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Mental & Physical Training for Basketball Motor Skills

Benefits of Combined Mental and Physical Training in Learning a
Complex Motor Skill in Basketball
Jordan A. Salgado
Menlo College
SMG 405 History of Sports
Mr. Arman P. Medina
September 7th, 2023
The mental imitation of a movement without its actual physical execution is referred to as motor
imagery. This method has been widely used to boost performance when coupled with physical
training. Athletes frequently have to learn new talents, and in some situations, a skill's improper
use can result in an athlete being awarded at fault; in team sports, a player's error can have an
impact on the entire team. It has been suggested that using motor imagery for mental practice
can improve motor learning by allowing for the clear portrayal of various action phases. The
student can utilize this information to track and enhance their physical performance of the skill
by practicing this depiction. Investigating the effectiveness of mental practice to enhance
learning of a complex motor skill in basketball was the primary goal of this study. The results
show that combined mental and physical practice can enhance performance on a closed athletic
assignment. The ability to do a variety of actions, including shooting, handling the ball,
footwork, rebounding, passing, finishing at the rim, etc., depends heavily on a player's motor
skills, which are crucial in the sport of basketball. Players that are able to do these skill-based
performances efficiently and consistently will have a competitive advantage and will be able to
flourish on the court.
Keywords: motor imagery, physical, mental, performance, basketball, training
Gaggioli, Andrea, et al. “Benefits of combined mental and physical training in learning a
complex motor skill in basketball.” Psychology, vol. 04, no. 09, 2013, pp. 1–6,