Uploaded by Ted Strickland

Exploration & Colonization Worksheet

Name _____________________
Date _______________
Lesson 2 Pre Party
1. Explain the Columbian Exchange and how it affected each group (Native Americans, Europeans,
and Africans).
2. What was the goal of Spanish missionaries?
3. What was Marco Polo’s influence on exploration?
4. What happened to New Netherland?
5. What was the goal of Spanish Conquistadors?
6. What did the French and Dutch do to support their economy?
7. Why did the London Company want to start a settlement?
8. How was New Amsterdam different than other settlements?
9. What were the first European explorers looking for?
10. What occurred between Samuel Champlain, the Huron, and the Iroquois?
11. How did slavery work in North America?
12. What was the first Jamestown settlement like?
13. What was the conflict between the Jamestown settlers and the Native Americans and how did it
get resolved?
14. What was the relationship between Native Americans and the French?
15. Why did Europeans explore?