Civil Status a. Single b. Married c. Widowed d. Separated 4. Municipality a. Santa Maria b. Angat c. Norzagaray 5. Average Monthly Income a. Php 0-10,000 b. Php 11,000- 30,000 c. Php 31,000- 50,000 d. Php 51,000- 65,000 e. Php 66,000 and above PART 2: Tourist perception towards the promotional fares of the selected airlines in the Philippines. A. Rank the following airlines in terms of various scenarios below (1 as the highest and 3 as the lowest) Description of the selected promo fares: a. Philippine Airline “Forever Flyer Raffle Promo” - Book an airline ticket through Philippine Airlines Website, Ticket Offices, Contact Center and partner Travel Agents and receive a raffle coupon via email once full payment of your ticket is made. You will earn 1 raffle entry for every Php 80 spent and you can win up to 80 miles of travel per year for lifetime. b. Cebu Pacific “Piso Fares” - Cebu Pacific offers a ₱1 base fare to over 56 domestic routes and 20 international routes. Please note that base fare is the price of an airline ticket before fees, taxes, and any surcharges are added. c. AirAsia “Buy 1 Take 1 for 2021” - AirAsia offers buy 1 take 1 promo on all domestic and international flights. It is an all-in one-way fare from as low as P1,022 for two tickets. 1. Which airline company will you most likely buy a regular price ticket for? ___ Philippine Airlines ___ Cebu Pacific ___ AirAsia 2. Given the promotions offered by the selected airline companies, which of the promo fares will you most likely avail? ___ Philippine Airlines ___ Cebu Pacific ___ AirAsia 3. Which of the promo fares made you search about the promo just by reading the title itself only? ___ Philippine Airlines ___ Cebu Pacific ___ AirAsia 4. Which among the promo fares is the most suitable for you amidst the COVID-19 situation? ___ Philippine Airlines ___ Cebu Pacific ___ AirAsia 5. Which of the promo fares influenced you the most to travel again during this pandemic. ___ Philippine Airlines ___ Cebu Pacific ___ AirAsia PART 3: Considerations tourist consider when traveling by air during the pandemic a. What considerations do you consider when traveling by air during the pandemic? Budget Duration of Travel Availability of destinations Health Restrictions/Protocols Number of active COVID-19 cases Safety and Security Others: b. How do you think these considerations affect you in making the decision to travel? CURRICULUM VITAE