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Grade 9 English Lesson Plan: Death of a Salesman

Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 9
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students are expected to do the following with 75% level of proficiency.
a. Identify what is the story all about by using elements of a short story.
b. Create a graphic organizer showing the elements used in the story
c. Relate the story in real life situation to a parent – child relationship in the midst of pandemic.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller
Reference: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature
Materials: ------------------------------------III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Cleanliness of the room / Checking of camera and microphones for online class.
3. Checking of Attendance
Teachers Activity
Students Activity
4. Review
Good Morning!
Before we start to our new lesson let us recall first what
we discussed yesterday.
So what we discussed yesterday? Anyone?
Ma’am we discussed about the elements of
short story.
Exactly! So what are the elements of short story?
The elements of a short story are characters,
setting, plot and theme.
And what are the keywords that we should remember
in each element?
Yes James?
Very Good! It looks like you really learned from our
previous lesson.
For character we have person, place and time
for setting, sequence of story for plot and
lesson of the story for theme.
B. Motivation
On this activity I will show some pictures and then
everyone is allowed to judge, share any imagination you
have in mind, predict what may be the reason behind or
much better to relate any experiences that you had or
seen before.
Just raised your hand if you want to answer, and if no
one will do I will call randomly.
Are we clear?
Yes Ma’am
So here is the 1st picture
What can you say about it?
Yes Anna?
I think it is about a Father’s Love
Exactly as what can we see on the picture, but what do
you think is the story behind of this picture?
Yes Sheena?
Yes it can be, therefore I want to know who among you
has this kind of picture or any picture with your father?
Yes Nelle? What kind of picture is that, can you share
what’s story you have there?
Maybe the picture is for the remembrance of
their first child
I also have a picture with my father before
he went to Saudi for work. Although I was
crying on that picture, I always want to look
on it because it reminds me of my father’s
That is a touching story, but real. Because as they say
there is a story in each picture that we always treasure.
Then let us proceed to the next picture
Yes Ernesto?
Ma’am it is a family without the father.
Definitely, what do you think is the reason behind of
Yes Camille?
I think ma’am to be exact it is a broken
family. Maybe the father cheated in his wife.
Just like what kind of family I Have.
I’m glad that you have the courage to share that
What about Aaron? Kindly open your camera so that we
can see you.
I think, maybe the father is an OFW, that’s
why it seems like in the picture the family is
longing for the presence of the father.
It can be, good observation, Yes Patricia?
For me maybe the father is already dead,
because of the white color which symbolizes
as his soul.
Very Good, above all what can you say for the both
pictures? How they can be related or connected with
each other?
Yes Aira?
A father’s love is unconditional
Very Good!
C. Presentation
Ok, now let us see what is the connection of that to our
next activity which we will call as:
“It’s My Lucky Month”
All you have to do is to prepare pencil and pen. As I will
show you a story board through video presentation, you
will see each part of the story with a specific month
below, then if it is your birth month all you have to do is
to predict what is the situation in that specific part of
the story.
Think and write as fast as you can because each part will
just show up for about 20 to 30 seconds.
Are you ready?
Yes Ma’am
To totally feel what will be the story about we will play
the video with the well-known song “Dance with my
Father by Mariah Carey”
And here it goes.
A Story Board through
Video Presentation
Time Is Up!
Did you write well all of your predictions?
Yes Ma’am
What did you feel upon thinking, watching and listening
to the video presentation?
Yes Jenica?
I felt so sad about it.
Why do you say so?
Because based on what I saw the father in
the story died at the end of it.
What about the song that we used as its background?
Yes Jennifer?
It really suits the story. It also added emotion
on it so that we can really feel what will be
the story all about
What about the others? Kindly send emoji on our chat
box so that I can see what did you feel upon the story.
(students will send emoji based on what they
feel after watching the video)
I can see that a lot of you felt sad about it.
D. Discussion
Good Job!
Before we check your work let us first meet the person
behind of that story Death of Salesman.
Arthur Miller
• Author of
“Death of a Salesman”
• Born in New York
City on October 17,
• Playwright at
University of
• Double winner of
New York drama
So to check if your predictions are right let us have the
first part which was given for those who has birth
month of December
“Death of A Salesman”
Yes Nicole?
The first scene shows the main character of
the story who is an old salesman.
Nice predictions, what can you say about his facial
expression? Yes Alexa?
He is a kind of worried or sad ma’am
This shows the main character who is Willy Loman a 60
years old salesman living in New York City with his wife
Linda. He has been travelling for his work, for about 34
years. But now he is already making a lot of mistakes in
terms of driving. Just like crossing the white line, driving
off the road, and stopping for green lights.
But why he looks so sad or worried let us find out as we
move on the next part.
This is for those who has birth month of November and
Who can tell me what is this all about? Yes Jerwin?
I came up with the prediction of that, the
salesman has a problem. Maybe he is
thinking about his business or work. If he can
no longer work for his family who will
support their expenses.
Very Good Jerwin, but to clarify everything, on this
scene Willy has two sons named Biff and Happy. Willy
asked about his sons Biff and Happy to his wife because
he was worried that they are not progressing in the
business. Happy has job and lives in his apartment while
Biff rambles from job to job as a farmhand.
Now the next scene is for the September celebrants.
Yes May?
I think Ma’am they are having a family
dinner. At the same time they are seriously
talking about their problems as how they
show their facial expression.
Very good observation.
In this part after 14 years, Biff and Happy returned
home, they are planning of their own business. As Biff
will loan 10,000 dollars to his former co-worker Bill
Oliver. Willy felt happy and assumed that the two will
conquer the business world.
So after a long time, Willy now has the hope for his sons
to become successful in the business world.
But do you think that his sons know about what is
happening to Willy?
Exactly. Then let us move on to our next part. This is for
August celebrants.
Yes James? Kindly check your microphone, we cannot
hear you.
No Ma’am
Because they’ve been away from their father
for a long period of time, aside from that, as a
father I am sure that Willy doesn’t want his
child to worry about him.
I think that Biff meets his friend as he plans to
loan money for his business. But maybe he
failed because Willy Loman looks so
disappointed on this part.
Vey well said. On this part Biff failed to loan money
from his friend named Bill Oliver so he and Happy met
their father at the restaurant to tell about it.
Do you think Willy accept what happened?
No ma’am
Because he is already hoping that it will be
the good start for his sons to enter the
business world.
Exactly! That’s why he looks so disappointed to the
point he's making a scene. In frustrations Biff left the
restaurant, Happy picked two girls, and left their father
alone. Causes Willy to hallucinate again about his other
woman way back then.
Since Willy now is having hallucinations, how is his
condition here? Yes Alice?
He is now having an anxiety that may lead to
depression ma’am
Exactly, yet his sons do not have any idea on his
Then for the next part let us have the April and May
Yes Lovely, kindly unmute your microphone so that we
can hear you.
Based on what I wrote here ma’am, the
salesman who is Willy Loman met his friend
to share his problems and at the same time
to ask for advice.
Somehow yes, so since his sons failed to loan money,
the next day he went to his boss and asked for an office
job in New York since he can no longer drive safely but
his boss told him there is no room and fired him
Then what do you think will happen next?
Yes Paula? You are raising hand.
This caused him so much stress and will
trigger his anxiety. But I am sure that he will
think of other ways to earn money for his
family ma’am
Very Good! so he went to his friend Charley to borrow
50 dollars a week pretending to his family that it is his
salary. This caused him so much stress to the point that
he begins to hallucinate and talked to Ben, his brother
which is already dead.
There is a big scenario here. He is having hallucination
Then what comes next, let us see. This scene is for
March celebrants.
Yes Aira?
What I wrote at first is that the mother is
telling or asking something to his sons. But as
we go along the to the story. I think that
Linda Willy’s wife told the real condition of
his husband to their sons.
Exactly, Linda told them the truth. It touched their
hearts and realized they have to stay closer at home
and talk to their father.
But let us see what happened to the next part, this is for
February celebrants.
Yes Christine?
The salesman got into an accident that
caused him to death.
Thank you.
But the truth is as they talked to Willy, he realized that
his sons love him so much, that is why he decided to
commit suicide to ensure his family financial stability
that he couldn't provide anymore.
Willy thought that this will solve all of his problems. But
it so happened that,
let us see on the last part of the story for the lucky
month of January
Yes Uno?
The salesman died and his family is having a
hard time accepting it.
Very good !
Especially Linda his wife, had a hard time dealing with
Willy's death. She cannot cry because she keeps on
waiting for Willy to return home from other business.
And that what is the story all about.
E. Generalization
To make a recap, let us now identify if you really clearly
understand the story. Answer the following questions.
Raise your hand if you want to answer.
Who are the characters in the story?
Kindly describe them?
The characters are Willy Loman a 60 years old
salesman, Linda his wife, Biff and Happy his
Where did the story happen?
It happened at New York City.
What are the conflicts in the story?
How did the conflicts solve in the story?
The conflicts are when Willy can no longer
provides money to his family and Biff failed to
loan money.
It is when Willy committed suicide to ensure
his family financial stability.
4. Sum up the story as the plot of it.
(the students will answer)
5. What is the theme of the story?
Father’s unconditional love to his family.
Any other ideas? Yes Kelvin?
Father’s sacrifices for his family
Very Good.
F. Practice exercise
Individually I want you now to create your own graphic
organizer showing the elements used in the short story
“Death of a Salesman”
G. Valuing Process
How did the story help you now in becoming a good son
or daughter to your parents?
How can you show your love to your parents?
I learned that our parents are not perfect
they can make mistakes but no matter what
happen, no matter what we do, no matter
what mistakes, still they are our parents and
no one can replace them.
It is by following their advices and studying
What else?
It is by appreciating all of their sacrifices as
well as being sensitive on what they feel so
that we can help a little bit in terms of facing
Nowadays in the midst of pandemic, can this story
really happen in real life?
Yes Ma’am
There are a lot of people who lost their jobs
and experienced depression as they can no
longer provide their family in terms of
Exactly! What else?
There are also some cases of people who
committed suicide because of different
Definitely and how can you address people who are
experiencing depression or suicidal thing in this midst of
pandemic especially if it one of our family?
How about if it is your parent who will stand with the
same situation of Willy Loman in the midst of pandemic,
how will you deal with it?
I am so glad that I heard that on you. So the best thing
to do about it is to always pray to god that he will guide
us always within this pandemic.
IV. Evaluation
Answer the following questions.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
Kindly describe them?
2. Where is the setting of the story?
3. Summarize the story as the plot of it.
4. What is the theme of the story?
5. What are the conflicts in the story?
6. How did the conflicts solve in the story?
7. Do you think the solutions on the conflicts are
Why or why not?
8. If you are going to change the ending of the
story how will it be?
I think ma’am that we should always check
and monitor them. We should always talk to
them so that they can release the pain and
struggles that they have inside, in that way
we can prevent suicides.
At first I will not go far away from them
especially when they are already too old. I
will not also stand as Billy or Happy in the
story, instead I will look for a work so that I
can help and support my family
V. Assignment
Make a reflection paper about the story. At least 100